Abortion Solutions: Post 'Em Here!

The technology commonly referred to as “abortion” is not going to go away. :eusa_eh:

As long as resources and services are traded for services and resources, abortions will be performed.

The technology cat has been let out of the bag.​

Abortions will be performed. :(


The technology is rendered obsolete. People stopped trading resources and services for horses and buggies not because they were prohibited by various levels of Government... People stopped trading in horses and buggies because a different technology made them obsolete.

What could possibly make abortion obsolete? :dunno:


The more coaching that We, The People can give to Our Spawn on life choices and consequences, the less likely that abortions - legal or otherwise - will be performed.

Every dollar invested in Education is a dollar invested against abortion :thup:


Make our young spend one whole year of their life around the age of 13 caring for a newborn child and let them discover horror of raising a child on limited income and no aid at all!

Might fall under your education thought but I am sure many of them would learn having unexpected and unwanted children is never wise.

Of course a Chastity belt might be cheaper instead...
Might be a little tough on the baby, doing that. But I get your point. I was a young mom--all my friends were still partying and using drugs and having a good old time. I was home taking care of a baby. I never thought twice about it--it was my job and I would have died to protect that baby, but I remember the pangs of envy on Saturday nights.

Sometimes you have to be harsh with reality to jolt humans to their senses...

I am actually pro-choice on the issue for abortion. I find it is more humane to let the woman abort the child than force her to give birth to it into poverty and raise it with hatred in her heart.

Some will argue the child can be adopted but the reality is most people want kids from healthy females and male donors and not some poor woman child that she could not afford to raise.
I agree. I don't think most women would raise the child with hatred in her heart, but desperation and helplessness, yes. Not good for mother or child. The ProLifers think we are evil for caring about any of that, and it is hard for me to wrap my head around that judgment.

The hypocrisy of the left is there for all to see. In any other realm, when it comes to the oppressed, the under dogs, the children and the down trodden. . . The left claims to be there as protectors and defenders... demanding justice.

But, if you are an unplanned, inconvenient child in the womb?

You are fucked.
I'll put it into an easy syllogism for everybody.

1 - Roe V. Wade is bad law and must be repealed.

2 - Trump must nominate and McConnell must ratify 3 more new SCOTUS justices after Gorsuch is approved, to take the place of Kennedy & Thomas who want to retire and RB Ginsberg who will croak soon, who are anti-Roe.

3 - Then with Breyer, Kagan, and Sotomayor being the only radical far left activist justices left with their heads up their azz, Roe can be overruled 6 to 3.

4 - Then each state can decide with their own States' Rights restored if they want to continue the abomination of abortion within their own state lines.

5 - California and New York State will always be a haven for anyone wanting an abortion.

6 - Arizona, Florida, Texas, and Utah will eliminate abortions within their states.

Robert's your uncle, Fanny's your aunt, problem solved.
I like Joe's approach much more. Let it be a personal solution, one reproductive age female at a time. I don't like the thought of a group of people making that kind of judgment for ALL people, regardless of how they view the problem. It is a very personal, private issue, when it comes down to you who is pregnant, or your daughter or your latest "hookup." I don't want you to telling me what to do in that case. It's not your place to say.

Inevitable #1: People will be engaging in sexual activity at some point in time.

Inevitable #2: ALL options for dealing with the consequences of that activity will always be on the table for those with resources and the determined.

The best thing to do with abortion is to keep that option legal, regulated, and used little.

The worst thing to do with abortion is to run it as an industry for profit.

The practical location of society between the two extremes is indicative of the resources We commit to educating the next generations.

Abortions and birth control have been around for millennia, even in the bible, even in older medical records around the world. Chemical and invasive abortions have long been used.

Let the woman decide, it is her body and her life.

Not all methods are particularly pleasant sounding. Even tricks from ancient animal husbandry work on humans.

Prevention is always preferable but when it could mean the woman's death to be pregnant and within her religion and teachings, why should strangers decide to deny her right?

Abortions are the law, making them more difficult to get access to them goes counter to the law.

He decision should be no ones business since medical records are not public.

Day after pill can be used in the first trimester. There are other combinations of pills that can be ordered online. Herbs, teas and foods also work in the early stages.

It is nobody's business except the woman's. STAY OUT OF HER MEDICAL RECORDS AND DECISIONS!

Why should a woman have to leave the country because of a handful of judgmental outsiders trying to control her life?

