Abortion is based in systemic racism

86% of abortion centers target Black neighborhoods

In New York City alone, more blacks have been aborted than born.

But we are led to believe by the Left that all of society is systemically racist, EXCEPT abortion centers.


And of course, Margaret Sanger started Planned Parenthood and was all about eradicating blacks from the face of the earth.

1. “Birth control itself, often denounced as a violation of natural law, is nothing more or less than the facilitation of the process of weeding out the unfit, of preventing the birth of defectives or of those who will become defectives… If we are to make racial progress, this development of womanhood must precede motherhood in every individual woman.” — “Woman and the New Race,” 1920

2. “Apply a stern and rigid policy of sterilization and segregation to that grade of population whose progeny is tainted, or whose inheritance is such that objectionable traits may be transmitted to offspring.”- from “My Way to Peace,” Jan. 17, 1932. Margaret Sanger Papers, Library of Congress 130:198.

3. “As an advocate of birth control, I wish to take advantage of the present opportunity to point out that the unbalance between the birth rate of the “unfit” and the “fit,” admittedly the greatest present menace to civilization, can never be rectified by the inauguration of a cradle competition between these two classes. In this matter, the example of the inferior classes, the fertility of the feeble-minded, the mentally defective, the poverty-stricken classes, should not be held up for emulation to the mentally and physically fit though less fertile parents of the educated and well-to-do classes. On the contrary, the most urgent problem today is how to limit and discourage the overfertility of the mentally and physically defective”.- from Eugenics Value of Birth Control Propaganda 1921

4. “Again, however, we must stress the fact that in a national program for human conservation institutional and voluntary sterilization are not enough; they do not reach those elements at large in the population whose children are a menace to the national health and well-being. (“Human Conservation and Birth Control,” typed speech. March 3, 1938.)

5. “Our immigration laws forbid the entrance into this country of paupers, insane, feeble-minded and diseased people from other lands. Why not extend the idea and discourage the bringing to birth these same types within our borders. Let us stop reproducing and perpetuation disease, insanity and ignorance. Stop these and other evils at their source by a national policy and education of birth control.”-from “Stop Perpetuating the Unfit by a National Policy of Limitations of Families.” Published in “The New York American” December 28, 1921.

“I accepted an invitation to talk to the women's branch of the Ku Klux Klan... I was escorted to the platform, was introduced, and began to speak...In the end, through simple illustrations I believed I had accomplished my purpose. A dozen invitations to speak to similar groups were proffered.”
-- Margaret Sanger, An Autobiography, published in 1938, p. 366

"A new Planned Parenthood clinic is under construction in Virginia Beach, right next to the Lake Edward neighborhood, a predominantly black community. Of course, this is business as usual for the group which many black leaders say is responsible for carrying out a genocide against black babies.

According to the Center for Disease Control, there were 11,156,700 black babies aborted between 1973-2001. Today, that number is estimated to be at least 13,000,000. We hear so much how violence is taking a tremendous toll on the black community an of course it is, but it cannot begin to compare to disaster of abortion.

Students for Life America recently reported that black women are 4.8 times more likely to have an abortion than are their white counterparts. Black babies account for 36 percent of abortions, while only accounting for 17 percent of live births."

Leftists make the KKK look like boy scouts.

Woops, I'm sorry, or is that the pansexual scouts now?
Sanger was a womans and blacks right activist hun. Her whole family were. She was for Eugenics and felt that the mentally handicap people who pass their genes down to their offspring should not be having children because the children could not be cared for and both the parents and children were a burden on everyone. You don't understand what you have posted---she was pro-black, but against the mentally handicapped. And she btw, wasn't wrong.......
Yes, actually, so that blacks would have more trust in other blacks. PP didn't start performing abortions until the 70s.
Planned Parenthood didn't exist until 1942. Sanger's methods did though.

You remind me of Ted Bundy's mother...when finally confronted with her son's own confession


Speaking to the news crew

"Would anyone like some cake?"

Sanger was a eugenicist.

Not only was she one, she was a leader in the movement.

You support a baby Hitler.
Sanger was a womans and blacks right activist hun. Her whole family were. She was for Eugenics and felt that the mentally handicap people who pass their genes down to their offspring should not be having children because the children could not be cared for and both the parents and children were a burden on everyone. You don't understand what you have posted---she was pro-black, but against the mentally handicapped. And she btw, wasn't wrong.......
It was a commonly held position that blacks were inferior. Therefore, eliminating blacks would only help the gene pool in the minds of eugenicists like Sanger. Scientists at that time agreed.

These were all men heavily influenced by Darwin. In fact, Hitler was transfixed by the Eugenics movement and said he used their findings as his Bible.

Here are the racist findings of Mr. evolution himself.

