Abortion Cruises - Schedule Now To Kill Your Baby In International Waters 12 Miles Off the US Coast

Then you do a C section and the premature baby goes to an incubator. The abortion is and I repeat never never ever medically necessary. You are satanic pos evil scumbag.

There are circumstances where a abortion is the only answer.
I state facts.
The "fact" you stated:

"Abortion does not kill babies before the fetus is viable."

You're claiming all abortions are performed post-viability.

I gave you a chance to correct your insanely obvious mistake. You chose to double-down on stupid. Don't get angry at me, boy.
You are the religious fanatic who wants to turn this into the Christian version of Iran.
Yes, that's another lie you've been told. You sure are a gullible little twit.
Fortunately a woman's right to vote is in the Constitution so the Supreme Court can't say that doesn't exist.
Uh huh. Nobody rational is talking about taking away women's vote. That's the people lying to you again. They're manipulating you because you're filled with hate and rage...and you're gullible, as we've previously established.

Your best bet would be to abandon this thread, kid.
The "fact" you stated:

"Abortion does not kill babies before the fetus is viable."

You're claiming all abortions are performed post-viability.

I gave you a chance to correct your insanely obvious mistake. You chose to double-down on stupid. Don't get angry at me, boy.

Yes, that's another lie you've been told. You sure are a gullible little twit.

Uh huh. Nobody rational is talking about taking away women's vote. That's the people lying to you again. They're manipulating you because you're filled with hate and rage...and you're gullible, as we've previously established.

Your best bet would be to abandon this thread, kid.

You are the one who is stupid. You are the one who is spouting lies you right wing fascist pig.
You are the lying weasel.
Almost? You are admitting it can happen. I agree it is rare but suppose it happens. You are the lying sack of human garbage.
Fuck you scumbag. If a women's life is in danger you do a C Section and if the baby is premature the baby goes to the incubator.
Don't be too sure of that. The majority of women do support the right of WOMEN to make the choice. A proposed pro-choice constitutional amendment in Michigan will be on the ballot in Michigan. In addition, Republican candidates for governor are dropping like flies and the leading candidate could be in jail on Inauguration day. Republicans are going to get slammed. Republicans in Pennsylvania are endorsing the pro-choice Democrat candidate for governor and the Republican legislature has made it clear they will attempt to ban abortion in the state.
Great. That has nothing to do with the House and Senate.
It is going to affect the election. Republicans are talking about banning abortion nationally.
They can't do that.
Fuck you scumbag. If a women's life is in danger you do a C Section and if the baby is premature the baby goes to the incubator.

Fuck you, you piece of garbage. You have no clue what you are talking about.
They always discard science when it's uncomfortable and doesn't support their Marxist-Democrat desires.

The Nazi democrats utterly hate science.

It destroys their evil religion - from men having periods and getting pregnant, to the unborn being starfishes - the Nazis make up a reality that has no basis in actual reality.

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