Abortion as Murder.

As a matter of fact shit for brains, I was an unplanned pregnancy. I was conceived when my parents were in high school. Lucky for me, my parents were better people than you and followed through with their actions. Like I said before, I know numerous people that have adopted or are about to adopt. I guess maybe I just know better people than you...you know, those who are able to pass these rigid requirements. For a screenname with "gravity" in it, you sure are up in the clouds...on second thought, your head's in your ass.

By the way, learn to spell before you disagree with being the greatest dumbass.

You were the one who mispelled greatest you stupid fuck, so you are in no place to talk about spelling. You say you know "numerous" people willing to adopt huh? funny you are not one of them you lying sack of worthless shit. You don't give a damn about these would be aborted kids you are a fucking liar, you make pinochio look like Aberham Lincoln. If someone dropped a baby off on your doorstep you would shit your pants you fucking piece of trash, secretly you do agree with abortion because you want nothing to do with these unwanted children, so go eat shit and lay down in front of a train you worthless fucking piece of useless garbage.

lol....you're almost not worth arguing with...but I will just for shits and grins.
1. I have a kid, and my wife have talked about adopting in the event she can't have any more. So suck balls on that.
2. Yes, I do know people who have adopted or are about to adopt. Just because you don't know any decent people doesn't mean that I don't. Suck balls on that one too.
3. And yes, you are one of the GREATEST dumbasses I've ever had the displeasure of coming in contact with. My dog's a better person than you are...lol. What a douche.
If you weren't so bad at debating I might actually take you seriously. Lick ass on this one...

You can lick my ass you fucking worthless piece of trash, you are a fraud and a liar. You do not care about any of these kids so fuck you and your stupid bitch ass friends too faggot.
You were the one who mispelled greatest you stupid fuck, so you are in no place to talk about spelling. You say you know "numerous" people willing to adopt huh? funny you are not one of them you lying sack of worthless shit. You don't give a damn about these would be aborted kids you are a fucking liar, you make pinochio look like Aberham Lincoln. If someone dropped a baby off on your doorstep you would shit your pants you fucking piece of trash, secretly you do agree with abortion because you want nothing to do with these unwanted children, so go eat shit and lay down in front of a train you worthless fucking piece of useless garbage.

lol....you're almost not worth arguing with...but I will just for shits and grins.
1. I have a kid, and my wife have talked about adopting in the event she can't have any more. So suck balls on that.
2. Yes, I do know people who have adopted or are about to adopt. Just because you don't know any decent people doesn't mean that I don't. Suck balls on that one too.
3. And yes, you are one of the GREATEST dumbasses I've ever had the displeasure of coming in contact with. My dog's a better person than you are...lol. What a douche.
If you weren't so bad at debating I might actually take you seriously. Lick ass on this one...

You can lick my ass you fucking worthless piece of trash, you are a fraud and a liar. You do not care about any of these kids so fuck you and your stupid bitch ass friends too faggot.

lol.... I don't give a shit if you agree with abortions...I'm just trying to piss you off.....:lol: It's a matter of opinion anyway....
Your just getting the respect you deserve, nothing more nothing less.:cool:
You are a completely useless poster who does nothing but fantasize about what you think other people do and how they live, when in reality you know nothing. You're rude, abusive, intollerant, and frankly stupid. You don't even know what this thread was about, you just saw abortion and it got your little panties in a bunch. You have no knowledge of law, no knowledge of people, no debate skills, there is in essence nothing redeeming about you.

Is doctor kevorkian free? Honestly, you may want to give him a call and maybe look into ending your miserable and hate filled existance. As i said earlier, its the innocents life I'm interested in saving. I can't imagine your useful to anyone with the hate you spew for no apparent reason. People have been reasonable with you, they've explained their position, they've engaged you honestly and with facts, and all you've done is call people liars while you make up lies about how you imagine they live, and call people names and display a remarkable unfamiliarity with anything approaching reasonable discorse. So please come back when you get out of the 10th grade and try again.

If any of that gives you trouble, let me try it in a way that you may understand

fuck off you useless piece of shit.

hahahahaha if anyone has their panties in a bunch it is you bitch, you don't give a fuck about these kids so stop lying.
You don't know shit about me asshole. Whats your fucking malfunction? People have been mostly polite, mostly civil, and yet you have nothing but ghey slurs. Are you hasving trouble coming out of the closet? Afraid of your sexuality? Are you ashamed you get off looking at naked men on the internet? The conflict within you is deep... maybe you should try someyhing else in you. Dude, that fat bitch fucked you up. Just send the fucking check and get over it.

