Abortion Cruises - Schedule Now To Kill Your Baby In International Waters 12 Miles Off the US Coast

Not if the polls are right. Abortion is a far bigger issue with women now than it ever was before Roe was overturned. You can not expect to take away a women's right to choose, her right to privacy, and her right to manage her own body that has existed for over 50 years without a backlash. This is not the 18th century when women had no rights and were expected to spend their lives barefoot, pregnant, and in the kitchen.
If the economy ever tanks for any reason those days will return.
As the saying goes, "Where there is a WILL, there is a WAY!"

Perhaps despicable liberals will combine Abortions with Deep Sea Fishing. After the abortion they can use what's left for chum and bait....

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'WTF Is Wrong With liberals?!'

Abortion is not baby killing you filthy piece of garbage. You can't stand the fact that people are finding creatrive ways to thwart your radical right wing agenda.
Dems are sick bastards. Lets hope those on the abortion cruise don't suffer a life threatening emergency during the procedure and DIE. Tune in next week when Dems offer abortions in Mexico.

Republicans are sick bastards. What happens if a pregnancy goes bad and a abortion is medically necessary? Where will you find a doctor to do it? That woman will; die you filthy, sick murderer. Women are going to die because of this decision.
Not if the polls are right. Abortion is a far bigger issue with women now than it ever was before Roe was overturned. You can not expect to take away a women's right to choose, her right to privacy, and her right to manage her own body that has existed for over 50 years without a backlash. This is not the 18th century when women had no rights and were expected to spend their lives barefoot, pregnant, and in the kitchen.
Take a deep breath. Abortion wasn't made illegal. Abortion is available in any state that legalizes it.
Republicans are sick bastards. What happens if a pregnancy goes bad and a abortion is medically necessary? Where will you find a doctor to do it? That woman will; die you filthy, sick murderer. Women are going to die because of this decision.
How many babies have died since RvW?
If you think you have the majority of women on your side you're in for a big surprise on election day.

Don't be too sure of that. The majority of women do support the right of WOMEN to make the choice. A proposed pro-choice constitutional amendment in Michigan will be on the ballot in Michigan. In addition, Republican candidates for governor are dropping like flies and the leading candidate could be in jail on Inauguration day. Republicans are going to get slammed. Republicans in Pennsylvania are endorsing the pro-choice Democrat candidate for governor and the Republican legislature has made it clear they will attempt to ban abortion in the state.
Take a deep breath. Abortion wasn't made illegal. Abortion is available in any state that legalizes it.

Many women do not have the financial resources to travel to a state where abortion is legal. Politicians should not be making this decision.
A human being is a human being from the moment of conception. That's what the science says. REAL science, not what you leftist crackpots use.

And you're okay with killing human beings because they're inconvenient.

That is theology not science. If they cannot live outside of the fetus, they cannot be considered human beings.

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