“The sense of smell is of the highest importance to the greater number of mammals–to some, as the ruminants, in warning them of danger; to others, as the Carnivora, in finding their prey; to others, again, as the wild boar, for both purposes combined. But the sense of smell is of extremely slight service, if any, even to the dark coloured races of men, in whom it is much more highly developed than in the white and civilised races.”

“At some future period, not very distant as measured by centuries, the civilised races of man will almost certainly exterminate, and replace, the savage races throughout the world. At the same time the anthropomorphous apes, as Professor Schaaffhausen has remarked will no doubt be exterminated. The break between man and his nearest allies will then be wider, for it will intervene between man in a more civilised state, as we may hope, even than the Caucasian, and some ape as low as a baboon, instead of as now between the negro or Australian and the gorilla.”

Again, to divorce scientists and Sanger and Planned Parenthood from the racism around them seems very odd to me, or do you view them the only non-racist people in the country?

Like Afghanistan, Leftists need to own it and stop the lies.

Tear down all statues of Sanger as you would a statue of a confederate general

Stop the hypocrisy and lies.
Planned Parenthood didn't exist until 1942. Sanger's methods did though.
That's not true at all, the organization was previously called The American Birth Control League and then changed it's name in 1942 to Planned Parenthood. Get at least the basic facts right.

You remind me of Ted Bundy's mother...when finally confronted with her son's own confession

Ted Bundy's mother should have used birth control. Other than that you're really stretching to find an insult.


Speaking to the news crew

"Would anyone like some cake?"

Sanger was a eugenicist.

Not only was she one, she was a leader in the movement.

You support a baby Hitler.

You know calling someone a eugenicist doesn't automatically make one a racist. There were lots and lots of thought within that discredited field and not all of them racist. For her time Sanger doesn't appear to be any more racist than any other person. She never argued for the elimination of any race. Of course you'd have to be one of those idiots who believes in things like her being a proponent of abortion during the Negro Project when there is no evidence of this.

I'm not sure what brokeloser has to do with this but calling him Hitler is a little harsh.
Nothing exemplifies the racism of abortion that the abortion doctor Kermit Gosnell

Here is a man who performed abortions on women and often did them to babies who were to term and not legally abortable. The conditions of the clinic were horrific as the health department went round to check his clinic out in the 1970's, but instead of closing him down or making him comply with health standards, they simply stopped coming round because abortion was a political football. Any closure of an abortion clinic was deemed an attack on abortion.

So the message was sent to Gosnell, do what you want and the state will turn a blind eye. So he began aborting babies who were viable and even killed one woman. He would treat minority women worse than white women as white women would have a clean room but not the black woman. And Gosnell attended to white woman personally while having unlicensed staff treat black women who were operating outside the scope of their practice. But when this was all found out, the NAACP was no where to be found. Very telling.

Gosnell was the biggest mass murderer in US history, yet you probably have never heard of him. This is because the media is complicit with men like Gosnell as they simply sweep this all under the rug.

And as abortionists say that abortion needs to be legal to prevent back alley abortions, what they won't do is point to the evidence that this probably is going on in every major city in the US and continues.

The reason Gosnell was caught was, the FBI was investigating him regarding narcotics, and the local law enforcement helped. The FBI moved on and let Gosnell go, but local law enforcement was appalled at the conditions in the clinic and appalled that he was performing illegal late term abortions. Local law enforcement pleaded with the FBI to investigate, but they simply did not care. So local law enforcement began to investigate themselves. But as they went to investigate, they got warned repeatedly about investigating an abortion clinic, that it might be detrimental to their careers. Luckily, they took the risk as their humanity would not let them turn a blind eye.

Ironically, those who investigated were for abortion rights, but simply could not stomach the way women were being treated as well as mature babies being murdered. They expected a media circus as the trial, but no media showed up. As usual, what Progressives don't want you to know is simply ignored or treated as fake news.
It was a commonly held position that blacks were inferior. Therefore, eliminating blacks would only help the gene pool in the minds of eugenicists like Sanger. Scientists at that time agreed.

Are we talking about New York in 1916 or USMB last week? Eugenicists weren't all racists and Sanger doesn't appear to apply her theory of Eugenics to mean eliminating anyone based on race. Remember, we're talking about birth control, not abortion.

These were all men heavily influenced by Darwin. In fact, Hitler was transfixed by the Eugenics movement and said he used their findings as his Bible.

Hitler was Catholic. Was he one of them rapey Catholics? I don't know.

Here are the racist findings of Mr. evolution himself.

“The sense of smell is of the highest importance to the greater number of mammals–to some, as the ruminants, in warning them of danger; to others, as the Carnivora, in finding their prey; to others, again, as the wild boar, for both purposes combined. But the sense of smell is of extremely slight service, if any, even to the dark coloured races of men, in whom it is much more highly developed than in the white and civilised races.”

