Abortion Solutions: Post 'Em Here!

Since Republicans are hoping to do away with most welfare, now that they are in charge, I don't think they give two sh*ts how many poor babies are produced. They never have.
In case you weren't paying attention yesterday, the GOP's have been unable to accomplish anything.

Everyone may simply be safe for the next 2 years until Pelosi and Schumer take over again.
Women have been aborting fetuses since women have had babies. Let them do it legally and safely, and work on realistic solutions to prevent unwanted pregnancies in the first place. You have no right to tell me I must carry a baby to term if I am unable or unwilling to care for that child. All the attempts to prevent abortion by helping women access adoption agencies or finding support systems that allow her to raise the child are laudable, but they won't work for every situation.
They (babes) can cross state lines or go back to using coat hangers.
No. This is not a 'states rights' issue. It is rightly a national issue and devolving it to the states is no solution. The states rights argument is just a way to chisel away at abortion rights piecemeal. There aren't inherent differences in reproduction or living situations by state that would indicate a woman's rights in one state are no longer "necessary" while in another state they are.
Blah blah blah.

Stop repeating yourself.

The only arguments I want to have with women is whose turn is it to be on top.
Women have been aborting fetuses since women have had babies. Let them do it legally and safely, and work on realistic solutions to prevent unwanted pregnancies in the first place. You have no right to tell me I must carry a baby to term if I am unable or unwilling to care for that child. All the attempts to prevent abortion by helping women access adoption agencies or finding support systems that allow her to raise the child are laudable, but they won't work for every situation.
They (babes) can cross state lines or go back to using coat hangers.
No. This is not a 'states rights' issue. It is rightly a national issue and devolving it to the states is no solution. The states rights argument is just a way to chisel away at abortion rights piecemeal. There aren't inherent differences in reproduction or living situations by state that would indicate a woman's rights in one state are no longer "necessary" while in another state they are.
Blah blah blah.

Stop repeating yourself.

The only arguments I want to have with women is whose turn is it to be on top.
I was just thinking how this thread on abortion has been the most civil I've experienced here. Figures you'd blow it.
Pretty sure we've had decades of education fail
There's been a marked change in social mores since I was a little girl. NO ONE would think of living together before marriage then and I'd been so brainwashed that a woman couldn't have a baby before marriage that I thought it was physically impossible (until I finally worked out that your ovaries have no hotline to the Town Clerk writing your marriage license). Things are very different now. I don't know how we turn that around. I see young people make the irresponsible decision to bring babies into this world with no hope of a secure childhood for those babies. It is way too common these days. I don't see how you turn it around, but I don't think making abortion illegal is going to help.
The technology commonly referred to as “abortion” is not going to go away. :eusa_eh:

As long as resources and services are traded for services and resources, abortions will be performed.

The technology cat has been let out of the bag.​

Abortions will be performed. :(


The technology is rendered obsolete. People stopped trading resources and services for horses and buggies not because they were prohibited by various levels of Government... People stopped trading in horses and buggies because a different technology made them obsolete.

What could possibly make abortion obsolete? :dunno:


The more coaching that We, The People can give to Our Spawn on life choices and consequences, the less likely that abortions - legal or otherwise - will be performed.

Every dollar invested in Education is a dollar invested against abortion :thup:

What can possibly be wrong with a multiple path approach to ending abortion? Yes, education is Key, but education can (and should) still take place in a situation where it is banned. In fact, banning along with the education efforts will help amplify the seriousness and sense of urgency of the information being disseminated. Add that to making adoption more available, the criminalizing and punishment of negligent and abusive 'fathers' (sic) and programs to help and to reward fathers who step up and take responsibility for the children they help create and the difference it makes would no doubt be huge.

Women have been aborting fetuses since women have had babies. Let them do it legally and safely, and work on realistic solutions to prevent unwanted pregnancies in the first place. You have no right to tell me I must carry a baby to term if I am unable or unwilling to care for that child. All the attempts to prevent abortion by helping women access adoption agencies or finding support systems that allow her to raise the child are laudable, but they won't work for every situation.

Do you believe that Children have a right to the equal protections of our laws?

