Abortion and those who protect the LIES that it rests upon.

And to go in another direction, what if you are a married 40-something or 50-something year old woman and you and your husband failed to use birth control this one time or your birth control failed for whatever reason? Is it selfish to want to have an abortion then, after you've already raised your family and had NO plans for another child to come along? What if they agree that it is the best for them as a couple? Should this be their decision or somebody else's?
Adoption. Plenty of childless families out there.
Just look at them being miserable....
And to go in another direction, what if you are a married 40-something or 50-something year old woman and you and your husband failed to use birth control this one time or your birth control failed for whatever reason? Is it selfish to want to have an abortion then, after you've already raised your family and had NO plans for another child to come along? What if they agree that it is the best for them as a couple? Should this be their decision or somebody else's?

Can you pull another more improbable hypothetical out of your 4th point of contact?

If it was my wife and I, and we could still expect a healthy baby by God we would raise it.

If there was a problem due to our age, and the baby wouldn't grow up healthy we may elect to terminate it.

IMO it would be selfish to deny a healthy baby it's life, for that matter it would be selfish to to deny a down syndrome child a life. If it is too much of a burden there are adoption agencies.

Again, this whole thread was about liberals attempting to shut down discussion of abortion not to debate the nuances of each probable case.

You can see fake doing that as we speak.
And to go a step deeper, is it selfish to have children at all? To bring kids into this fucked up world? I suppose "selfish" can be a very subjective term. :D
That's not "deep"

In fact it's incredibly shallow and vapid.

This world is the most incredibly beautiful elliptical orb that we know of in the entire universe. The vast and amazing different creatures that exist are so fucking awesome, coupled with the mindblowing magnificence of the view beyond our windows regardless if it's a ghetto in Parañaque or a fire outpost in Yellowstone park.

The only "fucked up" place to bring kids into the world are places like North Korea. Or homes where the people themselves are already fucked up.

It's selfish to try and convince other people that they shouldn't have kids because this world is fucked up.

The world is awesome, the people are fucked up.

. Chris maintains these should have been spared the burden of life
and jake finds images of families objectionable. Sort of proves the op.
You can see fake doing that as we speak.

I admit that I take pride in the fact that Jerk Fakey is largely ridiculed and that mostly bed wetting libtards agree with his insipid bullshit about "compromising" with thieves and rapists.

That makes him that much more repulsive to me. He either "thinks" like all blithering idiots do that leftist political whores will "compromise" and enact laws republicrats can barely tolerate and not come back demanding shit, or he's the sort of criminally insane sociopath that knows regressive policies will destroy this country and is happy to help them in that crusade.

I would be happy if he had been yanked out with a coat hanger and thrown into a dumpster right along with obozo.

You can see fake doing that as we speak.

I admit that I take pride in the fact that Jerk Fakey is largely ridiculed and that mostly bed wetting libtards agree with his insipid bullshit about "compromising" with thieves and rapists.

That makes him that much more repulsive to me. He either "thinks" like all blithering idiots do that leftist political whores will "compromise" and enact laws republicrats can barely tolerate and not come back demanding shit, or he's the sort of criminally insane sociopath that knows regressive policies will destroy this country and is happy to help them in that crusade.

I would be happy if he had been yanked out with a coat hanger and thrown into a dumpster right along with obozo.

I'm sure he sees his own life as infinitely valuable.
Of course if the OP weren't so lazy he'd see that the grotesque picture was spammed into the thread waaay before it was closed.

I wonder why anti abortionists never show pictures of what 90% of abortions look like. You know, the first trimester kind. The kind that I am in support of the pro choice position about. The kind that involves a human embryo that could not scientifically be called a baby.


The prochoice (pro-infanticide) position is about infanticide until the baby leaves the hospital. Otherwise the pro-infanticide crowd wouldn't have raised all hell over state laws outlawing abortion after 20 weeks.

Secondly this is a 10 week old embryo.


I'm pretty sure that's a baby.

You're at liberty believe and call it whatever you wish, but as a fact of Constitutional law it is not a 'baby,' abortion is not 'murder,' and an embryo/fetus is not a 'person' entitled to Constitutional protections.

Again, believe whatever you like, but don't attempt to force your subjective, personal beliefs on others through force of law.
As a parent of three children and a grand parent of four, with one presently developing pre-natal... for a total of FIVE GRAND CHILDREN... thus as an expert in the matter, I can confirm, THAT IS THE LIKENESS OF A BABY.

It looks like a baby to me, but who are you going to believe? A bed wetting liberal or your lying eyes?

Science says the nervous system is not functional at that stage. I believe science above what your eyes see. Your eyes can see a human likeness in a rock formation. Your eyes can deceive you.
The Supreme Court, in its wisdom, has recognized the fact that there is not now, nor will there ever be, consensus as to when 'life' begins prior to birth with regard to science, religion, and personal beliefs.

Consequently, the Court has appropriately determined that citizens may not compel others to believe as they do through force of law, by requiring state governments to respect the privacy rights of women, and allowing each citizen to decide the matter for himself, in accordance with his own good faith and good conscience, absent unwarranted and un-Constitutional interference by the state.
I human has a heart beat at 5 weeks

A heart beat only indicates that blood is being pumped to various parts. It does not indicate humanity. That embryo does not have a human brain. Therefore it is not a person. Abortion should be an acceptable option for the would be mother to take.
The brain is not developed into a human brain. There is no consciousness. There is no voluntary motion. The exterior features have a human appearance, but what is inside has no feelings, no thoughts. It is not a person.
Fucking WOW! Did you write for the Nazis and Herr Hitler? Switch "It Is". with "Jews are".

