ABC News: Zimmermann will walk!!

The case WAS a slam dunk for the prosecution right up until the prosecution blew it.

And, it was such a promising start - the excellent opening statement followed by a totally idiotic knock knock joke.

Oh well. I still say he's dead man walking.

It was the defense attorney, not the prosecution, that made the stupid, lame-ass knock knock joke that everyone went "WTF?!" to.

When the medical examiner said that Trayvon's fingernails did not contain Zimmerman DNA, and when they said his hands did not show the signs that hands show when they've been in a fight, that was pretty much a slam dunk for me. It proves that Martin was not punching or "bashing" Zimmerman's head.
The case WAS a slam dunk for the prosecution right up until the prosecution blew it.

And, it was such a promising start - the excellent opening statement followed by a totally idiotic knock knock joke.

Oh well. I still say he's dead man walking.

It was the defense attorney, not the prosecution, that made the stupid, lame-ass knock knock joke that everyone went "WTF?!" to.

When the medical examiner said that Trayvon's fingernails did not contain Zimmerman DNA, and when they said his hands did not show the signs that hands show when they've been in a fight, that was pretty much a slam dunk for me. It proves that Martin was not punching or "bashing" Zimmerman's head.

Sorry I wasn't clear ... I did know that it was that really weird defense atty who told the non-joke.

All of GZ's lies combined plus the simple fact that GZ started it and then stalked Trayvon when he tried to run away ... add that to the fact that liar GZ said Trayvon saw his gun and reached for it even though he also said it was in an inside holster that could not be seen AND that the holster was behind his R hip ..........................

Yep, GZ has lied throughout and should get the max.

Won't happen but it should.
"Creepy ass cracka"

Sharpton and Jackson should highlight this.

It should be remembered that Trayvon didn't call the creepy ass cracka a creepy as cracka to his face even though he was well within his rights to call the creepy ass cracka a creepy ass cracka.

He only said that to the girl he was on the phone with.
Every prosecutor and defense attorney will tell you any jury is capable of returning with a surprise verdict.

By the evidence thus far in my opinion he walks, but there's no accounting for stupidity, prejudice, etc. of jurors. The Orenthal James verdict comes to mind.

Wouldn't it be nice if this jury saw through all the crap and sent the creepy ass cracka to the bit house for a long time.

I'll say it again though - Whether he gets prison or gets away with murder, his life is effectively over.

The rw's will blame Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton and President Barry and everybody they can think of but it was GZ who got a bad case of The Stupids that night and decided to murder a (legally) child who had every right to be where he was - going to his father's home.

Karma's a bitch. AND, there are a lot of blacks who are angry and fed up with the shit they get every single day. GZ WILL will pay for what he did and he will pay with his own life.
"Creepy ass cracka"

Sharpton and Jackson should highlight this.

It should be remembered that Trayvon didn't call the creepy ass cracka a creepy as cracka to his face even though he was well within his rights to call the creepy ass cracka a creepy ass cracka.

He only said that to the girl he was on the phone with.

wouldn't that be profiling on TM's part?
Does anyone know when the verdict is expected?

I have my daughter and granddaughters coming into Baltimore by train this weekend and Baltimore is of course a very bad city for black riots. We are worried about whether there will be riots and they will be attacked, or we can't get to them.
Does anyone know when the verdict is expected?

I have my daughter and granddaughters coming into Baltimore by train this weekend and Baltimore is of course a very bad city for black riots. We are worried about whether there will be riots and they will be attacked, or we can't get to them.

I worry about my children as well. I wish they were here with me. Some few blacks might try to mess with us here, but they won't do it for very long.
George Zimmerman Probably Won't Be Convicted of Murder or Manslaughter -- Here's Why - ABC News

Well, unless you have the IQ of a small soap dish, this should come as no surprise. Ive seen threads about the guys hands, the guy ignoring the dispatcher, the guy following Martin, head injuries being superficial...........

Nobody cares.

The case the prosecution brought was laughable.....and then when you put a bunch of dummies up on the stand, of course you are going to get creamed.

If Im Zimmerman, I walk out of court after the verdict is announced wearing this over my suit jacket.>>>

The whole problem with the 2nd degree murder charge is that the prosecution needed to show some type of intent or malice from Zimmerman. Here is a hint; he only fired one shot. Had they gone for involuntary manslaughter, they probably get a conviction, or at least would have had a good shot at a conviction. As it stands now, if for some crazy reason the jury comes back with a guilty verdict, it will either be overturned by the judge or on appeal. The state's case is/was a joke. The dumbest thing about the whole thing is that everyone knew the state had no case from the beginning yet they let this mess continue.
"Creepy ass cracka"

Sharpton and Jackson should highlight this.

It should be remembered that Trayvon didn't call the creepy ass cracka a creepy as cracka to his face even though he was well within his rights to call the creepy ass cracka a creepy ass cracka.

He only said that to the girl he was on the phone with.

Riiiiight...cuz it's totally not a racial slur if it isn't spoken in their presence...

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Im laughing.......

As usual, the far left assholes get duped by the racial/emotional BS perpetuated by the media. Happens every time. The facts of the case are invariably an afterthought......also as usual.

Anyway....the prosecution got another finger in the eye today. You cant even make this shit up!!:eusa_dance::up::eusa_dance:
"Creepy ass cracka"

Sharpton and Jackson should highlight this.

It should be remembered that Trayvon didn't call the creepy ass cracka a creepy as cracka to his face even though he was well within his rights to call the creepy ass cracka a creepy ass cracka.

He only said that to the girl he was on the phone with.

Riiiiight...cuz it's totally not a racial slur if it isn't spoken in their presence...


Of course its a racial slur.

Who said it wasn't?
George Zimmerman Probably Won't Be Convicted of Murder or Manslaughter -- Here's Why - ABC News

Well, unless you have the IQ of a small soap dish, this should come as no surprise. Ive seen threads about the guys hands, the guy ignoring the dispatcher, the guy following Martin, head injuries being superficial...........

Nobody cares.

The case the prosecution brought was laughable.....and then when you put a bunch of dummies up on the stand, of course you are going to get creamed.

If Im Zimmerman, I walk out of court after the verdict is announced wearing this over my suit jacket.>>>

With such an overwhelming case proving his innocence, and all the cops testifying for him, why was he tried in the first place?

Political pressure.
It should be remembered that Trayvon didn't call the creepy ass cracka a creepy as cracka to his face even though he was well within his rights to call the creepy ass cracka a creepy ass cracka.

He only said that to the girl he was on the phone with.

Riiiiight...cuz it's totally not a racial slur if it isn't spoken in their presence...


Of course its a racial slur.

Who said it wasn't?

That was my point.

That Sharpton and Jackson should highlight that the ONLY evidence of racism in this case was directed AT Zimmerman, not from him.

In fact the FBI closed the investigation into a hate crime without finding a single shred evidence that Zimmerman had ever spoken a single word against blacks, or any other race, creed or color.
It should be remembered that Trayvon didn't call the creepy ass cracka a creepy as cracka to his face even though he was well within his rights to call the creepy ass cracka a creepy ass cracka.

He only said that to the girl he was on the phone with.

Riiiiight...cuz it's totally not a racial slur if it isn't spoken in their presence...


Of course its a racial slur.

Who said it wasn't?

then why not admit it as evidence of TM's motive to attack GZ?

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