Abortion Cruises - Schedule Now To Kill Your Baby In International Waters 12 Miles Off the US Coast

What's your favorite term for inconvenient human beings...parasites? Clumps of cells? Or just anything that makes you feel better about them being killed?

I call it a fetus. A fetus is not a human life.
That is theology not science. If they cannot live outside of the fetus, they cannot be considered human beings.
Pay attention. This is where I show that everything you know about abortion is false.
The fusion of the sperm (with 23 chromosomes) and the oocyte (with 23 chromosomes) at fertilization results in a live human being, a single-cell human zygote, with 46 chromosomes�the number of chromosomes characteristic of an individual member of the human species. Quoting Moore:

"Zygote: This cell results from the union of an oocyte and a sperm. A zygote is the beginning of a new human being (i.e., an embryo). The expression fertilized ovum refers to a secondary oocyte that is impregnated by a sperm; when fertilization is complete, the oocyte becomes a zygote."10 (Emphasis added.)

This new single-cell human being immediately produces specifically human proteins and enzymes11 (not carrot or frog enzymes and proteins), and genetically directs his/her own growth and development. (In fact, this genetic growth and development has been proven not to be directed by the mother.)12 Finally, this new human being�the single-cell human zygote�is biologically an individual, a living organism�an individual member of the human species. Quoting Larsen:

"... [W]e begin our description of the developing human with the formation and differentiation of the male and female sex cells or gametes, which will unite at fertilization to initiate the embryonic development of a new individual."13 (Emphasis added.)

In sum, a mature human sperm and a mature human oocyte are products of gametogenesis�each has only 23 chromosomes. They each have only half of the required number of chromosomes for a human being. They cannot singly develop further into human beings. They produce only "gamete" proteins and enzymes. They do not direct their own growth and development. And they are not individuals, i.e., members of the human species. They are only parts�each one a part of a human being. On the other hand, a human being is the immediate product of fertilization. As such he/she is a single-cell embryonic zygote, an organism with 46 chromosomes, the number required of a member of the human species. This human being immediately produces specifically human proteins and enzymes, directs his/her own further growth and development as human, and is a new, genetically unique, newly existing, live human individual.​

Science. Discard it if you will, but don't ever claim to care about science again.​
It is going to affect the election. Republicans are talking about banning abortion nationally.

Sure, retard.

Might wanna rephrase that, Skippy. It makes you look even more death-cultish.

I state facts. You are the religious fanatic who wants to turn this into the Christian version of Iran. Fortunately a woman's right to vote is in the Constitution so the Supreme Court can't say that doesn't exist.
Republicans are sick bastards. What happens if a pregnancy goes bad and a abortion is medically necessary? Where will you find a doctor to do it? That woman will; die you filthy, sick murderer. Women are going to die because of this decision.
Then you do a C section and the premature baby goes to an incubator. The abortion is and I repeat never never ever medically necessary. You are satanic pos evil scumbag.

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