Abortion and those who protect the LIES that it rests upon.

Life begins at the beginning, but it is not life worthy of "personhood" until it has a brain and nervous system function that can be scientifically demonstrated as human. A zygote unarguably has no nervous function whatsoever.

Who in the motherfuck do you "think" you are, of for that matter any "educated" dumbfuck who programmed you to regurgitate that stupid shit are?

How about I decide you're not worthy of "personhood" and grind up your aged retroactively aborted fetus and flush it down a drain?

A democrook unarguably has no independent thoughts or brain function, so why not?
And who are you? A bedwetter. Ask for evidence before attacking the messenger as if you are a little girl on the play ground.

Pete, do you believe the fetus always takes precedence over the mother when it comes to abortion?
Baby just refers to stage of development. An embryo is no less alive than a fetus, who is no less alive than a baby, who is no less alive than a child, who is no less alive than an adult.

Yet still not brain dead like a liberal.

yes, no doubt bill gates is brain dead.

rightwingnut loons with double digit IQ's are so funny.

perhaps, but your political loons don't seem to know the difference.

why can't the winger brigade understand that this isn't about your personal religious views buit is about when government can intervene

funny how all you wackos who hate gubmint love gubmint when it regulates people's most personal decisions

Drunk posting is never a good idea.....:alcoholic:

so stop, loser.
  1. BullKurtz has written, "Drunk posting is never a good idea.....:alcoholic:".
  2. He has finally posted something that he has learned from his own life.
  3. Now how does that apply to the abortion OP?
Drunk posting is a lot of fun and I highly recommend it.

Abortion? Not so much. I think killing humans is a little bit worse than drunk posting... just my opinion!
Try this...

Go to any message board on the web... maybe this one, if you're lazy, and look for discussions of abortion which have been locked.

You're going to find that within a few posts of that thread being locked is a photograph of an aborted baby.

THAT is the LIAR (The Proponent of a "RIGHT" to murder the pre-born baby) who has some limited access to power running to DEFEND THE LIE!

Go ahead try it... you'll see that it's true.

Actually.. It WAS tried here on Page2.. And all that happened is that some mod (:)dunno:)) enforced the very simple and wise rule that graphic depictions of ANYTHING --- have to come with a USER SUPPLIED warning and be LINKED -- no displayed.

That's why USMB is you BEST choice for expression... :deal:
9 months of inconvenience or a human life.... ?
Is this even a discussion?
Try this...

Go to any message board on the web... maybe this one, if you're lazy, and look for discussions of abortion which have been locked.

You're going to find that within a few posts of that thread being locked is a photograph of an aborted baby.

THAT is the LIAR (The Proponent of a "RIGHT" to murder the pre-born baby) who has some limited access to power running to DEFEND THE LIE!

Go ahead try it... you'll see that it's true.

Actually.. It WAS tried here on Page2.. And all that happened is that some mod (:)dunno:)) enforced the very simple and wise rule that graphic depictions of ANYTHING --- have to come with a USER SUPPLIED warning and be LINKED -- no displayed.

That's why USMB is you BEST choice for expression... :deal:
Of course none of us can comment. Expression indeed.
Yup, follow the simple rules and you can comment.

A warning and a required link are not prior restraint.
And who are you? A bedwetter. Ask for evidence before attacking the messenger as if you are a little girl on the play ground.

Pete, do you believe the fetus always takes precedence over the mother when it comes to abortion?

Jerk, this thread has nothing to do with that specific.

The thread was about:

Try this...

Go to any message board on the web... maybe this one, if you're lazy, and look for discussions of abortion which have been locked.

You're going to find that within a few posts of that thread being locked is a photograph of an aborted baby.

THAT is the LIAR (The Proponent of a "RIGHT" to murder the pre-born baby) who has some limited access to power running to DEFEND THE LIE!

Go ahead try it... you'll see that it's true.

Sure enough, I posted a gruesome picture, and it was taken down. However the mods on this board still support free speech and have not shut down the thread. I respect their decision.

Now to address your stupid straw man, I support bed wetters sucking their genetic garbage out of the womb. I don't want anymore parasites like you polluting the genepool.

I think it is monstrous and savage, but it's your genetic garbage, not my children.

If my wife's life was on the line and the doctors had advised that a delivery would cost us her life, by God I would want to keep her alive.

Again, this is not what the thread is about. Feel free to get that retroactive self abortion by blowing the appendix in your skull out in a dumpster behind Whole Foods.

