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ABC Evening News reports Trump Supports “No-FLy, No-Buy” Restrictions

As Donald Drumpf transitions from denier to embracing some gun controls…eventually he’ll have to give up his idiotic ban on muslims since there is no way to determine if someone is practicing Islam outside of asking them.

So there is no good way to vet these people before they come here? Interesting.

You can’t deduce what someone’s religion is by asking them.
You can deduce where they have been by looking at their passport.
You can see if they have communicable diseases by taking their blood.
You can look at the epidemiology and determine where they have been based on the diseases in some cases.
Numerous things you can deduce. Religion isn’t one of them.

So known associates should not play a role in the vetting process? Such as attending a radical Mosque?

Sure it should if you’re asking me.
The hard part is at the JFK International Terminal, it’s hard to tell what mosques they may have been attending in Hamburg, if the mosque is radical, etc….

If you have the 80% certainty that they are bad news, they should be denied using Colin Powell’s old 80/20 rule.

Vetting should take place long before they arrive in our country. I do agree with the 80/20 thought.

As Donald Drumpf transitions from denier to embracing some gun controls…eventually he’ll have to give up his idiotic ban on muslims since there is no way to determine if someone is practicing Islam outside of asking them.

So there is no good way to vet these people before they come here? Interesting.

You can’t deduce what someone’s religion is by asking them.
You can deduce where they have been by looking at their passport.
You can see if they have communicable diseases by taking their blood.
You can look at the epidemiology and determine where they have been based on the diseases in some cases.
Numerous things you can deduce. Religion isn’t one of them.

So known associates should not play a role in the vetting process? Such as attending a radical Mosque?

Sure it should if you’re asking me.
The hard part is at the JFK International Terminal, it’s hard to tell what mosques they may have been attending in Hamburg, if the mosque is radical, etc….

If you have the 80% certainty that they are bad news, they should be denied using Colin Powell’s old 80/20 rule.

Vetting should take place long before they arrive in our country. I do agree with the 80/20 thought.

Agreed. But if you’re going to vet someone anywhere (unless you’re across the street from the mosque)…it’s going to be really hard to say that he/she is a member of this mosque.
So there is no good way to vet these people before they come here? Interesting.

You can’t deduce what someone’s religion is by asking them.
You can deduce where they have been by looking at their passport.
You can see if they have communicable diseases by taking their blood.
You can look at the epidemiology and determine where they have been based on the diseases in some cases.
Numerous things you can deduce. Religion isn’t one of them.

So known associates should not play a role in the vetting process? Such as attending a radical Mosque?

Sure it should if you’re asking me.
The hard part is at the JFK International Terminal, it’s hard to tell what mosques they may have been attending in Hamburg, if the mosque is radical, etc….

If you have the 80% certainty that they are bad news, they should be denied using Colin Powell’s old 80/20 rule.

Vetting should take place long before they arrive in our country. I do agree with the 80/20 thought.

Agreed. But if you’re going to vet someone anywhere (unless you’re across the street from the mosque)…it’s going to be really hard to say that he/she is a member of this mosque.
Mateen, the San Bernadino shooter (the husband not hte wife), and Maj Hassan were all American born children of Muslims. How does anyone plan to vet these people? Vetting is like a background check. And it doesn't work.
His tweet says that's what they'll be discussing. He doesn't say he's for it. If I were him I would
ban only Muslims, Mexicans and African Americans from buying and flying. They are all potential terrorists who hate White Christians of European heritage.

Damn You’re stupid.

He’s discussing it with the NRA who is all for terrorist on these lists being able to buy guys. Nothing to discuss if they are both for it, stupid.

If they want to buy guys isn't that slavery?

Also tell me did the 1994 assault weapon ban stop the Jonesboro shooting or Columbine shooting?

So what make you believe terrorists and criminals will obey laws that use a faulty list?

Trump is wrong as usual...

Welcome to the fight Donald!!!

Reality check for the Progressive:

The 1994 Assault weapon ban did not stop mass shootings nor did it prevent terrorist attacks on the U.S. soil.

Here is a list for you of mass shootings and from 1995 to 2004 please explain how the assault weapon ban worked to stop mass shootings and if you write welcome to the fight Donald " then I will take it as you have no answer and you're nothing but a partisan nut that support the view of a man that want to ban Muslim's from entering the country...

Perhaps it did; perhaps it did not. The only provable item is that it did not stop all attacks.

