Abortion=Mental Illness?


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
Sun, Sand And Palm Trees
We may need to take a hard look at abortion because SOME women are using it to commit self abuse much like "cutters" who carve on themselves. Abortion was never made legal to commit self abuse but that does appear to be the case in those who have more than one abortion. Liberals and Planned Parenthood could be covering up one of the largest mental health failures in decades and worse yet promoting its spread.

"A woman has admitted to being 'an abortion addict' after having 15 terminations over 17 years.

Irene Vilar said she had the abortions not from poverty or fear but as an extraordinary act of rebellion against her 'controlling' husband who did not want children."

15 over 17 years liberals, this woman did NOT slip and just fall on a dick. She used abortion as self punishment much like they way one uses suicide.

"The cycle of pregnancies and abortions, which began when she was 16 and ended when she was 33, was also punctuated by several suicide attempts."

Suicide attempts most often put you in the mental hospital and I think after 15 abortions you NEED a check. So is or can abortion become addictive?

'"Of course, this did not mean I wanted to do it again and again,' she said. 'A druggie also wants to stop every time."

I think we at the very least need to limit the number of abortions allowed a person. In the mean time we should restrict it severely until we KNOW the poor mental health habits along with the physical it promotes.
American 'abortion addict' who had 15 terminations in 17 years publishes her memoir | Daily Mail Online


We may need to take a hard look at abortion because SOME women are using it to commit self abuse much like "cutters" who carve on themselves. Abortion was never made legal to commit self abuse but that does appear to be the case in those who have more than one abortion. Liberals and Planned Parenthood could be covering up one of the largest mental health failures in decades and worse yet promoting its spread.

"A woman has admitted to being 'an abortion addict' after having 15 terminations over 17 years.

Irene Vilar said she had the abortions not from poverty or fear but as an extraordinary act of rebellion against her 'controlling' husband who did not want children."

15 over 17 years liberals, this woman did NOT slip and just fall on a dick. She used abortion as self punishment much like they way one uses suicide.

"The cycle of pregnancies and abortions, which began when she was 16 and ended when she was 33, was also punctuated by several suicide attempts."

Suicide attempts most often put you in the mental hospital and I think after 15 abortions you NEED a check. So is or can abortion become addictive?

'"Of course, this did not mean I wanted to do it again and again,' she said. 'A druggie also wants to stop every time."

I think we at the very least need to limit the number of abortions allowed a person. In the mean time we should restrict it severely until we KNOW the poor mental health habits along with the physical it promotes.
American 'abortion addict' who had 15 terminations in 17 years publishes her memoir | Daily Mail Online

That, and greed....democrats own the market on baby parts....
A mental disorder that's much the same as a chronic drunk driver who keeps getting drunk and getting behind the wheel of a car and kills an innocent person.
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You would rather see the mental health of an entire gender put in danger?

Furby, you're not qualified to judge anyone else's mental stability.
You're also not qualified to discuss anything having to do with women.
I'm qualified enough to know when I read a report that says a certain percentage of women USE abortion for self punishment and they call it an addiction it needs to be looked at.
This is a Daily Mail Article... Have you got a real news source?

I actually know Daily Mail Journalists and they freely admit they sit around the office making shit up...
Irene Vilar said she had the abortions not from poverty or fear but as an extraordinary act of rebellion against her 'controlling' husband who did not want children."
How is having abortions rebelling against a man
who doesn't want kids?
That doesn't even make sense
This is a Daily Mail Article... Have you got a real news source?

I actually know Daily Mail Journalists and they freely admit they sit around the office making shit up...

No, he doesn't. The Daily Fail has quickly become the #1 "news" source for American brain-dead conservatives. Gossip rags. Conservatives love them some gossip rags.
We may need to take a hard look at abortion because SOME women are using it to commit self abuse much like "cutters" who carve on themselves. Abortion was never made legal to commit self abuse but that does appear to be the case in those who have more than one abortion. Liberals and Planned Parenthood could be covering up one of the largest mental health failures in decades and worse yet promoting its spread.

"A woman has admitted to being 'an abortion addict' after having 15 terminations over 17 years.

Irene Vilar said she had the abortions not from poverty or fear but as an extraordinary act of rebellion against her 'controlling' husband who did not want children."

15 over 17 years liberals, this woman did NOT slip and just fall on a dick. She used abortion as self punishment much like they way one uses suicide.

"The cycle of pregnancies and abortions, which began when she was 16 and ended when she was 33, was also punctuated by several suicide attempts."

Suicide attempts most often put you in the mental hospital and I think after 15 abortions you NEED a check. So is or can abortion become addictive?

'"Of course, this did not mean I wanted to do it again and again,' she said. 'A druggie also wants to stop every time."

I think we at the very least need to limit the number of abortions allowed a person. In the mean time we should restrict it severely until we KNOW the poor mental health habits along with the physical it promotes.
American 'abortion addict' who had 15 terminations in 17 years publishes her memoir | Daily Mail Online


I'm sure this lady would have been a great mother to 15 kids !!
You would rather see the mental health of an entire gender put in danger?

Furby, you're not qualified to judge anyone else's mental stability.
You're also not qualified to discuss anything having to do with women.
I'm qualified enough to know when I read a report that says a certain percentage of women USE abortion for self punishment and they call it an addiction it needs to be looked at.

And what was that percentage of women who use abortion for self punishment, and what was the credible source that determined that percentage? Or did you just pull it out of your ass?
Men that spend time with real women know that story is pure bullshit.

Women that have ever been pregnant know the story is bullshit.

Never happened.

Also, there's never been a single reliable medical report that says abortions make women go insane.
Years ago, a friend of mine had had several abortions. She wouldn't use birth control. She was also insecure & depressed. .

Is that the same as in the OP? I don't know, but she knew exactly what she was doing.
This whole thread is turning into one embarrassing joke for how much crap they would believe...

Gullible or what....
Years ago, a friend of mine had had several abortions. She wouldn't use birth control. She was also insecure & depressed. .

Is that the same as in the OP? I don't know, but she knew exactly what she was doing.

But my friend knows your friend and she said she just makes that up so her other friends could scare their alt-right friends with fake stories about friends...

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