Yes or no?
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Pretty sure we've had decades of education fail
There's been a marked change in social mores since I was a little girl. NO ONE would think of living together before marriage then and I'd been so brainwashed that a woman couldn't have a baby before marriage that I thought it was physically impossible (until I finally worked out that your ovaries have no hotline to the Town Clerk writing your marriage license). Things are very different now. I don't know how we turn that around. I see young people make the irresponsible decision to bring babies into this world with no hope of a secure childhood for those babies. It is way too common these days. I don't see how you turn it around, but I don't think making abortion illegal is going to help.
Morality and self control are passe'.....if it feels good do it education is the answer.......
Pretty sure we've had decades of education fail
There's been a marked change in social mores since I was a little girl. NO ONE would think of living together before marriage then and I'd been so brainwashed that a woman couldn't have a baby before marriage that I thought it was physically impossible (until I finally worked out that your ovaries have no hotline to the Town Clerk writing your marriage license). Things are very different now. I don't know how we turn that around. I see young people make the irresponsible decision to bring babies into this world with no hope of a secure childhood for those babies. It is way too common these days. I don't see how you turn it around, but I don't think making abortion illegal is going to help.
Morality and self control are passe'.....if it feels good do it education is the answer.......
I realize you say that sarcastically, but just complaining about it is not going to help. A lot of the young girls I know who pop babies irresponsibly know that they can go to the State offices and get a lot of financial assistance, and they'll worry about the two year cut off when it happens. Welfare DID contribute to the problem. Before, women KNEW when they couldn't afford to raise a child alone.
I'll put it into an easy syllogism for everybody.

1 - Roe V. Wade is bad law and must be repealed.

2 - Trump must nominate and McConnell must ratify 3 more new SCOTUS justices after Gorsuch is approved, to take the place of Kennedy & Thomas who want to retire and RB Ginsberg who will croak soon, who will be anti-Roe.

3 - Then with Breyer, Kagan, and Sotomayor being the only radical far left activist justices left with their heads up their azz, Roe can be overruled 6 to 3.

4 - Then each state can decide with their own States' Rights restored if they want to continue the abomination of abortion within their own state lines.

5 - California and New York State will always be a haven for anyone wanting an abortion.

6 - Arizona, Florida, Texas, and Utah will eliminate abortions within their states.

Robert's your uncle, Fanny's your aunt, problem solved.
Nevada Ratifies The Equal Rights Amendment ... 35 Years After The Deadline

Nevada Ratifies The Equal Rights Amendment ... 35 Years After The Deadline

religious zealots like yios believe regression is progress, packing the SCOTUS to serve their narrow world view. the above may be an example to secure equal rights for everyone, to bad the zealots make it necessary. those rights were why this nation was fought for.
Pretty sure we've had decades of education fail
There's been a marked change in social mores since I was a little girl. NO ONE would think of living together before marriage then and I'd been so brainwashed that a woman couldn't have a baby before marriage that I thought it was physically impossible (until I finally worked out that your ovaries have no hotline to the Town Clerk writing your marriage license). Things are very different now. I don't know how we turn that around. I see young people make the irresponsible decision to bring babies into this world with no hope of a secure childhood for those babies. It is way too common these days. I don't see how you turn it around, but I don't think making abortion illegal is going to help.
Morality and self control are passe'.....if it feels good do it education is the answer.......
I realize you say that sarcastically, but just complaining about it is not going to help. A lot of the young girls I know who pop babies irresponsibly know that they can go to the State offices and get a lot of financial assistance, and they'll worry about the two year cut off when it happens. Welfare DID contribute to the problem. Before, women KNEW when they couldn't afford to raise a child alone.
WEll it might if those who bought it realize what has flowed from it. Short of mandatory birth control I dont see how you overcome the incentive built in
Women have been aborting fetuses since women have had babies. Let them do it legally and safely, and work on realistic solutions to prevent unwanted pregnancies in the first place. You have no right to tell me I must carry a baby to term if I am unable or unwilling to care for that child. All the attempts to prevent abortion by helping women access adoption agencies or finding support systems that allow her to raise the child are laudable, but they won't work for every situation.

