ABC Panel Erupts Into Chaos After Chris Christie Dismantles the Credibility of Jan. 6 Committee

When did we leave last invade Haiti?
Okay...when was the last time we "invaded" Haiti...

Are you too afraid to double down on your craziness?

Are we bombing Haiti...sending in drones...sending in tanks and missiles?

Of course not. This is why you just can't give a simple date in response to a question.

I mean..I'm happy to entertain your idiocy but you've gone way overboard and look more like a fucking idiot than usual.
Nobody denies they were there because of Trump. What we are denying is Trump's involvement with their actions. He (and millions of other Americans) believed the election was stolen because it's hard to imagine we have that many stupid voters out there who voted for a guy who's son was under FBI investigations for a matter he could have been involved in, a guy that campaigned very little, and when he did campaign, didn't get enough people to fill a McDonald's restaurant, a guy who spent nearly his entire adult life in federal politics with no notable accomplishments, a guy who said the most racist things about blacks than any other presidential candidate of our lifetime.

In his campaign he promised to destroy the suburbs, promised to disarm Americans as much as he could, promised to attack energy sending it as high as we see today, and a record majority of people voted for him? We just don't believe there are that many stupid people in this country. It just made no sense and still doesn't.

If we are going to hold Trump responsible for his rhetoric, when are we going to hold Shoemaker responsible for the Supreme Court attack? When are we going to hold Sanders responsible for the Republican baseball field shooting? When are we going to hold Garland responsible for the planned assassination of Bret Kavanaugh?

If you are going to hold anybody responsible for the nefarious things others did due to what they said, let's not stop at Trump.

"Folks, Democrats have two sets of rules: One set for them, and another set for the rest of us."

Nobody denies they were there because of Trump. What we are denying is Trump's involvement with their actions. He (and millions of other Americans) believed the election was stolen because it's hard to imagine we have that many stupid voters out there who voted for a guy who's son was under FBI investigations for a matter he could have been involved in, a guy that campaigned very little, and when he did campaign, didn't get enough people to fill a McDonald's restaurant, a guy who spent nearly his entire adult life in federal politics with no notable accomplishments, a guy who said the most racist things about blacks than any other presidential candidate of our lifetime.

In his campaign he promised to destroy the suburbs, promised to disarm Americans as much as he could, promised to attack energy sending it as high as we see today, and a record majority of people voted for him? We just don't believe there are that many stupid people in this country. It just made no sense and still doesn't.

If we are going to hold Trump responsible for his rhetoric, when are we going to hold Shoemaker responsible for the Supreme Court attack? When are we going to hold Sanders responsible for the Republican baseball field shooting? When are we going to hold Garland responsible for the planned assassination of Bret Kavanaugh?

If you are going to hold anybody responsible for the nefarious things others did due to what they said, let's not stop at Trump.

"Folks, Democrats have two sets of rules: One set for them, and another set for the rest of us."
Rush Limbaugh
"Nobody denies they were there because of Trump."

They were there BECAUSE of Trump.
In other words....if not for the CAUSE of Trump....they would not have been there.

No matter how thinly you try to parse the logic here this is PROOF that Trump was the CAUSE (as in be-CAUSE) of the deadly insurgency and attempted coup on the U.S. Capitol in 2021.

As for the rest of your loosely stiched together supposed "rationale" for the terrorist attack that day it is all bunk.

Zero credibility.
Zero defensibility.

Because there was (and is) ZERO evidence that the 2020 election was stolen.
Only the word and oulandish claims of an incompetent madman.
The very SAME madman, coincidentally enough, whose stolen election lies you now claim had nothing to do with mobilizing those red-capped morons to march on the Capitol in the first place.
Except of course when you then try to suggest that they had "good reason" to do what they did.....
because they "believed....."
they "thought...."
they "felt...."

It doesn't matter what they "believed" or "thought" about the election....or it's integrity.
We have courts to resolve claims of election impropriety.
63 out of 64 federal judges (many of them Trump appointees) threw the election "fraud" claims brought before them by Powell and Guilianni out of court.
Know why?

As a result of wasting the court's time with ridiculous, no-evidence bullshit Guilianni has been disbarred.

The ONE case of election irregularity that DID have enough merit to proceed (I believe it was in Pensylvania) turned out to be basically a nothingburger.
Such a slight error it had no effect on anything.

See....these are the FACTS.
These are the things the Jan. 6th terrorists should have been "thinking" or "believing."

Not the big-mouthed, orange, cat turd who whipped them into a frenzy with NON facts!

The biggest tragedy of it all is that the damage Trump has done to our democracy is lasting.

