Abortion as Murder.

Whether you believe people are selfish or not is irrelevant to the question.

Roe is incoinsistant in that it grants that states do have an interest in preserving the life of viable unborn persons, it then negates any and all action the state might do to actually protect those persons. These persons which is what Roe MUST describe them as, as the state has NO interest in preserving non-living, non-person, lumps of flesh, by virtue of the 14th amendment are entitled to the same protections under the law as any other person. Including having their murederers brought to justice.

Whatever you don't have any interest in these kids either, your not doing anything to help but sitting here typing bullshit. At least people who are ok with abortion are honest, you anti abortion clowns are the biggest fucking liars I ever seen in my life.:eusa_liar:
You don't know me, you don't know anything about me, and if "fuck you faggot" was the best you could come up with when you dissed me then you're not a very imaginative homophobe. When you have something to add about the subject instead of fantasizing about posters... come back and try again. And try to stay on topic.

Your just getting the respect you deserve, nothing more nothing less.:cool:
Your typing all this useless nonsense but you haven't lifted a finger to help any kids in your real life, all you have is a bunch of hype and alot of useless rhetoric, shame on you.

I would always rather be in the group of people who object to the murder of another human being for no reason but the fact they are human -than be among those who insist there is nothing immoral about killing someone just because their existence is "inconvenient".

Quit pretending you know a damn thing about me for a change. You aren't even close and you know that old saying about happens when you ASSUME something, right? It is just a CHILDISH stunt to try and deflect the discussion from this issue. This is how IMMATURE brains deal with issues that make them uncomfortable -they always try to just change the subject. So enough with this total bullshit that no one is entitled to an opinion that differs from your own unless they personally take responsibility for the children of someone else. THAT hasn't got a damn thing to do with anything at all. NO ONE is required to take personal responsibility for someone before they can legitimately object to their murder and it is mindbogglingly revolting that you would think otherwise! It means you don't even have a real foundation to your morals -it all hinges on how it PERSONALLY affects you before you decide something is right or wrong. That is exactly how the mind of a sociopath works -someone whose higher brain functions are more in line with that of a reptile than a human.

So you and your self-centered, inhumane, self-justifying total lack of morals have the balls to say "shame on ME?" Wow, very sick. What "shame" exists for defending the right of someone to keep their life? I don't have to be personally willing to take care of YOU to object to your murder. Oh THAT you have no problem with if its YOUR life I object to being murdered!! And you WANT people to object if its YOUR murder. I get it now. Its just taking the life of someone ELSE you have no problem with! Enough with your disgusting insistence that someone must be willing to take personal responsibility for someone before they can legitimately object to their murder. I'll NEVER EVER be willing to take personal responsibility for you -but I still object to your murder anyway.

Shame on YOU for believing these are the least bit connected issues you amoral crocodile.


Keep posting your lies bitch, so I can laugh at you. You have done nothing to help unwanted children, so why do you care about babies being aborted? secretly you do agree with abortions because you want nothing to do with taking care of someone elses kids.
I'm trying to figure out which was the greater waste, your posts, or your birth... it's a close call.
I would always rather be in the group of people who object to the murder of another human being for no reason but the fact they are human -than be among those who insist there is nothing immoral about killing someone just because their existence is "inconvenient".

Quit pretending you know a damn thing about me for a change. You aren't even close and you know that old saying about happens when you ASSUME something, right? It is just a CHILDISH stunt to try and deflect the discussion from this issue. This is how IMMATURE brains deal with issues that make them uncomfortable -they always try to just change the subject. So enough with this total bullshit that no one is entitled to an opinion that differs from your own unless they personally take responsibility for the children of someone else. THAT hasn't got a damn thing to do with anything at all. NO ONE is required to take personal responsibility for someone before they can legitimately object to their murder and it is mindbogglingly revolting that you would think otherwise! It means you don't even have a real foundation to your morals -it all hinges on how it PERSONALLY affects you before you decide something is right or wrong. That is exactly how the mind of a sociopath works -someone whose higher brain functions are more in line with that of a reptile than a human.

