ABC Panel Erupts Into Chaos After Chris Christie Dismantles the Credibility of Jan. 6 Committee

Christie spoke about the ability to grill the witnesses, something they would normally have at a hearing, which is missing here. Instead, he said, accurately, it was a television production.

No intellectually honest person grants any credibility to testimony from a witness who cannot be cross-examined.

THIS is what the Commission THINKS (mostly HOPES) the public doesn't understand, But WE DO on both sides. It's never been about getting to truth. In FACT the imbecile clowns (especially perpetual RussiaGate liar and leaker Shiftless) STATED that it was "a production designed to build a narrative".

These clowns are so transparently dishonest -- they dont even hear the groans from the American public that RATE THIS FARCE lower on their lists on concerns -- than keeping their incandescent light bulbs.
THIS is what the Commission THINKS (mostly HOPES) the public doesn't understand, But WE DO on both sides. It's never been about getting to truth. In FACT the imbecile clowns (especially perpetual RussiaGate liar and leaker Shiftless) STATED that it was "a production designed to build a narrative".

These clowns are so transparently dishonest -- they dont even hear the groans from the American public that RATE THIS FARCE lower on their lists on concerns -- than keeping their incandescent light bulbs.
This is why Trump will never be charged with anything re: Jan 6.
"Nobody denies they were there because of Trump."

They were there BECAUSE of Trump.
In other words....if not for the CAUSE of Trump....they would not have been there.

No matter how thinly you try to parse the logic here this is PROOF that Trump was the CAUSE (as in be-CAUSE) of the deadly insurgency and attempted coup on the U.S. Capitol in 2021.

As for the rest of your loosely stiched together supposed "rationale" for the terrorist attack that day it is all bunk.

Zero credibility.
Zero defensibility.

Because there was (and is) ZERO evidence that the 2020 election was stolen.
Only the word and oulandish claims of an incompetent madman.
The very SAME madman, coincidentally enough, whose stolen election lies you now claim had nothing to do with mobilizing those red-capped morons to march on the Capitol in the first place.
Except of course when you then try to suggest that they had "good reason" to do what they did.....
because they "believed....."
they "thought...."
they "felt...."

It doesn't matter what they "believed" or "thought" about the election....or it's integrity.
We have courts to resolve claims of election impropriety.
63 out of 64 federal judges (many of them Trump appointees) threw the election "fraud" claims brought before them by Powell and Guilianni out of court.
Know why?

As a result of wasting the court's time with ridiculous, no-evidence bullshit Guilianni has been disbarred.

The ONE case of election irregularity that DID have enough merit to proceed (I believe it was in Pensylvania) turned out to be basically a nothingburger.
Such a slight error it had no effect on anything.

See....these are the FACTS.
These are the things the Jan. 6th terrorists should have been "thinking" or "believing."

Not the big-mouthed, orange, cat turd who whipped them into a frenzy with NON facts!

The biggest tragedy of it all is that the damage Trump has done to our democracy is lasting.

In other places around the world a Donald Trump trying to pull off a coup against the government and failing would have been dealt with swiftly and mercilessly.


That would have discouraged all the Marjory Taylor Greene's and Kari Lake's running around the country not to try to pull off the same shit.

Instead....he (and they) still get to run around doubling-down on the LIES that caused the problem in the first place.
Even if they were there because of Trump, that doesn't make Trump responsible for everything they do, shit for brains. That principle have never been in play in any courtroom. You have to be fucking brain dead to believe what you just posted.
Jamie Raskin on the House Select Committee to investigate Jan 6th caught MULTIPLE TIMES invoking the "FIGHT LIKE HELL" mantra and military analogies.

“The GOP rush to replace Justice Ginsburg is all about destroying the Affordable Care Act, women’s health care and reproductive freedom, and the voting rights and civil rights of the people,” Raskin tweeted at the time.“We must fight like hell to stop this assault on health care and the Constitution.”

In another tweet unearthed by the Trump War Room, Raskin exhorted, “This is our Democracy–fight for it” in 2017 while calling for a probe into Trump’s alleged ties to Russia.

