Abortion and those who protect the LIES that it rests upon.

Some young girls might get an abortion because they really feel that a pregnancy at their age would interfere seriously with their lives. Do you consider them "sociopaths" too?

Many young girls who have had abortions before really being aware of exactly what they've done suffer from depression and extreme guilt.

It's those women who know that they're ending a life and don't give a fuck because "it's just not good for me right now" are sociopaths.

So yes, if you knowing kill a baby because it would be a setback to your life you're a sociopath.

And some women are coerced by the fathers to end the pregnancy. In fact, I'll bet that happens more time than you would care to admit.
Sure enough, I posted a gruesome picture, and it was taken down. However the mods on this board still support free speech and have not shut down the thread. I respect their decision.

Now to address your stupid straw man, I support bed wetters sucking their genetic garbage out of the womb. I don't want anymore parasites like you polluting the genepool.

I think it is monstrous and savage, but it's your genetic garbage, not my children.

If my wife's life was on the line and the doctors had advised that a delivery would cost us her life, by God I would want to keep her alive.

Again, this is not what the thread is about. Feel free to get that retroactive self abortion by blowing the appendix in your skull out in a dumpster behind Whole Foods.
I am glad to see that you backed up, and that you came to your senses and thanked the mods. You still act like a little girl on the play ground emotionally.
Some young girls might get an abortion because they really feel that a pregnancy at their age would interfere seriously with their lives. Do you consider them "sociopaths" too?

Many young girls who have had abortions before really being aware of exactly what they've done suffer from depression and extreme guilt.

It's those women who know that they're ending a life and don't give a fuck because "it's just not good for me right now" are sociopaths.

So yes, if you knowing kill a baby because it would be a setback to your life you're a sociopath.

If your 14 or 15 year old daughter turned up pregnant, you might just sing another tune.
It may have had more impact had they allowed the picture.
It's easier for you (and others) to put their heads in the sand...

Hey, let's not make this personal. This is not about me. I have not, nor would I, have an abortion but it is not up to me to tell another woman that she should not. That is her decision and her decision alone (maybe the man's too).

People get very upset about protecting those that can't protect themselves.
I put a human at 5 weeks, at any # of weeks, in that category.....
I just don't understand how you can deny this being that you (or anyone else posting on this board) was at that stage.... no exceptions.

I don't find your argument very logical or compelling. Sorry.

Everyone has different mind sets and ways of thinking....
I really have not desire to force mine on anyone - only to share my perspective.

Well, I just think that regardless of how another person personally feels about it . . . it is a personal decision. Some people wouldn't be good parents and know it. Some people have other serious issues. Some might just be too young or whatever. We can't assume we know everyone's motives or reasons. I'm sure many people think they have perfectly valid reasons and many might. Pregnancy can be very stressful, not only on your body but also your mind, and I imagine the stress on your mind is ten-fold when you don't want to be pregnant at all. If a person doesn't think their mind or body can handle a pregnancy, that is their own decision as well. Some people are not very mentally/emotionally healthy to begin with. Not to mention, like I mentioned earlier, drug and alcohol addiction, etc., might be reasons why. We might not like their reasons but it's really not our decision, IMO. As we know from the past, women who really are dead set against being pregnant will go to extreme measures to end their pregnancies.

People will go to extreme measures for a lot of things. Giving them an "easy out" doesn't solve anything,
Do you not think that them killing their unborn child will not scar them emotionally?
I personally believe that does more damage then if they had the child and, if not have it adopted, at least leave it anonymously at a hospital......

I'm not saying there won't be situations where it's necessary to save a woman's life etc. But taking life decisions into our own hands (in my opinion) is wrong. And yes, I am also against the death penalty....
Hey, let's not make this personal. This is not about me. I have not, nor would I, have an abortion but it is not up to me to tell another woman that she should not. That is her decision and her decision alone (maybe the man's too).

People get very upset about protecting those that can't protect themselves.
I put a human at 5 weeks, at any # of weeks, in that category.....
I just don't understand how you can deny this being that you (or anyone else posting on this board) was at that stage.... no exceptions.

I don't find your argument very logical or compelling. Sorry.

Everyone has different mind sets and ways of thinking....
I really have not desire to force mine on anyone - only to share my perspective.

