Abortion Rights Rescued...By Roberts

Roe v. Wade will be overturned, or at least crippled so it no longer has effect, and so the Democrats are going to the state legislatures to enact radical new pro-abortion laws at the state level.

Our nation will become a patchwork, with some states being pro-life, and some states being pro-death (I don't say pro-abort because they are seeking to legalize infanticide).

This happened before, when states began to outlaw slavery and the states became divided between free states and slave states.

Hopefully, there won't be an armed insurrection to decide the issue, hopefully there will be an amendment to the Constitution, protecting life at all stages, from conception to natural death.

Such an amendment would be consistent with the values set forth in the Declaration of Independence that all men are endowed by the Creator with inalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
Roe v. Wade will be overturned, or at least crippled so it no longer has effect, and so the Democrats are going to the state legislatures to enact radical new pro-abortion laws at the state level.

Our nation will become a patchwork, with some states being pro-life, and some states being pro-death (I don't say pro-abort because they are seeking to legalize infanticide).

Actually, here is what is going to really happen.

The nutters in a few backward states will put on some restrictions, unitl women figure out what their intent is, and then you guys will be voted out in droves... The few of you who survive the wipeout that will come with Trump's recession, that is.

Abortion will happen no matter what the law is. Maybe you should read up on countries that have actually managed to get abortion laws like you want passed.

Here's one now.

Abortion in the Philippines - Wikipedia

One 1997 study estimated that, despite legal restrictions, in 1994 there were 400,000 abortions performed illegally in the Philippines and 80,000 hospitalizations of women for abortion-related complications;[3] It was reported in 2005 that official estimates then ranged from 400,000 to 500,000 and rising, and that the World Health Organization estimate was 800,000. Seventy percent of unwanted pregnancies in the Philippines end in abortion, according to the WHO. Approximately 4 in 5 abortions in the Philippines are for economic reasons, often where a woman already has several children and cannot care for another.[4]

While some doctors secretly perform abortions in clinics, the 2,000 to 5,000 peso (US$37 to US$93) fee is too high for many Filipinos, so they instead buy abortifacients on the black market, e.g. from vendors near churches, sari-sari stores and bakeries.[4] Two-thirds of Filipino women who have abortions attempt to self-induce or seek solutions from those who practice folk medicine.[5] One hundred thousand people end up in the hospital every year due to unsafe abortions, according to the Department of Health,[4] and 12% of all maternal deaths in 1994 were due to unsafe abortion. Some hospitals refuse to treat complications of unsafe abortion, or operate without anesthesia, as punishment for the patients.[4] The Department of Health has created a program to address the complications of unsafe abortion: Prevention and Management of Abortion and Its Complications.[6]

Is this what your "God" really wants?

Roe v. Wade will be overturned, or at least crippled so it no longer has effect, and so the Democrats are going to the state legislatures to enact radical new pro-abortion laws at the state level.

Our nation will become a patchwork, with some states being pro-life, and some states being pro-death (I don't say pro-abort because they are seeking to legalize infanticide).

Actually, here is what is going to really happen.

The nutters in a few backward states will put on some restrictions, unitl women figure out what their intent is, and then you guys will be voted out in droves... The few of you who survive the wipeout that will come with Trump's recession, that is.

Abortion will happen no matter what the law is. Maybe you should read up on countries that have actually managed to get abortion laws like you want passed.

Here's one now.

Abortion in the Philippines - Wikipedia

One 1997 study estimated that, despite legal restrictions, in 1994 there were 400,000 abortions performed illegally in the Philippines and 80,000 hospitalizations of women for abortion-related complications;[3] It was reported in 2005 that official estimates then ranged from 400,000 to 500,000 and rising, and that the World Health Organization estimate was 800,000. Seventy percent of unwanted pregnancies in the Philippines end in abortion, according to the WHO. Approximately 4 in 5 abortions in the Philippines are for economic reasons, often where a woman already has several children and cannot care for another.[4]

While some doctors secretly perform abortions in clinics, the 2,000 to 5,000 peso (US$37 to US$93) fee is too high for many Filipinos, so they instead buy abortifacients on the black market, e.g. from vendors near churches, sari-sari stores and bakeries.[4] Two-thirds of Filipino women who have abortions attempt to self-induce or seek solutions from those who practice folk medicine.[5] One hundred thousand people end up in the hospital every year due to unsafe abortions, according to the Department of Health,[4] and 12% of all maternal deaths in 1994 were due to unsafe abortion. Some hospitals refuse to treat complications of unsafe abortion, or operate without anesthesia, as punishment for the patients.[4] The Department of Health has created a program to address the complications of unsafe abortion: Prevention and Management of Abortion and Its Complications.[6]

Is this what your "God" really wants?
Murder is illegal, but people do it anyway.

It is that an argument to repeal the murder statutes.
Murder is illegal, but people do it anyway.

It is that an argument to repeal the murder statutes.

Here's the problem with that. There is nearly UNIVERSAL AGREEMENT that murder should be against the law. That is why murder laws are enforceable. So even if people break that law... people will report it, cops will investigate it, juries will convict for it.