So you and your self-centered, inhumane, self-justifying total lack of morals have the balls to say "shame on ME?" Wow, very sick. What "shame" exists for defending the right of someone to keep their life? I don't have to be personally willing to take care of YOU to object to your murder. Oh THAT you have no problem with if its YOUR life I object to being murdered!! And you WANT people to object if its YOUR murder. I get it now. Its just taking the life of someone ELSE you have no problem with! Enough with your disgusting insistence that someone must be willing to take personal responsibility for someone before they can legitimately object to their murder. I'll NEVER EVER be willing to take personal responsibility for you -but I still object to your murder anyway.

Shame on YOU for believing these are the least bit connected issues you amoral crocodile.


Keep posting your lies bitch, so I can laugh at you. You have done nothing to help unwanted children, so why do you care about babies being aborted? secretly you do agree with abortions because you want nothing to do with taking care of someone elses kids.
I'm trying to figure out which was the greater waste, your posts, or your birth... it's a close call.

Wow I'm so offended.
I think the distincition is of course they are alive, but at what point in gestation is it considered a human being or a peson.

That's the question...and unfortunately, the answer is an opinion. IMO, that heart beats pretty early in the pregnancy...

I don't think it's an opinion so much as there is no real black and white line you can draw that says prior to this day in a pregnancy it isn't a person and after it is.

I guess what I don't understand is that if Roe's ruling was no abortions if the fetus is viable, why we don't prosecute people that have abortions when they are indeed viable for murder. Do we prosecute them for anything at all?

When my wife was pregnant with my daughter, I remember th doctor telling us that past a certain number of weeks, then the pregnancy is considered viable...I just can't remember when she said.... I don't know if it's "in the books" but this is what she thought anyway.
Morals and integrity don't pay the bills, there are plenty of people with good morals that end up homeless on the streets. Bottom line is if a woman is unable to care for a child and wants to get an abortion its none of your business, unless your willing to step in and adopt a couple of these would be aborted kids but not you or frazzledgear are willing to do that, you offer nothing but useless rhetoric.

And that argument is faulty logic, pure and simple. Your argument is essentially that if you believe x then you must be willing to do y. Well that simply isn't the case here. NO ONE has the right to make someone else pay for their irresponsible choices. I made my choice to not have kids right now. By telling me I must adopt because I'm anti abortion not only takes choice away from me, it gives another the choice to absolve themselves of responsibility for their actions.
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Whatever you don't have any interest in these kids either, your not doing anything to help but sitting here typing bullshit. At least people who are ok with abortion are honest, you anti abortion clowns are the biggest fucking liars I ever seen in my life.:eusa_liar:
You don't know me, you don't know anything about me, and if "fuck you faggot" was the best you could come up with when you dissed me then you're not a very imaginative homophobe. When you have something to add about the subject instead of fantasizing about posters... come back and try again. And try to stay on topic.

Your just getting the respect you deserve, nothing more nothing less.:cool:
You are a completely useless poster who does nothing but fantasize about what you think other people do and how they live, when in reality you know nothing. You're rude, abusive, intollerant, and frankly stupid. You don't even know what this thread was about, you just saw abortion and it got your little panties in a bunch. You have no knowledge of law, no knowledge of people, no debate skills, there is in essence nothing redeeming about you.

Is doctor kevorkian free? Honestly, you may want to give him a call and maybe look into ending your miserable and hate filled existance. As i said earlier, its the innocents life I'm interested in saving. I can't imagine your useful to anyone with the hate you spew for no apparent reason. People have been reasonable with you, they've explained their position, they've engaged you honestly and with facts, and all you've done is call people liars while you make up lies about how you imagine they live, and call people names and display a remarkable unfamiliarity with anything approaching reasonable discorse. So please come back when you get out of the 10th grade and try again.

If any of that gives you trouble, let me try it in a way that you may understand

fuck off you useless piece of shit.

Keep posting your lies bitch, so I can laugh at you. You have done nothing to help unwanted children, so why do you care about babies being aborted? secretly you do agree with abortions because you want nothing to do with taking care of someone elses kids.
I'm trying to figure out which was the greater waste, your posts, or your birth... it's a close call.

