ABC's John Stossel, Ahole of 2006

Working Man said:
Pratt and Whitney
Nunn Bush
Red Wing
Chicago Pnuematic
Black and Decker
Stanley Industries
Harley Davidson, (at least the bulk of their high priced apparel line is Hecho en Chine)
EVERY MAJOR F'n Electronics manufacture, even those based in the US
OMC,,( Bombardier??)

Here are some that I know have sent many jobs off shore..

Come up with a list of companies, who has outsourced jobs too the US. I would like to know who is sending the US the living wage jobs that can be countered to those we have lost. Show me the list of foreign company names of those firms who are offsetting the trade imbalance due to the sellout of the US to China,, alone..

I wouldn't be suprised if you could more than double that list. Most of those companies are also selling products around the world and in the respective areas that they are manufacturing. Rather reasonable if there are going to be competitive in the global market.
MtnBiker said:
I wouldn't be suprised if you could more than double that list. Most of those companies are also selling products around the world and in the respective areas that they are manufacturing. Rather reasonable if there are going to be competitive in the global market.
Exactly MB, that is why 'outsourcing' will work out to be a good thing. Global markets are where the present and future is.

With that said, no state is going to wisely give up their ability to protect itself. That is where I see danger in 'smart bombs' being made in China, today a 'sorta friend' tomorrow perhaps an ally or enemy. Same with the UAE kerfuffle. Today they are 'strongly against terrorism', which they jumped onto 9/12/01. They still believe in the annhilation of Israel, last I knew, a much longer time ally of US.

So the global marketplace is for what we can use and profit from, with common sense applied. Government must oversee that business does NOT allow profit to put the security of Americans at risk.
Kathianne said:
Exactly MB, that is why 'outsourcing' will work out to be a good thing. Global markets are where the present and future is.

With that said, no state is going to wisely give up their ability to protect itself. That is where I see danger in 'smart bombs' being made in China, today a 'sorta friend' tomorrow perhaps an ally or enemy. Same with the UAE kerfuffle. Today they are 'strongly against terrorism', which they jumped onto 9/12/01. They still believe in the annhilation of Israel, last I knew, a much longer time ally of US.

So the global marketplace is for what we can use and profit from, with common sense applied. Government must oversee that business does NOT allow profit to put the security of Americans at risk.

Maybe in your(plural) world outsourcing is good. And maybe in that same world Israel is an ally of the US.

Cause if that is the case,, there is no need for public ed. Save me some tax dollars and get rid of it. Let the kids learn their lessons from a Ipod, or a 360 game cube. Shit, for that matter, you guys can teach them in an education forum. Cut into their interactive games with a pop up and say "OK you dumb little bastards,, time to learn something."

By the way Kath... What is your say, by naming names, on this Arab run port deal?? What do you think of George Wacko Bush, GONEZO alles, and Michael Jerkoff??? How could any government, in their right mind give this job over to the same group that you guys feel are terrorists????

We know who let it go through, we know who has endorsed it, yet the president who defends Israel the most let it happen.. Go figure..Who will be smuggled into this country now??? What poison and MSDs will line those corrogated walls to all of the millions of shipping containers that are brought in annually??

There should be no doubt to you where China stands on the well being of the US. Don't you think CHina knows exactly where we stand with regard to financial security?? How much could the US spend on defending itself when we are allready broke?? China is bleeding this country dry. Slowly, but surely they will end up controlling the US they are just waiting for thier time.. The defenders of free trade can stick their high tech companies up their collective asses.. They don't amount to a pisshole in the snow. The basics have been forgotten, and the past lessons lost..
Speaking of the past, whatever happened to the Japanese juggernaut of the 80's which was supposed to conquer the entire world?

Working Man, your frustration is understandable, but you're aiming it at the wrong target. The decline of american manufacturing and the onset of stagnant (real) wages coincides nicely with the abandonment of the gold standard.

Here's some US manufacturing and pro-labor, pro-gold articles

Index of articles.
BaronVonBigmeat said:
Speaking of the past, whatever happened to the Japanese juggernaut of the 80's which was supposed to conquer the entire world?

Working Man, your frustration is understandable, but you're aiming it at the wrong target. The decline of american manufacturing and the onset of stagnant (real) wages coincides nicely with the abandonment of the gold standard.

Here's some US manufacturing and pro-labor, pro-gold articles

Index of articles.

People want to know why Dubai is buying up the rights to the ports? Shit, we don't send much out, but we bring a lot in.

I am not so sure I can side with the nay sayers on this. Sure, I would rather it be an American Company, but that isn't going to happen.

As far as the gold standard goes, I will read the articles.. But,, I would guess it was at the time we "won" wwII.. People got soft, and forgettful of what it took to get to where we were at the time. I would say that we are in worse shape today then in 1947. This country has lost its identity, its will, it goals, its respect.

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