Abortion Cruises - Schedule Now To Kill Your Baby In International Waters 12 Miles Off the US Coast

As the saying goes, "Where there is a WILL, there is a WAY!"

Perhaps despicable liberals will combine Abortions with Deep Sea Fishing. After the abortion they can use what's left for chum and bait....

View attachment 668988
'WTF Is Wrong With liberals?!'

Free enterprise! I thought this .ight be an idea.
As the saying goes, "Where there is a WILL, there is a WAY!"

Perhaps despicable liberals will combine Abortions with Deep Sea Fishing. After the abortion they can use what's left for chum and bait....

View attachment 668988
'WTF Is Wrong With liberals?!'

Starring Kermit Gosnell as your Cruise Director! And Margaret Sanger as your Race Relations Manager!

Never trust the Neo-GOP.

You mean the hypothetical situation he talked about if an infant that was born with a fatal anomaly. The suffering infant would be sedated to be made comfortable and then the dying child's condition and prognosis would be discussed with the parents. Not how to kill it.

The Neo-GOP have been Groomed.

Vote out the Neo-GOP ladies, while you still can.
"The infant would be made comfortable". So creepy. Just like Ralph 'the butcher" Northam said. "And then killed" is the unspoken conclusion.

They talk about horrific acts so calmly and familiarly. The banality of evil.
Actually he said: "where there MAY be severe deformities" and "There MAY be a fetus that is non viable." One wonders what other 'MAYS' would qualify for such treatment. Like 'MAY' cause mental anguish to the mother?

BTW the bill in question that he commented on says: "that a third trimester abortion is necessary to prevent the woman's death or impairment of her MENTAL or physical health."
Pretty big loophole there, IMO.
He never said a word about the mothers mental health. The anti-Choice crowd lies are long, loud, and lasting. Even now, the groomed ones get all upset when I tell them he was not advocating for infanticide, they swear up and down that he was talking to the parent(s) about how to kill the child.
"The infant would be made comfortable". So creepy.
You think a dying infant should suffer without sedation? That is pretty creepy, and sick if you ask me.
"And then killed" is the unspoken conclusion.
Those who would think to push the believers to draw that conclusion from his words are very sick, but talented Groomers.
They talk about horrific acts so calmly and familiarly.
To be able to lie with impunity to flock makes the Neo-GOP Groomers the best liars in America. But they've had years of practice.......
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He never said a word about the mothers mental health. The anti-Choice crowd lies are long, loud, and lasting. Even now, the groomed ones get all upset when I tell them he was not advocating for infanticide, they swear up and down that he was talking to the parent(s) about how to kill the child.
I showed you the bill in question and it does cite the mental state of the mother. Of course he didn't mention that, he left that out. Also if that infant is 'nonviable' why keep the poor thing alive? Does the word 'nonviable' mean something else in abort-speak? I mean like, "the baby will not have a good life so, let's make it comfortable and then kill it."
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If you think you have the majority of women on your side you're in for a big surprise on election day.
According to Gallup which has tracked abortion opinion since 1975, 48% of women believe abortion should be available under certain circumstances, and 38% under all circumnutates and only 12% support a ban on abortions which is now in effect in 15 states. Even more interesting is the fact that women support for total ban on abortions has fallen from from 24% to 12% in 2 years which is the lowest level since Gallup began tracking abortion. Over the last 3 years, women who identified themselves as prolife has gone down from 51% to 33% and women who identified themselves as prochoice has risen from 43% to 61%

This poll was taken prior to the Supreme Court overturning Roe and states banning abortion. More recent polls suggest that women acceptance of abortion bans are now even less. Thinking that the abortion bans will not be an issue with women in the upcoming elections seems to be wishful thinking.

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As the saying goes, "Where there is a WILL, there is a WAY!"

Perhaps despicable liberals will combine Abortions with Deep Sea Fishing. After the abortion they can use what's left for chum and bait....

View attachment 668988
'WTF Is Wrong With liberals?!'

Ships sink who knows
The Infant born alive act of 2002 requires it.
The act does not punish doctors 'after viability.' There is no reason to sit there and watch a non viable fetus die, it's basically already dead. This is why I question the term in the first place it seems ill defined.
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According to Gallup which has tracked abortion opinion since 1975, 48% of women believe abortion should be available under certain circumstances, and 38% under all circumnutates and only 12% support a ban on abortions which is now in effect in 15 states. Even more interesting is the fact that women support for total ban on abortions has fallen from from 24% to 12% in 2 years which is the lowest level since Gallup began tracking abortion.

This poll was taken prior to the Supreme Court overturning Roe and states banning abortion. More recent polls suggest that women acceptance of abortion bans are now even less. Thinking that the abortion bans will not be an issue with women in the upcoming elections seems to be wishful thinking.

Abortion is available. Abortion isn't gonna affect the election.
People act like abortion clinics and workers are nice places and people like everywhere else. They are NOT nice people, and the places are seedy. The workers are not cheerful and happy. They are cold and callous. And the clinics are not clean and sanitized. They have a filthy feel about them.

It reminds me of the Playboy mansion. It was supposed to be the height of glamor and prosperity. But the women who've been there say it's filthy and run down. Evil is not nice and clean, people. It's vile and dirty.
Your statement is partially true. People who work in abortion clinics don't enjoy what they are doing. Like vets who put down animals, they don't like what they are doing but they know it's necessary.

Forcing a woman against her will to go through pregnancy and birth an unwanted child into the world is wrong and the outcome for mother and child is rarely good.
Abortion is available. Abortion isn't gonna affect the election.
Not if the polls are right. Abortion is a far bigger issue with women now than it ever was before Roe was overturned. You can not expect to take away a women's right to choose, her right to privacy, and her right to manage her own body that has existed for over 50 years without a backlash. This is not the 18th century when women had no rights and were expected to spend their lives barefoot, pregnant, and in the kitchen.
You think a dying infant should suffer without sedation? That is pretty creepy, and sick if you ask me.

Those who would think to push the believers to draw that conclusion from his words are very sick, but talented Groomers.

To be able to lie with impunity to flock makes the Neo-GOP Groomers the best liars in America. But they've had years of practice.......
You support the killing of inconvenient human beings. You have no morals. Stop pretending you do.

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