Abortion and those who protect the LIES that it rests upon.

Just to pose a question to some of you here posting about this issue. What if you had a young teenage daughter who came to you and told you that she was pregnant and wanted to have an abortion? Do you realize what a life changing event it is for a young girl to have a baby before she is ready and how hard it makes life?

I wouldn't allow it.

She decides to fuck around in spite of my advice? Consequences have to be concrete. If I have to be financially responsible up until my daughter is of adult age and can be self reliant, so be it. The baby will not suffer because my daughter was stupid.

You know most people do fuck around in one way or another. Young and old. Even some of you who seem to think you would be beyond ever having to make such a life changing decision.
I'm sure many, many people who claim to be pro life would give pause if it was THEIR own child who was pregnant. Say bye-bye to that sports scholarship. You know, stuff like that. Your reputation at your church and in your community . . . well . . . :D
And to go in another direction, what if you are a married 40-something or 50-something year old woman and you and your husband failed to use birth control this one time or your birth control failed for whatever reason? Is it selfish to want to have an abortion then, after you've already raised your family and had NO plans for another child to come along? What if they agree that it is the best for them as a couple? Should this be their decision or somebody else's?

Can you pull another more improbable hypothetical out of your 4th point of contact?

If it was my wife and I, and we could still expect a healthy baby by God we would raise it.

If there was a problem due to our age, and the baby wouldn't grow up healthy we may elect to terminate it.

IMO it would be selfish to deny a healthy baby it's life, for that matter it would be selfish to to deny a down syndrome child a life. If it is too much of a burden there are adoption agencies.

Again, this whole thread was about liberals attempting to shut down discussion of abortion not to debate the nuances of each probable case.

And to go in another direction, what if you are a married 40-something or 50-something year old woman and you and your husband failed to use birth control this one time or your birth control failed for whatever reason? Is it selfish to want to have an abortion then, after you've already raised your family and had NO plans for another child to come along? What if they agree that it is the best for them as a couple? Should this be their decision or somebody else's?

Can you pull another more improbable hypothetical out of your 4th point of contact?

If it was my wife and I, and we could still expect a healthy baby by God we would raise it.

If there was a problem due to our age, and the baby wouldn't grow up healthy we may elect to terminate it.

IMO it would be selfish to deny a healthy baby it's life, for that matter it would be selfish to to deny a down syndrome child a life. If it is too much of a burden there are adoption agencies.

Again, this whole thread was about liberals attempting to shut down discussion of abortion not to debate the nuances of each probable case.

Shutting down the discussion? Not at all. I'm just adding to it. Giving you people other things to consider is not shutting the discussion down. So you might choose to keep the baby. How do you know your wife would want to go through a pregnancy as a 50-year-old woman?
You know most people do fuck around in one way or another. Young and old. Even some of you who seem to think you would be beyond ever having to make such a life changing decision.

I don't fuck around, I'm a mature adult, married to a woman out of my league so I don't even have the desire to.

When I was younger....

Yeah, you're right.

I still would not have allowed my offspring to be killed.


I'm sorry, but the simple fact of the matter is that, for some people and depending upon their situation and their lifestyles, an embryo is not worth the sacrifice they would have to make, and that is entirely their decision to make. Not some stranger or the government. It is a VERY personal matter, and obviously MOST people do choose to not have an abortion.
You know most people do fuck around in one way or another. Young and old. Even some of you who seem to think you would be beyond ever having to make such a life changing decision.

I don't fuck around, I'm a mature adult, married to a woman out of my league so I don't even have the desire to.

When I was younger....

Yeah, you're right.

I still would not have allowed my offspring to be killed.


That's not what I mean. I mean that people make mistakes. Whether that be having an unplanned pregnancy or something else. Nobody is perfect.
Shutting down the discussion? Not at all. I'm just adding to it. Giving you people other things to consider is not shutting the discussion down. So you might choose to keep the baby. How do you know your wife would want to go through a pregnancy as a 50-year-old woman?

You're deviating from the discussion by throwing in more variables than the discussion was about.

I have entertained you long enough.

Why is it that when people post images of aborted fetuses, leftists go out of their way to have the threads closed, or removed?

What is it about the gruesome reality of abortion that pro-infanticide sociopaths fear? It isn't about personal choice, or they wouldn't be questioning the choices of other people, or trying to justify the choices of people who choose murder.

Shutting down the discussion? Not at all. I'm just adding to it. Giving you people other things to consider is not shutting the discussion down. So you might choose to keep the baby. How do you know your wife would want to go through a pregnancy as a 50-year-old woman?

You're deviating from the discussion by throwing in more variables than the discussion was about.

I have entertained you long enough.

Why is it that when people post images of aborted fetuses, leftists go out of their way to have the threads closed, or removed?

What is it about the gruesome reality of abortion that pro-infanticide sociopaths fear? It isn't about personal choice, or they wouldn't be questioning the choices of other people, or trying to justify the choices of people who choose murder.

