Abortion law expected to save 600 babies yearly

John Marston

Senior Member
Oct 23, 2014
A new state law in Kansas is setting precedent by outlawing “dismemberment” abortions, effectively taking one tool in the abortionists’ box of lethal procedures off the table, according to Operation Rescue
Abortion law expected to save 600 babies yearly

Of course I understand that abortion has been used as a method of birth control for those who can't control their passions of the moment.
Just think, 14 weeks, dismemberment...it is a terrible murder, whatever situation it is with parents. Just try to imagine this dismemberment...massacre...
A new state law in Kansas is setting precedent by outlawing “dismemberment” abortions, effectively taking one tool in the abortionists’ box of lethal procedures off the table, according to Operation Rescue
Abortion law expected to save 600 babies yearly

Of course I understand that abortion has been used as a method of birth control for those who can't control their passions of the moment.
Just think, 14 weeks, dismemberment...it is a terrible murder, whatever situation it is with parents. Just try to imagine this dismemberment...massacre...

Dismemberment....but....but.....they are just gobs of tissue...right....? Gobs of tissue don't have arms, legs, hearts, feelings.........that is why the abortion supporters can support killing a human...they just call them a gob of tissue.....right?

Notice that this is headlined under "Faith" which means that this yet another unconstitutional attempt to regulate religious beliefs.
A new state law in Kansas is setting precedent by outlawing “dismemberment” abortions, effectively taking one tool in the abortionists’ box of lethal procedures off the table, according to Operation Rescue
Abortion law expected to save 600 babies yearly

Of course I understand that abortion has been used as a method of birth control for those who can't control their passions of the moment.
Just think, 14 weeks, dismemberment...it is a terrible murder, whatever situation it is with parents. Just try to imagine this dismemberment...massacre...
Hey, no one can help that those who want an abortion cant afford to buy a condom, unless the go to any health department and get them for free,

BUT, then we would force them to drive for 10 minutes to get a bag of condoms, and they don't have the time for that, an abortion in a few months is a much better alternative.
There is nothing about death by dismemberment that can be justified by any means.

Let's apply death by dismemberment to those on death row. Just as we apply it to babies. Without benefit of anesthesia.
There is nothing about death by dismemberment that can be justified by any means.

Let's apply death by dismemberment to those on death row. Just as we apply it to babies. Without benefit of anesthesia.

If alcohol and illegal drugs can pass through the placenta why can't anesthetics?
600 more children on food stamps, welfare, and on the lines for low-wage jobs (if illegal workers don't get them first - as Mexicans,etc are much more easily exploited). That's the 'life' these babies get, if they live - and if their mothers don't die giving birth or give them to a orphanage.
600 more children on food stamps, welfare, and on the lines for low-wage jobs (if illegal workers don't get them first - as Mexicans,etc are much more easily exploited). That's the 'life' these babies get, if they live - and if their mothers don't die giving birth or give them to a orphanage.

That is 600 per year. In 20 years that would be 12,000 people who would be receiving food stamps and welfare. And by then some of them would already have their own "saved babies" so it could be a couple of thousand more.

Kansas taxpayers are going to be on the hook for their education and healthcare costs too. I wonder how much more they are going to end up paying in taxes because of this "save 600 babies yearly" law?
600 more children on food stamps, welfare, and on the lines for low-wage jobs (if illegal workers don't get them first - as Mexicans,etc are much more easily exploited). That's the 'life' these babies get, if they live - and if their mothers don't die giving birth or give them to a orphanage.

That is 600 per year. In 20 years that would be 12,000 people who would be receiving food stamps and welfare. And by then some of them would already have their own "saved babies" so it could be a couple of thousand more.

Kansas taxpayers are going to be on the hook for their education and healthcare costs too. I wonder how much more they are going to end up paying in taxes because of this "save 600 babies yearly" law?
Yep, the goal is to force teenage mothers (who probably never get sex-ed beyond abstinence) and low-income first time mothers to have babies they can't afford.

It will push up their welfare bill, and in a few years they will attack welfare programs for 'draining the budget' and cut back funding. But more poorly-educated/low-income voters for the GOP in the bible belt right?
A new state law in Kansas is setting precedent by outlawing “dismemberment” abortions, effectively taking one tool in the abortionists’ box of lethal procedures off the table, according to Operation Rescue
Abortion law expected to save 600 babies yearly

Of course I understand that abortion has been used as a method of birth control for those who can't control their passions of the moment.
Just think, 14 weeks, dismemberment...it is a terrible murder, whatever situation it is with parents. Just try to imagine this dismemberment...massacre...

Since the last late-term abortionist in Kansas was slain in his church years ago, the legislation sounds like cheap theatrics.
600 more children on food stamps, welfare, and on the lines for low-wage jobs (if illegal workers don't get them first - as Mexicans,etc are much more easily exploited). That's the 'life' these babies get, if they live - and if their mothers don't die giving birth or give them to a orphanage.
It's shame no one knows how to practice safe sex. Abortion has obliterated the need for that.
The goal is to kill off Americans and bring in foreigners. They are as ignorant and unskilled as liberals say the aborted would be but do have one thing in their favor. They have no loyalty to the United States and never will. Abort 30000 Americans. Bring in 60000 central Americans and put them all on welfare.

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