Do you believe that Children have a right to the equal protections of our laws?

Yes or no?
A child is a living being outside the womb. Now you know.
Pretty sure we've had decades of education fail
There's been a marked change in social mores since I was a little girl. NO ONE would think of living together before marriage then and I'd been so brainwashed that a woman couldn't have a baby before marriage that I thought it was physically impossible (until I finally worked out that your ovaries have no hotline to the Town Clerk writing your marriage license). Things are very different now. I don't know how we turn that around. I see young people make the irresponsible decision to bring babies into this world with no hope of a secure childhood for those babies. It is way too common these days. I don't see how you turn it around, but I don't think making abortion illegal is going to help.
Morality and self control are passe'.....if it feels good do it education is the answer.......
I realize you say that sarcastically, but just complaining about it is not going to help. A lot of the young girls I know who pop babies irresponsibly know that they can go to the State offices and get a lot of financial assistance, and they'll worry about the two year cut off when it happens. Welfare DID contribute to the problem. Before, women KNEW when they couldn't afford to raise a child alone.
WEll it might if those who bought it realize what has flowed from it. Short of mandatory birth control I dont see how you overcome the incentive built in
If we back up and look at the larger picture, I have to tell you most of the young girls I see relying on welfare to back up their irresponsibility were raised poor in families that also collected welfare, and to them it is an unquestioned right. Their mamas taught them what to say to the State lady to get the maximum benefits and what you could and couldn't do and still receive a check. I would not want to see welfare cut to those who need it and I worry about the children, who will pay the ultimate price if the checks are cut off, but ugly as it is, this system has created a monster underclass. Maybe like Obamacare, once its tentacles have spread so far, it is impossible to excise.
Pretty sure we've had decades of education fail
There's been a marked change in social mores since I was a little girl. NO ONE would think of living together before marriage then and I'd been so brainwashed that a woman couldn't have a baby before marriage that I thought it was physically impossible (until I finally worked out that your ovaries have no hotline to the Town Clerk writing your marriage license). Things are very different now. I don't know how we turn that around. I see young people make the irresponsible decision to bring babies into this world with no hope of a secure childhood for those babies. It is way too common these days. I don't see how you turn it around, but I don't think making abortion illegal is going to help.
Morality and self control are passe'.....if it feels good do it education is the answer.......
I realize you say that sarcastically, but just complaining about it is not going to help. A lot of the young girls I know who pop babies irresponsibly know that they can go to the State offices and get a lot of financial assistance, and they'll worry about the two year cut off when it happens. Welfare DID contribute to the problem. Before, women KNEW when they couldn't afford to raise a child alone.
WEll it might if those who bought it realize what has flowed from it. Short of mandatory birth control I dont see how you overcome the incentive built in
If we back up and look at the larger picture, I have to tell you most of the young girls I see relying on welfare to back up their irresponsibility were raised poor in families that also collected welfare, and to them it is an unquestioned right. Their mamas taught them what to say to the State lady to get the maximum benefits and what you could and couldn't do and still receive a check. I would not want to see welfare cut to those who need it and I worry about the children, who will pay the ultimate price if the checks are cut off, but ugly as it is, this system has created a monster underclass. Maybe like Obamacare, once its tentacles have spread so far, it is impossible to excise.
Be careful you are talking heresy. May have been true in the eighties and nineties but with further decline in public morality I wonder what % that represents now. How many kids graduate who have not had sex these days,,,...how many have had a lifetime of partners alrdy?
Women have been aborting fetuses since women have had babies. Let them do it legally and safely, and work on realistic solutions to prevent unwanted pregnancies in the first place. You have no right to tell me I must carry a baby to term if I am unable or unwilling to care for that child. All the attempts to prevent abortion by helping women access adoption agencies or finding support systems that allow her to raise the child are laudable, but they won't work for every situation.

Do you believe that Children have a right to the equal protections of our laws?

Yes or no?
A child is a living being outside the womb. Now you know.

Your idiotic claim is not supported by any facts.

Try selling your lame assed denials to any of those serving time in prison for killing a "child in the womb" after they were convicted under a fetal homicide law.

