Abortion and those who protect the LIES that it rests upon.

The science of abortion When does life begin Just Facts Daily

Lonestar uses a far right rag as a source without any actual scientific corroboration on the subject.

Just L's opinion. Doesn't count.

A fetus is not a human being, it is not a human life. Fact. Get over it.

Bonzi asks the right question above: when does a fetus become a human? IMO, when it receives a soul on birth. I can't prove that any more than anyone can disprove it. That's why Lonestar's screaming is laughable.

We will keep psychopathology in the language and as a discipline, so that we can define and keep an eye on Keys. He would happily kill those with whom he disagrees.

Damn you are one stupid fuck.

That is Bonzi's OPINION, the scientific FACT is life begins at conception!!
Not life as a human, only as a mass of cells. That is a fact. Everything after that is opinion. The soul enters the body at birth.
It is a human life you retarded fuck! LIFE begins at conception and since we are talking about humans, it is a human life! Who dresses you in the morning?
:lol: Your opinion only, little man. It is fetal life, cells. It will not become human life until birth.
You are a dumbass. It's a human life from the moment of conception. There are people walking around today (mostly liberals) that have no brain. You want to terminate those lives as well? Tell me, how many abortions have you had?
True conservatives and libertarians do not want the government in folks' lives, kid. You are a progressive statist. And your opinion is . . . only your opinion.
Then they shouldn't have had the government subsidize wholesale (and I mean that in the most literal sense) murder of infants and the legalized assault of women. You put the government there. We're going to get it out. No government subsidized baby killing, baby killer.
I did not put the government anywhere. But if you are going to end abortion or limit it severely, you are a reactionary Big Government progressive statist.
The science of abortion When does life begin Just Facts Daily

Lonestar uses a far right rag as a source without any actual scientific corroboration on the subject.

Just L's opinion. Doesn't count.

A fetus is not a human being, it is not a human life. Fact. Get over it.

Bonzi asks the right question above: when does a fetus become a human? IMO, when it receives a soul on birth. I can't prove that any more than anyone can disprove it. That's why Lonestar's screaming is laughable.

We will keep psychopathology in the language and as a discipline, so that we can define and keep an eye on Keys. He would happily kill those with whom he disagrees.

Damn you are one stupid fuck.

That is Bonzi's OPINION, the scientific FACT is life begins at conception!!
Arguing with fake just will cause you to doubt the worth of humanity. He is the reason ignore exists.
You are a dumbass. It's a human life from the moment of conception. There are people walking around today (mostly liberals) that have no brain. You want to terminate those lives as well? Tell me, how many abortions have you had?
True conservatives and libertarians do not want the government in folks' lives, kid. You are a progressive statist. And your opinion is . . . only your opinion.
Then they shouldn't have had the government subsidize wholesale (and I mean that in the most literal sense) murder of infants and the legalized assault of women. You put the government there. We're going to get it out. No government subsidized baby killing, baby killer.
I did not put the government anywhere. But if you are going to end abortion or limit it severely, you are a reactionary Big Government progressive statist.
You shouldn't use words you don't understand, lol.

So is abortion subsidized by the government? By gollies it shore is!

We want the government OUT of women's vaginas! It's none of your bidness, statist. Get outta there!
The science of abortion When does life begin Just Facts Daily

Lonestar uses a far right rag as a source without any actual scientific corroboration on the subject.

Just L's opinion. Doesn't count.

A fetus is not a human being, it is not a human life. Fact. Get over it.

Bonzi asks the right question above: when does a fetus become a human? IMO, when it receives a soul on birth. I can't prove that any more than anyone can disprove it. That's why Lonestar's screaming is laughable.

We will keep psychopathology in the language and as a discipline, so that we can define and keep an eye on Keys. He would happily kill those with whom he disagrees.

Damn you are one stupid fuck.

That is Bonzi's OPINION, the scientific FACT is life begins at conception!!
Not life as a human, only as a mass of cells. That is a fact. Everything after that is opinion. The soul enters the body at birth.
It is a human life you retarded fuck! LIFE begins at conception and since we are talking about humans, it is a human life! Who dresses you in the morning?
:lol: Your opinion only, little man. It is fetal life, cells. It will not become human life until birth.

It's not an opinion you retarded fuck. It's a scientific fact!
The science of abortion When does life begin Just Facts Daily

Lonestar uses a far right rag as a source without any actual scientific corroboration on the subject.

Just L's opinion. Doesn't count.

A fetus is not a human being, it is not a human life. Fact. Get over it.

Bonzi asks the right question above: when does a fetus become a human? IMO, when it receives a soul on birth. I can't prove that any more than anyone can disprove it. That's why Lonestar's screaming is laughable.

We will keep psychopathology in the language and as a discipline, so that we can define and keep an eye on Keys. He would happily kill those with whom he disagrees.

Damn you are one stupid fuck.

That is Bonzi's OPINION, the scientific FACT is life begins at conception!!
Arguing with fake just will cause you to doubt the worth of humanity. He is the reason ignore exists.