As Donald Drumpf transitions from denier to embracing some gun controls
…eventually he’ll have to give up his idiotic ban on muslims since there is no way to determine if someone is practicing Islam outside of asking them.

Many of you on the left argue if this country had stricter gun laws that it would stop terrorism and would have stopped the Orlando shooter so then explain to me how the 1994 assault weapon ban did not stop these acts of terrorism on U.S. soil?
Again, the all or nothing” stupidity of your position is profound and obscene.

As you can see from those lists your laws do nothing to stop terrorists and criminals and only punishes the law abiding citizens. Those like you believe that passing a law will detour a terrorist or criminal but the reality is they do not obey your stupid laws.
Well, if they are captured between purchase and execution, they are now going to jail. Otherwise, they are given a pat on the back of their NRA jacket and wished a good day.

Also let me add the usage of any list is the dumbest thing I ever read in a long damn time. Many Americans are on the No-Fly list and are not enemy of the state but share a name with a possible terrorist.
And many people are on the lists who do hold sympathy for terrorists. I have no sympathy for them.

Your list convict someone without due process of the law. Your list will be used for political hit list and you do not even care.
You’re missing your crown drama queen. Any list anywhere can be used for political purposes.


You are agreeing with Donald John Trump when the reality is Trump has been wrong on so much but he agree with your hatred for the second amendment so now he is a good guy but the real reason why he support those lists is it mainly has Muslims and non-whites on it so yeah go ahead and applaud Donald John Trump!

No dumbass,

Donald Trump is now agreeing with Hillary Clinton.

When he eventually releases his tax returns that will be because he has to.

Fuck you Kunt and before you whine about what I wrote when you write dumb ass and drama queen in your damn response you deserve the Kunt remark!

You fucking progressive assholes claim you need more laws when the FBI did not do their damn job as usual!

I have pointed out to ignorant assholes like you over and over the FBI had him and even investigated the worthless fuck and they still allowed him to walk freely.

Also guess what he was not on the No-Fly list, so he would have been able to buy those fucking weapons all he wanted and your damn list would have been worthless like your damn opinion!

Trump is a fucking moron just like you and you applaud him while ignoring reality as usual.

I agree with Dot you must be a bought and owned by Clinton supporter with your head so far up her ass that you can not even understand criminals and terrorists do not care about your stupid fucking laws!

So pass your damn laws you stupid fucking bitch and when the next terrorist attack happen and your laws did nothing to stop it I want you and those that passed those laws jailed because of your stupidity and arrogance!
You can’t deduce what someone’s religion is by asking them.
You can deduce where they have been by looking at their passport.
You can see if they have communicable diseases by taking their blood.
You can look at the epidemiology and determine where they have been based on the diseases in some cases.
Numerous things you can deduce. Religion isn’t one of them.

So known associates should not play a role in the vetting process? Such as attending a radical Mosque?

Sure it should if you’re asking me.
The hard part is at the JFK International Terminal, it’s hard to tell what mosques they may have been attending in Hamburg, if the mosque is radical, etc….

If you have the 80% certainty that they are bad news, they should be denied using Colin Powell’s old 80/20 rule.

Vetting should take place long before they arrive in our country. I do agree with the 80/20 thought.

Agreed. But if you’re going to vet someone anywhere (unless you’re across the street from the mosque)…it’s going to be really hard to say that he/she is a member of this mosque.
Mateen, the San Bernadino shooter (the husband not hte wife), and Maj Hassan were all American born children of Muslims. How does anyone plan to vet these people? Vetting is like a background check. And it doesn't work.

That is what background checks do when they go to purchase their arsenal. Or what they are supposed to do.
Damn You’re stupid.

He’s discussing it with the NRA who is all for terrorist on these lists being able to buy guys. Nothing to discuss if they are both for it, stupid.

If they want to buy guys isn't that slavery?

Also tell me did the 1994 assault weapon ban stop the Jonesboro shooting or Columbine shooting?

So what make you believe terrorists and criminals will obey laws that use a faulty list?

Trump is wrong as usual...

Welcome to the fight Donald!!!

Reality check for the Progressive:

The 1994 Assault weapon ban did not stop mass shootings nor did it prevent terrorist attacks on the U.S. soil.

Here is a list for you of mass shootings and from 1995 to 2004 please explain how the assault weapon ban worked to stop mass shootings and if you write " welcome to the fight Donald " then I will take it as you have no answer and you're nothing but a partisan nut that support the view of a man that want to ban Muslim's from entering the country...