Well, I don't have any control over moderation. So that is beyond what I want to discuss. I am more interested in the psyche of those who are pro life, TBH, and who think such personal decisions should be mandated by governmental controls and regulations, yet at the same time, many of them seem more than a bit bitter about taking care of these children after they are born and do a lot of complaining about people being raised by single moms or single parent households and "thuggery." I certainly do not understand the logic behind their beliefs or what exactly it is they want from people.
Petey, you have the right to post your images as long as you follow the rules. People have the right to tell you the disagree with your images. That is their right. They don't need your permission to tell you that. Give others the grace you want.
Let's face it, if you are a poor person you really don't have a LOT of options if you suddenly become pregnant. Do you want to add more people onto the rolls? Do you want to pay for these women's pregnancies and deliveries on top of any complications they might experience? Because of their embryo?
An excellent point: "many of them seem more than a bit bitter about taking care of these children after they are born and do a lot of complaining about people being raised by single moms or single parent households and 'thuggery.'"

Yeah, if you are going to make others have children, helping them out is the moral duty.
An excellent point: "many of them seem more than a bit bitter about taking care of these children after they are born and do a lot of complaining about people being raised by single moms or single parent households and 'thuggery.'"

Yeah, if you are going to make others have children, helping them out is the moral duty.

Oh boy, now we'll have the people saying that they should just not have sex at all. Why not just not be a human being? :D
Crazy people scream the loudest.
No we don't. You won't hear us scream until it's too late.
Shutting down the discussion? Not at all. I'm just adding to it. Giving you people other things to consider is not shutting the discussion down. So you might choose to keep the baby. How do you know your wife would want to go through a pregnancy as a 50-year-old woman?

You're deviating from the discussion by throwing in more variables than the discussion was about.

I have entertained you long enough.

Why is it that when people post images of aborted fetuses, leftists go out of their way to have the threads closed, or removed?

What is it about the gruesome reality of abortion that pro-infanticide sociopaths fear? It isn't about personal choice, or they wouldn't be questioning the choices of other people, or trying to justify the choices of people who choose murder.

Some people have a real problem admitting their cognitive dissonance. I have no problem calling murder murder. I also have no problem culling the herd from time to time. It's ugly, but sometimes one must cut the cord--literally. Nature is an uncaring master, it's a fact of life. Some human beings like to see themselves above the fray, but we're not. I'm not saying it should be taken lightly, but it is necessary in some cases.
That being said, thank God I've never been--and never will be--in a position to make that decision.
Think I'll go have a bowl of Vanilla Bean ice cream now. I get one a day. :D
Crazy people scream the loudest.
No we don't. You won't hear us scream until it's too late.
Shutting down the discussion? Not at all. I'm just adding to it. Giving you people other things to consider is not shutting the discussion down. So you might choose to keep the baby. How do you know your wife would want to go through a pregnancy as a 50-year-old woman?

You're deviating from the discussion by throwing in more variables than the discussion was about.

I have entertained you long enough.

Why is it that when people post images of aborted fetuses, leftists go out of their way to have the threads closed, or removed?

What is it about the gruesome reality of abortion that pro-infanticide sociopaths fear? It isn't about personal choice, or they wouldn't be questioning the choices of other people, or trying to justify the choices of people who choose murder.

Some people have a real problem admitting their cognitive dissonance. I have no problem calling murder murder. I also have no problem culling the herd from time to time. It's ugly, but sometimes one must cut the cord--literally. Nature is an uncaring master, it's a fact of life. Some human beings like to see themselves above the fray, but we're not. I'm not saying it should be taken lightly, but it is necessary in some cases.
That being said, thank God I've never been--and never will be--in a position to make that decision.
Think I'll go have a bowl of Vanilla Bean ice cream now. I get one a day. :D

This post reminds me of this song. :D

This post reminds me of this song. :D

I know that song, but it's bullshit. It overlooked the fact that a young girl believed a douchebag guy, let him knock her up and run away.

Then she's stuck with a horrific decision, but the "artist" Everlast who glorified the conquest of pussy condemns the people outside the deathcamp who point out her turpitude.

Reminds me of pasture pies. In other words it's a great big profitable pile of liberal....

An excellent point: "many of them seem more than a bit bitter about taking care of these children after they are born and do a lot of complaining about people being raised by single moms or single parent households and 'thuggery.'"

Yeah, if you are going to make others have children, helping them out is the moral duty.

Oh boy, now we'll have the people saying that they should just not have sex at all. Why not just not be a human being? :D

Engaging in sex has its responsibilities. Or used to. Now if they screw up and get pregnant then murder is the way out.
Abortion is a medical procedure, murder is a legal term, and Lonestar has little grasp on semantics.
And to go a step deeper, is it selfish to have children at all? To bring kids into this fucked up world? I suppose "selfish" can be a very subjective term. :D
That's not "deep"

In fact it's incredibly shallow and vapid.

This world is the most incredibly beautiful elliptical orb that we know of in the entire universe. The vast and amazing different creatures that exist are so fucking awesome, coupled with the mindblowing magnificence of the view beyond our windows regardless if it's a ghetto in Parañaque or a fire outpost in Yellowstone park.

The only "fucked up" place to bring kids into the world are places like North Korea. Or homes where the people themselves are already fucked up.

It's selfish to try and convince other people that they shouldn't have kids because this world is fucked up.

The world is awesome, the people are fucked up.


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