There is not agreement that abortion laws should be on the books. Therefore, people will break them, people will not report people breaking the law. Cops will put it on their "I don't give a shit" docket where they put prostitutes and graffiti. Juries will not convict people of having them.

So what you will have is a basically unenforceable law that puts women in danger and doesn't save any fetuses.

Let's look at your favorite case, Gosnell.

Gosnell was a real scumbag. Operated a dirty clinic, sold drugs, mutilated his patients. But when given a chance to convict him of murdering 100 fetuses he was dumb enough to leave lying around his office in pickle jars, the court could really only charge him with 7 of those, and the jury only agreed to three. Then the prosecutors had to cut him a deal on sentencing so he wouldn't appeal and get THOSE convictions tossed.
Roberts has finally succumbed to the liberal disease that infected the courts and this country long ago....

Roberts loves power.

By being the "swing vote" he is effectively the dictator of the United States, his word is law. He is the Constitution.

so.....did she vote in this one too?

how is that possible? from where did she vote????

For now.

And guess who voted against abortion rights?

The Kav of course...in a ruling that even ROBERTS thought was procedurally wrong

The Supreme Court just placed Roe v. Wade on life support

By right wingers SWORE that we should believe Kavanaugh when he said he supported Roe as settled law.

We believe right wingers WHY???

This again points out the importance of electing Democratic Party Senators...THEY are who determines who sits on the Courts...all of them
This was a procedural ruling only, where substantive due process relating to privacy rights was not addressed.

But make no mistake: the authoritarian right will continue to seek to expand the size and power of the state at the expense of individual liberty, allowing government to interfere in the personal lives of Americans, such as compelling women to give birth against their will through force of law.
For now.

And guess who voted against abortion rights?

The Kav of course...in a ruling that even ROBERTS thought was procedurally wrong

The Supreme Court just placed Roe v. Wade on life support

By right wingers SWORE that we should believe Kavanaugh when he said he supported Roe as settled law.

We believe right wingers WHY???

This again points out the importance of electing Democratic Party Senators...THEY are who determines who sits on the Courts...all of them
This was a procedural ruling only, where substantive due process relating to privacy rights was not addressed.

But make no mistake: the authoritarian right will continue to seek to expand the size and power of the state at the expense of individual liberty, allowing government to interfere in the personal lives of Americans, such as compelling women to give birth against their will through force of law.
True. But even on this procedural vote...Kavanaugh voted in a way that would have hurt pro choice access. My point was not so much that Roberts is a Choice savior...but rather that Kavanaugh is the opposite
True. But even on this procedural vote...Kavanaugh voted in a way that would have hurt pro choice access. My point was not so much that Roberts is a Choice savior...but rather that Kavanaugh is the opposite

No, you are making up bullshit to fit the conclusion you desperately want. How many times does it have to be said?

This was a procedural matter.
This was a procedural matter.
This was a procedural matter.
This was a procedural matter.
This was a procedural matter.
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This was a procedural matter.
This was a procedural matter.
This was a procedural matter.
This was a procedural matter.
This was a procedural matter.
This was a procedural matter.
This was a procedural matter.
This was a procedural matter.
This was a procedural matter.
This was a procedural matter.
This was a procedural matter.
This was a procedural matter.
This was a procedural matter.
This was a procedural matter.
This was a procedural matter.
This was a procedural matter.
This was a procedural matter.
This was a procedural matter.
This was a procedural matter.
This was a procedural matter.
This was a procedural matter.
This was a procedural matter.
This was a procedural matter.
This was a procedural matter.
This was a procedural matter.
This was a procedural matter.
This was a procedural matter.

Nobody was voting on abortion. This is about the correct application of temporary restraining orders and whether the current facts support the necessary thresholds.
I haven't seen any other threads about this, so I'm posting it here.

WASHINGTON—A divided Supreme Court stopped Louisiana from enforcing new regulations on abortion clinics in a test of the conservative court’s views on abortion rights.

The justices said by a 5-4 vote late Thursday that they will not allow the state to put into effect a law that requires abortion providers to have admitting privileges at nearby hospitals.

Chief Justice John Roberts joined the court’s four liberals in putting a hold on the law, pending a full review of the case.

Supreme Court Blocks Louisiana Abortion Clinic Law

Correction, Chief Justice John Roberts joined the court’s OTHER four liberals...

It should be clear by now, Roberts is a lefty.
For now.

And guess who voted against abortion rights?

The Kav of course...in a ruling that even ROBERTS thought was procedurally wrong

The Supreme Court just placed Roe v. Wade on life support

By right wingers SWORE that we should believe Kavanaugh when he said he supported Roe as settled law.

We believe right wingers WHY???

This again points out the importance of electing Democratic Party Senators...THEY are who determines who sits on the Courts...all of them
Typical of an Bush pick....RINO cuck. Can't wait for RBG to die or retire so we can officially make Roberts and the rest of the leftists completely irrelevant!

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