List of school shootings in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Many of you on the left argue if this country had stricter gun laws that it would stop terrorism and would have stopped the Orlando shooter so then explain to me how the 1994 assault weapon ban did not stop these acts of terrorism on U.S. soil?

Terrorism in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

As you can see from those lists your laws do nothing to stop terrorists and criminals and only punishes the law abiding citizens. Those like you believe that passing a law will detour a terrorist or criminal but the reality is they do not obey your stupid laws.

Also let me add the usage of any list is the dumbest thing I ever read in a long damn time. Many Americans are on the No-Fly list and are not enemy of the state but share a name with a possible terrorist.

Your list convict someone without due process of the law. Your list will be used for political hit list and you do not even care.

It is the government job to prove someone guilty of a crime before you can take away someone constitutional right to bear arms.

It is not the individual to prove themselves innocent to a individual in D.C. that is a ignorant tool for those like you.

Many of you write about how the individual can appeal and have their name removed and that take money and time and even then the idiots in D.C. will move at a snail ass pace to correct their mistake if they ever correct it and while that is going on the innocent person had been found guilty of something that the Government never proved they were guilty of...

So go ahead pass your laws because it will not stop the next terrorist attacks and when the next one happen with your little laws in place then pass more laws because that is all you can do until you pass a law that humans can no longer exist...

Also I do not need to worry about being on the list and I am not a member of the NRA nor the Republican party and have been cleared by the FBI more times than you ever had a rational thought on gun control, so I have no worries about your stupid laws but I worry about the innocent person that will be convicted of being an enemy of state because they were on a faulty list that had Ted Kennedy on it!


You are agreeing with Donald John Trump when the reality is Trump has been wrong on so much but he agree with your hatred for the second amendment so now he is a good guy but the real reason why he support those lists is it mainly has Muslims and non-whites on it so yeah go ahead and applaud Donald John Trump!

Nearly 148 million applications for firearm transfers or permits were subject to background checks from the inception of the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act of 1993 on March 1, 1994, through December 31, 2012. During this period, about 2.4 million applications (1.6%) were denied (table 1). In 2012, approximately 15.7 million applications were subject to background checks, and 192,000 (1.2%) were denied, including about 88,000 denied by the FBI and about 104,000 denied by state and local agency


Consequently, 2.4 million felons, illegal aliens, and mentally ill people were denied the right to purchase a gun, and you have absolutely no idea how many of these people would have murdered someone if they had not been stopped by the background check law. Yet, the NRA, and gun nuts everywhere insist that background checks not be expanded to include ALL firearm sales.

If you recall, the same backwards logic was used by GWB in the run-up to sending us into Iraq. Saddam had to prove he didn’t have WMDs before we’d agree not to invade. The left wing is having to prove that some guy somewhere didn’t mow down 50 people before the gun nuts will agree that banning weapons worked.

And when you point out the hundred or so nations that don’t have free access to weapons don’t have these bloodbaths; you’re told that their culture is different; whatever that means.

So now I am a gun nut because I own a gun and believe I should not have to prove myself innocent to a bunch of assholes like you?

Also feel free to show where I supported the invasion of Iraq and when you can't shove your opinion up your ass!

The Orlando shooter was not on the No-Fly list and your list was worthless and would have not stopped him.

Also I get you hate the second amendment and believe everyone that own a gun is the enemy of the state but in the end you are the most ignorant progressive I have read in a long time!
Damn You’re stupid.

He’s discussing it with the NRA who is all for terrorist on these lists being able to buy guys. Nothing to discuss if they are both for it, stupid.

If they want to buy guys isn't that slavery?

Also tell me did the 1994 assault weapon ban stop the Jonesboro shooting or Columbine shooting?

So what make you believe terrorists and criminals will obey laws that use a faulty list?

Trump is wrong as usual...

Welcome to the fight Donald!!!

Reality check for the Progressive:

The 1994 Assault weapon ban did not stop mass shootings nor did it prevent terrorist attacks on the U.S. soil.

Here is a list for you of mass shootings and from 1995 to 2004 please explain how the assault weapon ban worked to stop mass shootings and if you write welcome to the fight Donald " then I will take it as you have no answer and you're nothing but a partisan nut that support the view of a man that want to ban Muslim's from entering the country...

Perhaps it did; perhaps it did not. The only provable item is that it did not stop all attacks.

