Abortion Rights Rescued...By Roberts


Roberts did vote as you said. Likely voting AGAINST abortion later.

This case however would have effectively ended abortion in LA. Gorsuch and The Kav took the opportunity to vote for that end even though it usurped the SCOTUS

I think they are all kind of hoping the LA doctors get admitting privileges, rendering the case moot.

Actually, LA only has three clinics, and only one of them would be immediately effected by this law.
Roberts voted against abortion in a nearly identical case earlier, so this ruling does not mean he will vote with the liberals when the case receives a full hearing. This is just a temporary stay until the court can hear the case in full.

Think Progress sounds like the 1850s slaveholders who were worried about their "right" to own slaves. Heaven forbid that the government protect the lives on babies in the womb from convenience abortions.

1) Fuck you.
2) Women will get abortions no matter what the law is. Especially if you have no real enforcement mechanism.
3) The worst thing that could happen to the GOP would be to win this one. 50 million women who have had abortions will now be seriously motivated to vote.
Meanwhile in Asia they are developing the next generation engines and transmissions for vehicles to start.
Roberts voted against abortion in a nearly identical case earlier, so this ruling does not mean he will vote with the liberals when the case receives a full hearing. This is just a temporary stay until the court can hear the case in full.

Think Progress sounds like the 1850s slaveholders who were worried about their "right" to own slaves. Heaven forbid that the government protect the lives on babies in the womb from convenience abortions.

1) Fuck you.
2) Women will get abortions no matter what the law is. Especially if you have no real enforcement mechanism.
3) The worst thing that could happen to the GOP would be to win this one. 50 million women who have had abortions will now be seriously motivated to vote.

70 million killed since 73. They never got to vote.
70 million killed since 73. They never got to vote.

Well, yes, we don't give votes to medical waste.

The problem you anti-choice nutters don't seem to get is that we had just as many abortions before Roe as after Roe. The birth rate didn't drop.

The only thing you guys will accomplish is putting abortion in the back alleys again, you won't save one fetus from a medical waste container.
As the two sides battle it all comes down to common sense...use CONTRACEPTION. It's not rocket science. This has zero to do with birth rates we don't care about that. It's simply common sense jeez I don't want kids...we are all fine in fact it's a responsible choice. SO then DONT get pregnant. Then this is a mute point.
For now.

And guess who voted against abortion rights?

The Kav of course...in a ruling that even ROBERTS thought was procedurally wrong

The Supreme Court just placed Roe v. Wade on life support

By right wingers SWORE that we should believe Kavanaugh when he said he supported Roe as settled law.

We believe right wingers WHY???

This again points out the importance of electing Democratic Party Senators...THEY are who determines who sits on the Courts...all of them

So you are saying Roe was almost overturned? So you know, RBG is dying and dubyas liberal judicial activists will have his vote nulled. That aside, you are lying.
For now.

And guess who voted against abortion rights?

The Kav of course...in a ruling that even ROBERTS thought was procedurally wrong

The Supreme Court just placed Roe v. Wade on life support

By right wingers SWORE that we should believe Kavanaugh when he said he supported Roe as settled law.

We believe right wingers WHY???

This again points out the importance of electing Democratic Party Senators...THEY are who determines who sits on the Courts...all of them

From your article,

with the court’s liberal bloc. The stay will last only until the court has an opportunity to consider a request to give the case a full hearing — a request it will most likely grant. That means that the Supreme Court could overrule or drastically undercut the right to an abortion as soon as 2020.”

Maybe if you libtards weren’t so distractible, you would actually elect politicians who would make a law legalizing abortion. That way it wouldn’t have to be defended in court all the time.
70 million killed since 73. They never got to vote.

Well, yes, we don't give votes to medical waste.

The problem you anti-choice nutters don't seem to get is that we had just as many abortions before Roe as after Roe. The birth rate didn't drop.

The only thing you guys will accomplish is putting abortion in the back alleys again, you won't save one fetus from a medical waste container.

Except.....they aren't medical waste. But, you are right, the bloodlust to kill innocent life continues at a fevered pace as it reaches further into depravity.
Maybe if you libtards weren’t so distractible, you would actually elect politicians who would make a law legalizing abortion

Roe v Wade.

