ABC Panel Erupts Into Chaos After Chris Christie Dismantles the Credibility of Jan. 6 Committee

Reasonable food prices help the working and the poor. Affordable gasoline helps the working and the poor. Normal inflation helps the working and the poor. Trump getting rid of Commie Care fines helped the working and the poor. Trump's tax cuts for workers and businesses alike helped the working and the poor.

How do Democrats help the working and the poor? Give them free shit like the expansion of food stamps and paying some of their college debt. Buying votes while at the same time, promoting more laziness and irresponsibility.
Nice piece of sophistry, sadly there is more to the policies the Biden/Harris Administration attempted to pass. McConnell and the Senate don't allow an up and down vote.
It's you and the GOP who have made this wedge issue on social media and used it to the foolish. The Biden Administration has followed the laws of immigration. What do you think you need to do, get whips and slash the backs of all the women and children running away from poverty and gangs?

It's Biden that reversed all of Trump's successful policies why we're having such a problem now. Particularly the Stay In Mexico policy. Once again as before Trump, they are now allowed to stay in the country until their phony asylum claim is heard by a court. And like before, once they get in the country, they are never to be seen again. They run off to some sanctuary city or state and end up staying forever in this country unless they commit a crime.
The border is not a wedge issue, it's a catastrophe. New record in fentanyl deaths much of it coming from Mexico. According to BP, 35 terrorists caught at the border since Dementia took over. Lord knows how many made it through without getting caught. Over 2 million have crossed into our country so far since Dementia took office.

There is no big lie here, it's all documented.

Republicans can't get any of their policies passed because they have absolutely no power until next year. Republicans are for drill baby drill which would lower our fuel costs. They are not for expanding government benefits so people have no inclination to go to work, thus causing our labor shortage problems. Trump would not sign legislation to give additional federal unemployment benefits to people not working when industry was begging (and still are) for help. Instead employers had to compete with government for employees which greatly contributed to our inflation since all business costs get passed down to customers.
What created Inflation? When did the Border issue first begin? When did the opiate crisis commence?

When has the Republican Party posted any effort to put forth policies to correct each one of these issues?
McConnell doesn't control the Senate. And an up down vote on what when it comes to the economy?
McConnell's issues began when President Obama first took his oath of office. Packing the Supreme Court by McConnell handcuffed Civil Rights and liberal Democratic Policies.

You and others scream "Socialism" has created fear and led many to believe the ACA is good, but Obamacare is totalitarianism.

This is Trump and Trumpism ^^^ that will damage Democracy in America for decades too. BIG LIES and Conspiracy Fictions are being posted on social (really, anti-social) media when you and others echo the same maladies that existed for decades and blame it all on Biden.
Eight states still allow partial birth abortion on demand. Several others have very lenient rules/exceptions for when it can be done legally.

The media is not our friend when it reports on these uglier sides of government or policy or situations that actually exist. It will always sugar coat the 'sins' of the left while amplifying and exaggerating the 'sins' of the right.

That has never been truer than when it reports on the so-called 'findings' of the Jan 6 Commission.
Eight states allow partial birth abortion? link?
Christie is the worst type of Republican. He legitimizes their lies while poking holes in them.
They only need folks like him to make their nonsensical frauds seem rational.
They just quote him agreeing with their ridiculous BS while he's saying it's not exactly on the level.
He's like Lindsey Graham, Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, John McCain, George W. Bush, Liz Cheney, Mike Pence, and Adam Kissinger.
Totally two-faced asswipes who backstab you when the chips are down.
seems like it

Beam me up, Scottie

DC will always be a sewer (is what it looks like) bc of RINOs and dimrats
As per usual, any time a R speaks truth or stands up against lefties, the lefties pounce like the beasts they are and try to get ALL OF AMERICA via the media to hate Rs and continue to believe THEIR (the Ds) bs as though it is gospel truth.

Even C Christie is getting sick of them, looks like
McConnell's issues began when President Obama first took his oath of office. Packing the Supreme Court by McConnell handcuffed Civil Rights and liberal Democratic Policies.

You and others scream "Socialism" has created fear and led many to believe the ACA is good, but Obamacare is totalitarianism.

This is Trump and Trumpism ^^^ that will damage Democracy in America for decades too. BIG LIES and Conspiracy Fictions are being posted on social (really, anti-social) media when you and others echo the same maladies that existed for decades and blame it all on Biden.
Talk about the big lie The court has not been packed dumbass. Democrats have attacked the civil rights of American citizens not mcconnell
And all Biden/DNC adherents, support the administrations refusal to negotiate with Russia and Putin for comprehensive solution to Europe's security situation, before the invasion ever even occurred. There is a Wikileaks document released, that admits, the Biden administration, the folks YOU support, WANTED Russia and Putin to invade. IOW? YOU WANTED THIS. You did everything to avoid a peaceful solution, which Russia kept pushing for.
Thanks for proving my point.

You're totally detached from reality. You actually just said that Russia was pushing for peace.
Thanks for proving my point.

You're totally detached from reality. You actually just said that Russia was pushing for peace.
You DNC cultist have a hard time dealing with reality. So how many times did you hide in your safe space holding a puppy
Wow. Would never expect that from Chris Christie.
Why not? He's trying to remain relevant with the base to advance his political prospects. So he goes on national TV trying to give credibility to the specious assertion that poor Don is being railroaded. When we know with 100% certainty that is not so. The idea that a lack of Trump loyalists on the panel changes anything of consequence is disingenuous at its best.
As per usual, any time a R speaks truth or stands up against lefties, the lefties pounce like the beasts they are and try to get ALL OF AMERICA via the media to hate Rs and continue to believe THEIR (the Ds) bs as though it is gospel truth.

Even C Christie is getting sick of them, looks like
No one believes their bullshit anymore.

THEY don't even believe it anymore.
It's Biden that reversed all of Trump's successful policies why we're having such a problem now. Particularly the Stay In Mexico policy. Once again as before Trump, they are now allowed to stay in the country until their phony asylum claim is heard by a court. And like before, once they get in the country, they are never to be seen again. They run off to some sanctuary city or state and end up staying forever in this country unless they commit a crime.
My guess is your response to being proven wrong will be to claim FactCheck.Org is biased. But you won't be able to refute, in a credible way, the facts they use to make their case.

Thanks for proving my point.

You're totally detached from reality. You actually just said that Russia was pushing for peace.
Um. . . they have been.

They wanted to discuss a East-West security structure even before the US and NATO encouraged Ukraine to amass troops on the Donbas and Crimea border that provoked this whole conflict. I can't believe you are so utterly propagandized and uninformed.

The west has sabotaged every peace talk negotiation. They even had Ukraine's own intelligence assassinate one of their OWN MINISTERS, when the Turkish brokered peace talks back in March were close to being fruitful.

Wow, you really don't have a clue, AT ALL, what is going on in this conflict, do you?

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