And a 2017 article reposted on his own website shows Raskin saying, “We’ve got to wake up every day and fight like hell for liberal democracy, not just in Maryland, not just in the United States, but all over the world.”


That kind of "word" violence MUST BE PUNISHED.
Jamie Raskin on the House Select Committee to investigate Jan 6th caught MULTIPLE TIMES invoking the "FIGHT LIKE HELL" mantra and military analogies.

“The GOP rush to replace Justice Ginsburg is all about destroying the Affordable Care Act, women’s health care and reproductive freedom, and the voting rights and civil rights of the people,” Raskin tweeted at the time.“We must fight like hell to stop this assault on health care and the Constitution.”

In another tweet unearthed by the Trump War Room, Raskin exhorted, “This is our Democracy–fight for it” in 2017 while calling for a probe into Trump’s alleged ties to Russia.

And a 2017 article reposted on his own website shows Raskin saying, “We’ve got to wake up every day and fight like hell for liberal democracy, not just in Maryland, not just in the United States, but all over the world.”


That kind of "word" violence MUST BE PUNISHED.
You need that much arms just to SURVIVE a week on the ground on foot in the Capitol. It's unsafe territory for ANY GROUP that doesn't vote right and disagrees with the party in charge.
I'm not making any judgements on whether they correctly estimated how many guns were needed. I do know they seemed to think they had enough. Either way, the intended purpose of the stockpile is the main point.
I'm not making any judgements on whether they correctly estimated how many guns were needed. I do know they seemed to think they had enough. Either way, the intended purpose of the stockpile is the main point.
Your only link lists gun cases, but no guns.

How would they overthrow the US Government with gun cases, Dumbass?
Your only link lists gun cases, but no guns.

How would they overthrow the US Government with gun cases, Dumbass?
Right. They had a stockpile of gun cases and suitcases full of ammo, and a boat to transport them across the river, but no guns. Do you really believe that?
Right. They had a stockpile of gun cases and suitcases full of ammo, and a boat to transport them across the river, but no guns. Do you really believe that?
That's exactly what your link laid out. Why not ask the morons who tell you what to think, Simp.
I'm not making any judgements on whether they correctly estimated how many guns were needed. I do know they seemed to think they had enough. Either way, the intended purpose of the stockpile is the main point.

Enough? To do what? Force everyone OUT of the Capitol and hold it? With how many men? And how would they get rid of HUNDREDS of other protesters? And defend the SUBTERRANEAN or Rooftop access to the Capitol?

The Black Panthers marched armed on Government bldgs ALL over the nation? Blocked access to Capitol Bldg in several states. Temporarily, recently, they occupied State lands at Stone Mtn with a 100 or more HEAVILY armed men. Were you afraid for Democracy then?

NO GUNS CAME INTO PLAY on Jan 6th. Except the one that killed Ashley Babbitt. The rest of this is NARRATIVE and "loose talk". Best evidence I've seen is a surveillance shot of a motel luggage cart with a couple long guns in cases.

THE REAL ATTEMPTED insurrection was the Russia Hoax. THAT WAS DEEPLY planned and coordinated and SUPPORTED BY FEDERAL AGENTS with an ARMY of weapons and training and political allegiances.
Huh? What civil rights have been repealed by the Democratic Party? Given your avatar, you are making a false statement about gun controls. What has anything done to you to keep your guns?
What civil rights has been repealed? I've never made any false statement about gun control? Why does ban want to ban 9mm?
Even if they were there because of Trump, that doesn't make Trump responsible for everything they do, shit for brains. That principle have never been in play in any courtroom. You have to be fucking brain dead to believe what you just posted.
Have you ever heard of the charge "inciting a riot?"

How about this scenario.
Two guys pull up to a convenience store intending it to be a simple cash grab & go robbery.
One guy waits in the car while the other goes in with a pistol.
But things go wrong. There is a scuffle. A shot is fired. Someone dies.
The driver is charged with murder, even though he wasn't even in the store.
He is convicted as an accomplice.

We have already established that these red-capped MAGAts were there be-CAUSE of Trump.
In other words he was the CAUSE of what took place that day.

Months of dog-whistling "stolen election," "take back your country," bullshit rhetoric did it.

