Abdul Aziz and his sex life


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004
As one of the few defenders of the palestinian people here I think I can share a “racist” but incredibly funny joke with you all.
An Arab was interviewed at the US Embassy for a U.S.A. Visa:

Consul: What is your name?

Arab: Abdul Aziz

Consul: Sex?

Arab: Six to ten times a week

Consul: I mean, male or female?

Arab: Both male and female and sometimes even camels

Consul: Holy cow!

Arab: Yes, cows and dogs too!!!!

Consul: Man ........ isn't it hostile?

Arab: Horse style, dog style, any style

Consul: Jesus Christ!

Arab: Sure! Jesus, Mohamed, Buddha... you name it...

Consul: Oh..........dear!

Arab: Deer? No deer,they run too fast!

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