As Donald Drumpf transitions from denier to embracing some gun controls
…eventually he’ll have to give up his idiotic ban on muslims since there is no way to determine if someone is practicing Islam outside of asking them.

Many of you on the left argue if this country had stricter gun laws that it would stop terrorism and would have stopped the Orlando shooter so then explain to me how the 1994 assault weapon ban did not stop these acts of terrorism on U.S. soil?
Again, the all or nothing” stupidity of your position is profound and obscene.

As you can see from those lists your laws do nothing to stop terrorists and criminals and only punishes the law abiding citizens. Those like you believe that passing a law will detour a terrorist or criminal but the reality is they do not obey your stupid laws.
Well, if they are captured between purchase and execution, they are now going to jail. Otherwise, they are given a pat on the back of their NRA jacket and wished a good day.

Also let me add the usage of any list is the dumbest thing I ever read in a long damn time. Many Americans are on the No-Fly list and are not enemy of the state but share a name with a possible terrorist.
And many people are on the lists who do hold sympathy for terrorists. I have no sympathy for them.

Your list convict someone without due process of the law. Your list will be used for political hit list and you do not even care.
You’re missing your crown drama queen. Any list anywhere can be used for political purposes.


You are agreeing with Donald John Trump when the reality is Trump has been wrong on so much but he agree with your hatred for the second amendment so now he is a good guy but the real reason why he support those lists is it mainly has Muslims and non-whites on it so yeah go ahead and applaud Donald John Trump!

No dumbass,

Donald Trump is now agreeing with Hillary Clinton.

When he eventually releases his tax returns that will be because he has to.

Fuck you Kunt and before you whine about what I wrote when you write dumb ass and drama queen in your damn response you deserve the Kunt remark!

You fucking progressive assholes claim you need more laws when the FBI did not do their damn job as usual!

I have pointed out to ignorant assholes like you over and over the FBI had him and even investigated the worthless fuck and they still allowed him to walk freely.

Also guess what he was not on the No-Fly list, so he would have been able to buy those fucking weapons all he wanted and your damn list would have been worthless like your damn opinion!

Trump is a fucking moron just like you and you applaud him while ignoring reality as usual.

I agree with Dot you must be a bought and owned by Clinton supporter with your head so far up her ass that you can not even understand criminals and terrorists do not care about your stupid fucking laws!

So pass your damn laws you stupid fucking bitch and when the next terrorist attack happen and your laws did nothing to stop it I want you and those that passed those laws jailed because of your stupidity and arrogance!

So known associates should not play a role in the vetting process? Such as attending a radical Mosque?

Sure it should if you’re asking me.
The hard part is at the JFK International Terminal, it’s hard to tell what mosques they may have been attending in Hamburg, if the mosque is radical, etc….

If you have the 80% certainty that they are bad news, they should be denied using Colin Powell’s old 80/20 rule.

Vetting should take place long before they arrive in our country. I do agree with the 80/20 thought.

Agreed. But if you’re going to vet someone anywhere (unless you’re across the street from the mosque)…it’s going to be really hard to say that he/she is a member of this mosque.
Mateen, the San Bernadino shooter (the husband not hte wife), and Maj Hassan were all American born children of Muslims. How does anyone plan to vet these people? Vetting is like a background check. And it doesn't work.

That is what background checks do when they go to purchase their arsenal. Or what they are supposed to do.

That is what they are suppose to do and if the person is not on any list then what do you do then?

Pass more laws and when that does not work then pass more laws and when that does not work well pass more laws...

How about for once the FBI does it job and stop blaming the American Citizen for their damn failure?

Wait you can't do that because then you would blame big brother for their damn failure!
If they want to buy guys isn't that slavery?

Also tell me did the 1994 assault weapon ban stop the Jonesboro shooting or Columbine shooting?

So what make you believe terrorists and criminals will obey laws that use a faulty list?

Trump is wrong as usual...

Welcome to the fight Donald!!!

Reality check for the Progressive:

The 1994 Assault weapon ban did not stop mass shootings nor did it prevent terrorist attacks on the U.S. soil.

Here is a list for you of mass shootings and from 1995 to 2004 please explain how the assault weapon ban worked to stop mass shootings and if you write " welcome to the fight Donald " then I will take it as you have no answer and you're nothing but a partisan nut that support the view of a man that want to ban Muslim's from entering the country...