What people fail to realize that even though it's "settled law" ...it is constantly under attack...and that the way to protect it is to elect Democrats...particularly in the Senate and Executive branches
Maybe if you libtards weren’t so distractible, you would actually elect politicians who would make a law legalizing abortion

Roe v Wade.

What people fail to realize that even though it's "settled law" ...it is constantly under attack...and that the way to protect it is to elect Democrats...particularly in the Senate and Executive branches

No it isn’t. There is NO law making abortion legal, only court rulings. This is why a political party can control y’all with it. So unless the democrats you elect make a law, you will continue to post stuff like this.
Except.....they aren't medical waste. But, you are right, the bloodlust to kill innocent life continues at a fevered pace as it reaches further into depravity.

Really? Funny they end up in the medical waste bin and that's how they are discarded.

Naw, man, the depravity is you stupids voting against your own economic interests to please your imaginary sky man, which probably causes more abortions when no one can afford to get into the middle class anymore.
Except.....they aren't medical waste. But, you are right, the bloodlust to kill innocent life continues at a fevered pace as it reaches further into depravity.

Really? Funny they end up in the medical waste bin and that's how they are discarded.

Naw, man, the depravity is you stupids voting against your own economic interests to please your imaginary sky man, which probably causes more abortions when no one can afford to get into the middle class anymore.

You're referring to sanger, a lib god. She was the queen of the eugenics/abortion/weeding out the blacks. I don't think she's upstairs though. The nazis even loved her eugenics.
You're referring to sanger, a lib god. She was the queen of the eugenics/abortion/weeding out the blacks. I don't think she's upstairs though. The nazis even loved her eugenics.

Again, go an educate yourself about Sanger.

She opposed legal abortion.

Margaret Sanger - Wikipedia

During the years of her greatest influence she opposed abortion and sharply distinguished between birth control, which she saw as a fundamental right of women, and access to abortion, which she did not see as such a right.[124]:36–37[19]:125 Already in 1916 when she opened her first birth control clinic she was employing harsh rhetoric against abortion. Flyers she distributed to women exhorted them in all capitals: "Do not kill, do not take life, but prevent."[125]:155 Sanger's patients were told "that abortion was the wrong way – no matter how early it was performed it was taking life; that contraception was the better way, the safer way – it took a little time, a little trouble, but it was well worth while in the long run, because life had not yet begun."[121]:217 Sanger consistently distanced herself from any calls for legal access to abortion, arguing that legal access to contraceptives would remove the need for abortion.[126] Ann Hibner Koblitz has argued that Sanger's anti-abortion stance contributed to the further stigmatization of abortion and impeded the growth of the broader reproductive rights movement.[127]:182–188

Honestly, she sounded more like one of you nutters, less the screaming about Jesus.
Here's a dirty little secret. The anti-abortion zealots are ALSO against birth control
For now.

And guess who voted against abortion rights?

The Kav of course...in a ruling that even ROBERTS thought was procedurally wrong

The Supreme Court just placed Roe v. Wade on life support

By right wingers SWORE that we should believe Kavanaugh when he said he supported Roe as settled law.

We believe right wingers WHY???

This again points out the importance of electing Democratic Party Senators...THEY are who determines who sits on the Courts...all of them

So you are saying Roe was almost overturned? So you know, RBG is dying and dubyas liberal judicial activists will have his vote nulled. That aside, you are lying.

What’s going to get nulled are the majorities of Republicans that currently hold them in even more state legislatures, not to mention the Senate. Just add one Democratic President and you now have an entire nulled judicial system. Because that’s what’s going to happen.

Your pipe dream of a right wing court system pushing their decisions down America’s throat is just exactly that. A pipe dream.

Keep on dreaming son.
Why can't morons understand that this is just a procedural matter? It's not about the merits of the case, it was simply a question about whether a lower court's temporary injunction should remain in place while the case continues. Roberts didn't save abortion and Kavvy didn't vote against abortion.


Roberts did vote as you said. Likely voting AGAINST abortion later.

This case however would have effectively ended abortion in LA. Gorsuch and The Kav took the opportunity to vote for that end even though it usurped the SCOTUS

This has to be the dumbest post is the year.

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