ABC Panel Erupts Into Chaos After Chris Christie Dismantles the Credibility of Jan. 6 Committee

Weird, I don't see a list of weapons. Just things that hold weapons. And 3 luggage carts of gun cases were gonna be used to overthrow the US?

Tuesday's memo from Justice Department prosecutors says the group had allegedly stored "at least three luggage carts' worth of gun boxes, rifle cases, and suitcases filled with ammunition" at a Comfort Inn in Arlington, Virginia.
Sure there were. Don't take my above lnk (#303) for it if you don't want to. Enter "stockpiled guns nearby, 1/6" in the google searchbar, and pick the link you want. There are several.
Guns are legal in this country.

And there's a reason for that.
Sure there were. Don't take my above lnk (#303) for it if you don't want to. Enter "stockpiled guns nearby, 1/6" in the google searchbar, and pick the link you want. There are several.
List the guns they had. Last time I checked you can't shoot someone with a gun case.
That from a guy who let others take the fall when he closed that bridge in Jersey disrupting traffic for thousands. Christie is a lying pile of shit who will never remove the stink of Trump's ass from his face.
pa-bing, ricochet away. failure to respond to the OP noted. Nice deflection.
And to everything Chris Christie said, the appropriate response is "bullshit".

Especial that "peacefully" horseshit. Trump said to "march peacefully" to the Capital, and to "fight like hell" when they got there. And he told them to "fight" more than 10 times, so don't try that crap on people who watched the actual speech and heard send those people to the Capital to fight for his presidency, even though he lost the election.

Chris Christie has been a Trump ass=kisser since he pulled out of the primaries.
oh stfu canadian. Stay in your lane.

"Tuesday's memo from Justice Department prosecutors says the group had allegedly stored "at least three luggage carts' worth of gun boxes, rifle cases, and suitcases filled with ammunition" at a Comfort Inn in Arlington, Virginia."

Where's the evidence for this? "Allegedly" isn't evidence of much of anything.
Of course, the DOJ can't produce any of these arms. IT's just "alleged" that some Oath keepers had them. Owning weapons is not a crime in this country at this point.

The accusation that they had a stock pile of food is also absurd. When did storing food in your house become a crime?

This is the most pathetic excuse for evidence I've ever seen. The DOJ appears to be the worst kind of paranoid conspiratorialist.
Wasn't stored in anyone's house. It was all transported and stored in motel rooms rented just before 1/6, and near the capitol. They even had a boat to quickly transport it across the river. It was all discussed in emails and text messages between proud boys and oath keepers.
Wasn't stored in anyone's house. It was all transported and stored in motel rooms rented just before 1/6, and near the capitol. They even had a boat to quickly transport it across the river. It was all discussed in emails and text messages between proud boys and oath keepers.
So emails are the only evidence the DOJ had for this accusation?
Weird, I don't see a list of weapons. Just things that hold weapons. And 3 luggage carts of gun cases were gonna be used to overthrow the US?

Tuesday's memo from Justice Department prosecutors says the group had allegedly stored "at least three luggage carts' worth of gun boxes, rifle cases, and suitcases filled with ammunition" at a Comfort Inn in Arlington, Virginia.
Wasn't intended to overthrow the entire country,silly. It was to hold the capitol after it was overrun.
Wasn't stored in anyone's house. It was all transported and stored in motel rooms rented just before 1/6, and near the capitol. They even had a boat to quickly transport it across the river. It was all discussed in emails and text messages between proud boys and oath keepers.
They plan to use the gun cases to whack someone over the head and install Trump as King?
Ok Patton, tell me the strategy one would use to overthrow the US Government and Capital using a few carts of gun cases.

well, he figures since they didn't actually have any guns on Jan 6, that when the group took over the Capital and the National Guard and military police stormed them after take over, they'd insult them to death as their weapon. Can't make it up. Insanity at its finest indeed.

Even you can't be that stupid.

Can you?
Not a problem. Of course you will tie yourself in knots denying what happened. Nobody expects you to accept reality. I presented the information. You do with it what you wll. You're crazy MAGA. Nobody expects you to be anything else.
So their grand strategy was to take over the Government with no guns, and then have people bring them a bunch of gun cases in a boat later on.

Sounds legit.
Not a problem. Of course you will tie yourself in knots denying what happened.

Nah. I don't CARE what happened. Whatever it was, those dumb fucking Congress assholes got what they deserved.

Nobody expects you to accept reality. I presented the information. You do with it what you wll.

Hold the Capitol after the insurrection?

Do you realize how.... stupid.... that sounds?

You're crazy MAGA. Nobody expects you to be anything else.

Not worried about your bullshit mudslinging.

What matters is you only have 20 more days in power
Everybody is aware that trump made a small statement about "acting “peacefully and patriotically” at his rally before the riot" . That particular remark was addressed and shown in a video early in the hearings. It was the main right wing talking point for weeks. Anything else that you or Christi thinks should have been discussed but wasn't?
That small statement was nothing more than a non nod-wink wink after months of dog-whistling about "stolen elections" and riling these seditious morons up.

The footage shown by the committee at the last hearing of the terrorists finally getting the message that Trump had just told them to go home on their cell phones....and then actually spreading the word like "the commander has ordered retreat" was pretty damning.

It made it obvious that those terrorists attacked at his command....and then they didn't leave before he commanded.


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