Abortion and those who protect the LIES that it rests upon.

I figure I made my point eloquently. I also left off "elder" but don't get excited....I think elders are also people and thus rate protection from those who would kill them, sell their tissue and take their belongings. Does that clear things up?

Why should a zygote be protected? It is a cell or later a mass of 8 cells with no brain and no humanity whatsoever?
Science says the nervous system is not functional at that stage. I believe science above what your eyes see. Your eyes can see a human likeness in a rock formation. Your eyes can deceive you.

You probably also believe the psuedo-scientists who insist global warming is because of human produced CO2 and demand more government funding, while dismissing the scientists who refute such bullshit as being funded by corporations you're programmed to hate.

How you can look at a picture of a 10 week old baby in the womb and not feel repulsed that someone would kill it out of convenience makes me hope to God that a psychopath like you never has children.

Because they see humans as having no redeeming value....and the weaker and more vulnerable, the less value they prescribe them. It's why they admire thugs and terrorists. They admire those who brutalize others. They despise the vulnerable.

Utter bullshit.
Not at all. Black thug lives matter....not the lives of black women they brutalize or the babies they kill.

Nobody on the left has ever said that.
Science says the nervous system is not functional at that stage. I believe science above what your eyes see. Your eyes can see a human likeness in a rock formation. Your eyes can deceive you.

You probably also believe the psuedo-scientists who insist global warming is because of human produced CO2 and demand more government funding, while dismissing the scientists who refute such bullshit as being funded by corporations you're programmed to hate.

How you can look at a picture of a 10 week old baby in the womb and not feel repulsed that someone would kill it out of convenience makes me hope to God that a psychopath like you never has children.

Because they see humans as having no redeeming value....and the weaker and more vulnerable, the less value they prescribe them. It's why they admire thugs and terrorists. They admire those who brutalize others. They despise the vulnerable.

Utter bullshit.
Not at all. Black thug lives matter....not the lives of black women they brutalize or the babies they kill.

Nobody on the left has ever said that.
Of course not. Leftists don't speak the truth.
Science says the nervous system is not functional at that stage. I believe science above what your eyes see. Your eyes can see a human likeness in a rock formation. Your eyes can deceive you.

You probably also believe the psuedo-scientists who insist global warming is because of human produced CO2 and demand more government funding, while dismissing the scientists who refute such bullshit as being funded by corporations you're programmed to hate.

How you can look at a picture of a 10 week old baby in the womb and not feel repulsed that someone would kill it out of convenience makes me hope to God that a psychopath like you never has children.

Because they see humans as having no redeeming value....and the weaker and more vulnerable, the less value they prescribe them. It's why they admire thugs and terrorists. They admire those who brutalize others. They despise the vulnerable.

Utter bullshit.
Not at all. Black thug lives matter....not the lives of black women they brutalize or the babies they kill.

Nobody on the left has ever said that.
kg has a racialist problem with herself. It has something to do with black males, but she won't discuss it. She has trouble staying with the OP, which has to do with abortion.
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You probably also believe the psuedo-scientists who insist global warming is because of human produced CO2 and demand more government funding, while dismissing the scientists who refute such bullshit as being funded by corporations you're programmed to hate.

How you can look at a picture of a 10 week old baby in the womb and not feel repulsed that someone would kill it out of convenience makes me hope to God that a psychopath like you never has children.

Because they see humans as having no redeeming value....and the weaker and more vulnerable, the less value they prescribe them. It's why they admire thugs and terrorists. They admire those who brutalize others. They despise the vulnerable.

Utter bullshit.
Not at all. Black thug lives matter....not the lives of black women they brutalize or the babies they kill.

Nobody on the left has ever said that.
Of course not. Leftists don't speak the truth.

Then you said it?

Give it up. You're looking the fool.
It is during Prenatal Stages of Brain Development - Video Lesson Transcript Study.com

the second trimester that the brain fully develops. It could be argued very late in the first trimester that the brain is active enough to be considered a human brain, but I don't agree with that. I think first trimester is safely not killing a human being.

God isn't interested in your opinions on when life begins. It begins at the beginning. For your information the babies heart is beating at 22 days old. You are supporting murder, Davros.
Because they see humans as having no redeeming value....and the weaker and more vulnerable, the less value they prescribe them. It's why they admire thugs and terrorists. They admire those who brutalize others. They despise the vulnerable.

Utter bullshit.
Not at all. Black thug lives matter....not the lives of black women they brutalize or the babies they kill.

Nobody on the left has ever said that.
Of course not. Leftists don't speak the truth.

Then you said it?

Give it up. You're looking the fool.
Yes I said it - you quoted me. Focus.
It is during Prenatal Stages of Brain Development - Video Lesson Transcript Study.com

the second trimester that the brain fully develops. It could be argued very late in the first trimester that the brain is active enough to be considered a human brain, but I don't agree with that. I think first trimester is safely not killing a human being.

God isn't interested in your opinions on when life begins. It begins at the beginning. For your information the babies heart is beating at 22 days old. You are supporting murder, Davros.

