ABC Panel Erupts Into Chaos After Chris Christie Dismantles the Credibility of Jan. 6 Committee

If Trump didn't say it, it never happened. This is the definition of a Cult, and you've just admitted that you don't know what's going on until Trump tells you. You inability to think or see for yourself, is now confirmed.

What a complete waste of skin you are.
well yeah you said he admitted guilt. Either he did or didn’t…you claimed he did
They must have feared the left starting rumors about them fucking goats or something. I mean that is the lefts go to political move.

Democrats don't "start rumours". That's a Republican thing. Republicans make shit up about Democrats and then investigate their own rumours, and find nothing. Then they claim that Democrats "got away with something" that never happened in the first place. Uranium One being a prime example.

Democrats expose illegal or bad behaviour by Republicans. That's why Republicans go to jail, and Democrats are cleared of wrong doing. Democrats wait until Republicans break the law before investigating. Then they investigate and file charges for stuff that really happened. Republicans go to jail because they're doing illegal shit.
Christie lays it out. The committee is a kangaroo court:
Former Gov. Chris Christie created a firestorm on ABC News’ “This Week With George Stephanopoulos” on Sunday, with what he had to say about the Jan. 6 Committee. Christie pointed out that, to many Republicans, the Committee doesn’t have any credibility. That’s because they don’t have any real Republicans on the Committee to make any points against the Democratic narrative.
The January 6 committee was “resigned to having a credibility problem because of the membership of the committee and the way that was done,” Christie opened by saying.
“There are lots of Republicans across this country who just say, there’s nobody there to argue the other side. Kinzinger and Cheney don’t argue the other side to the extent that there is [sic] some arguments there,” Christie added before both anchor George Stephanopoulos and Brazile jumped down his throat.
That comment sparked outrage from host George Stephanopoulos and fellow panelist Donna Brazile, both of whom have been Democratic operatives.
Stephanopoulos claimed there was “no other side,” and Brazile demanded to know, “What is the other side?” Christie spoke about the ability to grill the witnesses, something they would normally have at a hearing, which is missing here. Instead, he said, accurately, it was a television production. Brazile just kept shouting at Christie and would barely let him get in a word edgewise.
When he finally got the chance to speak, Christie said, “There are lots of people inside the White House who now have convenient memories about things that didn’t have memories about them before.” But, the Trump team/Republicans weren’t given that option because that’s not allowed, to challenge the narrative. You’re not allowed to know that Trump spoke about acting “peacefully and patriotically” at his rally before the riot. You’re not allowed to question why Democrats didn’t conduct this like a normal hearing.
But this is the Democrats’ view in general. Trump is guilty of pushing an “insurrection”–because they say so. He isn’t entitled to a defense. It doesn’t matter what he said, or what evidence might rebut their presumptions. They don’t believe in the rule of law, just the rule of the narrative. That’s why everyone on the Committee — including the Republicans — was already solidly anti-Trump, picked for their bias. That’s why House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) in an unprecedented move, rejected members who were picked by the Republican side who might have questioned the Democrats.
The last person who should be talking about “credibility” is Donna Brazile. Can anyone forget how Brazile divulged debate questions to Clinton camp officials during the Democratic primaries in the 2016 race? Even the left excoriated her
But Christie accurately noted it’s because of that basic unfairness about the formation of the Committee, that most of America have turned the Committee off. They know it’s about trying to get Trump, not about the riot or the rule of law.
t’s very hard for Democrats to be able to make this a cutting issue, especially in the light of huge inflation, gas prices, crime in the streets, open borders, drug overdoses, those things are things that are affecting people’s everyday lives and they don’t see it that way,” Christie reasoned.

That’s the bottom line. Democrats are pushing issues that aren’t the top issues of concern to voters. They thought they would use Jan. 6 to smear Republicans. But people know it’s a biased show; it’s backfiring on them because voters don’t think they care about anything else, including the issues that are most important to Americans.

1) I cannot believe ABC News allowed such a conversation to take place since their whole agenda (along with all MSM ) is to do whatever it takes to make the right look bad and cover up all lies and deceptions coming from the left.

2) How can there be so many tens of millions of liberals (including nearly every one on this board) who can live with this grand deception and blatant corruption that is destroying America and America's future? Are you people out of your minds? How many egregious examples do you need to be witness to criminal acts, coverer ups and enemies of honesty and goodness? Did you also endorse letting schools and therapists turn your daughter into a "boy" without your knowledge or permission?
1) I cannot believe ABC News allowed such a conversation to take place since their whole agenda (along with all MSM ) is to do whatever it takes to make the right look bad and cover up all lies and deceptions coming from the left.

