ABC Panel Erupts Into Chaos After Chris Christie Dismantles the Credibility of Jan. 6 Committee

Not a problem. Of course you will tie yourself in knots denying what happened. Nobody expects you to accept reality. I presented the information. You do with it what you wll. You're crazy MAGA. Nobody expects you to be anything else.
When you can demonstrate that is reality, perhaps we'll pay attention to it.
That small statement was nothing more than a non nod-wink wink after months of dog-whistling about "stolen elections" and riling these seditious morons up.
In other words, Trump didn't say what you claim, but you can readhis mind and know what her really meant?

You braindead progs are hysterical.

The footage shown by the committee at the last hearing of the terrorists finally getting the message that Trump had just told them to go home on their cell phones....and then actually spreading the word like "the commander has ordered retreat" was pretty damning.
Damning for who? Trump isn't responsible for what other people say.
It made it obvious that those terrorists attacked at his command....and then they didn't leave before he commanded.

Exactly the opposite is what's obvious
In other words, Trump didn't say what you claim, but you can readhis mind and know what her really meant?

You braindead progs are hysterical.

Damning for who? Trump isn't responsible for what other people say.

Exactly the opposite is what's obvious
You are immune to facts.
That small statement was nothing more than a non nod-wink wink after months of dog-whistling about "stolen elections" and riling these seditious morons up.

The footage shown by the committee at the last hearing of the terrorists finally getting the message that Trump had just told them to go home on their cell phones....and then actually spreading the word like "the commander has ordered retreat" was pretty damning.

It made it obvious that those terrorists attacked at his command....and then they didn't leave before he commanded.
That's just fucking crazy.

Tin foil hat stuff.

Do you receive alien transmissions too?
t made it obvious that those terrorists attacked at his command....and then they didn't leave before he commanded.

He didn't command shit. Show me the phrase of this command. And don't say Trump said "fight" because fight doesn't mean breaking into a building.
He didn't command shit. Show me the phrase of this command. And don't say Trump said "fight" because fight doesn't mean breaking into a building.
That's progress.
At least now you are admitting that these terrorist morons did actually break into the Capitol and were not just let in the doors by Capitol Police.

Pretty amazing evolving there.
There MAY be hope for you yet.

Next I would encourage you to learn the meaning of the term "dog whistle" as it applies to spineless twits like Trump and their ability to influence others by "suggesting" that they do things without ever having to actually take responsibility for being behind the suggestion.

It only works on REALLY DUMB people.
Trumptard MAGAts come to mind.
He didn't command shit. Show me the phrase of this command. And don't say Trump said "fight" because fight doesn't mean breaking into a building.
He didn't command shit. Show me the phrase of this command. And don't say Trump said "fight" because fight doesn't mean breaking into a building.
Look at all the bright red MAGAt hats on these Trumpian terrorists storming the Capitol in Trump's name on that day.

Dumb fucks!

Little did they know that after ALL this....their cult leader and imaginary "General," Donald Trump was later going to completely abandon them and claim he actually had NOTHING to do with their madness!

These poor schmucks thought Trump had their backs!


They certainly put their trust in the WRONG GUY....didn't they?

Oh well, I guess it's like ole P.T. Barnham once said.
There's a SUCKER born every minute.

Why, just look at the proof on this board!

There are STILL plenty of die-hard MAGAts trying to defend and make excuses for the SAME orange cat-turd that turned his back on this group of followers.

Slow learners I guess.

After all, I suppose if you're willing to put on one of these red caps in the first place you simply cannot be one of the uh....sharpest knives in the drawer to begin with right?

Look at all the bright red MAGAt hats on these Trumpian terrorists storming the Capitol in Trump's name on that day.

Dumb fucks!

Little did they know that after ALL this....their cult leader and imaginary "General," Donald Trump was later going to completely abandon them and claim he actually had NOTHING to do with their madness!

These poor schmucks thought Trump had their backs!


They certainly put their trust in the WRONG GUY....didn't they?

Oh well, I guess it's like ole P.T. Barnham once said.
There's a SUCKER born every minute.

Why, just look at the proof on this board!

There are STILL plenty of die-hard MAGAts trying to defend and make excuses for the SAME orange cat-turd that turned his back on this group of followers.

Slow learners I guess.

After all, I suppose if you're willing to put on one of these red caps in the first place you simply cannot be one of the uh....sharpest knives in the drawer to begin with right?

20 more days

You're being booted out of office for the stupid shit you're spewing.

Yet you keep doing it.

Guess those Dem strategists aren't rocket scientists much
Was that before or after they invaded a nation that posed no threat to them? Or, in your reality...are you really going to insist that Ukraine was a threat to Russia?
I don't need to insist on anything. This is how the whole tangent happened.

I am just pointing out, they invaded for the same reason the US continually invades Haiti, and you are just too ignorant to understand that.
That's progress.
At least now you are admitting that these terrorist morons did actually break into the Capitol and were not just let in the doors by Capitol Police.

Pretty amazing evolving there.
There MAY be hope for you yet.

Next I would encourage you to learn the meaning of the term "dog whistle" as it applies to spineless twits like Trump and their ability to influence others by "suggesting" that they do things without ever having to actually take responsibility for being behind the suggestion.

It only works on REALLY DUMB people.
Trumptard MAGAts come to mind.

Oh, you mean like "You started a whirlwind Kavanaugh, and you are going to pay the price!"