“At some future period, not very distant as measured by centuries, the civilised races of man will almost certainly exterminate, and replace, the savage races throughout the world. At the same time the anthropomorphous apes, as Professor Schaaffhausen has remarked will no doubt be exterminated. The break between man and his nearest allies will then be wider, for it will intervene between man in a more civilised state, as we may hope, even than the Caucasian, and some ape as low as a baboon, instead of as now between the negro or Australian and the gorilla.”

None of the above has anything to do with Sanger, who gives a fuck what Darwin said?

Again, to divorce scientists and Sanger and Planned Parenthood from the racism around them seems very odd to me, or do you view them the only non-racist people in the country?

So, Sanger educating poor white klanswomen on birth control is not trying to eliminate them but Sanger educating poor black women on the same subject is about mass extermination of the black race. Nope, not a lick of sense to be made.

Like Afghanistan, Leftists need to own it and stop the lies.

Tear down all statues of Sanger as you would a statue of a confederate general

Stop the hypocrisy and lies.
Bush mostly owns Afghanistan and and that blame is to be shared with every president including Biden since then. But this isn't about Afghanistan, twit.

Darwin quotes and Afghanistan? Really?

Edit: Changed Hitler to Darwin
Here is the most chilling responses of Gosnell regarding his crimes

When asked how he is coping in prison, Gosnell replied: “It helps that I very strongly believe myself to be innocent of the heinous crimes of which I am accused…I continue to feel optimistic of the eventual outcome…the vindication of what I’ve done, why I’ve done it and how [it] will become accepted within my lifetime.”
Are we talking about New York in 1916 or USMB last week? Eugenicists weren't all racists and Sanger doesn't appear to apply her theory of Eugenics to mean eliminating anyone based on race. Remember, we're talking about birth control, not abortion.

Hitler was Catholic. Was he one of them rapey Catholics? I don't know.

None of the above has anything to do with Sanger, who gives a fuck what Hitler said?

So, Sanger educating poor white klanswomen on birth control is not trying to eliminate them but Sanger educating poor black women on the same subject is about mass extermination of the black race. Nope, not a lick of sense to be made.

Bush mostly owns Afghanistan and and that blame is to be shared with every president including Biden since then. But this isn't about Afghanistan, twit.
Again, during the year 1916 society was drowning in racism and segregation. There were not exceptions. Society was completely segregated, or did you not know that?

Or maybe you think that Sanger and the abortion industry and "scientists" are the only ones not part of the systemically racist nation Leftists like you try to sell us.

Which is it?
What Leftists have to splain is:

1. Why are abortion centers targeting black neighborhoods?

2. Why are there more blacks getting abortions than whites? They are troubled that blacks are picked on by law enforcement, but they don't care about this? Really?

3. Why are black neighborhoods killing fields as they embrace black on black genocide?

4. And why is it lawyers, including lawyers who are now law makers, preaching to us about racism when in their own profession there are only like 0.00000001% blacks?

The very basis of this stupid threat is bogus.

No one actually believes this crap. Not even the OP

It's just "stuff to say'
That just proves my point

Whites having abortions are 39% and blacks are 34%

Problem is, the population of the US shows us that whites make up 63% and blacks only 12%

This means that blacks have about 4 times as many abortions

But my guess is you were taught gender studies and CRT instead of math in school.
poverty will do that
Let me ask you, with the black culture having 70% fatherless homes, is it possible for them to escape poverty?

And with fatherless homes, will children not find their father figure on the streets? And if that is the case, will this not trend toward higher crime for these black neighborhoods?

So what is driving this? Clearly abortion is not the answer.
Let me ask you, with the black culture having 70% fatherless homes, is it possible for them to escape poverty?
And with fatherless homes, will children not find their father figure on the streets? And if that is the case, will this not trend toward higher crime for these black neighborhoods?
Forcing poor would be single parent women to bear children is not going to fix that moron.

You made an argument FOR abortions...not against

Forcing poor would be single parent women to bear children is not going to fix that moron.

You made an argument FOR abortions...not against

And no, the answer to the plight of the black community is not to kill them and let them continue to kill each other

This is a democrat solution, or a Nazi solution, but not a humane and intelligent solution.
Again, during the year 1916 society was drowning in racism and segregation. There were not exceptions. Society was completely segregated, or did you not know that?

So why aren't you attacking the Salvation Army? Or the sculptors and builders of all those confederate statues at around that time? Oh, that's right, they were historians.

How is providing birth control inherently racist?

Or maybe you think that Sanger and the abortion industry and "scientists" are the only ones not part of the systemically racist nation Leftists like you try to sell us.

Which is it?

I don't think every industry was created just to be racist just like I don't think birth control was invented or distributed for the purpose of exterminating a race of people.

The only reason we are talking about Sanger is because Planned Parenthood decades after Sanger began performing abortions. That's it, that's 100% the reason here. Are you going to attack Ford Motor Company next? I mean at least they had an avowed racist in charge at the time. Your purpose is pathetically see through and sad because you're just aping what you've heard, you've been manipulated into this dumbass argument that birth control is racist.

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