Abortion bill hidden in House proposal

Trump has doubled the deficit. He just submitted a trillion dollar deficit budget to Congress.

It's trillion dollar deficits all the way down.

You are seriously deluded.

do you understand the difference between annual deficit and national debt? It amazes me that those terms are used interchangeably by the ignorant.
Yes, I busted one of your fellow pseudocons on this a few days ago. JGalt. He refused to admit he fucked up and doubled down on his idiocy instead.

Deficit Donald is well on his way toward shattering Obama's debt record.

its only been two years. lets revisit this after two more, four more, six more. I think you will be proven wrong.
In that two years, Trump has managed to DOUBLE the deficit.

We cannot AFFORD to wait any more. You assholes didn't wait for Obama to shatter Bush's debt record before launching into him for his spending. You started in on him IMMEDIATELY.

This is the kind of willfully blind hypocrisy which pisses me off so much.

the annual deficit has very little to do with the president, congress authorizes and appropriates spending. Much of the spending during Trump's first two years was appropriated before he took office, what's also true is that government revenues are up as a result of tax and regulation policies which Trump put in place, so the annual deficit would be much larger but for his actions.

when you call out willfully blind hypocrisy you are addressing yourself.

Don't give me that shit. You just blamed Obama for every penny of debt run up on his watch. You didn't start the clock two years into his administration.

Christ, you can't stop yourself from being a blazing hypocrite!

You are not listening.

The trillion dollar deficit budget came from Trump's desk. Not from Congress. From Trump himself.

$4.407 trillion. A full trillion more than Obama's worst year of spending. The biggest spending budget in the history of humanity.

As for your claim that the deficit would be larger if not for Trump, you pulled that out of your ass. That's a total lie. Trump has always asked for MORE than Congress has budgeted. Not less.

And I have debunked the whole bullshit thing about higher revenues several times. It's a lie of omission. Revenues increased radically after Clinton's big tax increase. Revenues doubled in four years after that big tax hike.

They also rose to record levels after Obama's tax hike.

Your propagandists didn't tell you that, did they.

You know why they suddenly crowed about revenues last year? To divert your attention away from the fact Trump was spending far faster than he was taking in. That's why.

Jesus, when will you ever catch on?

You whined about spending and said nothing about record revenues when Obama was in office, and now you do the opposite. You are such a useful idiot.
we agree on debt as the major issue facing us. But we don't agree on who is responsible for it. The blame goes a long way back and includes every president since FDR and everyone who has been in congress since then. To put it all on Trump is really really ignorant.

The stench of hypocrisy, boys and girls:

Obama doubled the debt by adding over 9 trillion,

You put every penny of that 9 trillion on Obama.

You dodge and weave and try to give Trump a fucking two year head start. You refuse to accredit a single penny of the two trillion which has been added to the debt since he was inaugurated. You even tried to put THAT on Obama, too!

Yet you didn't put Obama's first two years on Bush.

You are such a useful idiot.
Trump submitted a trillion dollar deficit spending bill.

No matter how you fucking dodge and weave, you cannot escape that fact, Redfish.

Trump's the biggest spender in human history. $4.407 trillion.


Trump is a New York Democratic limousine liberal destroying conservatism from the inside.

Christ, if his statement yesterday that the Soviets were right to invade Afghanistan doesn't wake you saps up, nothing will.
Look at my posts, Redfish. Look at my record. Every proposal I have ever made was about reducing spending and lowering tax rates for everyone. When I am not talking about spending, I am talking about getting government out of health care as much as possible.

And then there are my pro-life posts.

Anyone who claims the Republican party of the last 20 years is for small government is an idiot. It does not make me a liberal for pointing that shit out to the willfully blind.

$4.407 trillion.
Look at my posts, Redfish. Look at my record. Every proposal I have ever made was about reducing spending and lowering tax rates for everyone. When I am not talking about spending, I am talking about getting government out of health care as much as possible.

And then there are my pro-life posts.

Anyone who claims the Republican party of the last 20 years is for small government is an idiot. It does not make me a liberal for pointing that shit out to the willfully blind.