You have no right to know at all, ever.
But there is nothing in the Constitution that says any of this.

Therefore it is covered in the 10th Amendment and the States get to decide.

>>Court held this right of privacy to be "fundamental" and, drawing upon the strict standard of review found in equal protection litigation,<<
Yah but Trump has 2 years to fix all that by re-stuffing the SCOTUS with strict constructionists.

It is already law no matter who goes to the Supreme Court. A new judge can't just overturn previous judgments. Constitutional amendment, but there are not enough votes for that.

More countries, even highly catholic ones, are becoming more open to abortions and the US will go against UN and the rest of the world and now ban them?

If you don't believe in abortion, don't have one. You do not have the right to tell others they cannot have an abortion. You are going to withdraw over the counter or online meds from women or force them to go to canada or elsewhere? You would send it back underground and unsafe? What happens in ten years if the global population doubles? How will you care for all those people or force women into poverty or suicide because abortions are denied?

Too many children already need good homes and far too many children live in unhealthy and abusive situations as it is.

You would condemn everyone to death to save a few children that the mother did not want or was not able to afford.

Who would you wipe out, africa, asia, europe or the americas (N and or S).

Where will the water and food come from? Should we all die in nuclear war fighting over resources? Should we bring about a chemically created plague?

Why would you want to force a child on woman who is not ready or already has too many?

Her body, her call.

Legal or not abortions will continue to exist and too much of the world has proved a woman's right to access them to have a few turn the clocks back.

No child should be forced into this world that is not wanted or loved, The woman has to decide what is best for her life and situation. Let her wait till she is ready and can give a child all the love an attentions it deserves.

Not for you to say when she is ready, it is up to her.
The technology commonly referred to as “abortion” is not going to go away. :eusa_eh:

As long as resources and services are traded for services and resources, abortions will be performed.

The technology cat has been let out of the bag.​

Abortions will be performed. :(


The technology is rendered obsolete. People stopped trading resources and services for horses and buggies not because they were prohibited by various levels of Government... People stopped trading in horses and buggies because a different technology made them obsolete.

What could possibly make abortion obsolete? :dunno:


The more coaching that We, The People can give to Our Spawn on life choices and consequences, the less likely that abortions - legal or otherwise - will be performed.

Every dollar invested in Education is a dollar invested against abortion :thup:


Make our young spend one whole year of their life around the age of 13 caring for a newborn child and let them discover horror of raising a child on limited income and no aid at all!

Might fall under your education thought but I am sure many of them would learn having unexpected and unwanted children is never wise.

Of course a Chastity belt might be cheaper instead...
Might be a little tough on the baby, doing that. But I get your point. I was a young mom--all my friends were still partying and using drugs and having a good old time. I was home taking care of a baby. I never thought twice about it--it was my job and I would have died to protect that baby, but I remember the pangs of envy on Saturday nights.

Sometimes you have to be harsh with reality to jolt humans to their senses...

I am actually pro-choice on the issue for abortion. I find it is more humane to let the woman abort the child than force her to give birth to it into poverty and raise it with hatred in her heart.

Some will argue the child can be adopted but the reality is most people want kids from healthy females and male donors and not some poor woman child that she could not afford to raise.
I agree. I don't think most women would raise the child with hatred in her heart, but desperation and helplessness, yes. Not good for mother or child. The ProLifers think we are evil for caring about any of that, and it is hard for me to wrap my head around that judgment.

The hypocrisy of the left is there for all to see. In any other realm, when it comes to the oppressed, the under dogs, the children and the down trodden. . . The left claims to be there as protectors and defenders... demanding justice.

But, if you are an unplanned, inconvenient child in the womb?

You are fucked.
Song of the Universal
Walt Whitman 1
Come, said the Muse,
Sing me a song no poet yet has chanted,
Sing me the Universal.

In this broad Earth of ours,
Amid the measureless grossness & the slag,
Enclosed & safe within its central heart,
Nestles the seed Perfection.

By every life a share, or more or less,
None born but it is born—conceal'd or
unconceal'd the seed is waiting.

I get it, Chuz, but that potential, that hope, is in every conception and not every seed falls on fertile soil where it grows into a strong, healthy plant.
I'll put it into an easy syllogism for everybody.

1 - Roe V. Wade is bad law and must be repealed.