2) How can there be so many tens of millions of liberals (including nearly every one on this board) who can live with this grand deception and blatant corruption that is destroying America and America's future? Are you people out of your minds? How many egregious examples do you need to be witness to criminal acts, coverer ups and enemies of honesty and goodness? Did you also endorse letting schools and therapists turn your daughter into a "boy" without your knowledge or permission?

ABC News has an obligation under the rules of journalistic standards to verify stories and information promoted. Chris Christie lied blatantly, as have all Republicans, in supported Trump's lie of a "stolen election" and by his denial that Trump incited the insurrection.

The speech was on TV. We all saw it, so please don't tell us not to trust our own eyes and ears. You may be that stupid and gullible but the rest of us are not.

And drop your other Republican lie about the MSM because that's bullshit too. Trump tried to overthrow the government and you can pretend it didn't happen but for those of us who watched it live, and there are a lot of us all over the world, Trump should be jailed for the rest of his fucking life.
1) I cannot believe ABC News allowed such a conversation to take place since their whole agenda (along with all MSM ) is to do whatever it takes to make the right look bad and cover up all lies and deceptions coming from the left.
They thought Christie was a tame Republican.

2) How can there be so many tens of millions of liberals (including nearly every one on this board) who can live with this grand deception and blatant corruption that is destroying America and America's future? Are you people out of your minds? How many egregious examples do you need to be witness to criminal acts, coverer ups and enemies of honesty and goodness? Did you also endorse letting schools and therapists turn your daughter into a "boy" without your knowledge or permission?

We've seen the kind of lies and delusions that liberals are willing to entertain.
ABC News has an obligation under the rules of journalistic standards to verify stories and information promoted. Chris Christie lied blatantly, as have all Republicans, in supported Trump's lie of a "stolen election" and by his denial that Trump incited the insurrection.

The speech was on TV. We all saw it, so please don't tell us not to trust our own eyes and ears. You may be that stupid and gullible but the rest of us are not.

And drop your other Republican lie about the MSM because that's bullshit too. Trump tried to overthrow the government and you can pretend it didn't happen but for those of us who watched it live, and there are a lot of us all over the world, Trump should be jailed for the rest of his fucking life.
Oh, quit digging a deeper hole for yourself or go preach to children, we are not impressed.

This nation cannot get a conviction on Hillary destroying her server congress subpoenaed, or on Lois Lerner and the 7 IRS hard drives that mysteriously all crashed, or on the staggering crime of the century where the DNC FBI DOJ CIA all colluded to spy on Trump and 3 years of investigations cannot report what everyone knows???!!!! . Hunter Biden is a free man? . Rep. Eric Swalwell has a long term affair with Chinese spy Fang Fang and he is still on the House Homeland Security Committee?

And you can believe whatever the heck you want about this past election, but the gullibility of your kind has broken all the records. . There were no 81 million legitimate votes for a man who could not get 50 people to show up at his rallies, who cannot speak without causing others to gasp, or even stay on a bike.
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ABC News has an obligation under the rules of journalistic standards to verify stories and information promoted. Chris Christie lied blatantly, as have all Republicans, in supported Trump's lie of a "stolen election" and by his denial that Trump incited the insurrection.

The speech was on TV. We all saw it, so please don't tell us not to trust our own eyes and ears. You may be that stupid and gullible but the rest of us are not.

And drop your other Republican lie about the MSM because that's bullshit too. Trump tried to overthrow the government and you can pretend it didn't happen but for those of us who watched it live, and there are a lot of us all over the world, Trump should be jailed for the rest of his fucking life.

He probably would have been jailed in a Communist country like yours. But our country has a Constitution. In that Constitution our right to free speech is protected. What people do in response to that free speech is their doing, not the person giving the speech. Here, we hold people responsible for their own actions, not determine their actions are the responsibility of other people.
I don't know, maybe cross-examine somebody. Anybody.
Perhaps you don't understand how things work. Each and every person tried for their part in the 1/6 insurrection is represented by an attorney, and standard court procedures are followed. Cross examination is, and always has been part of that court procedure. Can you name a single defendant who was not allowed an attorney, or who wasn't allowed a fair and vigorus defence which included cross examination of witnesses in every case?
I saw the speech, Ray. I heard the whole thing. "Fight like hell or you won't have a country". "Fight" was repeated and emphasized. It was a call to war and you fucking know it.