He's in a close race with moonglow for the most intellectually challenged.
It's not an opinion you retarded fuck. It's a scientific fact!
:lol: But it is not. It is human life only when a soul enters the body, and that is at birth, that's a fact. There is a reason you are in a small minority: you are wrong.
It's not an opinion you retarded fuck. It's a scientific fact!
:lol: But it is not. It is human life only when a soul enters the body, and that is at birth, that's a fact. There is a reason you are in a small minority: you are wrong.


How do you know when the soul enters the body? Where is your evidence?

Every biologist will tell you that LIFE begins at conception. That is an irrefutable fact!!
Life, not human life. It is only cells. You have no scientific link that it is anything other than cells. Nothing. On the other hands, you have no idea when God sends a soul to the body to make it human.
Life, not human life. It is only cells. You have no scientific link that it is anything other than cells. Nothing. On the other hands, you have no idea when God sends a soul to the body to make it human.


How do you know when the soul enters the body? Where is your evidence?

Every biologist will tell you that LIFE begins at conception. That is an irrefutable fact!!
Not human life, and you know it: just life of a bunch of cells.

What are your limits for abortion? 12 weeks for rape, incest, and life/health of the mother; thereafter, life/health of the mother.
Life, not human life. It is only cells. You have no scientific link that it is anything other than cells. Nothing. On the other hands, you have no idea when God sends a soul to the body to make it human.


How do you know when the soul enters the body? Where is your evidence?

Every biologist will tell you that LIFE begins at conception. That is an irrefutable fact!!
They'll refute it with lies. Don't take it personally.
Not human life, and you know it: just life of a bunch of cells.

What are your limits for abortion? 12 weeks for rape, incest, and life/health of the mother; thereafter, life/health of the mother.
^^Case in point. Baldfaced lie.
Not human life, and you know it: just life of a bunch of cells.

What are your limits for abortion? 12 weeks for rape, incest, and life/health of the mother; thereafter, life/health of the mother.

Where's the link that supports your claim that life at conception isn't human? What is it if not human? Dog, cat, rabbit, monkey, whale?

You talk a big game, now support your ridiculous claim!
Not human life, and you know it: just life of a bunch of cells.

What are your limits for abortion? 12 weeks for rape, incest, and life/health of the mother; thereafter, life/health of the mother.
^^Case in point. Baldfaced lie.
Not human life, and you know it: just life of a bunch of cells.

What are your limits for abortion? 12 weeks for rape, incest, and life/health of the mother; thereafter, life/health of the mother.
^^Case in point. Baldfaced lie.
You are the Mother of Lies, my dear, and have been outed hundreds of times. One of your pet lies is that you believe in abortion for the life of the mother, when in fact those who have been on the Board and know you, recognize you would let the mom die every time.
Not human life, and you know it: just life of a bunch of cells.

What are your limits for abortion? 12 weeks for rape, incest, and life/health of the mother; thereafter, life/health of the mother.

Where's the link that supports your claim that life at conception isn't human? What is it if not human? Dog, cat, rabbit, monkey, whale? You talk a big game, now support your ridiculous claim!
It's not a human, and you know it. It becomes human when the soul enters it.
Not human life, and you know it: just life of a bunch of cells.

What are your limits for abortion? 12 weeks for rape, incest, and life/health of the mother; thereafter, life/health of the mother.
^^Case in point. Baldfaced lie.
Not human life, and you know it: just life of a bunch of cells.

What are your limits for abortion? 12 weeks for rape, incest, and life/health of the mother; thereafter, life/health of the mother.
^^Case in point. Baldfaced lie.
You are the Mother of Lies, my dear, and have been outed hundreds of times. One of your pet lies is that you believe in abortion for the life of the mother, when in fact those who have been on the Board and know you, recognize you would let the mom die every time.
Another group of baldfaced lies.
Not human life, and you know it: just life of a bunch of cells.

What are your limits for abortion? 12 weeks for rape, incest, and life/health of the mother; thereafter, life/health of the mother.

Where's the link that supports your claim that life at conception isn't human? What is it if not human? Dog, cat, rabbit, monkey, whale? You talk a big game, now support your ridiculous claim!
It's not a human, and you know it. It becomes human when the soul enters it.

Link!! Link!!!

Oh..wait..I found it...Looky here:

A zygote/embryo/fetus is a person
From the moment of conception, a zygote/embryo/fetus is (a) alive and (b) has its own unique human DNA, and is thus clearly a living, distinct human being. This makes it a person. In the past, people thought zygotes/embryos/fetuses were just blobs of tissue, but the advent of ultrasounds has allowed us to see that this is not the case at all. Things like hearts, brain waves, internal organs, fingernails, and even hair develop at a very early stage. The fetus’ heart starts beating only days after the mother misses her period. Numerous women who intended to have abortions have changed their minds after seeing an image of their fetus.
In addition to its own unique DNA, every zygote/embryo/fetus also has a soul planted in it at conception by God.

- See more at: Anti-Abortion Argument #1: It’s a Person
koshergrl is the Mother of Lies, as all know on the Board. :lol:

Lonestar would abort black babies in a heart beat, imo, and kg would agree.

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