The difference is a Jew is a person. An embryo without enough neural activity to make any voluntary motion is not a person.
Life begins at the beginning, but it is not life worthy of "personhood" until it has a brain and nervous system function that can be scientifically demonstrated as human. A zygote unarguably has no nervous function whatsoever.

Who in the motherfuck do you "think" you are, of for that matter any "educated" dumbfuck who programmed you to regurgitate that stupid shit are?

How about I decide you're not worthy of "personhood" and grind up your aged retroactively aborted fetus and flush it down a drain?

A democrook unarguably has no independent thoughts or brain function, so why not?

The brain of a first trimester embryo is not developed enough for that to be considered a person worthy of rights. Society does agree with me. You in a small minority do not. But to me, if it does not have a human brain, it is not a person. The brain of a first trimester embryo does not have the ability to react to stimuli or cause its limbs to move, let alone have human thought. That is scientific fact.
Of course if the OP weren't so lazy he'd see that the grotesque picture was spammed into the thread waaay before it was closed.

I wonder why anti abortionists never show pictures of what 90% of abortions look like. You know, the first trimester kind. The kind that I am in support of the pro choice position about. The kind that involves a human embryo that could not scientifically be called a baby.
Baby just refers to stage of development. An embryo is no less alive than a fetus, who is no less alive than a baby, who is no less alive than a child, who is no less alive than an adult.

Interesting that you left out zygote from your list. Why is that?
Science says the nervous system is not functional at that stage. I believe science above what your eyes see. Your eyes can see a human likeness in a rock formation. Your eyes can deceive you.

You probably also believe the psuedo-scientists who insist global warming is because of human produced CO2 and demand more government funding, while dismissing the scientists who refute such bullshit as being funded by corporations you're programmed to hate.

How you can look at a picture of a 10 week old baby in the womb and not feel repulsed that someone would kill it out of convenience makes me hope to God that a psychopath like you never has children.

Because they see humans as having no redeeming value....and the weaker and more vulnerable, the less value they prescribe them. It's why they admire thugs and terrorists. They admire those who brutalize others. They despise the vulnerable.

Utter bullshit.
Of course if the OP weren't so lazy he'd see that the grotesque picture was spammed into the thread waaay before it was closed.

I wonder why anti abortionists never show pictures of what 90% of abortions look like. You know, the first trimester kind. The kind that I am in support of the pro choice position about. The kind that involves a human embryo that could not scientifically be called a baby.


The prochoice (pro-infanticide) position is about infanticide until the baby leaves the hospital. Otherwise the pro-infanticide crowd wouldn't have raised all hell over state laws outlawing abortion after 20 weeks.

Secondly this is a 10 week old embryo.


I'm pretty sure that's a baby.

The brain is not developed into a human brain. There is no consciousness. There is no voluntary motion. The exterior features have a human appearance, but what is inside has no feelings, no thoughts. It is not a person.
Please post some evidence for that conclusion.


This article
The Basics of Brain Development
indicates that considerable development is required beyond week 8 to turn the fetal brain into an entity we would consider to be a human brain, capable of thought, emotion, reaction to stimuli, etc etc.

Without a human brain, it is not worthy of 'personhood' in my view.
Of course if the OP weren't so lazy he'd see that the grotesque picture was spammed into the thread waaay before it was closed.

I wonder why anti abortionists never show pictures of what 90% of abortions look like. You know, the first trimester kind. The kind that I am in support of the pro choice position about. The kind that involves a human embryo that could not scientifically be called a baby.
Baby just refers to stage of development. An embryo is no less alive than a fetus, who is no less alive than a baby, who is no less alive than a child, who is no less alive than an adult.

Interesting that you left out zygote from your list. Why is that?
I forgot it.
I figure I made my point eloquently. I also left off "elder" but don't get excited....I think elders are also people and thus rate protection from those who would kill them, sell their tissue and take their belongings. Does that clear things up?
Science says the nervous system is not functional at that stage. I believe science above what your eyes see. Your eyes can see a human likeness in a rock formation. Your eyes can deceive you.

You probably also believe the psuedo-scientists who insist global warming is because of human produced CO2 and demand more government funding, while dismissing the scientists who refute such bullshit as being funded by corporations you're programmed to hate.

How you can look at a picture of a 10 week old baby in the womb and not feel repulsed that someone would kill it out of convenience makes me hope to God that a psychopath like you never has children.

Because they see humans as having no redeeming value....and the weaker and more vulnerable, the less value they prescribe them. It's why they admire thugs and terrorists. They admire those who brutalize others. They despise the vulnerable.

Utter bullshit.
Not at all. Black thug lives matter....not the lives of black women they brutalize or the babies they kill.
And to go a step deeper, is it selfish to have children at all? To bring kids into this fucked up world? I suppose "selfish" can be a very subjective term. :D
That's not "deep"

In fact it's incredibly shallow and vapid.

This world is the most incredibly beautiful elliptical orb that we know of in the entire universe. The vast and amazing different creatures that exist are so fucking awesome, coupled with the mindblowing magnificence of the view beyond our windows regardless if it's a ghetto in Parañaque or a fire outpost in Yellowstone park.

The only "fucked up" place to bring kids into the world are places like North Korea. Or homes where the people themselves are already fucked up.

It's selfish to try and convince other people that they shouldn't have kids because this world is fucked up.

The world is awesome, the people are fucked up.

. Chris maintains these should have been spared the burden of life
View attachment 47657 and jake finds images of families objectionable. Sort of proves the op.
Love the pictures of the family. Love you fucking up when you said that ChrisL wanted them dead. You earn the censure you get.

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