Wow I'm so offended.
What, are you mad about paying child supoort or something? What's the matter, fat bitch from the club wouldn't get an abortion?
Your typing all this useless nonsense but you haven't lifted a finger to help any kids in your real life, all you have is a bunch of hype and alot of useless rhetoric, shame on you.

I would always rather be in the group of people who object to the murder of another human being for no reason but the fact they are human -than be among those who insist there is nothing immoral about killing someone just because their existence is "inconvenient".

Quit pretending you know a damn thing about me for a change. You aren't even close and you know that old saying about happens when you ASSUME something, right? It is just a CHILDISH stunt to try and deflect the discussion from this issue. This is how IMMATURE brains deal with issues that make them uncomfortable -they always try to just change the subject. So enough with this total bullshit that no one is entitled to an opinion that differs from your own unless they personally take responsibility for the children of someone else. THAT hasn't got a damn thing to do with anything at all. NO ONE is required to take personal responsibility for someone before they can legitimately object to their murder and it is mindbogglingly revolting that you would think otherwise! It means you don't even have a real foundation to your morals -it all hinges on how it PERSONALLY affects you before you decide something is right or wrong. That is exactly how the mind of a sociopath works -someone whose higher brain functions are more in line with that of a reptile than a human.

So you and your self-centered, inhumane, self-justifying total lack of morals have the balls to say "shame on ME?" Wow, very sick. What "shame" exists for defending the right of someone to keep their life? I don't have to be personally willing to take care of YOU to object to your murder. Oh THAT you have no problem with if its YOUR life I object to being murdered!! And you WANT people to object if its YOUR murder. I get it now. Its just taking the life of someone ELSE you have no problem with! Enough with your disgusting insistence that someone must be willing to take personal responsibility for someone before they can legitimately object to their murder. I'll NEVER EVER be willing to take personal responsibility for you -but I still object to your murder anyway.

Shame on YOU for believing these are the least bit connected issues you amoral crocodile.


Keep posting your lies bitch, so I can laugh at you. You have done nothing to help unwanted children, so why do you care about babies being aborted? secretly you do agree with abortions because you want nothing to do with taking care of someone elses kids.

unwanted children? Maybe to their jackass parents, but there are PLENTY of people willing to adopt "unwanted" children. I can name four people off the top of my head that have adopted or are about to adopt children. There are so many people out there that want kids but can't have them.

My answer to those idiots that love to screw without protection...by a .25 cent condom rather than spending it on crack and beer. People that like to fuck but don't want the consequences after the fact are selfish...plain and simple. Sounds like you've got expert experience in this....jackass
You don't know me, you don't know anything about me, and if "fuck you faggot" was the best you could come up with when you dissed me then you're not a very imaginative homophobe. When you have something to add about the subject instead of fantasizing about posters... come back and try again. And try to stay on topic.

Your just getting the respect you deserve, nothing more nothing less.:cool:
You are a completely useless poster who does nothing but fantasize about what you think other people do and how they live, when in reality you know nothing. You're rude, abusive, intollerant, and frankly stupid. You don't even know what this thread was about, you just saw abortion and it got your little panties in a bunch. You have no knowledge of law, no knowledge of people, no debate skills, there is in essence nothing redeeming about you.

Is doctor kevorkian free? Honestly, you may want to give him a call and maybe look into ending your miserable and hate filled existance. As i said earlier, its the innocents life I'm interested in saving. I can't imagine your useful to anyone with the hate you spew for no apparent reason. People have been reasonable with you, they've explained their position, they've engaged you honestly and with facts, and all you've done is call people liars while you make up lies about how you imagine they live, and call people names and display a remarkable unfamiliarity with anything approaching reasonable discorse. So please come back when you get out of the 10th grade and try again.

If any of that gives you trouble, let me try it in a way that you may understand

fuck off you useless piece of shit.

hahahahaha if anyone has their panties in a bunch it is you bitch, you don't give a fuck about these kids so stop lying.
that's your stock response?