2 - Trump must nominate and McConnell must ratify 3 more new SCOTUS justices after Gorsuch is approved, to take the place of Kennedy & Thomas who want to retire and RB Ginsberg who will croak soon, who are anti-Roe.

3 - Then with Breyer, Kagan, and Sotomayor being the only radical far left activist justices left with their heads up their azz, Roe can be overruled 6 to 3.

4 - Then each state can decide with their own States' Rights restored if they want to continue the abomination of abortion within their own state lines.

5 - California and New York State will always be a haven for anyone wanting an abortion.

6 - Arizona, Florida, Texas, and Utah will eliminate abortions within their states.

Robert's your uncle, Fanny's your aunt, problem solved.
I like Joe's approach much more. Let it be a personal solution, one reproductive age female at a time. I don't like the thought of a group of people making that kind of judgment for ALL people, regardless of how they view the problem. It is a very personal, private issue, when it comes down to you who is pregnant, or your daughter or your latest "hookup." I don't want you to telling me what to do in that case. It's not your place to say.
That does not solve the problem of Roe being bad law.
The Supreme Court disagrees with you and has disagreed with you more than once on this issue. Packing the court in a partisan manner as you propose is completely against the spirit of the Constitution.

The SCOTUS can be re-stuffed differently.

For the next two years Trump and McConnell have a chance to fix it.

After that all bets are off again.

All we want is States' Rights back.

You're right. Things have changed since 1875. With the communications improvements since then and the diversification that occurs naturally just with population growth, it's now much easier for the states to self regulate toward the ideals set forth in The Constitution for ALL of the people calling them home.

In the aftermath of the war prosecuted against the states by a newly formed Republican Party, which decided once and for all that Washington D.C. had not only the right, but the duty to over rule the states when policies adopted by any given state includes favoritism or discrimination, many of the states really did need to have change imposed on them from a higher authority. But things have changed.

Big picture perspective: The paperwork for The US Civil War didn't get filed until 1965 - and it was opposed by the same Republican party that prosecuted the war that gave D.C. the obligation to intervene.

Did I mention that We look stupid from space?
Abortions and birth control have been around for millennia, even in the bible, even in older medical records around the world. Chemical and invasive abortions have long been used.

Let the woman decide, it is her body and her life.

Not all methods are particularly pleasant sounding. Even tricks from ancient animal husbandry work on humans.

Prevention is always preferable but when it could mean the woman's death to be pregnant and within her religion and teachings, why should strangers decide to deny her right?

Abortions are the law, making them more difficult to get access to them goes counter to the law.

He decision should be no ones business since medical records are not public.

Day after pill can be used in the first trimester. There are other combinations of pills that can be ordered online. Herbs, teas and foods also work in the early stages.

It is nobody's business except the woman's. STAY OUT OF HER MEDICAL RECORDS AND DECISIONS!

Why should a woman have to leave the country because of a handful of judgmental outsiders trying to control her life?

You have no right to know at all, ever.
But there is nothing in the Constitution that says any of this.

Therefore it is covered in the 10th Amendment and the States get to decide.

Does a State have the Constitutional authority to decide which human beings are persons and which ones are not?

I don't think so.

Remove it from the womb............can it live on it's own?
What if the woman's life is in danger?

Childbirth is still a dangerous proposition and not all women are willing to take the risks. Sometimes the fetus is incomparable with the mother. Some are too young or too small to attempt childbirth and even a cesarean has it's risks. I nearly bled to death giving birth with my second and had complications for years afterwards.

Mother's life and well being, including mentally, take priority in any ER across the country. Regular medication or treatment for something during the pregnancy can kill the fetus, or leave it severally deformed and will die soon after birth.

Does not matter the reason, it matters what the woman wants and what is best for her life.

She is the one taking the risk and it has to be her decision.
Ok, lets say abortion is outlawed in some states. How do you stop abortions from being performed anyways? :dunno:

You can't.

Legal or not, abortions will be performed.

That's the point.

Well.... that and making abortion obsolete through public investment in education.
The technology commonly referred to as “abortion” is not going to go away. :eusa_eh:

As long as resources and services are traded for services and resources, abortions will be performed.

The technology cat has been let out of the bag.​

Abortions will be performed. :(


The technology is rendered obsolete. People stopped trading resources and services for horses and buggies not because they were prohibited by various levels of Government... People stopped trading in horses and buggies because a different technology made them obsolete.