In other places around the world a Donald Trump trying to pull off a coup against the government and failing would have been dealt with swiftly and mercilessly.


That would have discouraged all the Marjory Taylor Greene's and Kari Lake's running around the country not to try to pull off the same shit.

Instead....he (and they) still get to run around doubling-down on the LIES that caused the problem in the first place.

"Nobody denies they were there because of Trump."

They were there BECAUSE of Trump.
In other words....if not for the CAUSE of Trump....they would not have been there.

No matter how thinly you try to parse the logic here this is PROOF that Trump was the CAUSE (as in be-CAUSE) of the deadly insurgency and attempted coup on the U.S. Capitol in 2021.

As for the rest of your loosely stiched together supposed "rationale" for the terrorist attack that day it is all bunk.

Zero credibility.
Zero defensibility.

Because there was (and is) ZERO evidence that the 2020 election was stolen.
Only the word and oulandish claims of an incompetent madman.
The very SAME madman, coincidentally enough, whose stolen election lies you now claim had nothing to do with mobilizing those red-capped morons to march on the Capitol in the first place.
Except of course when you then try to suggest that they had "good reason" to do what they did.....
because they "believed....."
they "thought...."
they "felt...."

It doesn't matter what they "believed" or "thought" about the election....or it's integrity.
We have courts to resolve claims of election impropriety.
63 out of 64 federal judges (many of them Trump appointees) threw the election "fraud" claims brought before them by Powell and Guilianni out of court.
Know why?

As a result of wasting the court's time with ridiculous, no-evidence bullshit Guilianni has been disbarred.

The ONE case of election irregularity that DID have enough merit to proceed (I believe it was in Pensylvania) turned out to be basically a nothingburger.
Such a slight error it had no effect on anything.

See....these are the FACTS.
These are the things the Jan. 6th terrorists should have been "thinking" or "believing."

Not the big-mouthed, orange, cat turd who whipped them into a frenzy with NON facts!

The biggest tragedy of it all is that the damage Trump has done to our democracy is lasting.

In other places around the world a Donald Trump trying to pull off a coup against the government and failing would have been dealt with swiftly and mercilessly.


That would have discouraged all the Marjory Taylor Greene's and Kari Lake's running around the country not to try to pull off the same shit.

Instead....he (and they) still get to run around doubling-down on the LIES that caused the problem in the first place.

Only one thing you wrote was actually correct: In other countries he may have been executed. It's why we have a Constitution that guarantees us the right of free speech and assembly. Because we don't want to be like those other countries.

Our Republic was not in jeopardy on 1/6 and is not in jeopardy today. It was a protest that got out of hand, just like the hundreds of protests and riots that your party supported across the country. If our Republic was in jeopardy by a few hundred yahoos taking selfies at Piglosi's desk, we are the weakest country in the world. When you are fed this Communist propaganda, you have to start thinking for yourself once in a while.

Courts don't get involved in elections unless there is a constitutional issue involved such as the Gore/ Bush race. The Florida supreme court started making laws on the bench, and the US Supreme Court told them that's a no-no.
You are suggesting the Democrats act to uncover the actual truth...

Would destroy their narrative wouldn't it ? Yes it would.

Side note - Watched Dana Bash(?)attempt an interview with Kari Lake, and the look on Dana's face was priceless as she was out witted and out smarted by Kari who was just so much more intelligent than Dana was. Talk about a mis-match... ROTFLMBO 🤣

Does CNN have any common sense over there ? ROTFLMBO...

Ok, ok back on topic... :)
"Nobody denies they were there because of Trump."

They were there BECAUSE of Trump.
In other words....if not for the CAUSE of Trump....they would not have been there.

No matter how thinly you try to parse the logic here this is PROOF that Trump was the CAUSE (as in be-CAUSE) of the deadly insurgency and attempted coup on the U.S. Capitol in 2021.

As for the rest of your loosely stiched together supposed "rationale" for the terrorist attack that day it is all bunk.

Zero credibility.
Zero defensibility.

Because there was (and is) ZERO evidence that the 2020 election was stolen.
Only the word and oulandish claims of an incompetent madman.
The very SAME madman, coincidentally enough, whose stolen election lies you now claim had nothing to do with mobilizing those red-capped morons to march on the Capitol in the first place.
Except of course when you then try to suggest that they had "good reason" to do what they did.....
because they "believed....."
they "thought...."
they "felt...."

It doesn't matter what they "believed" or "thought" about the election....or it's integrity.
We have courts to resolve claims of election impropriety.
63 out of 64 federal judges (many of them Trump appointees) threw the election "fraud" claims brought before them by Powell and Guilianni out of court.
Know why?

