Abortion restrictions cost US $105billion annually due to reduced earnings, increased job turnover, necessary time off for women who are 15-44 yrs old

And all those Democrat voters that died under the abortions doctors vacuum.
What could be a more low-life and downright CREEPY occupation than being an abortion doctor ?

If I ever met a woman who I was attracted to, and initially considered as a possible love interest, and she told me she was an abortion doctor, without saying one word, I would get up out of my seat and walk away.
Women denied abortions are more likely to struggle paying bills & exit the workforce


So does letting in illegals, by a lot more.


What could be a more low-life and downright CREEPY occupation than being an abortion doctor ?

If I ever met a woman who I was attracted to, and initially considered as a possible love interest, and she told me she was an abortion doctor, without saying one word, I would get up out of my seat and walk away.
But if she was hot…?
Women denied abortions are more likely to struggle paying bills & exit the workforce


Al Gore, AOC and the rest of the left believe the earth is doomed in 10 years so what difference does it make?
Women denied abortions are more likely to struggle paying bills & exit the workforce

Thats why that southern border is wide fucking open, replacement fact. On one hand the corporations are saying don't have kids and take time off of work, and on the other we want workers and consumers.
Is it a logical argument that the economy would be better if we killed more babies? The economy would be better if we drilled for more oil.
And if we stopped bringing illegal aliens into the country (who take $140 Billion/year out of the economy & send it to their home countries, thus depriving US businesses of all those sales$$$$$$$)
Abolish the Electoral College…it DOES NOT allow for every vote to count....


Corporate Rule
ALEC: The Voice of Corporate Special Interests in State Legislatures | Right Wing Watch

Pay close attention to this 24/7 organized activity:

ALEC GOP are CLINGING to the Electoral College. They know it’s their ONLY shot at winning the presidency! The GOP has not won a popular vote in decades.

Remember: Republicans have only won the popular vote once aka Dwight D Eisenhower!

As long as the Electoral College stays in place, it’ll continue to hold a stranglehold on our democracy!

We MUST abolish this archaic institution before it’s too late – and this year's upcoming midterm elections are our best chance to elect pro-voting and pro-popular vote candidates nationwide.

Declare Election Day A Holiday! Restore the Voting Rights Act now.


Voters must assume well organized ANTI AMERICAN FASCIST CONSERVATIVES aka ALEC may have purged YOU from the voting rolls. Any way possible

Okay let's plan ahead. VOTE VOTE VOTE

And check frequently to see if you as as voter have been purged.

Voters ORGANIZE A VOTING DAY PACKET which should contain:

--- a birth certificate

--- drivers license or state ID card

--- proof of voter registration etc etc etc.

--- Keep this information close by for at least 100 years.

Let's get on with it. WE voters have a mess to clean up.

CONSERVATIVE ALEC will never give up squashing democracy and YOUR right to vote.
Voters ORGANIZE A VOTING DAY PACKET which should contain:

--- a birth certificate

--- drivers license or state ID card

--- proof of voter registration etc etc etc.

--- Keep this information close by for at least 100 years.

Let's get on with it. WE voters have a mess to clean up.

CONSERVATIVE ALEC will never give up squashing democracy and YOUR right to vote.
You blew that post. Requiring a birth certificate is the LAST THING that liberals ever want to do. They fight hard against all voter ID, especially that which would prove CITIZENSHIP. That's because they know that generally, AMERICANS are not with them, and they need illegal aliens to win elections
It matters only to women. Men not so much, they are free to rape at will and incest too.
I'm pretty sure that rape and incest are still illegal.

But you agree, then, that we can stop all the abortions not from rape or abortion?

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