Abortion should be banned in the United States

CarsomytPlusSix said:
fake news. fale news. fake news. fake news. fake news...

I cite multiple surveys that confirm Americans' support for a woman's reproductive freedom over the authoritarianism you favor, yet you neither post anything that contradicts the widespread support, nor contrive any alternative data that fits your agenda.

Michigan enshrines abortion rights​

Montana rejects abortion measure that would allow criminal​

penalties on health care providers​

Kentucky rejects proposal that would have further restricted abortion rights​

California voters put abortion rights in state constitution​

Vermont voters back abortion rights​

What I know to be true is that if a woman doesn't want to be pregnant, she'll find a way to not be pregnant.

No matter what goofy laws you pass, how much you scream JESUS at her, or how many pictures of medical waste you show her on the way into the Abortion Clinic.
So what I'm hearing is .. if you pass a law prohibiting something .. people will do it anyway. Hmmm .. wonder if this mentality is applicable to other prohibitions as well.
What I know to be true is that if a woman doesn't want to be pregnant, she'll find a way to not be pregnant.

No matter what goofy laws you pass, how much you scream JESUS at her, or how many pictures of medical waste you show her on the way into the Abortion Clinic.
They don’t show pictures of you, trash.
And people still get murdered. Almost 40% of which go unsolved each year. Next?

Um, not sure what your point is, exactly. Murders go unsolved because we don't know who did it. Not that people thought the murder was okay to start with.

I notice that your tiny little brain couldn't process why abortion laws would be unworkable (and why they were thrown out in the first place in 1973).

Every time I read your posts, I realize why Public Education is such a flaming failure. If You and Sweet Sue are examples of teachers, we'd be better off with Feral Wolves.
So what I'm hearing is .. if you pass a law prohibiting something .. people will do it anyway. Hmmm .. wonder if this mentality is applicable to other prohibitions as well.

Nope. Not what I said at all... but clearly, if I explain it to you again, you still won't understand it.

A law ONLY WORKS if there is universal agreement that it SHOULD be a law. This is why Prohibition failed hard. Because a bunch of people voted for it thinking they were sticking it to Kaiser Bill in WWI, and then realized that they couldn't get a beer after work anymore. This is why the War on Drugs has been such a failure. It's why despite the illegality of prostitution, you can find escort services, massage parlors, and strip joints where you can easily exchange sex for money.

Murder laws work because - wait for it - nearly everyone agrees murder is bad. Murders still happen, largely because our racist police departments don't give that much of a damn when a person of color is murdered. (If a cop is shot, though, they'll pretty much kick down every door in the city to get the guy.)

Abortion laws won't work because only about 30% cling to the nutty idea that a fetus should have more rights than the woman it is inside.
I cite multiple surveys that confirm Americans' support for a woman's reproductive freedom over the authoritarianism you favor, yet you neither post anything that contradicts the widespread support, nor contrive any alternative data that fits your agenda.

Michigan enshrines abortion rights​

Montana rejects abortion measure that would allow criminal​

penalties on health care providers​

Kentucky rejects proposal that would have further restricted abortion rights​

California voters put abortion rights in state constitution​

Vermont voters back abortion rights​

Fanatical authoritarians have no respect for Americans' love of personal freedom.

They rage in spouting their dogmatic opinions, and insist that their politicians should be allowed to impose them upon everyone else.

That's the way it is in El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Iran, but not in advanced democracies.

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Every time I read your posts, I realize why Public Education is such a flaming failure. If You and Sweet Sue are examples of teachers, we'd be better off with Feral Wolves.

Get your illogical, death-worshipping, bigoted ass into a classroom and show us how it's done then, big mouth.
Nope. Not what I said at all... but clearly, if I explain it to you again, you still won't understand it.

A law ONLY WORKS if there is universal agreement that it SHOULD be a law. This is why Prohibition failed hard. Because a bunch of people voted for it thinking they were sticking it to Kaiser Bill in WWI, and then realized that they couldn't get a beer after work anymore. This is why the War on Drugs has been such a failure. It's why despite the illegality of prostitution, you can find escort services, massage parlors, and strip joints where you can easily exchange sex for money.