List of school shootings in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Many of you on the left argue if this country had stricter gun laws that it would stop terrorism and would have stopped the Orlando shooter so then explain to me how the 1994 assault weapon ban did not stop these acts of terrorism on U.S. soil?

Terrorism in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

As you can see from those lists your laws do nothing to stop terrorists and criminals and only punishes the law abiding citizens. Those like you believe that passing a law will detour a terrorist or criminal but the reality is they do not obey your stupid laws.

Also let me add the usage of any list is the dumbest thing I ever read in a long damn time. Many Americans are on the No-Fly list and are not enemy of the state but share a name with a possible terrorist.

Your list convict someone without due process of the law. Your list will be used for political hit list and you do not even care.

It is the government job to prove someone guilty of a crime before you can take away someone constitutional right to bear arms.

It is not the individual to prove themselves innocent to a individual in D.C. that is a ignorant tool for those like you.

Many of you write about how the individual can appeal and have their name removed and that take money and time and even then the idiots in D.C. will move at a snail ass pace to correct their mistake if they ever correct it and while that is going on the innocent person had been found guilty of something that the Government never proved they were guilty of...

So go ahead pass your laws because it will not stop the next terrorist attacks and when the next one happen with your little laws in place then pass more laws because that is all you can do until you pass a law that humans can no longer exist...

Also I do not need to worry about being on the list and I am not a member of the NRA nor the Republican party and have been cleared by the FBI more times than you ever had a rational thought on gun control, so I have no worries about your stupid laws but I worry about the innocent person that will be convicted of being an enemy of state because they were on a faulty list that had Ted Kennedy on it!


You are agreeing with Donald John Trump when the reality is Trump has been wrong on so much but he agree with your hatred for the second amendment so now he is a good guy but the real reason why he support those lists is it mainly has Muslims and non-whites on it so yeah go ahead and applaud Donald John Trump!

Nearly 148 million applications for firearm transfers or permits were subject to background checks from the inception of the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act of 1993 on March 1, 1994, through December 31, 2012. During this period, about 2.4 million applications (1.6%) were denied (table 1). In 2012, approximately 15.7 million applications were subject to background checks, and 192,000 (1.2%) were denied, including about 88,000 denied by the FBI and about 104,000 denied by state and local agency


Consequently, 2.4 million felons, illegal aliens, and mentally ill people were denied the right to purchase a gun, and you have absolutely no idea how many of these people would have murdered someone if they had not been stopped by the background check law. Yet, the NRA, and gun nuts everywhere insist that background checks not be expanded to include ALL firearm sales.

If you recall, the same backwards logic was used by GWB in the run-up to sending us into Iraq. Saddam had to prove he didn’t have WMDs before we’d agree not to invade. The left wing is having to prove that some guy somewhere didn’t mow down 50 people before the gun nuts will agree that banning weapons worked.

And when you point out the hundred or so nations that don’t have free access to weapons don’t have these bloodbaths; you’re told that their culture is different; whatever that means.

So now I am a gun nut because I own a gun and believe I should not have to prove myself innocent to a bunch of assholes like you?

Also feel free to show where I supported the invasion of Iraq and when you can't shove your opinion up your ass!

The Orlando shooter was not on the No-Fly list and your list was worthless and would have not stopped him.

Also I get you hate the second amendment and believe everyone that own a gun is the enemy of the state but in the end you are the most ignorant progressive I have read in a long time!

No, you’re a gun nut because you believe that any law that will not be 100% effective at crime prevention is useless.
You’re a cock sucker because, well you suck cock.
Sure it should if you’re asking me.
The hard part is at the JFK International Terminal, it’s hard to tell what mosques they may have been attending in Hamburg, if the mosque is radical, etc….

If you have the 80% certainty that they are bad news, they should be denied using Colin Powell’s old 80/20 rule.

Vetting should take place long before they arrive in our country. I do agree with the 80/20 thought.

Agreed. But if you’re going to vet someone anywhere (unless you’re across the street from the mosque)…it’s going to be really hard to say that he/she is a member of this mosque.
Mateen, the San Bernadino shooter (the husband not hte wife), and Maj Hassan were all American born children of Muslims. How does anyone plan to vet these people? Vetting is like a background check. And it doesn't work.

That is what background checks do when they go to purchase their arsenal. Or what they are supposed to do.

Pass more laws and when that does not work then pass more laws and when that does not work well pass more laws...

Well, we’ll find some that work someday. Just stand by.

If they want to buy guys isn't that slavery?

