Abortion and those who protect the LIES that it rests upon.

The brain is not developed into a human brain. There is no consciousness. There is no voluntary motion. The exterior features have a human appearance, but what is inside has no feelings, no thoughts. It is not a person.

Huh? "no voluntary motion"? ever felt a woman's stomach when a baby is kicking? How do you know the child has no feelings? It has a spinal cord so it feels pain...especially when it's skull is crushed and brains vacuumed out. What is a "person" if it has no beginning?

Thank you... like everything else in the Universe, LIFE... begins at THE BEGINNING!
I've been around since before abortion was legal and I would tell you that I know a number of women that have had one. Most many years ago and you know what? The guilt for what they did never leaves them. They may rationalize and explain away their decision, but deep down inside they know what they did was evil. And I believe most of them know what's waiting for them on Judgement Day.
... Your eyes can see a human likeness in a rock formation. Your eyes can deceive you.

Tell ya what, you go mine human organs from the rock formation.

And please... be sure to let me know how it works out for ya.
Of course if the OP weren't so lazy he'd see that the grotesque picture was spammed into the thread waaay before it was closed.

I wonder why anti abortionists never show pictures of what 90% of abortions look like. You know, the first trimester kind. The kind that I am in support of the pro choice position about. The kind that involves a human embryo that could not scientifically be called a baby.


The prochoice (pro-infanticide) position is about infanticide until the baby leaves the hospital. Otherwise the pro-infanticide crowd wouldn't have raised all hell over state laws outlawing abortion after 20 weeks.

Secondly this is a 10 week old embryo.


I'm pretty sure that's a baby.

As a parent of three children and a grand parent of four, with one presently developing pre-natal... for a total of FIVE GRAND CHILDREN... thus as an expert in the matter, I can confirm, THAT IS THE LIKENESS OF A BABY.

Clueless, as usual.

You're not an expert and that is indeed a photo.

Lennart Nilsson Photography

About post #3 and the monstrous slime who posted it.

Obviously, you have never had to make the heart rending decision to abort.

Yes, I deleted the content.
As a parent of three children and a grand parent of four, with one presently developing pre-natal... for a total of FIVE GRAND CHILDREN... thus as an expert in the matter, I can confirm, THAT IS THE LIKENESS OF A BABY.

It looks like a baby to me, but who are you going to believe? A bed wetting liberal or your lying eyes?

Science says the nervous system is not functional at that stage. I believe science above what your eyes see. Your eyes can see a human likeness in a rock formation. Your eyes can deceive you.

Science says that 100% of human embryos are human life. Soundly reasoned Morality says that the taking of human life absent a soundly reasoned moral justification is murder; which is to say that such is WHOLLY UNACCEPTABLE!

So would you say that birth control methods that prevent implantation of a zygote are murder?
I've been around since before abortion was legal and I would tell you that I know a number of women that have had one. Most many years ago and you know what? The guilt for what they did never leaves them. They may rationalize and explain away their decision, but deep down inside they know what they did was evil. And I believe most of them know what's waiting for them on Judgement Day.

Ditto... same experience here. The remorse from abortion is life long. It never goes away.

Of course, those who claim otherwise are merely suffering what is known in science as SOCIOPATHY... and for the benefit of the Intellectually Less Fortunate: "THAT'S BAD!"
I've been around since before abortion was legal and I would tell you that I know a number of women that have had one. Most many years ago and you know what? The guilt for what they did never leaves them. They may rationalize and explain away their decision, but deep down inside they know what they did was evil. And I believe most of them know what's waiting for them on Judgement Day.

@Bull Kurtz USMC aka Doodette

Oh bull shit.

That's nothing but your own ignorant agenda.

Besides, you can't even tell the truth about your military experience so I doubt you would tell the truth about this.

Finally, women do not go around telling judgmental, ignorant assholes that they had an abortion or how they feel about it.
The brain is not developed into a human brain. There is no consciousness. There is no voluntary motion. The exterior features have a human appearance, but what is inside has no feelings, no thoughts. It is not a person.

Huh? "no voluntary motion"? ever felt a woman's stomach when a baby is kicking? How do you know the child has no feelings? It has a spinal cord so it feels pain...especially when it's skull is crushed and brains vacuumed out. What is a "person" if it has no beginning?