Murder laws work because - wait for it - nearly everyone agrees murder is bad. Murders still happen, largely because our racist police departments don't give that much of a damn when a person of color is murdered. (If a cop is shot, though, they'll pretty much kick down every door in the city to get the guy.)

Abortion laws won't work because only about 30% cling to the nutty idea that a fetus should have more rights than the woman it is inside.
Ahh .. so laws only work if people support them? Does this mean we should expect uprisings and an uptick in crimes when certain social issues (which a majority of Americans oppose) are legislated and forced on Americans?
I am pro-life, my view is that unless human rights mean something divergent to "human rights," the unborn should have them. As a consequence, I believe nearly all abortion should be banned (the typical 99% or more or cases). There are potential exceptions which I remain agnostic on but these do not make up the paradigm of incidents. Otherwise, I have never heard a good argument for legal abortion and I will openly argue that it ought to be banned.
Nebraska and NC failed to pass stricter abortion laws just the other day. And women really don't care what you think.
I am pro-life, my view is that unless human rights mean something divergent to "human rights," the unborn should have them. As a consequence, I believe nearly all abortion should be banned (the typical 99% or more or cases). There are potential exceptions which I remain agnostic on but these do not make up the paradigm of incidents. Otherwise, I have never heard a good argument for legal abortion and I will openly argue that it ought to be banned.

I'm with you, we need to be more like Afghanistan, Russian and Iran.
Get your illogical, death-worshipping, bigoted ass into a classroom and show us how it's done then, big mouth.
I'm good at my job.

Don't need to do a job I don't want to do for half the salary, thanks.

Ahh .. so laws only work if people support them? Does this mean we should expect uprisings and an uptick in crimes when certain social issues (which a majority of Americans oppose) are legislated and forced on Americans?

No, not at all. First, you guys don't have as much "support" as you claim.
Secondly, we are talking about the feasibility of making a law work. The problem with you moral scolds is that you can't make your wank fantasies work in a practical way.

Now, let's say for sake of argument, you get a nation wide ban on abortion.

How do you enforce it? you really can't without public support. Juries won't convict. Witnesses won't come forward. Cops will have better things to do.

I use the comparison to prostitution laws, which have a lot more public support. Yes, the police will bust the drugged out streetwalker who got too close to your kid's school, but the escort service that operates more discreetly they won't bother with. The Happy Ending Massage Parlor would require a massive sting operation to prove that there are things other than massages going on there. You get the idea. It's a matter of resources.

Now, to make an abortion ban work, here's what you'd have to do.

First, you'd have to pretty much scrap HIPAA and require doctors to report their pregnant patients.
Then if that pregnancy doesn't turn into a baby at the end of nine months, you'd have to find out why.
Then you'd have to do investigations to determine which pregnancies ended in miscarriage vs. which ones were abortions.

Remember, you guys are supposed to be the small government libertarians. I couldn't imagine anything more intrusive.

You'd have to scrap spousal privilege to get husbands to testify against wives.

Now, there is a country that already has the kinds of laws you want. It's the Philippines. And why I think most Filipinos I've known in my life are lovely people, their laws are a bit whack. Even though it is illegal to get an abortion under any circumstances other than a threat to the life of the mother, it is estimated that 500K to 800K illegal abortions are performed their every year.
The death-worshipping big mouth bigot tucks tail again,. ^^^^^^^
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I'm good at my job.

Don't need to do a job I don't want to do for half the salary, thanks.

No, not at all. First, you guys don't have as much "support" as you claim.
Secondly, we are talking about the feasibility of making a law work. The problem with you moral scolds is that you can't make your wank fantasies work in a practical way.

Now, let's say for sake of argument, you get a nation wide ban on abortion.

How do you enforce it? you really can't without public support. Juries won't convict. Witnesses won't come forward. Cops will have better things to do.