As a parent of three children and a grand parent of four, with one presently developing pre-natal... for a total of FIVE GRAND CHILDREN... thus as an expert in the matter, I can confirm, THAT IS THE LIKENESS OF A BABY.

It looks like a baby to me, but who are you going to believe? A bed wetting liberal or your lying eyes?

Science says the nervous system is not functional at that stage. I believe science above what your eyes see. Your eyes can see a human likeness in a rock formation. Your eyes can deceive you.

Science says that 100% of human embryos are human life. Soundly reasoned Morality says that the taking of human life absent a soundly reasoned moral justification is murder; which is to say that such is WHOLLY UNACCEPTABLE!
I think abortion is murder. There'll be no equivocation from me. On the other hand, moral justification...
What mom would kill her child in order that she may live?
Actually.. It WAS tried here on Page2.. And all that happened is that some mod :))dunno:)) enforced the very simple and wise rule that graphic depictions of ANYTHING --- have to come with a USER SUPPLIED warning and be LINKED -- no displayed.

That's why USMB is you BEST choice for expression... :deal:

I agree, no other forum allows this degree of free speech.

The only complaint I have are all the stupid Kim Kardashian ads. Everyone already knows she's a moron, except for other morons.

I think abortion is murder. There'll be no equivocation from me. On the other hand, moral justification...
What mom would kill her child in order that she may live?


The emotion may not be there if it is still in the womb and is somehow going to cause the mother death if it is born.

Which BTW is such an insignificant fraction of all terminated pregnancies and are always done in real hospitals as opposed to "planned parenthood" death camps.

I know of no woman or man that would not fight to the death to protect their baby as soon as daylight (or fluorescent light) touches their little face during birth.

Then again I don't really associate with many liberals.

As a parent of three children and a grand parent of four, with one presently developing pre-natal... for a total of FIVE GRAND CHILDREN... thus as an expert in the matter, I can confirm, THAT IS THE LIKENESS OF A BABY.

It looks like a baby to me, but who are you going to believe? A bed wetting liberal or your lying eyes?

Science says the nervous system is not functional at that stage. I believe science above what your eyes see. Your eyes can see a human likeness in a rock formation. Your eyes can deceive you.

Science says that 100% of human embryos are human life. Soundly reasoned Morality says that the taking of human life absent a soundly reasoned moral justification is murder; which is to say that such is WHOLLY UNACCEPTABLE!
I think abortion is murder. There'll be no equivocation from me. On the other hand, moral justification...
What mom would kill her child in order that she may live?

A person who has no business being a "mom," that's who. Women who want to be mothers are not the ones having abortions. Some people (a LOT of people actually) have other issues obviously. Do we want to force these kinds of people to be parents against their wills? Or to carry out a pregnancy?

I mean, people say, "they are irresponsible, they are irresponsible!" Well, there is no greater responsibility in the world than raising a child, IMO. So, these people do what is right for them. Perhaps it's not worth the health risks, perhaps they have some other issues.

I am certainly NOT falling for the old line that these people care about the babies though. That's bullshit as exhibited by their behaviors when it comes to their tax monies going to help these unwanted babies and children.
pete and keys are not in complete control of their faculties. America overwhelmingly does not want third tri-mester abortions. There is no OP here worth debating.
Not wanting and allowing the abortion in the third trimester are two different things. The latter is allowed and defended.
Meh, while I'm pro choice, that only goes so far. I wouldn't mind having it limited to the first trimester. Three months should be plenty of time to make your decision. I think probably any time after that, it is a pretty cruel affair.
Try this...

Go to any message board on the web... maybe this one, if you're lazy, and look for discussions of abortion which have been locked.

You're going to find that within a few posts of that thread being locked is a photograph of an aborted baby.

THAT is the LIAR (The Proponent of a "RIGHT" to murder the pre-born baby) who has some limited access to power running to DEFEND THE LIE!

Go ahead try it... you'll see that it's true.
I agree. After 22 pages of posts, a MOD shows up and declares the "Fuck, my mom is going to kill me" thread closed? Baby killer proponents don't want their deeds exposed with photos and, on USMB, apparently they have sympathetic backup.

Why was it closed?
I am totally against late term abortions, unless there is a serious problem too. At that point, it really is a baby, IMO. In some cases it might even be able to survive outside of the womb. So yeah, that is incredibly cruel and should be illegal everywhere (isn't it?) unless there is an emergency situation.

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