Abortion and those who protect the LIES that it rests upon.

A person who has no business being a "mom," that's who. Women who want to be mothers are not the ones having abortions. Some people (a LOT of people actually) have other issues obviously. Do we want to force these kinds of people to be parents against their wills? Or to carry out a pregnancy?

I mean, people say, "they are irresponsible, they are irresponsible!" Well, there is no greater responsibility in the world than raising a child, IMO. So, these people do what is right for them. Perhaps it's not worth the health risks, perhaps they have some other issues.

I am certainly NOT falling for the old line that these people care about the babies though. That's bullshit as exhibited by their behaviors when it comes to their tax monies going to help these unwanted babies and children.

I agree with your premise, not your conclusion. There are obviously millions of people who should not have had kids, and I am not full of grief for the loss of babies that have been murdered by their own mothers out of convenience. Such sociopaths should have been sterilized during the procedure just in case.

However I don't agree that the people you claim are unwilling to part with tax money resent doing so because they have no compassion for the babies. They resent the waste of the money, because the lives of these children are wasted due to the incompetence of the state. I am very confident that many of these babies could be adopted, and would be adopted if not for state agencies that seem reluctant to allow a baby to be adopted by parents who might spank them, or teach them Christian beliefs.

obviously we can't post a human at 5 weeks on here....
why??? I have no idea.... too real I guess....
The brain is not developed into a human brain. There is no consciousness. There is no voluntary motion. The exterior features have a human appearance, but what is inside has no feelings, no thoughts. It is not a person.
Fucking WOW! Did you write for the Nazis and Herr Hitler? Switch "It Is". with "Jews are".
I human has a heart beat at 5 weeks

You can kill this human above and be "okay" with it? Really?

That's not a choice that you are entitled to make for another woman. It is a very personal decision and should not be reliant upon government or other people's opinions on the matter.

It may have had more impact had they allowed the picture.
It's easier for you (and others) to put their heads in the sand...
A person who has no business being a "mom," that's who. Women who want to be mothers are not the ones having abortions. Some people (a LOT of people actually) have other issues obviously. Do we want to force these kinds of people to be parents against their wills? Or to carry out a pregnancy?

I mean, people say, "they are irresponsible, they are irresponsible!" Well, there is no greater responsibility in the world than raising a child, IMO. So, these people do what is right for them. Perhaps it's not worth the health risks, perhaps they have some other issues.

I am certainly NOT falling for the old line that these people care about the babies though. That's bullshit as exhibited by their behaviors when it comes to their tax monies going to help these unwanted babies and children.

I agree with your premise, not your conclusion. There are obviously millions of people who should not have had kids, and I am not full of grief for the loss of babies that have been murdered by their own mothers out of convenience. Such sociopaths should have been sterilized during the procedure just in case.

However I don't agree that the people you claim are unwilling to part with tax money resent doing so because they have no compassion for the babies. They resent the waste of the money, because the lives of these children are wasted due to the incompetence of the state. I am very confident that many of these babies could be adopted, and would be adopted if not for state agencies that seem reluctant to allow a baby to be adopted by parents who might spank them, or teach them Christian beliefs.

That might be the case for some but for many this is a strictly political issue. They pretend to care for unwanted unborn children of strangers when they obviously do not.
I human has a heart beat at 5 weeks

You can kill this human above and be "okay" with it? Really?

That's not a choice that you are entitled to make for another woman. It is a very personal decision and should not be reliant upon government or other people's opinions on the matter.

It may have had more impact had they allowed the picture.
It's easier for you (and others) to put their heads in the sand...

Hey, let's not make this personal. This is not about me. I have not, nor would I, have an abortion but it is not up to me to tell another woman that she should not. That is her decision and her decision alone (maybe the man's too).
It is HER life that will be affected, not mine. It is her health at risk, not mine. I made my decision to have my baby. No one coerced me either way. Some women will make other arrangements. And again, I have to bring up the fact that less than 1% of the entire population of US women have abortions yearly, and those numbers have shown trends of dropping off.
I human has a heart beat at 5 weeks

You can kill this human above and be "okay" with it? Really?

That's not a choice that you are entitled to make for another woman. It is a very personal decision and should not be reliant upon government or other people's opinions on the matter.

It may have had more impact had they allowed the picture.
It's easier for you (and others) to put their heads in the sand...

Hey, let's not make this personal. This is not about me. I have not, nor would I, have an abortion but it is not up to me to tell another woman that she should not. That is her decision and her decision alone (maybe the man's too).

People get very upset about protecting those that can't protect themselves.
I put a human at 5 weeks, at any # of weeks, in that category.....
I just don't understand how you can deny this being that you (or anyone else posting on this board) was at that stage.... no exceptions.
I human has a heart beat at 5 weeks

You can kill this human above and be "okay" with it? Really?

That's not a choice that you are entitled to make for another woman. It is a very personal decision and should not be reliant upon government or other people's opinions on the matter.

It may have had more impact had they allowed the picture.
It's easier for you (and others) to put their heads in the sand...

Hey, let's not make this personal. This is not about me. I have not, nor would I, have an abortion but it is not up to me to tell another woman that she should not. That is her decision and her decision alone (maybe the man's too).

People get very upset about protecting those that can't protect themselves.
I put a human at 5 weeks, at any # of weeks, in that category.....
I just don't understand how you can deny this being that you (or anyone else posting on this board) was at that stage.... no exceptions.

