Abortion and those who protect the LIES that it rests upon.

Of course if the OP weren't so lazy he'd see that the grotesque picture was spammed into the thread waaay before it was closed.

I wonder why anti abortionists never show pictures of what 90% of abortions look like. You know, the first trimester kind. The kind that I am in support of the pro choice position about. The kind that involves a human embryo that could not scientifically be called a baby.


The prochoice (pro-infanticide) position is about infanticide until the baby leaves the hospital. Otherwise the pro-infanticide crowd wouldn't have raised all hell over state laws outlawing abortion after 20 weeks.

Secondly this is a 10 week old embryo.


I'm pretty sure that's a baby.

The brain is not developed into a human brain. There is no consciousness. There is no voluntary motion. The exterior features have a human appearance, but what is inside has no feelings, no thoughts. It is not a person.
Please post some evidence for that conclusion.
The brain is not developed into a human brain. There is no consciousness. There is no voluntary motion. The exterior features have a human appearance, but what is inside has no feelings, no thoughts. It is not a person.

Thank you. You have just described a democrook. I think they should all be aborted up till the 312th trimester.

I have seen pro and con for "The remorse from abortion is life long. It never goes away." so I would not take Keys' assertion for anything probative.
I've been around since before abortion was legal and I would tell you that I know a number of women that have had one. Most many years ago and you know what? The guilt for what they did never leaves them. They may rationalize and explain away their decision, but deep down inside they know what they did was evil. And I believe most of them know what's waiting for them on Judgement Day.

Ditto... same experience here. The remorse from abortion is life long. It never goes away.

Of course, those who claim otherwise are merely suffering what is known in science as SOCIOPATHY... and for the benefit of the Intellectually Less Fortunate: "THAT'S BAD!"

Really, so you've had an abortion?
Science says the nervous system is not functional at that stage. I believe science above what your eyes see. Your eyes can see a human likeness in a rock formation. Your eyes can deceive you.

You probably also believe the psuedo-scientists who insist global warming is because of human produced CO2 and demand more government funding, while dismissing the scientists who refute such bullshit as being funded by corporations you're programmed to hate.

How you can look at a picture of a 10 week old baby in the womb and not feel repulsed that someone would kill it out of convenience makes me hope to God that a psychopath like you never has children.

Of course if the OP weren't so lazy he'd see that the grotesque picture was spammed into the thread waaay before it was closed.

I wonder why anti abortionists never show pictures of what 90% of abortions look like. You know, the first trimester kind. The kind that I am in support of the pro choice position about. The kind that involves a human embryo that could not scientifically be called a baby.
Baby just refers to stage of development. An embryo is no less alive than a fetus, who is no less alive than a baby, who is no less alive than a child, who is no less alive than an adult.
Science says the nervous system is not functional at that stage. I believe science above what your eyes see. Your eyes can see a human likeness in a rock formation. Your eyes can deceive you.

You probably also believe the psuedo-scientists who insist global warming is because of human produced CO2 and demand more government funding, while dismissing the scientists who refute such bullshit as being funded by corporations you're programmed to hate.

How you can look at a picture of a 10 week old baby in the womb and not feel repulsed that someone would kill it out of convenience makes me hope to God that a psychopath like you never has children.

Because they see humans as having no redeeming value....and the weaker and more vulnerable, the less value they prescribe them. It's why they admire thugs and terrorists. They admire those who brutalize others. They despise the vulnerable.
Baby just refers to stage of development. An embryo is no less alive than a fetus, who is no less alive than a baby, who is no less alive than a child, who is no less alive than an adult.

Yet still not brain dead like a liberal.

Of course if the OP weren't so lazy he'd see that the grotesque picture was spammed into the thread waaay before it was closed.

I wonder why anti abortionists never show pictures of what 90% of abortions look like. You know, the first trimester kind. The kind that I am in support of the pro choice position about. The kind that involves a human embryo that could not scientifically be called a baby.
Baby just refers to stage of development. An embryo is no less alive than a fetus, who is no less alive than a baby, who is no less alive than a child, who is no less alive than an adult.

Right dingbat, that's why there are so many fetuses walking around. Hey, there's a fetus bagging my groceries right now.

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Because they see humans as having no redeeming value....and the weaker and more vulnerable, the less value they prescribe them. It's why they admire thugs and terrorists. They admire those who brutalize others. They despise the vulnerable.

That is true, I don't know how many times I've heard bed wetters decry the existence of modern humans as if we're not apart of nature, and somehow detrimental to it. These really are repulsive sorts of primates we're dealing with.

Speaking of abortions, I was pleased to see that Trump supports my standard for them.
Science says the nervous system is not functional at that stage. I believe science above what your eyes see. Your eyes can see a human likeness in a rock formation. Your eyes can deceive you.

You probably also believe the psuedo-scientists who insist global warming is because of human produced CO2 and demand more government funding, while dismissing the scientists who refute such bullshit as being funded by corporations you're programmed to hate.

How you can look at a picture of a 10 week old baby in the womb and not feel repulsed that someone would kill it out of convenience makes me hope to God that a psychopath like you never has children.

Because they see humans as having no redeeming value....and the weaker and more vulnerable, the less value they prescribe them. It's why they admire thugs and terrorists. They admire those who brutalize others. They despise the vulnerable.

So would you say that birth control methods that prevent implantation of a zygote are murder?

Even a cartoon child knows the difference.

perhaps, but your political loons don't seem to know the difference.

why can't the winger brigade understand that this isn't about your personal religious views buit is about when government can intervene

funny how all you wackos who hate gubmint love gubmint when it regulates people's most personal decisions
Life begins at the beginning, but it is not life worthy of "personhood" until it has a brain and nervous system function that can be scientifically demonstrated as human. A zygote unarguably has no nervous function whatsoever.

Who in the motherfuck do you "think" you are, of for that matter any "educated" dumbfuck who programmed you to regurgitate that stupid shit are?

How about I decide you're not worthy of "personhood" and grind up your aged retroactively aborted fetus and flush it down a drain?

A democrook unarguably has no independent thoughts or brain function, so why not?

perhaps, but your political loons don't seem to know the difference.

why can't the winger brigade understand that this isn't about your personal religious views buit is about when government can intervene

funny how all you wackos who hate gubmint love gubmint when it regulates people's most personal decisions

Drunk posting is never a good idea.....:alcoholic:
Of course if the OP weren't so lazy he'd see that the grotesque picture was spammed into the thread waaay before it was closed.

I wonder why anti abortionists never show pictures of what 90% of abortions look like. You know, the first trimester kind. The kind that I am in support of the pro choice position about. The kind that involves a human embryo that could not scientifically be called a baby.


The prochoice (pro-infanticide) position is about infanticide until the baby leaves the hospital. Otherwise the pro-infanticide crowd wouldn't have raised all hell over state laws outlawing abortion after 20 weeks.

Secondly this is a 10 week old embryo.


I'm pretty sure that's a baby.

The brain is not developed into a human brain. There is no consciousness. There is no voluntary motion. The exterior features have a human appearance, but what is inside has no feelings, no thoughts. It is not a person.
So, all this required by your standards is that the person not be aware of the death, nor feel an pain at the death...

A number of powerful narcotics do just that.......so, it no longer is murder, so long as we can deaden the brain and nervous system to the extent that no pain or awareness of pain exists....

Interesting position you have there.

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