Abortion and those who protect the LIES that it rests upon.

It is during Prenatal Stages of Brain Development - Video Lesson Transcript Study.com

the second trimester that the brain fully develops. It could be argued very late in the first trimester that the brain is active enough to be considered a human brain, but I don't agree with that. I think first trimester is safely not killing a human being.

God isn't interested in your opinions on when life begins. It begins at the beginning. For your information the babies heart is beating at 22 days old. You are supporting murder, Davros.

I'll worry about God's interests in the matter when he stops causing miscarriages.

As I explained a heartbeat is not significant as to whether the embryo ' brain is developed enough to be considered a human brain.

What about struggling in agony? Does that count with you? Listen to this testimony from a former Director at Planned Parenthood and what she saw!

Abby Johnson's testimony is in doubt as to its veracity. Claims have been made that no such abortions were conducted on the date she claims.

Also at that stage of brain development any of what was described would be more accurately described as reflex actions than agony. At that stage of brain development it is not likely that pain is felt in any sense, let alone agony, fear, or any human emotion whatsoever.

It's still illegal. Do you maintain that it's okay to torture and kill ppl based on their ability to perceive pain and emote?
Try this...

Go to any message board on the web... maybe this one, if you're lazy, and look for discussions of abortion which have been locked.

You're going to find that within a few posts of that thread being locked is a photograph of an aborted baby.

THAT is the LIAR (The Proponent of a "RIGHT" to murder the pre-born baby) who has some limited access to power running to DEFEND THE LIE!

Go ahead try it... you'll see that it's true.
How come your kind only cares for the "pre-born" and not the "born"?
Science generally holds that fetuses cannot feel pain in any emotional/human sense (i.e. other than unconscious reflexive reactions) prior to 24 weeks, so certainly claiming that a 13 week old embryo can experience "agony" is non scientific to say the least.

But you've made your position clear in saying (laughably) that I'm a sociopath for not wanting to protect the rights of a zygote or blastocyst, so there's no point trying to reason with you.

Go back to your emotional arguments calling me Hitler and the like. I don't care.
It is during Prenatal Stages of Brain Development - Video Lesson Transcript Study.com

the second trimester that the brain fully develops. It could be argued very late in the first trimester that the brain is active enough to be considered a human brain, but I don't agree with that. I think first trimester is safely not killing a human being.

God isn't interested in your opinions on when life begins. It begins at the beginning. For your information the babies heart is beating at 22 days old. You are supporting murder, Davros.

I'll worry about God's interests in the matter when he stops causing miscarriages.

As I explained a heartbeat is not significant as to whether the embryo ' brain is developed enough to be considered a human brain.

What about struggling in agony? Does that count with you? Listen to this testimony from a former Director at Planned Parenthood and what she saw!

Abby Johnson's testimony is in doubt as to its veracity. Claims have been made that no such abortions were conducted on the date she claims.

Also at that stage of brain development any of what was described would be more accurately described as reflex actions than agony. At that stage of brain development it is not likely that pain is felt in any sense, let alone agony, fear, or any human emotion whatsoever.

It's still illegal. Do you maintain that it's okay to torture and kill ppl based on their ability to perceive pain and emote?

Abortion of a 13 week old fetus is not illegal anywhere in this country.

All people can perceive pain and have emotions, so your point falls flat. You might as well argue about whether a computer or a dummy could be tortured.

Having a human brain capable of feeling pain and emotions is a requirement for being a person.
God isn't interested in your opinions on when life begins. It begins at the beginning. For your information the babies heart is beating at 22 days old. You are supporting murder, Davros.

I'll worry about God's interests in the matter when he stops causing miscarriages.

As I explained a heartbeat is not significant as to whether the embryo ' brain is developed enough to be considered a human brain.

What about struggling in agony? Does that count with you? Listen to this testimony from a former Director at Planned Parenthood and what she saw!