Keep posting your lies bitch, so I can laugh at you. You have done nothing to help unwanted children, so why do you care about babies being aborted? secretly you do agree with abortions because you want nothing to do with taking care of someone elses kids.

unwanted children? Maybe to their jackass parents, but there are PLENTY of people willing to adopt "unwanted" children. I can name four people off the top of my head that have adopted or are about to adopt children. There are so many people out there that want kids but can't have them.

My answer to those idiots that love to screw without protection...by a .25 cent condom rather than spending it on crack and beer. People that like to fuck but don't want the consequences after the fact are selfish...plain and simple. Sounds like you've got expert experience in this....jackass

What the fuck? you are never going to stop people from having unwanted pregnancies, we are never going to live in a world where everyone follows your bullshit morals and rhetoric, the bottom line is there are unwanted pregnancies everyday and alot of these women can't take care of these children, if they want to get an abortion that is their business, you are not going to help any of these women change their minds anyways so go fuck yourself retard.
and we're never going to stop people from shooting, stabbing and robbing each other either... maybe we should just throw out all laws.
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Of course abortion is murder. However psychopaths seem to think pregnancy is simply a wad of cells like a tree that can be cut down without notice or concern.

Have you ever noticed who is working in abortion clinics? CATHOLICS. Talk about another con job where the right hand is hidden from the left hand. Don't believe one word, not one word that comes from the Vatican, a Bishop or any Parish that claims the church is opposed to abortion. Look behind the scenes and do some historical research. What the Vatican claims in public is NOT what is going on behind the scenes. EWTN, the Catholic tv network even interviewed the Catholic nurses who have deliberately chosen to work in abortion clinics. They claimed they are keeping an eye on everything.

I cannot even imagine the caliber of wimp who would promote or design the murder of babies. Those psychopaths want and need a victim who can't fight back.

If those criminals were, say, walking down a public street and you were walking with your Granny, and they tried to give you a spill that Granny is just a wad of cells and it's ok to get rid of her, would you let it happen or would you fight? They aren't going to approach you with some nutty crazy garbage like that because they know full well they would be beaten to a pulp right there in front of everyone.

We have places for criminals who commit murder. Cages. They don't belong roaming in the public and certainly don't belong in medicine. Period.

Women have become so propagandized, so downright crazy and so full of hormones to make them artificial females that many of them ignore the fact they are engaging in murder in exchange for their supposed "freedoms". Where did that rubbish come from? Every single claim made by the abortionists and so-called "feminists" is stuff you'd hear from perverts and death row inmates.

So tell me, where in this country has any of those hideous ideas made a positive change in any way? Looks to me like it's done the opposite.

What we have is a country awash in screwing monkeys who seek "fulfillment" in abortion clinics as if those clinics were like gas stations. Ya pull in, pay the clerk, get your fumes and off you go all "fulfilled".

Finally, I can remember when those crazies were standing on street corners telling everyone they had to limit the size of their families because we were supposedly over populated. Smart people recognized that was one fat lie, but ignorant people really grabbed onto that false claim and now country after country doesn't even have enough of it's own citizenry to support the country. So what then? Well, in waltzed -- massive immigration. Shifting populations of people who lived in goat skin tents pitched on the desert sands, right on down to South and Central Americans came flooding over borders. Boy, now that was a real fix to a dilemma, huh.

And the key point in time was -- abortion.
You are full of it!!!
unwanted children? Maybe to their jackass parents, but there are PLENTY of people willing to adopt "unwanted" children. I can name four people off the top of my head that have adopted or are about to adopt children. There are so many people out there that want kids but can't have them.

My answer to those idiots that love to screw without protection...by a .25 cent condom rather than spending it on crack and beer. People that like to fuck but don't want the consequences after the fact are selfish...plain and simple. Sounds like you've got expert experience in this....jackass

What the fuck? you are never going to stop people from having unwanted pregnancies, we are never going to live in a world where everyone follows your bullshit morals and rhetoric, the bottom line is there are unwanted pregnancies everyday and alot of these women can't take care of these children, if they want to get an abortion that is their business, you are not going to help any of these women change their minds anyways so go fuck yourself retard.
and we're never going to stop people from shooting, stabbing and robbing each other either... maybe we should just throw out all laws.

yet we have a constitutional right to control our own bodies...

or do constitutional rights only matter when they protect things that rightwingnuts like?
What the fuck? you are never going to stop people from having unwanted pregnancies, we are never going to live in a world where everyone follows your bullshit morals and rhetoric, the bottom line is there are unwanted pregnancies everyday and alot of these women can't take care of these children, if they want to get an abortion that is their business, you are not going to help any of these women change their minds anyways so go fuck yourself retard.
and we're never going to stop people from shooting, stabbing and robbing each other either... maybe we should just throw out all laws.

yet we have a constitutional right to control our own bodies...