We all know that people who want them dead must care more about them than anyone who fights to save them..
I would always rather be in the group of people who object to the murder of another human being for no reason but the fact they are human -than be among those who insist there is nothing immoral about killing someone just because their existence is "inconvenient".

Quit pretending you know a damn thing about me for a change. You aren't even close and you know that old saying about happens when you ASSUME something, right? It is just a CHILDISH stunt to try and deflect the discussion from this issue. This is how IMMATURE brains deal with issues that make them uncomfortable -they always try to just change the subject. So enough with this total bullshit that no one is entitled to an opinion that differs from your own unless they personally take responsibility for the children of someone else. THAT hasn't got a damn thing to do with anything at all. NO ONE is required to take personal responsibility for someone before they can legitimately object to their murder and it is mindbogglingly revolting that you would think otherwise! It means you don't even have a real foundation to your morals -it all hinges on how it PERSONALLY affects you before you decide something is right or wrong. That is exactly how the mind of a sociopath works -someone whose higher brain functions are more in line with that of a reptile than a human.

So you and your self-centered, inhumane, self-justifying total lack of morals have the balls to say "shame on ME?" Wow, very sick. What "shame" exists for defending the right of someone to keep their life? I don't have to be personally willing to take care of YOU to object to your murder. Oh THAT you have no problem with if its YOUR life I object to being murdered!! And you WANT people to object if its YOUR murder. I get it now. Its just taking the life of someone ELSE you have no problem with! Enough with your disgusting insistence that someone must be willing to take personal responsibility for someone before they can legitimately object to their murder. I'll NEVER EVER be willing to take personal responsibility for you -but I still object to your murder anyway.

Shame on YOU for believing these are the least bit connected issues you amoral crocodile.


Keep posting your lies bitch, so I can laugh at you. You have done nothing to help unwanted children, so why do you care about babies being aborted? secretly you do agree with abortions because you want nothing to do with taking care of someone elses kids.

unwanted children? Maybe to their jackass parents, but there are PLENTY of people willing to adopt "unwanted" children. I can name four people off the top of my head that have adopted or are about to adopt children. There are so many people out there that want kids but can't have them.

My answer to those idiots that love to screw without protection...by a .25 cent condom rather than spending it on crack and beer. People that like to fuck but don't want the consequences after the fact are selfish...plain and simple. Sounds like you've got expert experience in this....jackass

What the fuck? you are never going to stop people from having unwanted pregnancies, we are never going to live in a world where everyone follows your bullshit morals and rhetoric, the bottom line is there are unwanted pregnancies everyday and alot of these women can't take care of these children, if they want to get an abortion that is their business, you are not going to help any of these women change their minds anyways so go fuck yourself retard.
And if you have ANY evidence that proves that abortion reduces child abuse, child murder, or the incidence of child abandonment, please provide it.

Of course I know that you don't have any abuse because it's been proven ad nauseum that abortion doesn't do any of those things.
And if you have ANY evidence that proves that abortion reduces child abuse, child murder, or the incidence of child abandonment, please provide it.

Of course I know that you don't have any abuse because it's been proven ad nauseum that abortion doesn't do any of those things.

Are you fucking high? I never said abortion reduces anything.

Keep posting your lies bitch, so I can laugh at you. You have done nothing to help unwanted children, so why do you care about babies being aborted? secretly you do agree with abortions because you want nothing to do with taking care of someone elses kids.

unwanted children? Maybe to their jackass parents, but there are PLENTY of people willing to adopt "unwanted" children. I can name four people off the top of my head that have adopted or are about to adopt children. There are so many people out there that want kids but can't have them.

My answer to those idiots that love to screw without protection...by a .25 cent condom rather than spending it on crack and beer. People that like to fuck but don't want the consequences after the fact are selfish...plain and simple. Sounds like you've got expert experience in this....jackass

What the fuck? you are never going to stop people from having unwanted pregnancies, we are never going to live in a world where everyone follows your bullshit morals and rhetoric, the bottom line is there are unwanted pregnancies everyday and alot of these women can't take care of these children, if they want to get an abortion that is their business, you are not going to help any of these women change their minds anyways so go fuck yourself retard.

