Abortion and those who protect the LIES that it rests upon.

The message that poster wanted me to get was that Abby Johnson allegedly witnessed an abortion in 2009 in which a 13 week fetus moved in response to the vacuum tubes. This has nothing to do with the 2015 videos. I oppose what Planned Parenthood has done selling these parts. I'm involved in debating first trimester abortions, for which I support the woman's right to choose abortion. And the reason I support this right is I do not believe a first trimester embryo is a person, because it does not have a human brain capable of experiencing thoughts, emotions, etc.

You are a dumbass. It's a human life from the moment of conception. There are people walking around today (mostly liberals) that have no brain. You want to terminate those lives as well?

Tell me, how many abortions have you had?
You are a dumbass. It's a human life from the moment of conception. There are people walking around today (mostly liberals) that have no brain. You want to terminate those lives as well? Tell me, how many abortions have you had?
True conservatives and libertarians do not want the government in folks' lives, kid. You are a progressive statist. And your opinion is . . . only your opinion.
Abortion is a medical procedure, murder is a legal term, and Lonestar has little grasp on semantics.

Abortion is the termination of an innocent life. How is that different than murder?
It is not a human being, thus it is not 'innocent life' as you define it. Your definition is wrong.

It's a human life you moron!!

You should learn to STFU when us adults are talking.

"Life" begins at "conception" both are scientific terms and are clearly defined in science dictionaries and widely used in scientific literature.

To cite just a few examples, the American Heritage Science Dictionary defines “conception” as “the formation of a zygote resulting from the union of a sperm and egg cell; fertilization.” (For reference, a zygote is the first stage of a human embryo.)

Likewise, the entry for “life” in the American Heritage Dictionary of Science states that life is “the form of existence that organisms like animals and plants have and that inorganic objects or organic dead bodies lack; animate existence, characterized by growth, reproduction, metabolism, and response to stimuli.”

Furthermore, the science of embryology has proven that the genetic composition of humans is formed during fertilization, and as the textbook Molecular Biology explains, this genetic material is “the very basis of life itself.”

In accord with the facts above, the textbook Before We Are Born: Essentials of Embryology and Birth Defects directly states: “The zygote and early embryo are living human organisms.” This may be controversial from a political perspective, but the sciences of embryology and genetics leave no doubt as to when human life begins.

The science of abortion When does life begin Just Facts Daily
Just look at them being miserable....View attachment 47650 View attachment 47651

You post pictures of your family here and then claim that other people (who don't know you or them) wish they were never born? Man oh man, you are one sick bitch and paranoid. If anyone is a sociopath or a psychopath, it is you! :lol:

Well... the only hope of making sense of that would-be reasoning, is to remove the actual meaning of sociopathy. Because within the context that such was written, there's no way the individual who advanced it could be anything remotely close to 'sane'.

She is quite literally defending the mass taking of human life, absent sound moral justification and with malice of forethought; which is axiomatically a symptom of sociopathy and typical behavior of the psychopath, and applying it to those who are contesting the behavior.

It is from this, that we can KNOW to an absolute certainty that the individual is not only suffering mental disorder, but that the disorder itself is rooted in nothing less than unadulterated evil.
The science of abortion When does life begin Just Facts Daily

Lonestar uses a far right rag as a source without any actual scientific corroboration on the subject.

Just L's opinion. Doesn't count.

A fetus is not a human being, it is not a human life. Fact. Get over it.

Bonzi asks the right question above: when does a fetus become a human? IMO, when it receives a soul on birth. I can't prove that any more than anyone can disprove it. That's why Lonestar's screaming is laughable.

We will keep psychopathology in the language and as a discipline, so that we can define and keep an eye on Keys. He would happily kill those with whom he disagrees.
The science of abortion When does life begin Just Facts Daily

Lonestar uses a far right rag as a source without any actual scientific corroboration on the subject.

Just L's opinion. Doesn't count.

A fetus is not a human being, it is not a human life. Fact. Get over it.

Bonzi asks the right question above: when does a fetus become a human? IMO, when it receives a soul on birth. I can't prove that any more than anyone can disprove it. That's why Lonestar's screaming is laughable.

So, your opinion is that they are not human until they leave the womb, correct?
You are a dumbass. It's a human life from the moment of conception. There are people walking around today (mostly liberals) that have no brain. You want to terminate those lives as well? Tell me, how many abortions have you had?
True conservatives and libertarians do not want the government in folks' lives, kid. You are a progressive statist. And your opinion is . . . only your opinion.

STFU turd!

That creature serves no purpose in debate. It exists here, purely to see itself express itself.

You would so much more enjoy your time here by simply placing it on ignore.

(It was the first one I placed there when I got here and I have not missed it a bit.)
Use my words, Bonzi: "when it receives a soul on birth."

Keys has placed me on Ignore at least eight times, but he always returns, like now.

He is a sociopath of the worst sort. He happily would have worked the instruments of persuasion on behalf of the Inquisition.
Understand... The Soul, is that element of life that fellowships with God. Thus it is that element of Life which provides for the means to reason soundly.

In that self-evident truth, we can KNOW that anti-theists; that which stem from anti-theism... such as secularism, humanism and all of the Leftisms, fascism, socialism, communism, etc... are examples of human life which exists absent a soul; the evidence of which is the chaos, calamity and catastrophe which is synonymous with each... .

