ABC Panel Erupts Into Chaos After Chris Christie Dismantles the Credibility of Jan. 6 Committee

You deny this is a Stalinist playbook you're looking at?

Come on, man. Pedo Joe think he's Iron Joe.

We have everything Joe had.





Abuse of the law.

Abuse of political process.

Weaponization of government against political dissenters.

There is NO QUESTION AT ALL that this is the front page of the Stalinist playbook.

None at all.
A lot of the folks on this site are indoctrinated, and political neophytes, others, are expert propagandists, and know precisely what they are doing. They think the ends justify the means.

It takes a long time to be sure, which is which. TBH.

The border issue is a wedge issue! The GOP has used this and other BIG LIES and Conspiracy Fictions to cover up they don't support all of the people.

Try to name one policy that benefits the Middle Classes and working poor?

The border is not a wedge issue, it's a catastrophe. New record in fentanyl deaths much of it coming from Mexico. According to BP, 35 terrorists caught at the border since Dementia took over. Lord knows how many made it through without getting caught. Over 2 million have crossed into our country so far since Dementia took office.

There is no big lie here, it's all documented.

Republicans can't get any of their policies passed because they have absolutely no power until next year. Republicans are for drill baby drill which would lower our fuel costs. They are not for expanding government benefits so people have no inclination to go to work, thus causing our labor shortage problems. Trump would not sign legislation to give additional federal unemployment benefits to people not working when industry was begging (and still are) for help. Instead employers had to compete with government for employees which greatly contributed to our inflation since all business costs get passed down to customers.
You are a lying sack of leftard bullshit.

How does it feel to be known as an incorrigible liar?

People will remember this crap you're spewing. They'll never believe another word from you.

YOU are a perfect example of the bullshit the left is bringing to the table. A plate of of lies. Served up steaming hot and ready to smear all over the nearest sidewalk.

That's what you libtards do. Smear shit on the sidewalk. Been to a leftard city lately? San Francisco is wonderful, if you like the smell of human excrement in the morning.

All you've done here is smear shit on the sidewalk. You're not offering solutions, just complaints, all of which come down to hatred of anyone who isn't male, white or straight.
Most blob supporters are fully supporting Putin's invasion of Ukraine. Says all that needs to be said about the "patriotism" and Americanism of Trump supporters.
And all Biden/DNC adherents, support the administrations refusal to negotiate with Russia and Putin for comprehensive solution to Europe's security situation, before the invasion ever even occurred. There is a Wikileaks document released, that admits, the Biden administration, the folks YOU support, WANTED Russia and Putin to invade. IOW? YOU WANTED THIS. You did everything to avoid a peaceful solution, which Russia kept pushing for.
"HOW DARE YOU CALL OUT THE OBVIOUS!!!! Lap Dog Democrat Media doesn't even try to hide their bias anymore. Why should they?
It is quite funny when they say there is only one side. For all of my 60+ years there has ALWAYS been at least two sides, if not more. When you silence everything to the point where only one side is told and then claim there is no other side, you sure as hell do have a credibility problem.
The border issue is a wedge issue! The GOP has used this and other BIG LIES and Conspiracy Fictions to cover up they don't support all of the people.

Try to name one policy that benefits the Middle Classes and working poor?
If it's a wedge issue it's because Biden created it with his failed policies. I earned 10,000 dollars more in 2018 than I did in 2017, and worked less hours. On the flip side between 2021 and 2022 I lost over 10,000 on my 401k
Isn’t the reason there are no “real” Republicans on the committee because they refused to join? Their complaints ring hollow.
We have a winner.

It's absolutely crazy to complain that "Real Republicans" are not on the committee, when they themselves refused to participate in it.

Also crazy to refuse testimony Trump's own people provide, because Jim Fn Jordan is not sitting there to listen to it.
The border issue is a wedge issue! The GOP has used this and other BIG LIES and Conspiracy Fictions to cover up they don't support all of the people.

