ABC's Jonathan Carl apologizes about lying on Bengazi E-mails. "GOP sources AGAIN"

Again, and ALWAYS...

CBS' Major Garrett calls out GOP over doctored Benghazi emails - Cached
3 days ago... calls out GOP over doctored Benghazi emails. The former Fox News
takes the rare step of chastising partisan sources on air ...
Report: Republicans were source of bogus Benghazi quotes | The ... - Cached
3 days ago ... Maddow: Real Benghazi scandal is how media got played by GOP 'sources' ...
the erroneous quotes linked to White House emails regarding how to ... linking
the White House to any changes made on the talking points.
CBS: It was congressional GOP that faked Benghazi email (video) - Cached
3 days ago ... CBS: It was congressional GOP who faked Benghazi email (video) ... in order to
edit out any reference to 'terrorism,' in a supposed effort to minimize ... At the very
least, they never hold the lying source accountable publicly.
ABC's Jonathan Karl regrets that he was caught lying about Benghazi
1 day ago ... Karl claims his source wasn't allowed to copy the emails and send ... He was told
what the emails supposedly said by a Republican congressional source who ....
DID make extensive & substantial changes/edits to the “Talking ...

used to work for Fox too huh? :eusa_think:



-CNN deputy bureau chief, Virginia Moseley, is married to Hillary Clinton’s former aide at the State Department, Tom Nides, who is also a former Fannie Mae executive. Carney, Obama’s press secretary, is the husband of Claire Shipman, the senior national correspondent for ABC’s Good Morning America.

-The head of ABC News, Ben Sherwood, has a sister, Elizabeth Sherwood-Randall, who works for the Obama White House as a special assistant.

-Ben Rhodes, the deputy national-security adviser for strategic communications in the Obama administration, is linked to the doctoring of the Benghazi talking points. He also happens to be the brother of CBS News president David Rhodes. CBS recently pressured one of its top reporters, Sharyl Attkisson, for “wading dangerously close to advocacy,” as one report worded it, in her critical reporting of Benghazi.

all public knowledge....:eusa_whistle:

We need to play hardball w/ these people treating state secrets like they're passing notes in HS Biology class. I say send him to Gitmo w/ that rosen fellow (Fox employee) who divulged state secrets as well. Good thing Republicans have blocked having that place closed :thup:
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We need to play hardball w/ these people treating state secrets like they're passing notes in HS Biology class. I say send him to Gitmo w/ that rosen fellow (Fox employee) who divulged state secrets as well. Good thing Republicans have blocked having that place closed :thup:

did you feel same when the NY Times blew the swift prgrm. or fisa?

give it a rest.:rolleyes:

oh and what state secrets did Rosen divulge? exactly.....
It's simply unfortunate that the "hearings" actually detract from learning about why an ambassador was killed while visiting essentially a CIA 'outpost' that possibly existed to funnel arms provided to libya rebels to syrian ones.

40 hissing badgers in charge of the House is not working out well.

I agree the place was probably a nest of spies..and that's reinforced with the fact that the CIA constructed the talking points (No EVEN bothered by that) along with the other fact that Petraeus' girlfriend was saying they were keeping militants prisoner there.

The funneling arms part? There are way better ways to do that. And no real evidence it's being done.
We need to play hardball w/ these people treating state secrets like they're passing notes in HS Biology class. I say send him to Gitmo w/ that rosen fellow (Fox employee) who divulged state secrets as well. Good thing Republicans have blocked having that place closed :thup:

did you feel same when the NY Times blew the swift prgrm. or fisa?

give it a rest.:rolleyes:

oh and what state secrets did Rosen divulge? exactly.....

you asked for it:

DOJ Document Reveals Fox News Reporter James Rosen Wanted To Impact U.S. Foreign Policy | Mediaite
Ordinarily, Fox News would be among the first people to tell you that we don’t tip off our enemies that we have sources deep within their governments.

Let’s break some new, and expose muddle-headed policy when we see it – or force the administration’s hand to go in the right direction, if possible.
Wait, what? Is that what a News reporter is supposed to do, force the administration’s hand to guide American foreign policy to the reporter’s whim? Separate and apart from the DOJ investigation, this email seems to indicate that James Rosen is not just a News reporter, but an activist intent on pushing his own agenda, with the stated goal of manipulating U.S. foreign policy.

For sheer amusement, though, the affidavit goes on to describe a comical unraveling of Rosen’s cloak-and-dagger codename facade:

it was sophomoric but illegal nonetheless
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Oh and the whole bullshit line of "GOP doctored the emails" gets 3 Pinocchios.

White House is lying again. :eusa_angel:


The Pinocchio Test

It has long been part of the Washington game for officials to discredit a news story by playing up errors in a relatively small part of it. Pfeiffer gives the impression that GOP operatives deliberately tried to “smear the president” with false, doctored e-mails.

But the reporters involved have indicated they were told by their sources that these were summaries, taken from notes of e-mails that could not be kept. The fact that slightly different versions of the e-mails were reported by different journalists suggests there were different note-takers as well.

Indeed, Republicans would have been foolish to seriously doctor e-mails that the White House at any moment could have released (and eventually did). Clearly, of course, Republicans would put their own spin on what the e-mails meant, as they did in the House report. Given that the e-mails were almost certain to leak once they were sent to Capitol Hill, it’s a wonder the White House did not proactively release them earlier.

The burden of proof lies with the accuser.

:eusa_whistle: Despite Pfeiffer’s claim of political skullduggery, we see little evidence that much was at play here besides imprecise wordsmithing or editing errors by journalists.

The White House claim of ?doctored smear the president? - The Washington Post
proof the OP is a shameless lie:

ABC's Karl Expresses Regret, But Stands By Benghazi Story

"Clearly, I regret the email was quoted incorrectly and I regret that it's become a distraction from the story, which still entirely stands," Karl says in the statement to Kurtz. "I should have been clearer about the attribution. We updated our story immediately."

In his tweets, Karl says:

— "In case you missed it, I sincerely regret the error I made describing an email from Ben Rhodes."

— "I should have stated, as I did elsewhere, the reporting was based on a summary provided by a source. I apologize for the mistake."

ABC's Karl Expresses Regret, But Stands By Benghazi Story : The Two-Way : NPR

the story still stands, he didn't lie, he simply didn't say it was a summary

another liberal lie bites the dust at the hand of yurt

Every administration EVER has done the same thing. But they don't change other people's quotes like your lying cheating BS heroes do...

The American people were told that a non-existent mob of demostrators spontaneously killed Stevens and three other Americans.

That's not spin. That's not putting the best face on a bad situation. That's lying.
Every administration EVER has done the same thing. But they don't change other people's quotes like your lying cheating BS heroes do...

The American people were told that a non-existent mob of demostrators spontaneously killed Stevens and three other Americans.

That's not spin. That's not putting the best face on a bad situation. That's lying.

No, that's the fog of war, and best intelligence at the time. There were many other protests/ attacks earlier that day due to the video. Only dupes know the truth, though no one's been caught. They thought it grew out of a protest, of course RPGs are terror weapons, and have connections to jihadists...dupes.
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