Abortion Rights Rescued...By Roberts

Sending the issue back to the States might be the best thing for the Democrats.

Not in the short term of course, but after they take over the State Governments (because,.... well women), they could make a lot of progressive changes for the nation.
I guess you missed "The Kav" talking about "what goes around comes around".

But fear not...he was always anti-abortion regardless of his dishonest claims
The vote was 5 to 4, with Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. joining the court’s four-member liberal wing to form a majority
Supreme Court Blocks Louisiana Abortion Law

:bigboy: DOPers. I enjoy your pains.

For America to be successful more, we need publicly funded Nasty Sex
clean up services NOW! I will gladly pay for Free abortions service, to save on billions
need to cover for other peoples long term takers of Gobmint dimes.
For getting Nasty Sex one night. Or so.
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All it did was rule a law that said that abortion clinic doctors must have hospital admitting privileges was wrong. It would have put every abortion clinic in Louisiana out of business except for one.

Why not read what you post before you comment?

I thought Trumps SCOTUS was so anti abortion? That's what you lunatic lefties have been saying since the Kav hearings.
All it did was rule a law that said that abortion clinic doctors must have hospital admitting privileges was wrong. It would have put every abortion clinic in Louisiana out of business except for one.

Why not read what you post before you comment?

I thought Trumps SCOTUS was so anti abortion? That's what you lunatic lefties have been saying since the Kav hearings.

I understand that his vote allows more clinics again in the state. Clearly, Roberts is confused.
He wants to have it both ways. He allows abortions for some reasons. That's weak.
IF one can be gone All can be done. Who made him the final word, in a personal matter.
Yep, Moron Dubya did. But he's confused inside, and religion is involved. Robert follows fake lords'.
He has no business being a judge, he believes in fake stuff.
All it did was rule a law that said that abortion clinic doctors must have hospital admitting privileges was wrong. It would have put every abortion clinic in Louisiana out of business except for one.

Why not read what you post before you comment?

I thought Trumps SCOTUS was so anti abortion? That's what you lunatic lefties have been saying since the Kav hearings.
Roberts was placed by Dubya.
For now.

And guess who voted against abortion rights?

The Kav of course...in a ruling that even ROBERTS thought was procedurally wrong

The Supreme Court just placed Roe v. Wade on life support

By right wingers SWORE that we should believe Kavanaugh when he said he supported Roe as settled law.

We believe right wingers WHY???

This again points out the importance of electing Democratic Party Senators...THEY are who determines who sits on the Courts...all of them

Roberts crossed. Not KavTrain.
For now.

And guess who voted against abortion rights?

The Kav of course...in a ruling that even ROBERTS thought was procedurally wrong

The Supreme Court just placed Roe v. Wade on life support

By right wingers SWORE that we should believe Kavanaugh when he said he supported Roe as settled law.

We believe right wingers WHY???

This again points out the importance of electing Democratic Party Senators...THEY are who determines who sits on the Courts...all of them

It was not a ruling on abortion, why do you people just parrot talking points without a bit of thought.
The vote was 5 to 4, with Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. joining the court’s four-member liberal wing to form a majority
Supreme Court Blocks Louisiana Abortion Law

:bigboy: DOPers. I enjoy your pains.

For America to be successful more, we need publicly funded Nasty Sex
clean up services NOW! I will gladly pay for Free abortions service, to save on billions
need to cover for other peoples long term takers of Gobmint dimes.
For getting Nasty Sex one night. Or so.

And Muslim families living here who don't use birth control or support abortion but have large families, will raise more children than Kafirs until the name, "Mohammed" will become the most popular name for newborn baby boys in America.

And then we will realize our frog is cooked.
Roberts voted against abortion in a nearly identical case earlier, so this ruling does not mean he will vote with the liberals when the case receives a full hearing. This is just a temporary stay until the court can hear the case in full.

Think Progress sounds like the 1850s slaveholders who were worried about their "right" to own slaves. Heaven forbid that the government protect the lives on babies in the womb from convenience abortions.
Pro-Life laws condemn born females to more risk of death in their lives.
Most birth carries a risk of death to one or both.
Abortion carries fewer risk by far.

Pro-Life is forced Pro-Death to the mother by law.
For an unborn possibility, to be a legally born person with new rights' then.
Forcing the more risky path to survive for the mother.
Restricts personal rightful freedoms.
Removes a large portion of their rightful liberties. The robbed born person, experience less personal
happiness pursuits, of a full life controlled by the born person.

Overturn Roe does little. Abortion next door will still be legal in rational states.


Some gop/ Most all DOPers types want to condemn them to die in America.

Btw. 31,536,000 million females die in childbirth each year. Worldwide 2018.
Many, Many Born Persons, can be saved with full access to abortion solutions.
Between 2010-2014. 50M recorded abortions were done.
50/ 4= 12.5 abortions per year recorded.
Every year 2010-2014. 28 million females die in childbirth in those years.

btw: Ask a Pro-Life moron. Will you die to save an unborn possibility?
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The vote was 5 to 4, with Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. joining the court’s four-member liberal wing to form a majority
Supreme Court Blocks Louisiana Abortion Law

:bigboy: DOPers. I enjoy your pains.

For America to be successful more, we need publicly funded Nasty Sex
clean up services NOW! I will gladly pay for Free abortions service, to save on billions
need to cover for other peoples long term takers of Gobmint dimes.
For getting Nasty Sex one night. Or so.

And Muslim families living here who don't use birth control or support abortion but have large families, will raise more children than Kafirs until the name, "Mohammed" will become the most popular name for newborn baby boys in America.

And then we will realize our frog is cooked.

Many white American religious cults do the same. Or worse look at Utah sick solution of female slavery. And blacks were here first, and 300 years later, are we calling our baby by
mostly black names?





















Your point IS SO WEAK!
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All it did was rule a law that said that abortion clinic doctors must have hospital admitting privileges was wrong. It would have put every abortion clinic in Louisiana out of business except for one.

Why not read what you post before you comment?

I thought Trumps SCOTUS was so anti abortion? That's what you lunatic lefties have been saying since the Kav hearings.
You got the first part right.

Trump's SCOTUS obviously IS anti-abortion...you do know how Gorsuch and The Kav voted on this right
Roberts flails around like a fish out of water.......like Rs. He dissented on the texas case and then votes majority on la case.

Why can't morons understand that this is just a procedural matter? It's not about the merits of the case, it was simply a question about whether a lower court's temporary injunction should remain in place while the case continues. Roberts didn't save abortion and Kavvy didn't vote against abortion.
Why can't morons understand that this is just a procedural matter? It's not about the merits of the case, it was simply a question about whether a lower court's temporary injunction should remain in place while the case continues. Roberts didn't save abortion and Kavvy didn't vote against abortion.


Roberts did vote as you said. Likely voting AGAINST abortion later.

This case however would have effectively ended abortion in LA. Gorsuch and The Kav took the opportunity to vote for that end even though it usurped the SCOTUS
Roberts voted against abortion in a nearly identical case earlier, so this ruling does not mean he will vote with the liberals when the case receives a full hearing. This is just a temporary stay until the court can hear the case in full.

Think Progress sounds like the 1850s slaveholders who were worried about their "right" to own slaves. Heaven forbid that the government protect the lives on babies in the womb from convenience abortions.

1) Fuck you.
2) Women will get abortions no matter what the law is. Especially if you have no real enforcement mechanism.
3) The worst thing that could happen to the GOP would be to win this one. 50 million women who have had abortions will now be seriously motivated to vote.

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