As a result of wasting the court's time with ridiculous, no-evidence bullshit Guilianni has been disbarred.

The ONE case of election irregularity that DID have enough merit to proceed (I believe it was in Pensylvania) turned out to be basically a nothingburger.
Such a slight error it had no effect on anything.

See....these are the FACTS.
These are the things the Jan. 6th terrorists should have been "thinking" or "believing."

Not the big-mouthed, orange, cat turd who whipped them into a frenzy with NON facts!

The biggest tragedy of it all is that the damage Trump has done to our democracy is lasting.

In other places around the world a Donald Trump trying to pull off a coup against the government and failing would have been dealt with swiftly and mercilessly.


That would have discouraged all the Marjory Taylor Greene's and Kari Lake's running around the country not to try to pull off the same shit.

Instead....he (and they) still get to run around doubling-down on the LIES that caused the problem in the first place.
Let me see now, so Trump was President, and yes he had a majority (still does), of a diverse people in the nation following him, and so your narrative is that Trump draws all these American's together from all walks of life to do evil things for him ? Do you understand how ridiculous you sound attempting to stick with a failed narrative???

Every president has people from all walks of life believing in the character or policies they espouse. They don't have to get together to agree with parts or all that a President has to offer, but many things a president offer's brings all walks of Americans together in most cases.

Until the left started trying to divide the nation for power, we mostly got along during the 4 year reigns of past presidents be it for better or for worse. What we have today is aching to communism be courted in order to suppress the citizen's who won't go along with being divided by censorship or by violence.
Does CNN have any common sense over there ? ROTFLMBO...

I read where they were going to be more moderate than left. I said at the time I'll believe it when I see it. But being the last rated cable news show year after year got the owners to question "are we doing something wrong here?" :aug08_031:
Talk about the big lie The court has not been packed dumbass. Democrats have attacked the civil rights of American citizens not mcconnell
Huh? What civil rights have been repealed by the Democratic Party? Given your avatar, you are making a false statement about gun controls. What has anything done to you to keep your guns?
What Dragonlady actually said:
Especial that "peacefully" horseshit. Trump said to "march peacefully" to the Capital, and to "fight like hell" when they got there.

From his speech…

”…We fight like hell. And if you don't fight like hell, you're not going to have a country anymore…”

Literally what he said.

“I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.”

Not literal, but close enough that meaning doesn’t change.

Why should Dragonlady squirm?

I'm sure you've never "fought like hell" for positions you take VIOLENTLY and yet you're hung up on WHAT the fighting was SUPPOSED to entail. I'm assuming you "fight like hell" peacefully. Hope I'm right. It's a difference IN ASSUMPTIONS when you REALLY DO NOT KNOW. I give YOU the benefit of the doubt since "fight like hell" isn't an actual enticement to violence.

You have several hundred CANDIDATES for House and Senate -- ALL fighting like hell and LYING their squirmy asses off for the past 90 days on the campaign trails. It's POLITICS kiddo. That's the way it rolls lately.

And here WE ARE -- all "fighting like hell" on a message board and YET no one dies.

Because there's NO 'call for violence". Not like the calls for violent confrontations from the likes of Schumer or Waters for instance.
Christie spoke about the ability to grill the witnesses, something they would normally have at a hearing, which is missing here. Instead, he said, accurately, it was a television production.

No intellectually honest person grants any credibility to testimony from a witness who cannot be cross-examined.
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I'm sure you've never "fought like hell" for positions you take VIOLENTLY and yet you're hung up on WHAT the fighting was SUPPOSED to entail. I'm assuming you "fight like hell" peacefully. Hope I'm right. It's a difference IN ASSUMPTIONS when you REALLY DO NOT KNOW. I give YOU the benefit of the doubt since "fight like hell" isn't an actual enticement to violence.

You have several hundred CANDIDATES for House and Senate -- ALL fighting like hell and LYING their squirmy asses off for the past 90 days on the campaign trails. It's POLITICS kiddo. That's the way it rolls lately.

And here WE ARE -- all "fighting like hell" on a message board and YET no one dies.

Because there's NO 'call for violence". Not like the calls for violent confrontations from the likes of Schumer or Waters for instance.
It's just a weasel they can use to blame Trump.
Huh? What civil rights have been repealed by the Democratic Party? Given your avatar, you are making a false statement about gun controls. What has anything done to you to keep your guns?
Freedom of Speech, freedom of religion, to name two.

Right to a trial, habeas corpus.

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