I know how much Communists hate our Constitution, but American citizens are still protected by the free speech clause within it. And no, we do not have Thought Police as outliuned in your Holy Bible......yet, so don't go saying you knew what Trump meant.
Oh, you mean like "You started a whirlwind Kavanaugh, and you are going to pay the price!"

I know how much Communists hate our Constitution, but American citizens are still protected by the free speech clause within it. And no, we do not have Thought Police as outliuned in your Holy Bible......yet, so don't go saying you knew what Trump meant.
And you quit pretending you are incapable of seeing what is obvious about Trump's role in enlisting these MAGAt terrorists to do his bidding.
And you quit pretending you are incapable of seeing what is obvious about Trump's role in enlisting these MAGAt terrorists to do his bidding.

Sure, bud.

Have you tuned your tin foil hat lately?

You're picking up noise.
And you quit pretending you are incapable of seeing what is obvious about Trump's role in enlisting these MAGAt terrorists to do his bidding.

Trump can't make anybody do anything. If people decide to break the law over what somebody else said, that's on them, not the person talking.

If I was talking to my next door neighbor and told him I'm hurting for some real money, and he goes out and robs a bank to try and help me out, the police don't arrest me, they arrest him. I had nothing to do with his crime.
Trump can't make anybody do anything. If people decide to break the law over what somebody else said, that's on them, not the person talking.

If I was talking to my next door neighbor and told him I'm hurting for some real money, and he goes out and robs a bank to try and help me out, the police don't arrest me, they arrest him. I had nothing to do with his crime.
So are you trying to deny that all those terrorists in the red MAGAt baseball caps that stormed the Capitol were NOT, in any way, acting in Trump's name?

Let's consider this logically ok?

If they were NOT affiliated with /associated with Trump's cause then they sure were a f-ing misled, STUPID bunch of people to do what they did (thinking they had their POTUS' full support).
I mean really REALLY D-U-M-B!
And....if that is the case what can one deduce about the red MAGAt hat thing?
Do only really DUMB people purchase and wear these caps?
Do the red caps somehow make the wearers into clueless dumb people?


The other scenario is that they were not so much "dumb," as they were misled.
But by whom?
Maybe the same guy who has now abandoned them and disavowed their actions and is now denying them and using the defense that they were not in any way acting upon HIS orders or even suggestions?

If the latter is true then that would make people like YOU out to be the dumb ones wouldn't it?

People who MUST jump to this man's defense at all cost?
People who will work overtime to make excuses for his words and matter how inexcusable;
When you already have SEEN what he does to his "supporters" when the shit hits the fan.

He washes his hands of you and leaves you hanging out in the wind holding the bag on your own.
Completely abandons you.
Turns his back on any association with you.

Just like he has done with the January 6th. insurgents.
I don't need to insist on anything. This is how the whole tangent happened.

I am just pointing out, they invaded for the same reason the US continually invades Haiti, and you are just too ignorant to understand that.
When did we leave last invade Haiti?
So are you trying to deny that all those terrorists in the red MAGAt baseball caps that stormed the Capitol were NOT, in any way, acting in Trump's name?

Let's consider this logically ok?

If they were NOT affiliated with /associated with Trump's cause then they sure were a f-ing misled, STUPID bunch of people to do what they did (thinking they had their POTUS' full support).
I mean really REALLY D-U-M-B!
And....if that is the case what can one deduce about the red MAGAt hat thing?
Do only really DUMB people purchase and wear these caps?
Do the red caps somehow make the wearers into clueless dumb people?


The other scenario is that they were not so much "dumb," as they were misled.
But by whom?
Maybe the same guy who has now abandoned them and disavowed their actions and is now denying them and using the defense that they were not in any way acting upon HIS orders or even suggestions?

If the latter is true then that would make people like YOU out to be the dumb ones wouldn't it?

People who MUST jump to this man's defense at all cost?
People who will work overtime to make excuses for his words and matter how inexcusable;
When you already have SEEN what he does to his "supporters" when the shit hits the fan.

He washes his hands of you and leaves you hanging out in the wind holding the bag on your own.
Completely abandons you.
Turns his back on any association with you.

Just like he has done with the January 6th. insurgents.

Nobody denies they were there because of Trump. What we are denying is Trump's involvement with their actions. He (and millions of other Americans) believed the election was stolen because it's hard to imagine we have that many stupid voters out there who voted for a guy who's son was under FBI investigations for a matter he could have been involved in, a guy that campaigned very little, and when he did campaign, didn't get enough people to fill a McDonald's restaurant, a guy who spent nearly his entire adult life in federal politics with no notable accomplishments, a guy who said the most racist things about blacks than any other presidential candidate of our lifetime.

In his campaign he promised to destroy the suburbs, promised to disarm Americans as much as he could, promised to attack energy sending it as high as we see today, and a record majority of people voted for him? We just don't believe there are that many stupid people in this country. It just made no sense and still doesn't.

If we are going to hold Trump responsible for his rhetoric, when are we going to hold Shoemaker responsible for the Supreme Court attack? When are we going to hold Sanders responsible for the Republican baseball field shooting? When are we going to hold Garland responsible for the planned assassination of Bret Kavanaugh?

If you are going to hold anybody responsible for the nefarious things others did due to what they said, let's not stop at Trump.

"Folks, Democrats have two sets of rules: One set for them, and another set for the rest of us."
Rush Limbaugh

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