How are they unwanted children if they are wanted by someone. Damn your dense. I never claimed you'd stop people from being irresponsible. How about they grow up and take some frickin responsibility for their actions...something you obviously are absolving them of...By the sounds of it, I bet you do stupid shit all the time and don't think you should deal with the consequences....lol What a dumbass... By far one of the greaetest dumbasses I've encountered on these threads.... give yourself an applause for ranking up there with the some of the best Artards there are...
unwanted children? Maybe to their jackass parents, but there are PLENTY of people willing to adopt "unwanted" children. I can name four people off the top of my head that have adopted or are about to adopt children. There are so many people out there that want kids but can't have them.

My answer to those idiots that love to screw without protection...by a .25 cent condom rather than spending it on crack and beer. People that like to fuck but don't want the consequences after the fact are selfish...plain and simple. Sounds like you've got expert experience in this....jackass

What the fuck? you are never going to stop people from having unwanted pregnancies, we are never going to live in a world where everyone follows your bullshit morals and rhetoric, the bottom line is there are unwanted pregnancies everyday and alot of these women can't take care of these children, if they want to get an abortion that is their business, you are not going to help any of these women change their minds anyways so go fuck yourself retard.

How are they unwanted children if they are wanted by someone. Damn your dense. I never claimed you'd stop people from being irresponsible. How about they grow up and take some frickin responsibility for their actions...something you obviously are absolving them of...By the sounds of it, I bet you do stupid shit all the time and don't think you should deal with the consequences....lol What a dumbass... By far one of the greaetest dumbasses I've encountered on these threads.... give yourself an applause for ranking up there with the some of the best Artards there are...

LOL yeah I am one of the "greaetest" dumbasses huh? what the fuck ever. It takes years to adopt a child and the requirements are very rigid, and even then there is no guarantees the child will find a home, probably get placed in foster care with 7-8 other children. Yeah what a great life. Why don't you go ahead and adopt some of these kids you fucking hypocrite? Telling people to "stop being irresponsible" won't stop the problem with unwanted pregnancies, your dumb ass was probably an unwanted pregnancy. You can take your useless morales and worthless rhetoric, shove them up your ass and fuck yourself with them you piece of trash fucking ****.
What the fuck? you are never going to stop people from having unwanted pregnancies, we are never going to live in a world where everyone follows your bullshit morals and rhetoric, the bottom line is there are unwanted pregnancies everyday and alot of these women can't take care of these children, if they want to get an abortion that is their business, you are not going to help any of these women change their minds anyways so go fuck yourself retard.

How are they unwanted children if they are wanted by someone. Damn your dense. I never claimed you'd stop people from being irresponsible. How about they grow up and take some frickin responsibility for their actions...something you obviously are absolving them of...By the sounds of it, I bet you do stupid shit all the time and don't think you should deal with the consequences....lol What a dumbass... By far one of the greaetest dumbasses I've encountered on these threads.... give yourself an applause for ranking up there with the some of the best Artards there are...

LOL yeah I am one of the "greaetest" dumbasses huh? what the fuck ever. It takes years to adopt a child and the requirements are very rigid, and even then there is no guarantees the child will find a home, probably get placed in foster care with 7-8 other children. Yeah what a great life. Why don't you go ahead and adopt some of these kids you fucking hypocrite? Telling people to "stop being irresponsible" won't stop the problem with unwanted pregnancies, your dumb ass was probably an unwanted pregnancy. You can take your useless morales and worthless rhetoric, shove them up your ass and fuck yourself with them you piece of trash fucking ****.

As a matter of fact shit for brains, I was an unplanned pregnancy. I was conceived when my parents were in high school. Lucky for me, my parents were better people than you and followed through with their actions. Like I said before, I know numerous people that have adopted or are about to adopt. I guess maybe I just know better people than you...you know, those who are able to pass these rigid requirements. For a screenname with "gravity" in it, you sure are up in the clouds...on second thought, your head's in your ass.