Try to name one policy that benefits the Middle Classes and working poor?
A probable more 4 millions new illegals crossing the border in just the last two years, MOST of whom are unknown quantities and MANY of whom we know are really bad actors, is not a lie, big or otherwise.

Even Cheney and Kinzinger, both who hate him with a passion, voted with Trump well over 90% of the time for a tax reform package that raised ALL boats in ALL demographics with the poorer folks and middle class being advantaged the most. Black and brown people saw the largest advancements in their demographic that the huge majority have ever seen. Millions moved out of poverty, off of welfare rolls and/or SNAP and family incomes/wealth increased by thousands. Inflation and interest rates were low, we were energy independent, and the USA was strong, secure, and respected by everybody. Republicans don't favor one demographic over another but push policies that help everybody except maybe the laziest or most dishonest and believe a strong, secure, economically independent, and prosperous America is best for Americans and the world.

Trump's policies of removing unnecessary or destructive regulation released enormous economic energy, was bringing good jobs back to the USA including manufacturing jobs that the neocons and Democrats insisted were gone forever. The border was the most secure it had been in a very long time.

The Democrats aren't too stupid to see the polls and how unpopular many of their initiatives are. And they know if Trump made them look that bad before Biden, how much worse it would look for them if he gets back in and does it again.

That is what the Jan 6 Commission is all about. It is strictly intended to so damage Trump he can't run and/or be re-elected in 2024 and they don't care how unethically or dishonestly they do that. Chris Christie is spot on about that.
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The debate moderators asked Warnock whether he supports any restrictions on abortion, and the senator notably dodged. “We are asking you to take a clear position right now,” one of the journalists asked. “Do you believe there should be any limitations on abortion set by the government?”

This question almost always stumps Democrats (our own John McCormack asks it often). One might assume that a Baptist pastor would have a single restriction ready at hand — say, no late-term abortions or abortions for sex selection — to try to signal some moderation, or at least an awareness of an element of moral complexity to the issue.

Instead, Warnock had nothing.

Even worse, we already know that, as a co-sponsor of the so-called Women’s Health Protection Act, the senator affirmatively wants to wipe away any restrictions on abortion in all 50 states. And he’d kneecap the filibuster to do it.

Nicely done, but you are wasting your time. candycorn will deny, spin, and ignore the facts in your post. That’s why it is futile to ever bring a link she asks for.
All you've done here is smear shit on the sidewalk. You're not offering solutions, just complaints, all of which come down to hatred of anyone who isn't male, white or straight.

You just can't stop, can you?

You're a dimwitted Kool Aid swilling leftard.

The border issue is a wedge issue! The GOP has used this and other BIG LIES and Conspiracy Fictions to cover up they don't support all of the people.

Try to name one policy that benefits the Middle Classes and working poor?
Seems no one on the Right can recall any bill in the Congress to support the Middle Class and working poor. That's because there has never been one in the platform of the GOP in 1956.
Nicely done, but you are wasting your time. candycorn will deny, spin, and ignore the facts in your post. That’s why it is futile to ever bring a link she asks for.

Yeah, well, you get these people that keep posting the same shit over and over again, so now she has nothing to complain about. She asked for evidence, and the debate gave her that evidence. This preacher of God supports killing fetuses up to birth, and who knows, probably after birth too.
Seems no one on the Right can recall any bill in the Congress to support the Middle Class and working poor. That's because there has never been one in the platform of the GOP in 1956.

Reasonable food prices help the working and the poor. Affordable gasoline helps the working and the poor. Normal inflation helps the working and the poor. Trump getting rid of Commie Care fines helped the working and the poor. Trump's tax cuts for workers and businesses alike helped the working and the poor.

How do Democrats help the working and the poor? Give them free shit like the expansion of food stamps and paying some of their college debt. Buying votes while at the same time, promoting more laziness and irresponsibility.
How are Republicans lying about the border, Moron?
It's you and the GOP who have made this wedge issue on social media and used it to the foolish. The Biden Administration has followed the laws of immigration. What do you think you need to do, get whips and slash the backs of all the women and children running away from poverty and gangs?

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