Abby Johnson's testimony is in doubt as to its veracity. Claims have been made that no such abortions were conducted on the date she claims.

Also at that stage of brain development any of what was described would be more accurately described as reflex actions than agony. At that stage of brain development it is not likely that pain is felt in any sense, let alone agony, fear, or any human emotion whatsoever.

It's still illegal. Do you maintain that it's okay to torture and kill ppl based on their ability to perceive pain and emote?

Abortion of a 13 week old fetus is not illegal anywhere in this country.

All people can perceive pain and have emotions, so your point falls flat. You might as well argue about whether a computer or a dummy could be tortured.

Having a human brain capable of feeling pain and emotions is a requirement for being a person.

Selling dead babies and altering procedures to accommodate harvest is illegal. And these were late term babies. I take it you didn't watch the videos either....or you're obfuscating. Either way...you're a waste of time. Bye. Join the irrelevant army of idiots.
The message that poster wanted me to get was that Abby Johnson allegedly witnessed an abortion in 2009 in which a 13 week fetus moved in response to the vacuum tubes. This has nothing to do with the 2015 videos. I oppose what Planned Parenthood has done selling these parts. I'm involved in debating first trimester abortions, for which I support the woman's right to choose abortion. And the reason I support this right is I do not believe a first trimester embryo is a person, because it does not have a human brain capable of experiencing thoughts, emotions, etc.
And to go a step deeper, is it selfish to have children at all? To bring kids into this fucked up world? I suppose "selfish" can be a very subjective term. :D
That's not "deep"

In fact it's incredibly shallow and vapid.

This world is the most incredibly beautiful elliptical orb that we know of in the entire universe. The vast and amazing different creatures that exist are so fucking awesome, coupled with the mindblowing magnificence of the view beyond our windows regardless if it's a ghetto in Parañaque or a fire outpost in Yellowstone park.

The only "fucked up" place to bring kids into the world are places like North Korea. Or homes where the people themselves are already fucked up.

It's selfish to try and convince other people that they shouldn't have kids because this world is fucked up.

The world is awesome, the people are fucked up.

. Chris maintains these should have been spared the burden of life
View attachment 47657 and jake finds images of families objectionable. Sort of proves the op.

Err, this just shows how poor your reading comprehension really is. :D
You can see fake doing that as we speak.

I admit that I take pride in the fact that Jerk Fakey is largely ridiculed and that mostly bed wetting libtards agree with his insipid bullshit about "compromising" with thieves and rapists.

That makes him that much more repulsive to me. He either "thinks" like all blithering idiots do that leftist political whores will "compromise" and enact laws republicrats can barely tolerate and not come back demanding shit, or he's the sort of criminally insane sociopath that knows regressive policies will destroy this country and is happy to help them in that crusade.

I would be happy if he had been yanked out with a coat hanger and thrown into a dumpster right along with obozo.

What a rotten thing to say. I mean, that is really just sick. Again, you people have some fucking serious issues.
You can see fake doing that as we speak.

I admit that I take pride in the fact that Jerk Fakey is largely ridiculed and that mostly bed wetting libtards agree with his insipid bullshit about "compromising" with thieves and rapists.

That makes him that much more repulsive to me. He either "thinks" like all blithering idiots do that leftist political whores will "compromise" and enact laws republicrats can barely tolerate and not come back demanding shit, or he's the sort of criminally insane sociopath that knows regressive policies will destroy this country and is happy to help them in that crusade.

I would be happy if he had been yanked out with a coat hanger and thrown into a dumpster right along with obozo.

I'm sure he sees his own life as infinitely valuable.

And you two consider yourselves Christians? Do I have that right?
I human has a heart beat at 5 weeks

A heart beat only indicates that blood is being pumped to various parts. It does not indicate humanity. That embryo does not have a human brain. Therefore it is not a person. Abortion should be an acceptable option for the would be mother to take.