I'll worry about God's interests in the matter when he stops causing miscarriages.

As I explained a heartbeat is not significant as to whether the embryo ' brain is developed enough to be considered a human brain.
It is during Prenatal Stages of Brain Development - Video Lesson Transcript Study.com

the second trimester that the brain fully develops. It could be argued very late in the first trimester that the brain is active enough to be considered a human brain, but I don't agree with that. I think first trimester is safely not killing a human being.

God isn't interested in your opinions on when life begins. It begins at the beginning. For your information the babies heart is beating at 22 days old. You are supporting murder, Davros.

I'll worry about God's interests in the matter when he stops causing miscarriages.

As I explained a heartbeat is not significant as to whether the embryo ' brain is developed enough to be considered a human brain.
Oh really...what sort of brain is it, then? The pp butchers call it a human brain when they're pricing them for sale.....take it up with them.
The brain of a first trimester embryo is not developed enough for that to be considered a person worthy of rights. Society does agree with me. You in a small minority do not. But to me, if it does not have a human brain, it is not a person. The brain of a first trimester embryo does not have the ability to react to stimuli or cause its limbs to move, let alone have human thought. That is scientific fact.

The brain of a first semester Berkeley student is not developed enough to use an oven without starting a fire. "Society" is programmed to agree with you? Your concept of "society" is blurred by regressive "journalists "who call people they expect to agree with them and pretend it's a national poll.

You are the minority "thinker" here and I'm being polite because I know that you don't have the ability to think.

Why should a zygote be protected? It is a cell or later a mass of 8 cells with no brain and no humanity whatsoever?

Why should you be protected? You're a mass of millions of cells without a brain or humanity whatsoever.

Can I chop you up into bits and sell you?

Of course if the OP weren't so lazy he'd see that the grotesque picture was spammed into the thread waaay before it was closed.

I wonder why anti abortionists never show pictures of what 90% of abortions look like. You know, the first trimester kind. The kind that I am in support of the pro choice position about. The kind that involves a human embryo that could not scientifically be called a baby.

Except if you don't murder it, then it is called a human being.
Why should a zygote be protected? It is a cell or later a mass of 8 cells with no brain and no humanity whatsoever?

Why should you be protected? You're a mass of millions of cells without a brain or humanity whatsoever.

Can I chop you up into bits and sell you?

Progs believe there is no inherent value in humanity. If you can't defend yourself, they want you dead...and they want no consequences for those who kill the weak and defenseless.
I'll worry about God's interests in the matter when he stops causing miscarriages.

As I explained a heartbeat is not significant as to whether the embryo ' brain is developed enough to be considered a human brain.

God does not cause miscarriages, and something tells me you don't believe in Him anyway. If you can look at "that mass of cells" at any point, from when the sperm punctures the egg to the birth of a human being and not sense the humanity, you're not human.

You're a sociopath.

Progs believe there is no inherent value in humanity. If you can't defend yourself, they want you dead...and they want no consequences for those who kill the weak and defenseless.

They aren't real horned up about people defending themselves at any age.

The above discussion is clear that the far right religionists are not in charge for a very good reason. They don't think clearly, they don't understand science, and they believe they hear heavenly voices. They are no different than ISIS other than they know what will happen if they start killing folks.
It is during Prenatal Stages of Brain Development - Video Lesson Transcript Study.com

the second trimester that the brain fully develops. It could be argued very late in the first trimester that the brain is active enough to be considered a human brain, but I don't agree with that. I think first trimester is safely not killing a human being.

God isn't interested in your opinions on when life begins. It begins at the beginning. For your information the babies heart is beating at 22 days old. You are supporting murder, Davros.

I'll worry about God's interests in the matter when he stops causing miscarriages.

As I explained a heartbeat is not significant as to whether the embryo ' brain is developed enough to be considered a human brain.

What about struggling in agony? Does that count with you? Listen to this testimony from a former Director at Planned Parenthood and what she saw!

It is during Prenatal Stages of Brain Development - Video Lesson Transcript Study.com

the second trimester that the brain fully develops. It could be argued very late in the first trimester that the brain is active enough to be considered a human brain, but I don't agree with that. I think first trimester is safely not killing a human being.

God isn't interested in your opinions on when life begins. It begins at the beginning. For your information the babies heart is beating at 22 days old. You are supporting murder, Davros.

I'll worry about God's interests in the matter when he stops causing miscarriages.

As I explained a heartbeat is not significant as to whether the embryo ' brain is developed enough to be considered a human brain.

What about struggling in agony? Does that count with you? Listen to this testimony from a former Director at Planned Parenthood and what she saw!

Abby Johnson's testimony is in doubt as to its veracity. Claims have been made that no such abortions were conducted on the date she claims.

Also at that stage of brain development any of what was described would be more accurately described as reflex actions than agony. At that stage of brain development it is not likely that pain is felt in any sense, let alone agony, fear, or any human emotion whatsoever.

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