Also tell me did the 1994 assault weapon ban stop the Jonesboro shooting or Columbine shooting?

So what make you believe terrorists and criminals will obey laws that use a faulty list?

Trump is wrong as usual...

Welcome to the fight Donald!!!

Reality check for the Progressive:

The 1994 Assault weapon ban did not stop mass shootings nor did it prevent terrorist attacks on the U.S. soil.

Here is a list for you of mass shootings and from 1995 to 2004 please explain how the assault weapon ban worked to stop mass shootings and if you write welcome to the fight Donald " then I will take it as you have no answer and you're nothing but a partisan nut that support the view of a man that want to ban Muslim's from entering the country...

Perhaps it did; perhaps it did not. The only provable item is that it did not stop all attacks.

As Donald Drumpf transitions from denier to embracing some gun controls
…eventually he’ll have to give up his idiotic ban on muslims since there is no way to determine if someone is practicing Islam outside of asking them.

Many of you on the left argue if this country had stricter gun laws that it would stop terrorism and would have stopped the Orlando shooter so then explain to me how the 1994 assault weapon ban did not stop these acts of terrorism on U.S. soil?
Again, the all or nothing” stupidity of your position is profound and obscene.

As you can see from those lists your laws do nothing to stop terrorists and criminals and only punishes the law abiding citizens. Those like you believe that passing a law will detour a terrorist or criminal but the reality is they do not obey your stupid laws.
Well, if they are captured between purchase and execution, they are now going to jail. Otherwise, they are given a pat on the back of their NRA jacket and wished a good day.

Also let me add the usage of any list is the dumbest thing I ever read in a long damn time. Many Americans are on the No-Fly list and are not enemy of the state but share a name with a possible terrorist.
And many people are on the lists who do hold sympathy for terrorists. I have no sympathy for them.

Your list convict someone without due process of the law. Your list will be used for political hit list and you do not even care.
You’re missing your crown drama queen. Any list anywhere can be used for political purposes.


You are agreeing with Donald John Trump when the reality is Trump has been wrong on so much but he agree with your hatred for the second amendment so now he is a good guy but the real reason why he support those lists is it mainly has Muslims and non-whites on it so yeah go ahead and applaud Donald John Trump!

No dumbass,

Donald Trump is now agreeing with Hillary Clinton.

When he eventually releases his tax returns that will be because he has to.

Fuck you Kunt and before you whine about what I wrote when you write dumb ass and drama queen in your damn response you deserve the Kunt remark!

You fucking progressive assholes claim you need more laws when the FBI did not do their damn job as usual!

I have pointed out to ignorant assholes like you over and over the FBI had him and even investigated the worthless fuck and they still allowed him to walk freely.

Also guess what he was not on the No-Fly list, so he would have been able to buy those fucking weapons all he wanted and your damn list would have been worthless like your damn opinion!

Trump is a fucking moron just like you and you applaud him while ignoring reality as usual.

I agree with Dot you must be a bought and owned by Clinton supporter with your head so far up her ass that you can not even understand criminals and terrorists do not care about your stupid fucking laws!

So pass your damn laws you stupid fucking bitch and when the next terrorist attack happen and your laws did nothing to stop it I want you and those that passed those laws jailed because of your stupidity and arrogance!



I hope when the next terrorist attack happen and your laws did not prevent the attacks you will cry about how the U.S. need to ban everyone but the Muslim!
Welcome to the fight Donald!!!

Reality check for the Progressive:

The 1994 Assault weapon ban did not stop mass shootings nor did it prevent terrorist attacks on the U.S. soil.

Here is a list for you of mass shootings and from 1995 to 2004 please explain how the assault weapon ban worked to stop mass shootings and if you write " welcome to the fight Donald " then I will take it as you have no answer and you're nothing but a partisan nut that support the view of a man that want to ban Muslim's from entering the country...

List of school shootings in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Many of you on the left argue if this country had stricter gun laws that it would stop terrorism and would have stopped the Orlando shooter so then explain to me how the 1994 assault weapon ban did not stop these acts of terrorism on U.S. soil?

Terrorism in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

As you can see from those lists your laws do nothing to stop terrorists and criminals and only punishes the law abiding citizens. Those like you believe that passing a law will detour a terrorist or criminal but the reality is they do not obey your stupid laws.

Also let me add the usage of any list is the dumbest thing I ever read in a long damn time. Many Americans are on the No-Fly list and are not enemy of the state but share a name with a possible terrorist.