I really wouldn't even say that I find it "acceptable" per se. I can understand why some people might choose to have one though, and it's not our place to judge them without knowing their situations. People here are incredibly dishonest and hateful. They love to have somebody to hate on. That's just the way they are around here, as you will see.
And to go a step deeper, is it selfish to have children at all? To bring kids into this fucked up world? I suppose "selfish" can be a very subjective term. :D
That's not "deep"

In fact it's incredibly shallow and vapid.

This world is the most incredibly beautiful elliptical orb that we know of in the entire universe. The vast and amazing different creatures that exist are so fucking awesome, coupled with the mindblowing magnificence of the view beyond our windows regardless if it's a ghetto in Parañaque or a fire outpost in Yellowstone park.

The only "fucked up" place to bring kids into the world are places like North Korea. Or homes where the people themselves are already fucked up.

It's selfish to try and convince other people that they shouldn't have kids because this world is fucked up.

The world is awesome, the people are fucked up.

. Chris maintains these should have been spared the burden of life
View attachment 47657 and jake finds images of families objectionable. Sort of proves the op.
Love the pictures of the family. Love you fucking up when you said that ChrisL wanted them dead. You earn the censure you get.

I'm telling you. She is one the MOST vile people I have ever had the misfortune to run across. She is crass, nasty and just all around disgusting person. .
Try this...

Go to any message board on the web... maybe this one, if you're lazy, and look for discussions of abortion which have been locked.

You're going to find that within a few posts of that thread being locked is a photograph of an aborted baby.

THAT is the LIAR (The Proponent of a "RIGHT" to murder the pre-born baby) who has some limited access to power running to DEFEND THE LIE!

Go ahead try it... you'll see that it's true.
How come your kind only cares for the "pre-born" and not the "born"?

That is a great question, which I have also asked and have yet to receive a coherent response.
The above discussion is clear that the far right religionists are not in charge for a very good reason. They don't think clearly, they don't understand science, and they believe they hear heavenly voices. They are no different than ISIS other than they know what will happen if they start killing folks.

Thank geebus they cannot push their religious beliefs on the rest of us. :cuckoo:
If abortion foes took life seriously for all then one could take them serious but no they simply post and protest another person's decision while they use moralistic judging and no concrete actions. How about the living breathing conscious child who dies every few seconds in the world. Or how about education and contraceptive help through schools and planned parenthood. The moralist is quiet about the real world.


Report From Washington - January 20 2012 - The Gingrich Disaster

CDZ - From Pro-Choice to Pro-Life what changed my mind US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

'We Do Abortions Here' < powerful piece

Sallie Tisdale | Harper's | 7th August 2015 "Excerpt from a longer article behind Harper's paywall; but so powerful is the writing and the subject that an excerpt may suffice. "In abortion the absolute must always be tempered by the contextual, because both are real, both valid; both hard. How can we do this? How can we refuse? Each abortion is a measure of our failure to protect, to nourish our own. Each basin I empty is a promise — but a promise broken a long time ago.""

Context I We Do Abortions Here by Sallie Tisdale Harper s Magazine
We do abortions here. A nurse s story Harper s Magazine

"For me, the limit is allowing my clients to carry their own burden, shoulder the responsibility themselves. I shoulder the burden of trying not to judge them."

"In a literal sense, abortion exists because we are able to ask such questions, able to assign a value to the fetus which can shift with changing circumstances. If the human bond to a child were as primitive and unflinchingly narrow as that of other animals, there would be no abortion. There would be no abortion because there would be nothing more important than caring for the young and perpetuating the species, no reason for sex but to make babies. I sense this sometimes, this wordless organic duty, when I do ultrasounds."