I don't find your argument very logical or compelling. Sorry.
A person who has no business being a "mom," that's who. Women who want to be mothers are not the ones having abortions. Some people (a LOT of people actually) have other issues obviously. Do we want to force these kinds of people to be parents against their wills? Or to carry out a pregnancy?

I mean, people say, "they are irresponsible, they are irresponsible!" Well, there is no greater responsibility in the world than raising a child, IMO. So, these people do what is right for them. Perhaps it's not worth the health risks, perhaps they have some other issues.

I am certainly NOT falling for the old line that these people care about the babies though. That's bullshit as exhibited by their behaviors when it comes to their tax monies going to help these unwanted babies and children.

I agree with your premise, not your conclusion. There are obviously millions of people who should not have had kids, and I am not full of grief for the loss of babies that have been murdered by their own mothers out of convenience. Such sociopaths should have been sterilized during the procedure just in case.

However I don't agree that the people you claim are unwilling to part with tax money resent doing so because they have no compassion for the babies. They resent the waste of the money, because the lives of these children are wasted due to the incompetence of the state. I am very confident that many of these babies could be adopted, and would be adopted if not for state agencies that seem reluctant to allow a baby to be adopted by parents who might spank them, or teach them Christian beliefs.

Some young girls might get an abortion because they really feel that a pregnancy at their age would interfere seriously with their lives. Do you consider them "sociopaths" too?
You can kill this human above and be "okay" with it? Really?

That's not a choice that you are entitled to make for another woman. It is a very personal decision and should not be reliant upon government or other people's opinions on the matter.

It may have had more impact had they allowed the picture.
It's easier for you (and others) to put their heads in the sand...

Hey, let's not make this personal. This is not about me. I have not, nor would I, have an abortion but it is not up to me to tell another woman that she should not. That is her decision and her decision alone (maybe the man's too).

People get very upset about protecting those that can't protect themselves.
I put a human at 5 weeks, at any # of weeks, in that category.....
I just don't understand how you can deny this being that you (or anyone else posting on this board) was at that stage.... no exceptions.

I don't find your argument very logical or compelling. Sorry.

Everyone has different mind sets and ways of thinking....
I really have not desire to force mine on anyone - only to share my perspective.
That might be the case for some but for many this is a strictly political issue. They pretend to care for unwanted unborn children of strangers when they obviously do not.

Judging from religious conservative I know, I would say the majority would rather adopt thousands of babies and establish orphanages that raised them as best as possible.

It's something I need to research, because before abortion was even considered, millions of babies went to church based orphanages. There are no statistics on those outcomes that I have ever seen though.

I remember stories about "Father Baker" who ran an orphanage in Buffalo NY, and I was threatened with being dropped off there for misbehaving, as were many other kids.

Regardless I don't believe you're right that most opponents of abortion wouldn't prefer to bear the cost of raising the children themselves because in the circles of people I know that isn't the case.
That might be the case for some but for many this is a strictly political issue. They pretend to care for unwanted unborn children of strangers when they obviously do not.

Judging from religious conservative I know, I would say the majority would rather adopt thousands of babies and establish orphanages that raised them as best as possible.

It's something I need to research, because before abortion was even considered, millions of babies went to church based orphanages. There are no statistics on those outcomes that I have ever seen though.

I remember stories about "Father Baker" who ran an orphanage in Buffalo NY, and I was threatened with being dropped off there for misbehaving, as were many other kids.

Regardless I don't believe you're right that most opponents of abortion wouldn't prefer to bear the cost of raising the children themselves because in the circles of people I know that isn't the case.

A human life is priceless
That's not a choice that you are entitled to make for another woman. It is a very personal decision and should not be reliant upon government or other people's opinions on the matter.

It may have had more impact had they allowed the picture.
It's easier for you (and others) to put their heads in the sand...

Hey, let's not make this personal. This is not about me. I have not, nor would I, have an abortion but it is not up to me to tell another woman that she should not. That is her decision and her decision alone (maybe the man's too).

People get very upset about protecting those that can't protect themselves.
I put a human at 5 weeks, at any # of weeks, in that category.....
I just don't understand how you can deny this being that you (or anyone else posting on this board) was at that stage.... no exceptions.

I don't find your argument very logical or compelling. Sorry.

Everyone has different mind sets and ways of thinking....
I really have not desire to force mine on anyone - only to share my perspective.

Well, I just think that regardless of how another person personally feels about it . . . it is a personal decision. Some people wouldn't be good parents and know it. Some people have other serious issues. Some might just be too young or whatever. We can't assume we know everyone's motives or reasons. I'm sure many people think they have perfectly valid reasons and many might. Pregnancy can be very stressful, not only on your body but also your mind, and I imagine the stress on your mind is ten-fold when you don't want to be pregnant at all. If a person doesn't think their mind or body can handle a pregnancy, that is their own decision as well. Some people are not very mentally/emotionally healthy to begin with. Not to mention, like I mentioned earlier, drug and alcohol addiction, etc., might be reasons why. We might not like their reasons but it's really not our decision, IMO. As we know from the past, women who really are dead set against being pregnant will go to extreme measures to end their pregnancies.
Some young girls might get an abortion because they really feel that a pregnancy at their age would interfere seriously with their lives. Do you consider them "sociopaths" too?

Many young girls who have had abortions before really being aware of exactly what they've done suffer from depression and extreme guilt.

It's those women who know that they're ending a life and don't give a fuck because "it's just not good for me right now" are sociopaths.

So yes, if you knowing kill a baby because it would be a setback to your life you're a sociopath.


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