To what stage of fetal development are you referring? The embryo pictured does not kick.

The brain is not developed enough to feel the pain in the way a human feels pain. The brain at that stage is not a developed human brain. It is incapable of human thought. At that stage there is no reaction to stimuli at all. It is not a human being.
I've been around since before abortion was legal and I would tell you that I know a number of women that have had one. Most many years ago and you know what? The guilt for what they did never leaves them. They may rationalize and explain away their decision, but deep down inside they know what they did was evil. And I believe most of them know what's waiting for them on Judgement Day.

Ditto... same experience here. The remorse from abortion is life long. It never goes away.

Of course, those who claim otherwise are merely suffering what is known in science as SOCIOPATHY... and for the benefit of the Intellectually Less Fortunate: "THAT'S BAD!"

Oh, so not only are you still searching for your keys, now YOU also say you know the innermost thoughts of all these women who have had abortions.

The brain is not developed into a human brain. There is no consciousness. There is no voluntary motion. The exterior features have a human appearance, but what is inside has no feelings, no thoughts. It is not a person.

Huh? "no voluntary motion"? ever felt a woman's stomach when a baby is kicking? How do you know the child has no feelings? It has a spinal cord so it feels pain...especially when it's skull is crushed and brains vacuumed out. What is a "person" if it has no beginning?

Thank you... like everything else in the Universe, LIFE... begins at THE BEGINNING!

Life begins at the beginning, but it is not life worthy of "personhood" until it has a brain and nervous system function that can be scientifically demonstrated as human. A zygote unarguably has no nervous function whatsoever.
To what stage of fetal development are you referring? The embryo pictured does not kick.

The brain is not developed enough to feel the pain in the way a human feels pain. The brain at that stage is not a developed human brain. It is incapable of human thought. At that stage there is no reaction to stimuli at all. It is not a human being.

Your brain never developed, that much is obvious. No baby is capable of "human thought" until it has a memory with starts to develop about a year after birth....thought is made up of comparisons and without a memory there can be no comparisons. Each and every desperate statement you make shows your stupidity.
@Bull Kurtz USMC aka Doodette

Oh bull shit.

That's nothing but your own ignorant agenda.

Besides, you can't even tell the truth about your military experience so I doubt you would tell the truth about this.

Finally, women do not go around telling judgmental, ignorant assholes that they had an abortion or how they feel about it.

1st Cav, Recon 11F40, MACV RECONDO LRRP.....RVN '67-'68....my story never changes you pathetic cretin. And of course women have told me about their haunted existence since they committed infanticide...it never leaves them.
To what stage of fetal development are you referring? The embryo pictured does not kick.

The brain is not developed enough to feel the pain in the way a human feels pain. The brain at that stage is not a developed human brain. It is incapable of human thought. At that stage there is no reaction to stimuli at all. It is not a human being.

Your brain never developed, that much is obvious. No baby is capable of "human thought" until it has a memory with starts to develop about a year after birth....thought is made up of comparisons and without a memory there can be no comparisons. Each and every desperate statement you make shows your stupidity.

Not at all. It is all about the physical development of the brain. I'm no expert, but the earliest possible the brain is functional as a human brain is week 8, but more likely beyond the first trimester when voluntary movements begin.
Not at all. It is all about the physical development of the brain. I'm no expert, but the earliest possible the brain is functional as a human brain is week 8, but more likely beyond the first trimester when voluntary movements begin.

You finally admitted you have no idea what you're talking about....abortion is a political concept with you....you have no experience with the grisly nature of it...only some vague concept that a woman should have state-sanction to murder her own child. But if a man breaks into a pregnant woman's home and murders her and her "unborn", it's a double charge of murder....how is that possible if the unborn isn't a human being?
Yup, gotta love the people who talk about "morality" as if they have any. :lol:
I don't consider a fertilized egg to be a "person." Of course, I think late-term abortions should not be "okay" unless the mother's life is in danger or it is discovered the baby has some horrible painful disease or something. I don't really know how a person could feel the baby moving about and decide to abort it. However, that just tells me even more that the person is probably making the RIGHT decision. Some people should never be parents. End thread.
Oh yeah sure. Lol. Plenty of morals where other people's lives are concerned but when it comes to their own lives . . . not so much. :D

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