$4.407 trillion.
We missed the boat when W preempted Forbes run after losing the 1996 primary to Dole.
Usually young women that get knocked up on purpose, don't have access to birth control, starting out on their first jobs, and looking forward to being an adult finally, don't think about all the political bullshit you say they think and do. The pregnancy is unwanted and to seek an abortion instead of ruin their early adulthood sounds better to some people. They are left to answer to God, not you.
WASHINGTON, D.C., January 3, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) – Democrats wasted no time asserting their priorities upon taking over the U.S. House of Representatives this week, proposing legislation to fund the federal government which would at the same time reverse one of President Donald Trump’s earliest pro-life accomplishments.

The federal government has been partially shut down since Trump, facing pressure from conservatives, decided at the last minute in December to reject a government funding bill that didn’t include $5 billion to begin constructing the southern border wall he campaigned on. While the media is filled with distress over the shutdown and uncertainty over whether Democrats or Republicans will blink first, most of the government was already funded and remains in operation.

Following her return to the office of House Speaker Thursday, Democrat leader Nancy Pelosi announced that her party would be “offering the Senate Republican Appropriations [Committee] legislation to reopen the government later today,” Fox News reports. The proposal would fund the Department of Homeland Security until February 8 and other federal departments until the end of September.

The bill has been a political non-starter because it lacks wall funding, however, and pro-lifers are warning that it would also repeal the Mexico City Policy (now called Protecting Life in Global Health Assistance) that Trump reinstated shortly after taking office and later expanded. That would make foreign entities that commit or promote abortions once again eligible for foreign aid.

The plan would also give $37.5 million to the United Nations Population Fund, from which Trump withdrew in 2017 over its participation in China’s forced abortion regime.

“This move shows the House Democrats are so radically pro-abortion that they are more concerned with pushing their abortion agenda on the American people than finding common ground to end the government shutdown,” Live Action president Lila Rose responded. While Trump and Senate Republicans “failed last session to pass a law preventing the American taxpayer from funding Planned Parenthood,” they “now have a duty to stand firm and block such outrageous attempts to have the American taxpayer fund and promote abortion programs across the globe.”

“News that abortion is the leading cause of death worldwide is a tragedy of international proportions, but asking U.S. taxpayers to pay for it is an offensive misuse of scarce resources,” Students for Life of America president Kristan Hawkins said. “Taxpayers have had enough of the abortion industry’s vision of abortion as the United States’ number one export. As a bipartisan matter, we should help women and children at home and abroad, without making ending life the goal of U.S. policy.”

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has already rejected the proposal as a “political sideshow,” declaring that the Senate “will not waste its time considering a Democratic bill which cannot pass this chamber and which the president will not sign.”

How the shutdown standoff will end remains unclear. Conservative pundit Ann Coulter, who was one of Trump’s earliest and most passionate supporters, predicted this week the president “will fold in the end,” though others argue he can satisfy supporters by funding the wall through other revenue sources not reliant on Congress.

In July 2017, Rep. Steve King (R-IA) suggested the federal funding that goes to Planned Parenthood be directed to the border wall instead.

As for abortion policy under the new Congress, pro-lifers are largely resigned to two more years without direct legislation to defund Planned Parenthood or otherwise restrict abortion, though they remain optimistic that Trump will continue to find incremental steps for life via executive action, and hope Republicans’ expanded Senate majority will enable the confirmation of judges with clear pro-life credentials.

Democrat opposition to Pelosi’s re-election as speaker falls flat
Pelosi is a self-declared “Catholic” with a 100 percent pro-abortion voting record, who has said that promoting “diversity” among Capitol Hill staff will be one of her priorities in the new Congress. On multiple occasions, however, she has also displayed the political acumen to deemphasize left-wing causes like abortion for the sake of winning over Americans on economic or healthcare grounds.

After the November midterms, the New York Times revealed that Pelosi helped Democrats return to power in part by counseling “restraint” against fighting over things like Planned Parenthood in favor of a focused message on more mainstream concerns. “Those things are in our DNA, but they are not in our talking points,” she reportedly said on multiple occasions.

