ABC Panel Erupts Into Chaos After Chris Christie Dismantles the Credibility of Jan. 6 Committee


Dude, if your desperate Democrat hacks had definitive proof of an "insurrrrrrection!!!!" - your crooked FBI and colluding Justice Dept. would have already brought charges.

The fact it took the FBI that long (August 2021) to admit they had NADA - ZILCH - BUPKIS, is the real embarrassment.

Those of us who actually watched 45 on January 6th know for a fact that he said "march peacefully and patriotically to the capital." Why did your charlatan kangaroo court exempt that crucial information? Could it be it's a witch hunt? (Yet again.)

How many times are you gonna fall for the same pathetic trick?

When we kick your ass in 3 weeks, Trump announces his subsequent Presidential candidacy, and Joe Piss Pants Biden shits his pants on live TV - take solace in the "JANUARY 6th!!!" sham.

It really was worse than 9/11 and Pearl harbor combined.

Like I said, utterly embarrassing.
Don't forget the fbi investigated Russian collusion for years. Knowing it was a lie in the beginning. Every politician needs to be investigated by the private sector. They are all corrupt, Republicans and democrats.
Warnock opposes any restrictions on abortions, Simp.

Your ignorance of his positions is amazing. Show me an abortion restriction he has come out to support.
Show me a link where he supports partial birth abortion, like was clamed.
I’m surprised a fanatical Trumper like you would post this. Don’t you know Christy has said some very unfavorable things about your messiah?
Point being that if a a loathsome double-dealer like the New Jersey land whale can see that the "commission" is a parking lot job, then it's obvious to everyone who isn't a devoted hack like Brazille and Stepsonallofus.
I haven't watched any of it but even I know it's all just a show and fake as hell. They just want to drag it out and keep throwing out all they can and hope something sticks. It's just a ploy to make trump look bad.

The whole thing is run by people who don't like trump. This isn't about the truth or justice or anything.
STATEMENT: "I haven't watched any of it but even I know it's all just a show and fake as hell."


This seems to be the theme!
You know that's been outlawed since 2003, right?
Eight states still allow partial birth abortion on demand. Several others have very lenient rules/exceptions for when it can be done legally.

The media is not our friend when it reports on these uglier sides of government or policy or situations that actually exist. It will always sugar coat the 'sins' of the left while amplifying and exaggerating the 'sins' of the right.

That has never been truer than when it reports on the so-called 'findings' of the Jan 6 Commission.
Eight states still allow partial birth abortion on demand. Several others have very lenient rules/exceptions for when it can be done legally.

The media is not our friend when it reports on these uglier sides of government or policy or situations that actually exist. It will always sugar coat the 'sins' of the left while amplifying and exaggerating the 'sins' of the right.

That has never been truer than when it reports on the so-called 'findings' of the Jan 6 Commission.
Which 8 states, and under what conditions?
Christie lays it out. The committee is a kangaroo court:
Former Gov. Chris Christie created a firestorm on ABC News’ “This Week With George Stephanopoulos” on Sunday, with what he had to say about the Jan. 6 Committee. Christie pointed out that, to many Republicans, the Committee doesn’t have any credibility. That’s because they don’t have any real Republicans on the Committee to make any points against the Democratic narrative.
The January 6 committee was “resigned to having a credibility problem because of the membership of the committee and the way that was done,” Christie opened by saying.
“There are lots of Republicans across this country who just say, there’s nobody there to argue the other side. Kinzinger and Cheney don’t argue the other side to the extent that there is [sic] some arguments there,” Christie added before both anchor George Stephanopoulos and Brazile jumped down his throat.
That comment sparked outrage from host George Stephanopoulos and fellow panelist Donna Brazile, both of whom have been Democratic operatives.
Stephanopoulos claimed there was “no other side,” and Brazile demanded to know, “What is the other side?” Christie spoke about the ability to grill the witnesses, something they would normally have at a hearing, which is missing here. Instead, he said, accurately, it was a television production. Brazile just kept shouting at Christie and would barely let him get in a word edgewise.
When he finally got the chance to speak, Christie said, “There are lots of people inside the White House who now have convenient memories about things that didn’t have memories about them before.” But, the Trump team/Republicans weren’t given that option because that’s not allowed, to challenge the narrative. You’re not allowed to know that Trump spoke about acting “peacefully and patriotically” at his rally before the riot. You’re not allowed to question why Democrats didn’t conduct this like a normal hearing.
But this is the Democrats’ view in general. Trump is guilty of pushing an “insurrection”–because they say so. He isn’t entitled to a defense. It doesn’t matter what he said, or what evidence might rebut their presumptions. They don’t believe in the rule of law, just the rule of the narrative. That’s why everyone on the Committee — including the Republicans — was already solidly anti-Trump, picked for their bias. That’s why House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) in an unprecedented move, rejected members who were picked by the Republican side who might have questioned the Democrats.
The last person who should be talking about “credibility” is Donna Brazile. Can anyone forget how Brazile divulged debate questions to Clinton camp officials during the Democratic primaries in the 2016 race? Even the left excoriated her
But Christie accurately noted it’s because of that basic unfairness about the formation of the Committee, that most of America have turned the Committee off. They know it’s about trying to get Trump, not about the riot or the rule of law.
t’s very hard for Democrats to be able to make this a cutting issue, especially in the light of huge inflation, gas prices, crime in the streets, open borders, drug overdoses, those things are things that are affecting people’s everyday lives and they don’t see it that way,” Christie reasoned.

That’s the bottom line. Democrats are pushing issues that aren’t the top issues of concern to voters. They thought they would use Jan. 6 to smear Republicans. But people know it’s a biased show; it’s backfiring on them because voters don’t think they care about anything else, including the issues that are most important to Americans.
The FBI is scheduling a visit to your house because you disagree with The Narrative. You will probably get 10 years in solitary confinement for daring to exercise free speech and daring to disagree with The Deep DemNazi Globalist State.
The border issue is a wedge issue! The GOP has used this and other BIG LIES and Conspiracy Fictions to cover up they don't support all of the people.

Try to name one policy that benefits the Middle Classes and working poor?
How are Republicans lying about the border, Moron?
Show me a link where he supports partial birth abortion, like was clamed.

The debate moderators asked Warnock whether he supports any restrictions on abortion, and the senator notably dodged. “We are asking you to take a clear position right now,” one of the journalists asked. “Do you believe there should be any limitations on abortion set by the government?”

This question almost always stumps Democrats (our own John McCormack asks it often). One might assume that a Baptist pastor would have a single restriction ready at hand — say, no late-term abortions or abortions for sex selection — to try to signal some moderation, or at least an awareness of an element of moral complexity to the issue.

Instead, Warnock had nothing.

Even worse, we already know that, as a co-sponsor of the so-called Women’s Health Protection Act, the senator affirmatively wants to wipe away any restrictions on abortion in all 50 states. And he’d kneecap the filibuster to do it.

Most blob supporters are fully supporting Putin's invasion of Ukraine.
No, a lot of Americans, on the left and the right, don't give a shit about Trump, but are consistent in their view of international relations, and don't hold double standards.

YOU? You are easily manipulated by propaganda.


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