What could possibly make abortion obsolete? :dunno:


The more coaching that We, The People can give to Our Spawn on life choices and consequences, the less likely that abortions - legal or otherwise - will be performed.

Every dollar invested in Education is a dollar invested against abortion :thup:

What can possibly be wrong with a multiple path approach to ending abortion? Yes, education is Key, but education can (and should) still take place in a situation where it is banned. In fact, banning along with the education efforts will help amplify the seriousness and sense of urgency of the information being disseminated. Add that to making adoption more available, the criminalizing and punishment of negligent and abusive 'fathers' (sic) and programs to help and to reward fathers who step up and take responsibility for the children they help create and the difference it makes would no doubt be huge.

I disagree. Keeping it a safe and legal option is necessary because otherwise it becomes an unsafe, illegal option, but an option it remains.

The technology is not going back in the bottle with government regulation. The only way for government to regulate the safety is to keep it legal.
Pretty sure we've had decades of education fail
There's been a marked change in social mores since I was a little girl. NO ONE would think of living together before marriage then and I'd been so brainwashed that a woman couldn't have a baby before marriage that I thought it was physically impossible (until I finally worked out that your ovaries have no hotline to the Town Clerk writing your marriage license). Things are very different now. I don't know how we turn that around. I see young people make the irresponsible decision to bring babies into this world with no hope of a secure childhood for those babies. It is way too common these days. I don't see how you turn it around, but I don't think making abortion illegal is going to help.

Morality and self control are passe'.....if it feels good do it education is the answer.......

Dude... that's not it... if it feels good, do it correctly is the point.
I'll put it into an easy syllogism for everybody.

1 - Roe V. Wade is bad law and must be repealed.

2 - Trump must nominate and McConnell must ratify 3 more new SCOTUS justices after Gorsuch is approved, to take the place of Kennedy & Thomas who want to retire and RB Ginsberg who will croak soon, who are anti-Roe.

3 - Then with Breyer, Kagan, and Sotomayor being the only radical far left activist justices left with their heads up their azz, Roe can be overruled 6 to 3.

4 - Then each state can decide with their own States' Rights restored if they want to continue the abomination of abortion within their own state lines.

5 - California and New York State will always be a haven for anyone wanting an abortion.

6 - Arizona, Florida, Texas, and Utah will eliminate abortions within their states.

Robert's your uncle, Fanny's your aunt, problem solved.
I like Joe's approach much more. Let it be a personal solution, one reproductive age female at a time. I don't like the thought of a group of people making that kind of judgment for ALL people, regardless of how they view the problem. It is a very personal, private issue, when it comes down to you who is pregnant, or your daughter or your latest "hookup." I don't want you to telling me what to do in that case. It's not your place to say.

Inevitable #1: People will be engaging in sexual activity at some point in time.

Inevitable #2: ALL options for dealing with the consequences of that activity will always be on the table for those with resources and the determined.

The best thing to do with abortion is to keep that option legal, regulated, and used little.

The worst thing to do with abortion is to run it as an industry for profit.

The practical location of society between the two extremes is indicative of the resources We commit to educating the next generations.


That sounds great. . .

Except. . .

Where does the idea that Children are Constitutionally entitled to the EQUAL protections of our laws from the moment their life begins come into play with all that?
The technology commonly referred to as “abortion” is not going to go away. :eusa_eh:

As long as resources and services are traded for services and resources, abortions will be performed.

The technology cat has been let out of the bag.​

Abortions will be performed. :(


The technology is rendered obsolete. People stopped trading resources and services for horses and buggies not because they were prohibited by various levels of Government... People stopped trading in horses and buggies because a different technology made them obsolete.

What could possibly make abortion obsolete? :dunno:


The more coaching that We, The People can give to Our Spawn on life choices and consequences, the less likely that abortions - legal or otherwise - will be performed.

Every dollar invested in Education is a dollar invested against abortion :thup:

What can possibly be wrong with a multiple path approach to ending abortion? Yes, education is Key, but education can (and should) still take place in a situation where it is banned. In fact, banning along with the education efforts will help amplify the seriousness and sense of urgency of the information being disseminated. Add that to making adoption more available, the criminalizing and punishment of negligent and abusive 'fathers' (sic) and programs to help and to reward fathers who step up and take responsibility for the children they help create and the difference it makes would no doubt be huge.

