ABC News: Zimmermann will walk!!

Who cares if he is white or hispanic? He is a murderer.:confused:
The Reverends Jesse Jackson Sr. and Al Sharpton seemed to care, when mobilizing the Black Community to press the DA's office to charge the guy...

Consequently, it's kosher to care about it now, as well...

I think Jesse Jackson Jr will join his father in commenting on the outcome of this trial....
I think it's important for the son to stand up and be counted on about criminal activity.

It's been a long time since I've seen a riot. Could be interesting, but I'm willing to bet nothing happens at all.

What is likely to happen is that the jackboots will wheel out their armored cars and goose step down the streets in an effort to dissuade the hoodlums and flash mobs. Guarantee you they're already licking their chops to put on the SWAT and riot gear.

Of course they are licking thier chops, it's what they live for. It will be very interesting to see how they handle it if someone gets out of line.
If the half black, half Hispanic guy with the Jewish last name is convicted does this mean I can start a riot?

In the name of PC equality to all races,Yes. Just make sure you say "Take this Cracka" "¡Ay, caramba!" and "Oy Vey!" while throwing objects and smashing heads.
Heres the thing......most blacks think Zimmerman is a white guy thanks to the media.:coffee:
Who cares if he is white or hispanic? He is a murderer.:confused:


And, it should not matter than his victim was black.

And, even though neither of those facts can be blamed on the Rev's Jackson and Sharpton, there are some who will try.

They both started this numbskull. As idiotic as they are, this was brilliant political maneuvering. They got a man arrested just by spouting their racial epithets on TV! Too bad it will backfire on them soon. As many liberals as there are here, when the Jury foreman reads out "Not Guilty" hell, so many liberal heads are going to explode it may as well be the fourth of July all over again.
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I'm sure we can expect Jesse Jackson Sr and Al Sharpton to be ready to instigate trouble between local Blacks and local Hispanics (Whites too, maybe, for grins-and-giggles) on Verdict Day.

Heres the thing......most blacks think Zimmerman is a white guy thanks to the media.:coffee:
That... and the name Zimmermann... not exactly your average Latino or Hispanic surname...

and oh boy did the media ever run with it

that and a few edited tapes

and presto
the prosecution in this case is a joke... I didn't know if the states witnesses were for the state or the defense. they are practically handing this case over on a silver platter. I saw it as 70/30 Zimmerman walking from the start anyway...
The DNC ordering Hillary's pledged democrats to switch to obama was why Hillary wasn't elected.
I'm sure we can expect Jesse Jackson Sr and Al Sharpton to be ready to instigate trouble between local Blacks and local Hispanics (Whites too, maybe, for grins-and-giggles) on Verdict Day.

Heres the thing......most blacks think Zimmerman is a white guy thanks to the media.:coffee:
That... and the name Zimmermann... not exactly your average Latino or Hispanic surname...

Unlike "MARTIN"....that well known African sur-name.

Shut the fuck up, you racist puke.
Martin is a long-time respected black name...ever since the Normans invaded England, lol.

Let's hear it for using names to determine race!
The real problem is obama is for treyvon, and everything obama is for is a failure.

No......Trayvan would have been Obama's son.

Actually Obama is Trayvan......only he's lived long enough to learn the best way to screw over white folks is through government.

Al Sharpton is a dinosaur. Obama is the new style community instigator.
Every prosecutor and defense attorney will tell you any jury is capable of returning with a surprise verdict.

By the evidence thus far in my opinion he walks, but there's no accounting for stupidity, prejudice, etc. of jurors. The Orenthal James verdict comes to mind.
Heres the thing......most blacks think Zimmerman is a white guy thanks to the media.:coffee:
That... and the name Zimmermann... not exactly your average Latino or Hispanic surname...

Unlike "MARTIN"....that well known African sur-name.


Statistically, African-Americans are FAR more likely to have Anglo-sounding or Euro-sounding surnames than any other non-White racial or ethnic group.

This is, of course, attributable to their slave ancestry and the slave-culture stripping them of their own heritage and family names, centuries ago.

And, statistically speaking, slave-owners tended to be of English, Irish, Scottish and similar descent as early landowners in the American colonies and their early decades as States.

Although I'm sure there were a (statistically) few German-sounding and French-sounding and Euro-Spanish-sounding and even Slavic-sounding surnames amongst slave-owners, it's a good bet that you'd be hard-pressed to find more than a handful of Zimmermann slave-owners scattered across the entire antebellum South.

But there is even LESS of a chance that the surname Zimmermann would conjure-up the image of a Hispanic-American.

When trying to play a Race or Ethnicity guessing-game - without pictures - your average American (yours truly, included) - Black, White, Hispanic, Asian, Native, whatever - using only a surname as a clue...

Most folks, hearing 'Martin' or 'Zimmermann', would think "White" first.

Some folks, if not most, would think "Black" second.

Most folks, would not even think "Hispanic" on hearing 'Zimmermann'.

There are ALWAYS exceptions and surprises, and, in truth, RELYING upon surnames as a rock-solid indicator of Race or Ethnicity is a dead-end and a fool's game, BECAUSE of those exceptions and surprises... intermarriages, adoptions, etc.

But one has to be a sufficiently 'aware' or 'deep' Thinker, for that to occur to one, and to make that operative in one's thinking, even as an Afterhought, never mind as a Preliminary Guess or Conclusion...

And, in the context above, we were discussing the Perceptions of the Man-on-the-Street, in wrongly-guessing Race or Ethnicity, based upon surnames.

Both my original observation AND my follow-up here are smack-dab on target, in dealing with stereotypical reaction, and have zero basis in racial or ethnic bias or prejudice; these merely acknowledge the stereotypical conditions in which our culture operates.

"...Shut the fuck up, you racist puke."

I have no idea what's got your panties in a bunch, or how I've wronged you in a previous life or something, to warrant that sort of treatment at your hands, but I reject the accusation, and am going to blow that off as a misguided juvenile rant.

I'll reluctantly join you in the Flame Zone if you insist, to bitch-slap the hell outta you, but I'd rather not, if that can be avoided; otherwise, get off my back. I've done nothing to you, nor have I done or said anything to deserve your brickbats.
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Every prosecutor and defense attorney will tell you any jury is capable of returning with a surprise verdict.

By the evidence thus far in my opinion he walks, but there's no accounting for stupidity, prejudice, etc. of jurors. The Orenthal James verdict comes to mind.

Anything's possible with a Jury, but things are suddenly looking much better for Zimmermann than the Liberal element of the Lamestream Media had been making allowance for to date.

Maybe those old fakirs and show-boaters, Jackson and Sharpton, can make another appearance on-location, and drum-up support for a Directed Verdict, to make the Kangaroo Court mentality dominant in the case once again, to whip-up the Liberal element of the Lamestream Media into another shark-like feeding frenzy, and to stir-up long-dormant racial animosity, just like the good old days when Jackson and Sharpton actually played a meaningful and substantive role in the legitimate old Civil Rights movement.
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