or do constitutional rights only matter when they protect things that rightwingnuts like?
Yes, when you aren't killing someone elses body. The right to life comes before the others for a reason, without it, all other rights are null and void.
and we're never going to stop people from shooting, stabbing and robbing each other either... maybe we should just throw out all laws.

yet we have a constitutional right to control our own bodies...

or do constitutional rights only matter when they protect things that rightwingnuts like?
Yes, when you aren't killing someone elses body. The right to life comes before the others for a reason, without it, all other rights are null and void.

really? interesting the supreme court didn't see it that way.

so stay out of other people's bedrooms and bodies.

thanks! :thup:
yet we have a constitutional right to control our own bodies...

or do constitutional rights only matter when they protect things that rightwingnuts like?
Yes, when you aren't killing someone elses body. The right to life comes before the others for a reason, without it, all other rights are null and void.

really? interesting the supreme court didn't see it that way.

so stay out of other people's bedrooms and bodies.

thanks! :thup:
They used to not see slavery as a bad thing and tyrants usually can create laws to snuff out the "undesirables", Germany did it, Russia did it, MAO did it, and radical judges did it as well here is the USA.http://www.priestsforlife.org/resources/abortionimages/fig16baby8.jpg
Yes, when you aren't killing someone elses body. The right to life comes before the others for a reason, without it, all other rights are null and void.

really? interesting the supreme court didn't see it that way.

so stay out of other people's bedrooms and bodies.

thanks! :thup:
They used to not see slavery as a bad thing and tyrants usually can create laws to snuff out the "undesirables", Germany did it, Russia did it, MAO did it, and radical judges did it as well here is the USA.http://www.priestsforlife.org/resources/abortionimages/fig16baby8.jpg

your religion thinks abortion should be unlawful. mine doesn't.

last time i checked, yours doesn't trump mine.

not interested in you imposing your religion on me.

thanks so much.

oh, and i'm not interested in any anti-choice rabid religious right websites. so don't waste your time posting them in response to me.
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What the fuck? you are never going to stop people from having unwanted pregnancies, we are never going to live in a world where everyone follows your bullshit morals and rhetoric, the bottom line is there are unwanted pregnancies everyday and alot of these women can't take care of these children, if they want to get an abortion that is their business, you are not going to help any of these women change their minds anyways so go fuck yourself retard.
and we're never going to stop people from shooting, stabbing and robbing each other either... maybe we should just throw out all laws.

yet we have a constitutional right to control our own bodies...

or do constitutional rights only matter when they protect things that rightwingnuts like?
you have no constitutional right to commit murder. You can use your body (control it) to bash your kids with a hammer, but you can no more bash your kids in the head with a hammer than you can kill a viable fetus. Both are protected persons, but only the ones that are already born get justice. When the SCOTUS reccognized a states interst in protecting the lives of the unborn once they were "viable" they in effect made them persons. The state has no interest in protecting the lives of non-person human beings or lumps of flesh. That is what the law actually is, but prosecutors will not enforce it.
really? interesting the supreme court didn't see it that way.

so stay out of other people's bedrooms and bodies.

thanks! :thup:
They used to not see slavery as a bad thing and tyrants usually can create laws to snuff out the "undesirables", Germany did it, Russia did it, MAO did it, and radical judges did it as well here is the USA.http://www.priestsforlife.org/resources/abortionimages/fig16baby8.jpg

your religion thinks abortion should be unlawful. mine doesn't.

last time i checked, yours doesn't trump mine.

not interested in you imposing your religion on me.

thanks so much.

oh, and i'm not interested in any anti-choice rabid religious right websites. so don't waste your time posting them in response to me.
Either human life is to be respected or not, I say it is at what ever stage of development the person is in. Like I said here in the US slaves were considered the property of other people as well and it was perfectly legal to kill what you owned, it was wrong then and it is wrong now.:eusa_hand:
yet we have a constitutional right to control our own bodies...

or do constitutional rights only matter when they protect things that rightwingnuts like?
Yes, when you aren't killing someone elses body. The right to life comes before the others for a reason, without it, all other rights are null and void.

really? interesting the supreme court didn't see it that way.

so stay out of other people's bedrooms and bodies.

thanks! :thup:
have you ever actually read Roe or Casey? There is no unfettered right to abortion. It can be restricted or even PUNISHED after viability. It should be, just like any other murder.
Yes, when you aren't killing someone elses body. The right to life comes before the others for a reason, without it, all other rights are null and void.

really? interesting the supreme court didn't see it that way.

so stay out of other people's bedrooms and bodies.

thanks! :thup:
have you ever actually read Roe or Casey? There is no unfettered right to abortion. It can be restricted or even PUNISHED after viability. It should be, just like any other murder.
Actually Roe legalized it till the due date, the reason this doctor has the charges on him, is the method of murder he used. Partial Birth abortion was banned under Bush.

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