Well, I just think that regardless of how another person personally feels about it . . . it is a personal decision. Some people wouldn't be good parents and know it. Some people have other serious issues. Some might just be too young or whatever. We can't assume we know everyone's motives or reasons. I'm sure many people think they have perfectly valid reasons and many might. Pregnancy can be very stressful, not only on your body but also your mind, and I imagine the stress on your mind is ten-fold when you don't want to be pregnant at all. If a person doesn't think their mind or body can handle a pregnancy, that is their own decision as well. Some people are not very mentally/emotionally healthy to begin with. Not to mention, like I mentioned earlier, drug and alcohol addiction, etc., might be reasons why. We might not like their reasons but it's really not our decision, IMO. As we know from the past, women who really are dead set against being pregnant will go to extreme measures to end their pregnancies.

People will go to extreme measures for a lot of things. Giving them an "easy out" doesn't solve anything,
Do you not think that them killing their unborn child will not scar them emotionally?
I personally believe that does more damage then if they had the child and, if not have it adopted, at least leave it anonymously at a hospital......

I'm not saying there won't be situations where it's necessary to save a woman's life etc. But taking life decisions into our own hands (in my opinion) is wrong. And yes, I am also against the death penalty....

I think some people do regret it and some people don't. Life is full of regrets too.
Well, I just think that regardless of how another person personally feels about it . . . it is a personal decision. Some people wouldn't be good parents and know it. Some people have other serious issues. Some might just be too young or whatever. We can't assume we know everyone's motives or reasons. I'm sure many people think they have perfectly valid reasons and many might. Pregnancy can be very stressful, not only on your body but also your mind, and I imagine the stress on your mind is ten-fold when you don't want to be pregnant at all. If a person doesn't think their mind or body can handle a pregnancy, that is their own decision as well. Some people are not very mentally/emotionally healthy to begin with. Not to mention, like I mentioned earlier, drug and alcohol addiction, etc., might be reasons why. We might not like their reasons but it's really not our decision, IMO. As we know from the past, women who really are dead set against being pregnant will go to extreme measures to end their pregnancies.

There are many variables in each case of individuals, and I get that.

Keep in mind that my opposition to abortion is limited to my speaking out against it, and that I support laws in my state level restricting abortion to 20 weeks (that's my state, I think 12 is too far along) and mandating that planned infanticide death camps have the proper ambulatory and surgical ability to save the life of a patient in the event of a hemorrhage or other life threatening circumstance.

I don't want a blanket national law that prevents, restricts or legalizes abortion across the land.

If people want free abortions for 10 year old girls without parental notice they can move to taxachusettes or commiefornia.

If people oppose abortion, period, without consideration they need to move to Alabama and establish that law.

The feds should have no sway over it.

A human life is priceless

I agree at birth.

When that life grows up and makes an informed decision to hinder other people's life liberty and pursuit of happiness, they're a liability that no one should have to subsidize.

And some women are coerced by the fathers to end the pregnancy. In fact, I'll bet that happens more time than you would care to admit.

I've known a girl that happened too. I'm sure it happens more times than I would like to know about. Once is bad enough.

I also know he was a democrook union goon and his daughter hates his guts to this day and grieves over it from 25 years ago.

Well, I just think that regardless of how another person personally feels about it . . . it is a personal decision. Some people wouldn't be good parents and know it. Some people have other serious issues. Some might just be too young or whatever. We can't assume we know everyone's motives or reasons. I'm sure many people think they have perfectly valid reasons and many might. Pregnancy can be very stressful, not only on your body but also your mind, and I imagine the stress on your mind is ten-fold when you don't want to be pregnant at all. If a person doesn't think their mind or body can handle a pregnancy, that is their own decision as well. Some people are not very mentally/emotionally healthy to begin with. Not to mention, like I mentioned earlier, drug and alcohol addiction, etc., might be reasons why. We might not like their reasons but it's really not our decision, IMO. As we know from the past, women who really are dead set against being pregnant will go to extreme measures to end their pregnancies.

There are many variables in each case of individuals, and I get that.

Keep in mind that my opposition to abortion is limited to my speaking out against it, and that I support laws in my state level restricting abortion to 20 weeks (that's my state, I think 12 is too far along) and mandating that planned infanticide death camps have the proper ambulatory and surgical ability to save the life of a patient in the event of a hemorrhage or other life threatening circumstance.

I don't want a blanket national law that prevents, restricts or legalizes abortion across the land.

If people want free abortions for 10 year old girls without parental notice they can move to taxachusettes or commiefornia.

If people oppose abortion, period, without consideration they need to move to Alabama and establish that law.

The feds should have no sway over it.

Any persons under 18 have to have parental/guardian consent to have an abortion in Massachusetts, or be bypassed by a judge and for good reason in some cases. Some girls are abused. In fact, if you are a 10-year-old child and you get pregnant and have to get an abortion without your parents consent, I would say that you are more than likely a victim of abuse and these cases are probably investigated by social services.
If abortion foes took life seriously for all then one could take them serious but no they simply post and protest another person's decision while they use moralistic judging and no concrete actions. How about the living breathing conscious child who dies every few seconds in the world. Or how about education and contraceptive help through schools and planned parenthood. The moralist is quiet about the real world.