I use the comparison to prostitution laws, which have a lot more public support. Yes, the police will bust the drugged out streetwalker who got too close to your kid's school, but the escort service that operates more discreetly they won't bother with. The Happy Ending Massage Parlor would require a massive sting operation to prove that there are things other than massages going on there. You get the idea. It's a matter of resources.

Now, to make an abortion ban work, here's what you'd have to do.

First, you'd have to pretty much scrap HIPAA and require doctors to report their pregnant patients.
Then if that pregnancy doesn't turn into a baby at the end of nine months, you'd have to find out why.
Then you'd have to do investigations to determine which pregnancies ended in miscarriage vs. which ones were abortions.

Remember, you guys are supposed to be the small government libertarians. I couldn't imagine anything more intrusive.

You'd have to scrap spousal privilege to get husbands to testify against wives.

Now, there is a country that already has the kinds of laws you want. It's the Philippines. And why I think most Filipinos I've known in my life are lovely people, their laws are a bit whack. Even though it is illegal to get an abortion under any circumstances other than a threat to the life of the mother, it is estimated that 500K to 800K illegal abortions are performed their every year.
All that to explain that you disagree with an abortion ban, and then compare and contrast to other countries where it continues illegally? If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand the topic .. and I believe prohibition on many fronts is fruitless, whether it is drugs, alcohol, abortions or firearms. It produces the opposite effects or unintended consequences.
The death-worshipping big mouth bigot tucks tail again,. ^^^^^^^

not hardly. I'm sorry you didn't earn the skills to get a job that pays well and you enjoy, and you are stuck in a room every day with people who would rather be anywhere else.

All that to explain that you disagree with an abortion ban, and then compare and contrast to other countries where it continues illegally? If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand the topic ..

Well, I had to go into depth because, frankly, you seem a bit dense. I mean, seriously, it's like you are actively trying to be stupid.
Well, I had to go into depth because, frankly, you seem a bit dense. I mean, seriously, it's like you are actively trying to be stupid.
Imagine that .. we both feel the same; Regardless, you've gone full circle stating "prohibitions bad .. they don't work" ... we already know this .. and as I've stated before .. history repeats itself and a prohibition on abortion, drugs, alcohol, firearms will only produce negative results. Seems we have common ground on this, and I suggest you apply this to other hot topics as well .. like drugs and firearms (which you encourage a prohibition and / or ultra restrictive measures).

At least be congruent with your opinions .. fact is .. abortions destroy more lives than any other "thing" politicians are against.
not hardly. I'm sorry you didn't earn the skills to get a job that pays well and you enjoy, ....

Classic big mouth pussy move. "I could. I could! I...I...I just don't to! Yeah, that's it, I don't want to!" Pussy.
Classic big mouth pussy move. "I could. I could! I...I...I just don't to! Yeah, that's it, I don't want to!" Pussy.

Uh, here's the thing. I really don't want to.
I don't give a fuck about other people's kids.
I don't want to take a 50% pay cut to do it.

But there are a whole lot of jobs I don't personally want to do, but can point out the people who are doing them SUCK AT THEIR JOBS.

Given that 66% of kids can't read at grade level in this country, YOU SUCK AT YOUR JOB. Seriously, I'd be fired for a metric like that.

Imagine that .. we both feel the same; Regardless, you've gone full circle stating "prohibitions bad .. they don't work" ... we already know this .. and as I've stated before .. history repeats itself and a prohibition on abortion, drugs, alcohol, firearms will only produce negative results. Seems we have common ground on this, and I suggest you apply this to other hot topics as well .. like drugs and firearms (which you encourage a prohibition and / or ultra restrictive measures).

At least be congruent with your opinions .. fact is .. abortions destroy more lives than any other "thing" politicians are against.

Fetuses aren't people, so no lives are destroyed.

As far as guns, um, every other industrialized nation bans guns, and they don't have the gun problems we have.

You can easily ban guns. Other countries have done it.

Not saying you should, necessarily. I'd be happy with just keeping them out of the hands of crazy people and criminals, which you could do with a sensible background check.

As for drugs. I'd end the war on drugs.. Tomorrow.

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