In April, she defended her support of “pro-life” Democrats like Illinois Rep. Dan Lipinski on the grounds that his election would count toward a “pro-choice gavel when we win the Congress,” and during the campaign downplayed Democrat calls to impeach President Donald Trump. Conservatives suspect such assurances were merely meant to hide Democrats’ true intentions so as not to provoke GOP voter turnout.

The Hill reports that 15 House Democrats, most of whom were just elected, opposed Pelosi’s re-election as speaker, though they didn’t agree on a single alternative and their ranks were far short of the “dozens” who had previously distanced themselves from her.

“On day one of the new Congress, Nancy Pelosi and House Democrats are already trying to foist a radical pro-abortion agenda on the nation,” Susan B. Anthony List President Marjorie Dannenfelser said. “The House’s spending bill would...[make] taxpayers complicit in the exportation of abortion and destruction of countless unborn children around the world. This is unconscionable and we oppose the bill in the strongest terms.”

Democrats take control of House, immediately introduce bill to fund abortions worldwide
Good job, Democrats!
WASHINGTON, D.C., January 3, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) – Democrats wasted no time asserting their priorities upon taking over the U.S. House of Representatives this week, proposing legislation to fund the federal government which would at the same time reverse one of President Donald Trump’s earliest pro-life accomplishments.

The federal government has been partially shut down since Trump, facing pressure from conservatives, decided at the last minute in December to reject a government funding bill that didn’t include $5 billion to begin constructing the southern border wall he campaigned on. While the media is filled with distress over the shutdown and uncertainty over whether Democrats or Republicans will blink first, most of the government was already funded and remains in operation.

Following her return to the office of House Speaker Thursday, Democrat leader Nancy Pelosi announced that her party would be “offering the Senate Republican Appropriations [Committee] legislation to reopen the government later today,” Fox News reports. The proposal would fund the Department of Homeland Security until February 8 and other federal departments until the end of September.

The bill has been a political non-starter because it lacks wall funding, however, and pro-lifers are warning that it would also repeal the Mexico City Policy (now called Protecting Life in Global Health Assistance) that Trump reinstated shortly after taking office and later expanded. That would make foreign entities that commit or promote abortions once again eligible for foreign aid.

The plan would also give $37.5 million to the United Nations Population Fund, from which Trump withdrew in 2017 over its participation in China’s forced abortion regime.

“This move shows the House Democrats are so radically pro-abortion that they are more concerned with pushing their abortion agenda on the American people than finding common ground to end the government shutdown,” Live Action president Lila Rose responded. While Trump and Senate Republicans “failed last session to pass a law preventing the American taxpayer from funding Planned Parenthood,” they “now have a duty to stand firm and block such outrageous attempts to have the American taxpayer fund and promote abortion programs across the globe.”

“News that abortion is the leading cause of death worldwide is a tragedy of international proportions, but asking U.S. taxpayers to pay for it is an offensive misuse of scarce resources,” Students for Life of America president Kristan Hawkins said. “Taxpayers have had enough of the abortion industry’s vision of abortion as the United States’ number one export. As a bipartisan matter, we should help women and children at home and abroad, without making ending life the goal of U.S. policy.”

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has already rejected the proposal as a “political sideshow,” declaring that the Senate “will not waste its time considering a Democratic bill which cannot pass this chamber and which the president will not sign.”

How the shutdown standoff will end remains unclear. Conservative pundit Ann Coulter, who was one of Trump’s earliest and most passionate supporters, predicted this week the president “will fold in the end,” though others argue he can satisfy supporters by funding the wall through other revenue sources not reliant on Congress.

In July 2017, Rep. Steve King (R-IA) suggested the federal funding that goes to Planned Parenthood be directed to the border wall instead.

As for abortion policy under the new Congress, pro-lifers are largely resigned to two more years without direct legislation to defund Planned Parenthood or otherwise restrict abortion, though they remain optimistic that Trump will continue to find incremental steps for life via executive action, and hope Republicans’ expanded Senate majority will enable the confirmation of judges with clear pro-life credentials.

Democrat opposition to Pelosi’s re-election as speaker falls flat
Pelosi is a self-declared “Catholic” with a 100 percent pro-abortion voting record, who has said that promoting “diversity” among Capitol Hill staff will be one of her priorities in the new Congress. On multiple occasions, however, she has also displayed the political acumen to deemphasize left-wing causes like abortion for the sake of winning over Americans on economic or healthcare grounds.