Your list convict someone without due process of the law. Your list will be used for political hit list and you do not even care.

It is the government job to prove someone guilty of a crime before you can take away someone constitutional right to bear arms.

It is not the individual to prove themselves innocent to a individual in D.C. that is a ignorant tool for those like you.

Many of you write about how the individual can appeal and have their name removed and that take money and time and even then the idiots in D.C. will move at a snail ass pace to correct their mistake if they ever correct it and while that is going on the innocent person had been found guilty of something that the Government never proved they were guilty of...

So go ahead pass your laws because it will not stop the next terrorist attacks and when the next one happen with your little laws in place then pass more laws because that is all you can do until you pass a law that humans can no longer exist...

Also I do not need to worry about being on the list and I am not a member of the NRA nor the Republican party and have been cleared by the FBI more times than you ever had a rational thought on gun control, so I have no worries about your stupid laws but I worry about the innocent person that will be convicted of being an enemy of state because they were on a faulty list that had Ted Kennedy on it!


You are agreeing with Donald John Trump when the reality is Trump has been wrong on so much but he agree with your hatred for the second amendment so now he is a good guy but the real reason why he support those lists is it mainly has Muslims and non-whites on it so yeah go ahead and applaud Donald John Trump!

Nearly 148 million applications for firearm transfers or permits were subject to background checks from the inception of the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act of 1993 on March 1, 1994, through December 31, 2012. During this period, about 2.4 million applications (1.6%) were denied (table 1). In 2012, approximately 15.7 million applications were subject to background checks, and 192,000 (1.2%) were denied, including about 88,000 denied by the FBI and about 104,000 denied by state and local agency


Consequently, 2.4 million felons, illegal aliens, and mentally ill people were denied the right to purchase a gun, and you have absolutely no idea how many of these people would have murdered someone if they had not been stopped by the background check law. Yet, the NRA, and gun nuts everywhere insist that background checks not be expanded to include ALL firearm sales.

If you recall, the same backwards logic was used by GWB in the run-up to sending us into Iraq. Saddam had to prove he didn’t have WMDs before we’d agree not to invade. The left wing is having to prove that some guy somewhere didn’t mow down 50 people before the gun nuts will agree that banning weapons worked.

And when you point out the hundred or so nations that don’t have free access to weapons don’t have these bloodbaths; you’re told that their culture is different; whatever that means.

So now I am a gun nut because I own a gun and believe I should not have to prove myself innocent to a bunch of assholes like you?

Also feel free to show where I supported the invasion of Iraq and when you can't shove your opinion up your ass!

The Orlando shooter was not on the No-Fly list and your list was worthless and would have not stopped him.

Also I get you hate the second amendment and believe everyone that own a gun is the enemy of the state but in the end you are the most ignorant progressive I have read in a long time!

No, you’re a gun nut because you believe that any law that will not be 100% effective at crime prevention is useless.
You’re a cock sucker because, well you suck cock.

Look at the little progressive liberal whore gay bashing and making false claims about my damn sexuality as usual!

You have yet to tell me how your law of using the No-Fly list would have stopped the Orlando shooter, and the reason why is because you know it will not stop it but that does not matter to those like you!
Look at the little progressive liberal whore gay bashing and making false claims about my damn sexuality as usual!

You have yet to tell me how your law of using the No-Fly list would have stopped the Orlando shooter, and the reason why is because you know it will not stop it but that does not matter to those like you!
Vetting should take place long before they arrive in our country. I do agree with the 80/20 thought.

Agreed. But if you’re going to vet someone anywhere (unless you’re across the street from the mosque)…it’s going to be really hard to say that he/she is a member of this mosque.
Mateen, the San Bernadino shooter (the husband not hte wife), and Maj Hassan were all American born children of Muslims. How does anyone plan to vet these people? Vetting is like a background check. And it doesn't work.

That is what background checks do when they go to purchase their arsenal. Or what they are supposed to do.

Pass more laws and when that does not work then pass more laws and when that does not work well pass more laws...

Well, we’ll find some that work someday. Just stand by.


Sure and you believe the House will turn Democratic this November?

Can't pass a law without Congress and as long as it stays red, well nothing will be done!

Also I hope your new hero Donald Trump win because then you can whine about how he did nothing to stop the next terrorist attack!

Now tell me when someone is not on the list how will you stop them?

Assault weapon ban?

It did not stop mass shooting from 1995 to 2004, so what will be next?

Banning guns?