I disagree. Keeping it a safe and legal option is necessary because otherwise it becomes an unsafe, illegal option, but an option it remains.

The technology is not going back in the bottle with government regulation. The only way for government to regulate the safety is to keep it legal.

I appreciate your civility given how much we disagree but I have to ask how serious or sincere you are.

Which position sends the most simple and compelling message. . One where there is a massive education effort that ends with "but we are going to keep it legal so anyone can do whatever they want" or the same education effort that ends with "and that's why it has been banned"

You tell me.
Abortions and birth control have been around for millennia, even in the bible, even in older medical records around the world. Chemical and invasive abortions have long been used.

Let the woman decide, it is her body and her life.

Not all methods are particularly pleasant sounding. Even tricks from ancient animal husbandry work on humans.

Prevention is always preferable but when it could mean the woman's death to be pregnant and within her religion and teachings, why should strangers decide to deny her right?

Abortions are the law, making them more difficult to get access to them goes counter to the law.

He decision should be no ones business since medical records are not public.

Day after pill can be used in the first trimester. There are other combinations of pills that can be ordered online. Herbs, teas and foods also work in the early stages.

It is nobody's business except the woman's. STAY OUT OF HER MEDICAL RECORDS AND DECISIONS!

Why should a woman have to leave the country because of a handful of judgmental outsiders trying to control her life?

You have no right to know at all, ever.
But there is nothing in the Constitution that says any of this.

Therefore it is covered in the 10th Amendment and the States get to decide.

Does a State have the Constitutional authority to decide which human beings are persons and which ones are not?

I don't think so.

Remove it from the womb............can it live on it's own?
What if the woman's life is in danger?

Childbirth is still a dangerous proposition and not all women are willing to take the risks. Sometimes the fetus is incomparable with the mother. Some are too young or too small to attempt childbirth and even a cesarean has it's risks. I nearly bled to death giving birth with my second and had complications for years afterwards.

Mother's life and well being, including mentally, take priority in any ER across the country. Regular medication or treatment for something during the pregnancy can kill the fetus, or leave it severally deformed and will die soon after birth.

Does not matter the reason, it matters what the woman wants and what is best for her life.

She is the one taking the risk and it has to be her decision.

Show me where it says in the Constitution that only viable human beings have right to the equal protections of our laws.

You can't.


That's as inclusive as it gets.
Make our young spend one whole year of their life around the age of 13 caring for a newborn child and let them discover horror of raising a child on limited income and no aid at all!

Might fall under your education thought but I am sure many of them would learn having unexpected and unwanted children is never wise.

Of course a Chastity belt might be cheaper instead...
Might be a little tough on the baby, doing that. But I get your point. I was a young mom--all my friends were still partying and using drugs and having a good old time. I was home taking care of a baby. I never thought twice about it--it was my job and I would have died to protect that baby, but I remember the pangs of envy on Saturday nights.

Sometimes you have to be harsh with reality to jolt humans to their senses...

I am actually pro-choice on the issue for abortion. I find it is more humane to let the woman abort the child than force her to give birth to it into poverty and raise it with hatred in her heart.

Some will argue the child can be adopted but the reality is most people want kids from healthy females and male donors and not some poor woman child that she could not afford to raise.
I agree. I don't think most women would raise the child with hatred in her heart, but desperation and helplessness, yes. Not good for mother or child. The ProLifers think we are evil for caring about any of that, and it is hard for me to wrap my head around that judgment.

The hypocrisy of the left is there for all to see. In any other realm, when it comes to the oppressed, the under dogs, the children and the down trodden. . . The left claims to be there as protectors and defenders... demanding justice.

But, if you are an unplanned, inconvenient child in the womb?

You are fucked.
Song of the Universal
Walt Whitman 1
Come, said the Muse,
Sing me a song no poet yet has chanted,
Sing me the Universal.

In this broad Earth of ours,
Amid the measureless grossness & the slag,
Enclosed & safe within its central heart,
Nestles the seed Perfection.

By every life a share, or more or less,
None born but it is born—conceal'd or
unconceal'd the seed is waiting.

I get it, Chuz, but that potential, that hope, is in every conception and not every seed falls on fertile soil where it grows into a strong, healthy plant.

A child in the womb is more than only a potential. They are already in existence and mere potential beings do not already physically exist.
I'll put it into an easy syllogism for everybody.