He'll, try a dictionary. . . Look up "with CHILD" and tell us what it says.


You can thank me for correcting your ignorance whenever you like.

You're welcome.
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Ok, lets say abortion is outlawed in some states. How do you stop abortions from being performed anyways? :dunno:
Abortion doctors who live by doing abortions will simply have to move their practices across state lines or risk having their state licenses pulled and prison time.

So only the wealthy who can travel can get abortions and you had best believe they do.
Ok, lets say abortion is outlawed in some states. How do you stop abortions from being performed anyways? :dunno:
Abortion doctors who live by doing abortions will simply have to move their practices across state lines or risk having their state licenses pulled and prison time.

So only the wealthy who can travel can get abortions and you had best believe they do.
See Post #22. That's where Soymilk is really coming from. This has nothing to do with states rights or the Constitution or anything else. It's about having no respect for women and wanting it to stay that way.
Ok, lets say abortion is outlawed in some states. How do you stop abortions from being performed anyways? :dunno:
Abortion doctors who live by doing abortions will simply have to move their practices across state lines or risk having their state licenses pulled and prison time.

So only the wealthy who can travel can get abortions and you had best believe they do.

So, increase the penalties accordingly for those that do.
Ok, lets say abortion is outlawed in some states. How do you stop abortions from being performed anyways? :dunno:
Abortion doctors who live by doing abortions will simply have to move their practices across state lines or risk having their state licenses pulled and prison time.

So only the wealthy who can travel can get abortions and you had best believe they do.
See Post #22. That's where Soymilk is really coming from. This has nothing to do with states rights or the Constitution or anything else. It's about having no respect for women and wanting it to stay that way.

You can't have genuine respect for women without also having respect for their children.

A woman's rights should begin when her life does and not just when we as a society can't justifythe denial of her rights anymore when she is a child.
Pretty sure we've had decades of education fail
There's been a marked change in social mores since I was a little girl. NO ONE would think of living together before marriage then and I'd been so brainwashed that a woman couldn't have a baby before marriage that I thought it was physically impossible (until I finally worked out that your ovaries have no hotline to the Town Clerk writing your marriage license). Things are very different now. I don't know how we turn that around. I see young people make the irresponsible decision to bring babies into this world with no hope of a secure childhood for those babies. It is way too common these days. I don't see how you turn it around, but I don't think making abortion illegal is going to help.
Morality and self control are passe'.....if it feels good do it education is the answer.......
I realize you say that sarcastically, but just complaining about it is not going to help. A lot of the young girls I know who pop babies irresponsibly know that they can go to the State offices and get a lot of financial assistance, and they'll worry about the two year cut off when it happens. Welfare DID contribute to the problem. Before, women KNEW when they couldn't afford to raise a child alone.
WEll it might if those who bought it realize what has flowed from it. Short of mandatory birth control I dont see how you overcome the incentive built in
If we back up and look at the larger picture, I have to tell you most of the young girls I see relying on welfare to back up their irresponsibility were raised poor in families that also collected welfare, and to them it is an unquestioned right. Their mamas taught them what to say to the State lady to get the maximum benefits and what you could and couldn't do and still receive a check. I would not want to see welfare cut to those who need it and I worry about the children, who will pay the ultimate price if the checks are cut off, but ugly as it is, this system has created a monster underclass. Maybe like Obamacare, once its tentacles have spread so far, it is impossible to excise.

Its hard to imagine anyone would get pg and have kids just to get welfare checks, but you are right, we all know it. I also think many druggies get pg accidentally and do sex favors for drugs. A drug addicted baby is not good. If you want to make abortion illegal , the you also must agree to take care of baby and mother, as we can't let the kids suffer. I am most concerned about drug addicted babies, and the spread of disease, so I guess I believe in choice, but I see no need to get pg unless a welfare queen and those we do need to care for , for the sake of the baby. Its a catch 22 situation, but I also think they must name the father and money needs to be taken out of his check if he works.

I am for very tough drug laws for heroin, if caught once give treatment , but if caught again, sterilize and set loose. I hate myself for saying this , but we can't have nurseries full of drug addicted babies. I know I am a bad person for saying this.

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