No, it's your interpretation he meant violence. Like I said, from your Bible 1984 with thought police. Fight in most cases does not mean physical actions. You cannot show me one part in Trump's speech where he told anybody to attack or break into the Capital. The word "fight" has many definitions, and allowing Communists to pick out the definition that suits their needs is not how our justice system works. When I say I'm moving because I'm sick of fighting with my neighbor, it doesn't mean I'm sick of him punching me in the mouth. It means I'm sick of arguing with the guy all the time.
Obviously you haven't heard about all the information those that admitted guilt provided. That's fine. It's not required for you to know what happened. It doesn't bother you that fox hasn't kept you informed on what is happenng?

Fox keeps people more informed than any of the MSM outlets. They only report what's relevant and they are not going to give any attention to this waste of time, low rated clown show. The Communists are trying to prove that Trump is responsible for the actions of the rioters, and thus far, no evidence. He never met with any right-wing groups, he never instructed the people to get violent or break any laws, he's not responsible for the actions of other people. Like the Russia collusion nonsense, it's a waste of time, waste of money, and only one goal in mind which is trying to stop Trump from running in 24 because they are so scared to death of the guy.

If and when we get serious about insurrections, you'll know about it.

Till then, the whole entire world is laughing at your lily livered snowflake cowardice, both political and moral. (Not to mention intellectual, cause progtards have no brains).

We already know what happened.

We didn't need two years of grandstanding at taxpayer expense to "inform" us about that.

Don't watch Fox. Fox is MSM and MSM lies. You should know that by now.

You're being badly played if you're still playing a partisan game. The real game is playing out elsewhere, on a different level
If you already know everything about what happened 1/6, where did you get that information? Even if you were there, and were involved in the planning, it would still be impossible for you to know everything
Christie is a prosecutor by trade. prosecutors, like intelligence officers, are taught not to make assumptions, that's why he makes no assumptions on the motives of the Jan 6 rioters, and i agree with him
Boy the Democrats are really defensive and bristling.

They know they're gonna lose big on Nov. 8th and they have nothing. Nothing.

It's one thing to lose, but their actions are working against them. They are their own worst enemy.

People are sick of these witch hunts. It's been going on for over six years. They are losing some of the black vote, a lot of Hispanic votes, and even the Asian communities are coming around. Americans don't want a party in charge that only cares about the party. They want representation that cares about them and the country. While these commies are going back and forth trying to stop Trump in the future, the rest of us are suffering unaffordable fuel and food prices. We are under a nuclear threat, the first time since the 1960s. We have millions of diseased people illegally crossing from over 110 different countries. With those open borders come deadly narcotics killing over 100,000 Americans this year alone.

The response from this federal government? Let's hire 87,000 new IRS workers and spend hundreds of billions of dollars on making the US more climate friendly. Forget about our new debt of 31 trillion and growing.
Christie is a brilliant lawyer and an excellent politician who was viciously (politically) slain by the Leftist Media over a single incident - lasting about two (2) hours - over which he had ZERO control (his minions took it upon themselves).

If you want to see a politician with both feet on the ground, check out some of the YouTube videos of him confronting shills for the Teachers' unions in New Jersey when he was governor...absolutely brilliant.

The points he made today were utterly factual, politically accurate, and entirely warranted. As proven by the reactions of the Leftists on the panel.

I would vote for him early and often were he to run for President.

He has/had his moments, but they are too few and far between.
It's one thing to lose, but their actions are working against them. They are their own worst enemy.

People are sick of these witch hunts. It's been going on for over six years. They are losing some of the black vote, a lot of Hispanic votes, and even the Asian communities are coming around. Americans don't want a party in charge that only cares about the party. They want representation that cares about them and the country. While these commies are going back and forth trying to stop Trump in the future, the rest of us are suffering unaffordable fuel and food prices. We are under a nuclear threat, the first time since the 1960s. We have millions of diseased people illegally crossing from over 110 different countries. With those open borders come deadly narcotics killing over 100,000 Americans this year alone.

The response from this federal government? Let's hire 87,000 new IRS workers and spend hundreds of billions of dollars on making the US more climate friendly. Forget about our new debt of 31 trillion and growing.
Your party fully supports Hershal Walker. Tell me again about only caring about party.

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