1 - Roe V. Wade is bad law and must be repealed.

2 - Trump must nominate and McConnell must ratify 3 more new SCOTUS justices after Gorsuch is approved, to take the place of Kennedy & Thomas who want to retire and RB Ginsberg who will croak soon, who are anti-Roe.

3 - Then with Breyer, Kagan, and Sotomayor being the only radical far left activist justices left with their heads up their azz, Roe can be overruled 6 to 3.

4 - Then each state can decide with their own States' Rights restored if they want to continue the abomination of abortion within their own state lines.

5 - California and New York State will always be a haven for anyone wanting an abortion.

6 - Arizona, Florida, Texas, and Utah will eliminate abortions within their states.

Robert's your uncle, Fanny's your aunt, problem solved.
I like Joe's approach much more. Let it be a personal solution, one reproductive age female at a time. I don't like the thought of a group of people making that kind of judgment for ALL people, regardless of how they view the problem. It is a very personal, private issue, when it comes down to you who is pregnant, or your daughter or your latest "hookup." I don't want you to telling me what to do in that case. It's not your place to say.

Inevitable #1: People will be engaging in sexual activity at some point in time.

Inevitable #2: ALL options for dealing with the consequences of that activity will always be on the table for those with resources and the determined.

The best thing to do with abortion is to keep that option legal, regulated, and used little.

The worst thing to do with abortion is to run it as an industry for profit.

The practical location of society between the two extremes is indicative of the resources We commit to educating the next generations.


That sounds great. . .

Except. . .

Where does the idea that Children are Constitutionally entitled to the EQUAL protections of our laws from the moment their life begins come into play with all that?

That, is the conversation that we should be having in our politics.
The technology commonly referred to as “abortion” is not going to go away. :eusa_eh:

As long as resources and services are traded for services and resources, abortions will be performed.

The technology cat has been let out of the bag.​

Abortions will be performed. :(


The technology is rendered obsolete. People stopped trading resources and services for horses and buggies not because they were prohibited by various levels of Government... People stopped trading in horses and buggies because a different technology made them obsolete.

What could possibly make abortion obsolete? :dunno:


The more coaching that We, The People can give to Our Spawn on life choices and consequences, the less likely that abortions - legal or otherwise - will be performed.

Every dollar invested in Education is a dollar invested against abortion :thup:

What can possibly be wrong with a multiple path approach to ending abortion? Yes, education is Key, but education can (and should) still take place in a situation where it is banned. In fact, banning along with the education efforts will help amplify the seriousness and sense of urgency of the information being disseminated. Add that to making adoption more available, the criminalizing and punishment of negligent and abusive 'fathers' (sic) and programs to help and to reward fathers who step up and take responsibility for the children they help create and the difference it makes would no doubt be huge.

I disagree. Keeping it a safe and legal option is necessary because otherwise it becomes an unsafe, illegal option, but an option it remains.

The technology is not going back in the bottle with government regulation. The only way for government to regulate the safety is to keep it legal.

I appreciate your civility given how much we disagree but I have to ask how serious or sincere you are.

Which position sends the most simple and compelling message. . One where there is a massive education effort that ends with "but we are going to keep it legal so anyone can do whatever they want" or the same education effort that ends with "and that's why it has been banned"

You tell me.

That is sincerely my opinion.

I believe that abortion should be a safe legal option that is used rarely because of quality education.

I seen nothing "sinful" in the practice because I don't believe in sinfulness.

I do however see sadness in the procedure. Sadness for all three of the lives that are directly affected by that particular decision.

Last edited by a moderator:
Her womb, her life, her choice.

None of your business what she does or does not do.

If she uses birth control, gets a D&C or hysterectomy.......... none of you business.

You have no right to know or interfere.
Where do you get all that?

From your Ouija board?

It's NOT in the Constitution.

Sorry Bud. It is.

Tenth Amendment to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people

Family planning decisions are way too personal to leave to ANY level of government.

American Individualism demands that a decision to terminate a pregnancy be exclusively in the hands and heart of the family agonizing over such a decision. No level of government will ever understand the decision and what led up to it better than the family involved in having to make it.

The obligation We, The Peeps have in the deal is to ensure that families and individuals facing such a decision have clean, safe, educated access to all options, both before and after the mistake occurs, and to educate with a goal of reducing any reliance on abortion as a method of birth control.

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