ABC News this week hires rw clanger as panelist

I love Laura Ingraham but that still won't get me to watch ABC.

Hopefully there will be youtube videos posted when she starts bitch slapping the liberals all over the set.
ABC sounds desperate.
controversy = ratings and that rw broad will deliver the controversy saying zany things that rw'ers say ;)
I love Laura Ingraham but that still won't get me to watch ABC.

Hopefully there will be youtube videos posted when she starts bitch slapping the liberals all over the set.

she reminds me of Anne Coulter WITHOUT the adams apple :p
ABC sounds desperate.
controversy = ratings and that rw broad will deliver the controversy saying zany things that rw'ers say ;)
I love Laura Ingraham but that still won't get me to watch ABC.

Hopefully there will be youtube videos posted when she starts bitch slapping the liberals all over the set.

she reminds me of Anne Coulter WITHOUT the adams apple :p

Laura is probably more of a conservative than Ann.

Well, as conservative as one can get as a female.

You really don't notice the adam's apple when you are reading one of her books or articles, unless you are an intolerant, liberal, fool.
I'll give Coulter this: she pissed off the rw Establ, the clanger included no doubt, when she attended HomoCon (homo conservatives) a couple years back :thup:
ABC sounds desperate.
controversy = ratings and that rw broad will deliver the controversy saying zany things that rw'ers say ;)
I love Laura Ingraham but that still won't get me to watch ABC.

Hopefully there will be youtube videos posted when she starts bitch slapping the liberals all over the set.

she reminds me of Anne Coulter WITHOUT the adams apple :p

Speaking of broads who say zany things that leftwingnuts say, are you familiar with regular This Week guest Katrina Vanden Heuvel? She's out there much further on the left than Ingraham is on the right. Watching her on there is like listening to fingernails on a chalkboard.

Katrina vanden Heuvel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
ABC sounds desperate.

This Week has sucked for a long time now. George Will was the only voice of reason on the show and he's gone. In a bit of wishful thinking, I keep watching every week hoping it will get better.

I've been seeing George Will at Fox a lot lately, guess you'll change your opinion of him now.

George left ABC for Fox. Face the nation on CBS and Fox's Sunday show don't fit into my schedule. Why would I change my opinion of him. I think he's one of the most intelligent and reasoned pundits around.
They say she was a vitriolic homophobe during her college years and that she's tempered that rw hate. Has she? :dunno:

They say" Who is they?

read the OP n00b :eusa_wall: The link to the source is there :eusa_shhh:

I'm glad you posted this because it prompted me to go back and look at your cut and paste from the Salon rag. Racism? :lmao: It's about criminal activity and national sovereignty. It has nothing to do with racism. Hell, Ingraham's adopted daughter is Hispanic. Do these liberal drones do any fucking research before they squeeze shit out of their laptops? There is a reason liberals are called low information voters and sheeple.
They say she was a vitriolic homophobe during her college years and that she's tempered that rw hate. Has she? :dunno:
In his book, Blinded by the Right, David Brock describes being in a gay bar with Ingraham where she crawled around drunk on the floor. All her blustering seems to be for effect and to make more money.
Did he ever write about Ed Kennedy's propensities? Oh, wait. It's okay for a liberal man to crawl around drunk near a bridge, but not a conservative woman on a barroom floor. Noted. :muahaha:

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