ABC Panel Erupts Into Chaos After Chris Christie Dismantles the Credibility of Jan. 6 Committee

What Dragonlady actually said:
Especial that "peacefully" horseshit. Trump said to "march peacefully" to the Capital, and to "fight like hell" when they got there.

From his speech…

”…We fight like hell. And if you don't fight like hell, you're not going to have a country anymore…”

Literally what he said.

“I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.”

Not literal, but close enough that meaning doesn’t change.

Why should Dragonlady squirm?
Thanks for proving my point, Troll.:dance::dance:
Got much more than 21 days. Biden will have always kicked your blob's ass 306-232. Live it. Love it. Know it.

What we know is had Dementia run in a normal election, he would have been buried like his mind is today. When you promote mail-in ballots, you draw in the welfare crowd that generally votes Democrat, except in normal elections, they wouldn't have left their home.
Not during his speech that day, but certainly in all the planning and coordination with the Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, 3 Percenters, and all the other mlitarized groups that planned and participated in the insurrection. Even the ones found guilty said they were doing it at the ex-prsident's behest. Yes, trump told them to storm the captol. .
Militarized groups stormed the capital.

Without guns.

Just shut up with the bullshit.
That from a guy who let others take the fall when he closed that bridge in Jersey disrupting traffic for thousands. Christie is a lying pile of shit who will never remove the stink of Trump's ass from his face.
Christie did let others take the fall for closing a bridge and disrupting traffic and lied about. Ironic that he is debating an equally corrupt politico in Donna Brazile who cheated a Presidential debate. Then again, it’s really not much of a debate with her before she loses her shit and screams “you go to hell.”
And arms were stockpiled nearby with plans to quickly deliver them to the insurrection.
link us up to this "stockpile" they were going to use to take over the USA.

Your Vegetable Messiah says it would take F-15s. How many did they have "stockpiled" nearby?
What a fucking idiot.

You're celebrating a disastrous regime?

$7 gas?

10% inflation?

A new foreign war?

Democrats must be really, really stupid.

YOU must be stupid.
not only that but celebrating what 60% of us say was a rigged election. Mollie Hemingway and Navarro say it was rigged --but what do they know? Highly educated, but what do they know?

only dimrats know anything. Ask the dimrats.

sick o'this

America is also.
Of course, the DOJ can't produce any of these arms. IT's just "alleged" that some Oath keepers had them. Owning weapons is not a crime in this country at this point.

The accusation that they had a stock pile of food is also absurd. When did storing food in your house become a crime?

This is the most pathetic excuse for evidence I've ever seen. The DOJ appears to be the worst kind of paranoid conspiratorialist.
Christie did let others take the fall for closing a bridge and disrupting traffic and lied about. Ironic that he is debating an equally corrupt politico in Donna Brazile who cheated a Presidential debate. Then again, it’s really not much of a debate with her before she loses her shit and screams “you go to hell.”
Did she really say that?

I didn't see the thing. Also, I am not sure CC lied about the bridge thing. Is there a site to go to on this?

mostly I want to know if she really said that
There were no arms "stockpiled" anywhere, douche nozzle.
Sure there were. Don't take my above lnk (#303) for it if you don't want to. Enter "stockpiled guns nearby, 1/6" in the google searchbar, and pick the link you want. There are several.

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