"Spontaneous abortion, which is the loss of a pregnancy without outside intervention before 20 weeks’ gestation, affects up to 20 percent of recognized pregnancies. Spontaneous abortion can be subdivided into threatened abortion, inevitable abortion, incomplete abortion, missed abortion, septic abortion, complete abortion, and recurrent spontaneous abortion." Request Rejected
Many right wingers believe if we suffer on earth, we will go to heaven. Perhaps that's why the fight for the fetus and walk away from the baby. Under Bush, Republicans did everything they could to keep contraception from the people, but did very little, if anything for babies or children.
And to go a step deeper, is it selfish to have children at all? To bring kids into this fucked up world? I suppose "selfish" can be a very subjective term. :D
That's not "deep"

In fact it's incredibly shallow and vapid.

This world is the most incredibly beautiful elliptical orb that we know of in the entire universe. The vast and amazing different creatures that exist are so fucking awesome, coupled with the mindblowing magnificence of the view beyond our windows regardless if it's a ghetto in Parañaque or a fire outpost in Yellowstone park.

The only "fucked up" place to bring kids into the world are places like North Korea. Or homes where the people themselves are already fucked up.

It's selfish to try and convince other people that they shouldn't have kids because this world is fucked up.

The world is awesome, the people are fucked up.

. Chris maintains these should have been spared the burden of life
View attachment 47657 and jake finds images of families objectionable. Sort of proves the op.

Why are posting pictures of your children here anyway? Exploiting your children to try to make some kind of point which only really exists in your own feeble mind?
I human has a heart beat at 5 weeks

A heart beat only indicates that blood is being pumped to various parts. It does not indicate humanity. That embryo does not have a human brain. Therefore it is not a person. Abortion should be an acceptable option for the would be mother to take.

I really wouldn't even say that I find it "acceptable" per se. I can understand why some people might choose to have one though, and it's not our place to judge them without knowing their situations. People here are incredibly dishonest and hateful. They love to have somebody to hate on. That's just the way they are around here, as you will see.
I don't hate anyone but like to discuss. I might get passionate about a topic. But ultimately we all have our own opinions and beliefs and, for me, differing in those opinions and beliefs is no reason to hate someone.
I human has a heart beat at 5 weeks

A heart beat only indicates that blood is being pumped to various parts. It does not indicate humanity. That embryo does not have a human brain. Therefore it is not a person. Abortion should be an acceptable option for the would be mother to take.

I really wouldn't even say that I find it "acceptable" per se. I can understand why some people might choose to have one though, and it's not our place to judge them without knowing their situations. People here are incredibly dishonest and hateful. They love to have somebody to hate on. That's just the way they are around here, as you will see.
I don't hate anyone but like to discuss. I might get passionate about a topic. But ultimately we all have our own opinions and beliefs and, for me, differing in those opinions and beliefs is no reason to hate someone.

Oh, sorry. I really wasn't talking about you. I know it must have looked that way because of the quoting system, but I don't find you so objectionable. :D
And to go a step deeper, is it selfish to have children at all? To bring kids into this fucked up world? I suppose "selfish" can be a very subjective term. :D
That's not "deep"

In fact it's incredibly shallow and vapid.

This world is the most incredibly beautiful elliptical orb that we know of in the entire universe. The vast and amazing different creatures that exist are so fucking awesome, coupled with the mindblowing magnificence of the view beyond our windows regardless if it's a ghetto in Parañaque or a fire outpost in Yellowstone park.

The only "fucked up" place to bring kids into the world are places like North Korea. Or homes where the people themselves are already fucked up.

It's selfish to try and convince other people that they shouldn't have kids because this world is fucked up.

The world is awesome, the people are fucked up.

. Chris maintains these should have been spared the burden of life
View attachment 47657 and jake finds images of families objectionable. Sort of proves the op.
Love the pictures of the family. Love you fucking up when you said that ChrisL wanted them dead. You earn the censure you get.

I'm telling you. She is one the MOST vile people I have ever had the misfortune to run across. She is crass, nasty and just all around disgusting person. .
She hides it behind her version of Christianity. She has been tossed out of several congregations. Can you imagine a congregation of people like her. She is pro-fetus to the point she would like a mother die first.

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