By the way, learn to spell before you disagree with being the greatest dumbass.
How are they unwanted children if they are wanted by someone. Damn your dense. I never claimed you'd stop people from being irresponsible. How about they grow up and take some frickin responsibility for their actions...something you obviously are absolving them of...By the sounds of it, I bet you do stupid shit all the time and don't think you should deal with the consequences....lol What a dumbass... By far one of the greaetest dumbasses I've encountered on these threads.... give yourself an applause for ranking up there with the some of the best Artards there are...

LOL yeah I am one of the "greaetest" dumbasses huh? what the fuck ever. It takes years to adopt a child and the requirements are very rigid, and even then there is no guarantees the child will find a home, probably get placed in foster care with 7-8 other children. Yeah what a great life. Why don't you go ahead and adopt some of these kids you fucking hypocrite? Telling people to "stop being irresponsible" won't stop the problem with unwanted pregnancies, your dumb ass was probably an unwanted pregnancy. You can take your useless morales and worthless rhetoric, shove them up your ass and fuck yourself with them you piece of trash fucking ****.

As a matter of fact shit for brains, I was an unplanned pregnancy. I was conceived when my parents were in high school. Lucky for me, my parents were better people than you and followed through with their actions. Like I said before, I know numerous people that have adopted or are about to adopt. I guess maybe I just know better people than you...you know, those who are able to pass these rigid requirements. For a screenname with "gravity" in it, you sure are up in the clouds...on second thought, your head's in your ass.

By the way, learn to spell before you disagree with being the greatest dumbass.

You were the one who mispelled greatest you stupid fuck, so you are in no place to talk about spelling. You say you know "numerous" people willing to adopt huh? funny you are not one of them you lying sack of worthless shit. You don't give a damn about these would be aborted kids you are a fucking liar, you make pinochio look like Aberham Lincoln. If someone dropped a baby off on your doorstep you would shit your pants you fucking piece of trash, secretly you do agree with abortion because you want nothing to do with these unwanted children, so go eat shit and lay down in front of a train you worthless fucking piece of useless garbage.
LOL yeah I am one of the "greaetest" dumbasses huh? what the fuck ever. It takes years to adopt a child and the requirements are very rigid, and even then there is no guarantees the child will find a home, probably get placed in foster care with 7-8 other children. Yeah what a great life. Why don't you go ahead and adopt some of these kids you fucking hypocrite? Telling people to "stop being irresponsible" won't stop the problem with unwanted pregnancies, your dumb ass was probably an unwanted pregnancy. You can take your useless morales and worthless rhetoric, shove them up your ass and fuck yourself with them you piece of trash fucking ****.

As a matter of fact shit for brains, I was an unplanned pregnancy. I was conceived when my parents were in high school. Lucky for me, my parents were better people than you and followed through with their actions. Like I said before, I know numerous people that have adopted or are about to adopt. I guess maybe I just know better people than you...you know, those who are able to pass these rigid requirements. For a screenname with "gravity" in it, you sure are up in the clouds...on second thought, your head's in your ass.

By the way, learn to spell before you disagree with being the greatest dumbass.

You were the one who mispelled greatest you stupid fuck, so you are in no place to talk about spelling. You say you know "numerous" people willing to adopt huh? funny you are not one of them you lying sack of worthless shit. You don't give a damn about these would be aborted kids you are a fucking liar, you make pinochio look like Aberham Lincoln. If someone dropped a baby off on your doorstep you would shit your pants you fucking piece of trash, secretly you do agree with abortion because you want nothing to do with these unwanted children, so go eat shit and lay down in front of a train you worthless fucking piece of useless garbage.

lol....you're almost not worth arguing with...but I will just for shits and grins.
1. I have a kid, and my wife have talked about adopting in the event she can't have any more. So suck balls on that.
2. Yes, I do know people who have adopted or are about to adopt. Just because you don't know any decent people doesn't mean that I don't. Suck balls on that one too.
3. And yes, you are one of the GREATEST dumbasses I've ever had the displeasure of coming in contact with. My dog's a better person than you are...lol. What a douche.
If you weren't so bad at debating I might actually take you seriously. Lick ass on this one...

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