After the November midterms, the New York Times revealed that Pelosi helped Democrats return to power in part by counseling “restraint” against fighting over things like Planned Parenthood in favor of a focused message on more mainstream concerns. “Those things are in our DNA, but they are not in our talking points,” she reportedly said on multiple occasions.

In April, she defended her support of “pro-life” Democrats like Illinois Rep. Dan Lipinski on the grounds that his election would count toward a “pro-choice gavel when we win the Congress,” and during the campaign downplayed Democrat calls to impeach President Donald Trump. Conservatives suspect such assurances were merely meant to hide Democrats’ true intentions so as not to provoke GOP voter turnout.

The Hill reports that 15 House Democrats, most of whom were just elected, opposed Pelosi’s re-election as speaker, though they didn’t agree on a single alternative and their ranks were far short of the “dozens” who had previously distanced themselves from her.

“On day one of the new Congress, Nancy Pelosi and House Democrats are already trying to foist a radical pro-abortion agenda on the nation,” Susan B. Anthony List President Marjorie Dannenfelser said. “The House’s spending bill would...[make] taxpayers complicit in the exportation of abortion and destruction of countless unborn children around the world. This is unconscionable and we oppose the bill in the strongest terms.”

Democrats take control of House, immediately introduce bill to fund abortions worldwide

Children are never safe around the souless amoral Democrats
Roy Moore and Ted Nugent are not Democrats.
Abortion is the number one obsession with them always. Everything else is secondary To sucking out babies and dumping them in the trash. And I mean everything.

It’s Satanic. Innocent blood.

a fucking wall isnt as important to the masses as abortion is.


Yeah i doubt it. The masses hate abortion..thats why they took it away from us and sent it to the court. Regardless what I said stands. They have a monomaniacal obsession with killing babies. Everything is secondary to that.

The demonic influence is obvious.
Usually young women that get knocked up on purpose, don't have access to birth control, starting out on their first jobs, and looking forward to being an adult finally, don't think about all the political bullshit you say they think and do. The pregnancy is unwanted and to seek an abortion instead of ruin their early adulthood sounds better to some people. They are left to answer to God, not you.

Do children have a right to the equal protections of our laws?

Yes or no?
Yes children do. They are not children until they are born. Unless a death certificate is provided.
Yes children do. They are not children until they are born. Unless a death certificate is provided.

If they are not children or persons until they are "born" (emerge from the womb) . . . How do you explain the MURDER charge a killer might face under any one of our nation's nearly forty fetal HOMICIDE laws?
Homicide is an unwanted violent act, criminal in nature, abortion is a decision a woman makes about human cells growing in her body. You come across like all abortions are at full term and that is not the case.
Homicide is an unwanted violent act, criminal in nature, abortion is a decision a woman makes about human cells growing in her body.
Well okay. . .

What the fuck does that have to do with whether or not the victim killed was actually a child?
Homicide is an unwanted violent act, criminal in nature, abortion is a decision a woman makes about human cells growing in her body.
Well okay. . .

What the fuck does that have to do with whether or not the victim killed was actually a child?
Haha...an abortion debate!

Hold on, let me check my dial up connection to AOL to make sure I don't miss anything...
Homicide is an unwanted violent act, criminal in nature, abortion is a decision a woman makes about human cells growing in her body.
Well okay. . .

What the fuck does that have to do with whether or not the victim killed was actually a child?
Haha...an abortion debate!

Hold on, let me check my dial up connection to AOL to make sure I don't miss anything...

At this point, it's not even about abortion. We are all the way back to 6th grade biology.
Shew woman are so relieved and so happy that their life is on track after an abortion. She will get to explore her world now. Not producing children because some man says so.
Shew woman are so relieved and so happy that their life is on track after an abortion. She will get to explore her world now. Not producing children because some man says so.

Dafuq does that have to do with whether or not a child in the fetal stage of their life growth and development is a child or not?
I've also found that men who don't support abortion, are caught up in a power game. They want the say so but not the responsibility.

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