Report From Washington - January 20 2012 - The Gingrich Disaster

CDZ - From Pro-Choice to Pro-Life what changed my mind US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

'We Do Abortions Here' < powerful piece

Sallie Tisdale | Harper's | 7th August 2015 "Excerpt from a longer article behind Harper's paywall; but so powerful is the writing and the subject that an excerpt may suffice. "In abortion the absolute must always be tempered by the contextual, because both are real, both valid; both hard. How can we do this? How can we refuse? Each abortion is a measure of our failure to protect, to nourish our own. Each basin I empty is a promise — but a promise broken a long time ago.""

Context I We Do Abortions Here by Sallie Tisdale Harper s Magazine
We do abortions here. A nurse s story Harper s Magazine

"For me, the limit is allowing my clients to carry their own burden, shoulder the responsibility themselves. I shoulder the burden of trying not to judge them."

"In a literal sense, abortion exists because we are able to ask such questions, able to assign a value to the fetus which can shift with changing circumstances. If the human bond to a child were as primitive and unflinchingly narrow as that of other animals, there would be no abortion. There would be no abortion because there would be nothing more important than caring for the young and perpetuating the species, no reason for sex but to make babies. I sense this sometimes, this wordless organic duty, when I do ultrasounds."

"Spontaneous abortion, which is the loss of a pregnancy without outside intervention before 20 weeks’ gestation, affects up to 20 percent of recognized pregnancies. Spontaneous abortion can be subdivided into threatened abortion, inevitable abortion, incomplete abortion, missed abortion, septic abortion, complete abortion, and recurrent spontaneous abortion." Request Rejected
Horse-fucking-shit. The people who these kids depend on for help are conservative Christians. You can't get a fucking dime fro a liberal to clothe, feed and educate these 3rd world children.

That's a fucking fact who supports these kids! Conservatives.

Republicans are more charitable than Democrats and Europeans
And some women are coerced by the fathers to end the pregnancy. In fact, I'll bet that happens more time than you would care to admit.

I've known a girl that happened too. I'm sure it happens more times than I would like to know about. Once is bad enough.

I also know he was a democrook union goon and his daughter hates his guts to this day and grieves over it from 25 years ago.

No, I mean the father of the unborn child. :)
Anyways, sex education and birth control . . . very important in preventing unwanted pregnancies and abortions in the long run.

I agree totally with that.

In fact as much as I hate the moonbat messiah, I agree with his policy to make birth control widely available although our agendas are quite different.

Just to pose a question to some of you here posting about this issue. What if you had a young teenage daughter who came to you and told you that she was pregnant and wanted to have an abortion? Do you realize what a life changing event it is for a young girl to have a baby before she is ready and how hard it makes life?
Any persons under 18 have to have parental/guardian consent to have an abortion in Massachusetts, or be bypassed by a judge and for good reason in some cases. Some girls are abused. In fact, if you are a 10-year-old child and you get pregnant and have to get an abortion without your parents consent, I would say that you are more than likely a victim of abuse and these cases are probably investigated by social services.

I used commiefornia and taxachusettes as "straw states", because they're known for insane policy.

I would hope that young girls are protected by the state as much as possible in the rare cases that their legal parents abuse them.

How fucked up is our society that it's even conceivable that 10 year old girls are victimized within their family household, let alone something that really does happen.

Regardless... These cases are (Thank God) extremely rare. My point was that it should be left up to individual states and the voters to adopt abortion laws.

It should work that way with all "civil rights" laws that aren't already addressed by the Constitution. That's what the 10th Amendment is all about.

And to go in another direction, what if you are a married 40-something or 50-something year old woman and you and your husband failed to use birth control this one time or your birth control failed for whatever reason? Is it selfish to want to have an abortion then, after you've already raised your family and had NO plans for another child to come along? What if they agree that it is the best for them as a couple? Should this be their decision or somebody else's?
Just to pose a question to some of you here posting about this issue. What if you had a young teenage daughter who came to you and told you that she was pregnant and wanted to have an abortion? Do you realize what a life changing event it is for a young girl to have a baby before she is ready and how hard it makes life?

I wouldn't allow it.

She decides to fuck around in spite of my advice? Consequences have to be concrete. If I have to be financially responsible up until my daughter is of adult age and can be self reliant, so be it. The baby will not suffer because my daughter was stupid.


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