That would have not stopped Tim McVeigh.

So what will stop those evil terrorists and I hope they do ban guns here and when another attack happen with a gun I will hold you responsible and call you to be jailed for stupidity!
Look at the little progressive liberal whore gay bashing and making false claims about my damn sexuality as usual!

You have yet to tell me how your law of using the No-Fly list would have stopped the Orlando shooter, and the reason why is because you know it will not stop it but that does not matter to those like you!

Blank with a response stupid?
Agreed. But if you’re going to vet someone anywhere (unless you’re across the street from the mosque)…it’s going to be really hard to say that he/she is a member of this mosque.
Mateen, the San Bernadino shooter (the husband not hte wife), and Maj Hassan were all American born children of Muslims. How does anyone plan to vet these people? Vetting is like a background check. And it doesn't work.

That is what background checks do when they go to purchase their arsenal. Or what they are supposed to do.

Pass more laws and when that does not work then pass more laws and when that does not work well pass more laws...

Well, we’ll find some that work someday. Just stand by.


Sure and you believe the House will turn Democratic this November?
Can't pass a law without Congress and as long as it stays red, well nothing will be done!
Also I hope your new hero Donald Trump win because then you can whine about how he did nothing to stop the next terrorist attack!
Now tell me when someone is not on the list how will you stop them?
Assault weapon ban?
It did not stop mass shooting from 1995 to 2004, so what will be next?
Banning guns?
That would have not stopped Tim McVeigh.
So what will stop those evil terrorists and I hope they do ban guns here and when another attack happen with a gun I will hold you responsible and call you to be jailed for stupidity![/QUOTE]

We’ll see.
Trump is your messiah, not mine
Sure it did.
Can’t answer a 2 word question
There is evil in the world; not doubt
Nobody cares about what you’ll do today, tomorrow, or ever. They haven’t for a while.
Look at the little progressive liberal whore gay bashing and making false claims about my damn sexuality as usual!

You have yet to tell me how your law of using the No-Fly list would have stopped the Orlando shooter, and the reason why is because you know it will not stop it but that does not matter to those like you!

Blank with a response stupid?

Couldn’t be any more insipid than that sentence. Musta been trying to jack someone off while you were typing.
Mateen, the San Bernadino shooter (the husband not hte wife), and Maj Hassan were all American born children of Muslims. How does anyone plan to vet these people? Vetting is like a background check. And it doesn't work.

That is what background checks do when they go to purchase their arsenal. Or what they are supposed to do.

Pass more laws and when that does not work then pass more laws and when that does not work well pass more laws...

Well, we’ll find some that work someday. Just stand by.


Sure and you believe the House will turn Democratic this November?
Can't pass a law without Congress and as long as it stays red, well nothing will be done!
Also I hope your new hero Donald Trump win because then you can whine about how he did nothing to stop the next terrorist attack!
Now tell me when someone is not on the list how will you stop them?
Assault weapon ban?
It did not stop mass shooting from 1995 to 2004, so what will be next?
Banning guns?
That would have not stopped Tim McVeigh.
So what will stop those evil terrorists and I hope they do ban guns here and when another attack happen with a gun I will hold you responsible and call you to be jailed for stupidity!

We’ll see.
Trump is your messiah, not mine
Sure it did.
Can’t answer a 2 word question
There is evil in the world; not doubt
Nobody cares about what you’ll do today, tomorrow, or ever. They haven’t for a while.[/QUOTE]

Trump is my Messiah?

Since when and I want a link where I have stated I will vote for Trump or even called him my messiah because right there you fucking lied!
Look at the little progressive liberal whore gay bashing and making false claims about my damn sexuality as usual!

You have yet to tell me how your law of using the No-Fly list would have stopped the Orlando shooter, and the reason why is because you know it will not stop it but that does not matter to those like you!

Blank with a response stupid?

Couldn’t be any more insipid than that sentence. Musta been trying to jack someone off while you were typing.

More queer bashing?

1. Show proof that I am voting for Donald John Trump.

2. Show proof that I have stated I am gay and in a homosexual affair.

I will await for your response and I bet you will lie even more and not even provide links but just your worthless opinion as usual!

Now when another terrorist attack happen and you have all your laws passed will you admit that you were wrong or will you double down and tell the entire board the United States need more laws to prevent people from doing evil things?

Also why is it you are voting for a woman that would send you into Iraq to die in the name of Freedom and yet hate Donald John Trump so much?

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