Thus, as reason requires it must, where the antitheist 'reasons' that life absent a soul is illegitimate; thus such exists absent rights, it undermines the viability of its own life.

Of course, to be fair, it did so the instant it rejected God; thus the reasoning it advances only validates its original decision.
The Supreme Court, in its wisdom, has recognized the fact that there is not now, nor will there ever be, consensus as to when 'life' begins prior to birth with regard to science, religion, and personal beliefs.


SO the Supreme Legislature voted and in that VOTE they recognized a FACT, which is as irrelevant to FACT, as the Supreme Legislature is to US LAW... ?


Sadly for your irrational conclusion, science provides us the means to understand the natural certainty that LIFE... like everything else in this universe, BEGINS at the BEGINNING.

It's not even a debatable point. And the demand by the irrational that such must be debated... is irrelevant.
Keys, yet once again, cites himself as an authority of fact, when in fact he is an imbecile. Abortion, imo, is a personal matter, and only those who wish to restrict to life of the mother are progressive statists of the worst sort.

Keys truly believes he is authoritative on Natural Law, yet he comprehends it not.
The science of abortion When does life begin Just Facts Daily

Lonestar uses a far right rag as a source without any actual scientific corroboration on the subject.

Just L's opinion. Doesn't count.

A fetus is not a human being, it is not a human life. Fact. Get over it.

Bonzi asks the right question above: when does a fetus become a human? IMO, when it receives a soul on birth. I can't prove that any more than anyone can disprove it. That's why Lonestar's screaming is laughable.

We will keep psychopathology in the language and as a discipline, so that we can define and keep an eye on Keys. He would happily kill those with whom he disagrees.

Damn you are one stupid fuck.

That is Bonzi's OPINION, the scientific FACT is life begins at conception!!
Understand... The Soul, is that element of life that fellowships with God. Thus it is that element of Life which provides for the means to reason soundly.

In that self-evident truth, we can KNOW that anti-theists; that which stem from anti-theism... such as secularism, humanism and all of the Leftisms, fascism, socialism, communism, etc... are examples of human life which exists absent a soul; the evidence of which is the chaos, calamity and catastrophe which is synonymous with each... .

Thus, as reason requires it must, where the antitheist 'reasons' that life absent a soul is illegitimate; thus such exists absent rights, it undermines the viability of its own life.

Of course, to be fair, it did so the instant it rejected God; thus the reasoning it advances only validates its original decision.

That "fellowship" begins in the womb.
Try this...

Go to any message board on the web... maybe this one, if you're lazy, and look for discussions of abortion which have been locked.

You're going to find that within a few posts of that thread being locked is a photograph of an aborted baby.

THAT is the LIAR (The Proponent of a "RIGHT" to murder the pre-born baby) who has some limited access to power running to DEFEND THE LIE!

Go ahead try it... you'll see that it's true.

Actually.. It WAS tried here on Page2.. And all that happened is that some mod :))dunno:)) enforced the very simple and wise rule that graphic depictions of ANYTHING --- have to come with a USER SUPPLIED warning and be LINKED -- no displayed.

That's why USMB is you BEST choice for expression... :deal:
Of course none of us can comment. Expression indeed.
Wasn't this thread. They changed the rule when one poster had a melt down several years ago. :)
The science of abortion When does life begin Just Facts Daily

Lonestar uses a far right rag as a source without any actual scientific corroboration on the subject.

Just L's opinion. Doesn't count.

A fetus is not a human being, it is not a human life. Fact. Get over it.

Bonzi asks the right question above: when does a fetus become a human? IMO, when it receives a soul on birth. I can't prove that any more than anyone can disprove it. That's why Lonestar's screaming is laughable.

We will keep psychopathology in the language and as a discipline, so that we can define and keep an eye on Keys. He would happily kill those with whom he disagrees.

Damn you are one stupid fuck.

That is Bonzi's OPINION, the scientific FACT is life begins at conception!!
Not life as a human, only as a mass of cells. That is a fact. Everything after that is opinion. The soul enters the body at birth.
The science of abortion When does life begin Just Facts Daily

Lonestar uses a far right rag as a source without any actual scientific corroboration on the subject.

Just L's opinion. Doesn't count.

A fetus is not a human being, it is not a human life. Fact. Get over it.

Bonzi asks the right question above: when does a fetus become a human? IMO, when it receives a soul on birth. I can't prove that any more than anyone can disprove it. That's why Lonestar's screaming is laughable.

We will keep psychopathology in the language and as a discipline, so that we can define and keep an eye on Keys. He would happily kill those with whom he disagrees.

Damn you are one stupid fuck.

That is Bonzi's OPINION, the scientific FACT is life begins at conception!!
Not life as a human, only as a mass of cells. That is a fact. Everything after that is opinion. The soul enters the body at birth.

It is a human life you retarded fuck!

LIFE begins at conception and since we are talking about humans, it is a human life!

Who dresses you in the morning?
You are a dumbass. It's a human life from the moment of conception. There are people walking around today (mostly liberals) that have no brain. You want to terminate those lives as well? Tell me, how many abortions have you had?
True conservatives and libertarians do not want the government in folks' lives, kid. You are a progressive statist. And your opinion is . . . only your opinion.
Then they shouldn't have had the government subsidize wholesale (and I mean that in the most literal sense) murder of infants and the legalized assault of women. You put the government there. We're going to get it out. No government subsidized baby killing, baby killer.

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