I am currently reading "Confidence Man" by Maggie Haberman.
Very well written and informed.
Early on in Trump's business career, according to this book, Trump adopted the tactic of never leaving too much of a trace....or any fingerprints on his questionable and/or directives.
You get OTHER people to do your dirty work for you.....then you make sure to rub out any tracks that lead back to you.

He carried that trait into the Presidency...and he used it in 2021.
Have you ever heard of the charge "inciting a riot?"

How about this scenario.
Two guys pull up to a convenience store intending it to be a simple cash grab & go robbery.
One guy waits in the car while the other goes in with a pistol.
But things go wrong. There is a scuffle. A shot is fired. Someone dies.
The driver is charged with murder, even though he wasn't even in the store.
He is convicted as an accomplice.

We have already established that these red-capped MAGAts were there be-CAUSE of Trump.
In other words he was the CAUSE of what took place that day.

Months of dog-whistling "stolen election," "take back your country," bullshit rhetoric did it.

I am currently reading "Confidence Man" by Maggie Haberman.
Very well written and informed.
Early on in Trump's business career, according to this book, Trump adopted the tactic of never leaving too much of a trace....or any fingerprints on his questionable and/or directives.
You get OTHER people to do your dirty work for you.....then you make sure to rub out any tracks that lead back to you.

He carried that trait into the Presidency...and he used it in 2021.
In other words, you have no evidence, but you just know he's guilty.

You're just making your brain damage obvious
This is why Trump will never be charged with anything re: Jan 6.

They're not interested in any charges. The entire point of the clown show is to make Trump look bad and harass him so much he won't even think about running in 2024. It's the reason they also invaded MAL. Remember, the Communists are so scared of this guy they'll stoop to any levels to stop him.
Have you ever heard of the charge "inciting a riot?"

How about this scenario.
Two guys pull up to a convenience store intending it to be a simple cash grab & go robbery.
One guy waits in the car while the other goes in with a pistol.
But things go wrong. There is a scuffle. A shot is fired. Someone dies.
The driver is charged with murder, even though he wasn't even in the store.
He is convicted as an accomplice.

We have already established that these red-capped MAGAts were there be-CAUSE of Trump.
In other words he was the CAUSE of what took place that day.

Months of dog-whistling "stolen election," "take back your country," bullshit rhetoric did it.

I am currently reading "Confidence Man" by Maggie Haberman.
Very well written and informed.
Early on in Trump's business career, according to this book, Trump adopted the tactic of never leaving too much of a trace....or any fingerprints on his questionable and/or directives.
You get OTHER people to do your dirty work for you.....then you make sure to rub out any tracks that lead back to you.

He carried that trait into the Presidency...and he used it in 2021.
Cool story.
Just Boy Scouts out on a freindly stroll, right genius?
Yeah just like all these criminal's who were on their way to college in their most innocent looking picture's released or hey they just left Church, and ohhhhhhh their kind innocent looks (Obama's supposed son you know), otherwise until we got to see their criminal gang related pictures, and their videos that were later released with them wearing hoodies in 90° heat, being slim shadie, resisting police, robbing store clerk's etc.

Oh and how about these criminal's released by these judges, because you know, HEY America is just a racist bully nation right (?) and so many criminal's are just locked up because of the system being corrupt and unfair, ohhh wait they went back out onto the streets to re-offend or worse killed poor innocent people ? Yes they have........... It's all out there for any one with an ounce of brain to study and know the fact's about . So get real dude. The 2020 love fest was a witches brew stirred up from a bunch of political devil's with devilish motives by way of a crisis taking place. Each criminal act committed can go to trial, but nooooooooo they're all innocent until PROVEN Guilty in a court of law right (?) but sadly enough the judge's have since been broken, and they are now just political pawns being used by their new master's of mob mentality influence.
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Trump was ranting to his private militia the proud boys & oath keepers, some who were armed & who your ass buddy Trump wanted to be allowed to enter the Capital.

You asswipes terrorized American families ALL SUMMER LONG.

Apparently you can dish it out but you squeal like Stalinist pigs when you have to take it.

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