Abortion Solutions: Post 'Em Here!

The technology commonly referred to as “abortion” is not going to go away. :eusa_eh:

As long as resources and services are traded for services and resources, abortions will be performed.

The technology cat has been let out of the bag.​

Abortions will be performed. :(


The technology is rendered obsolete. People stopped trading resources and services for horses and buggies not because they were prohibited by various levels of Government... People stopped trading in horses and buggies because a different technology made them obsolete.

What could possibly make abortion obsolete? :dunno:


The more coaching that We, The People can give to Our Spawn on life choices and consequences, the less likely that abortions - legal or otherwise - will be performed.

Every dollar invested in Education is a dollar invested against abortion :thup:


1. Don't have sex.
2. Sterilization.

Are you volunteering to lead by example? :razz:
Her womb, her life, her choice.

None of your business what she does or does not do.

If she uses birth control, gets a D&C or hysterectomy.......... none of you business.

You have no right to know or interfere.
Where do you get all that?

From your Ouija board?

It's NOT in the Constitution.

Sorry Bud. It is.

Tenth Amendment to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people

Family planning decisions are way too personal to leave to ANY level of government.

American Individualism demands that a decision to terminate a pregnancy be exclusively in the hands and heart of the family agonizing over such a decision. No level of government will ever understand the decision and what led up to it better than the family involved in having to make it.

The obligation We, The Peeps have in the deal is to ensure that families and individuals facing such a decision have clean, safe, educated access to all options, both before and after the mistake occurs, and to educate with a goal of reducing any reliance on abortion as a method of birth control.
Sorry, but nope.

Let me get this straight... You favor government intrusion, with bureaucrats and cops telling people what's best for them? :disbelief:

We'll have to agree to disagree on that one.

Beer? :beer:

But there is no doubt that he would say no one has the right to force him to reproduce.

Honestly, I can imagine these types handcuffing pregnant women to beds in massive govt facilities - just to force them to have unwanted babies while the fathers go on their merry way to "sow some more wild oats".

Not one of these judgmental "christians" have had to make this utterly heartbreaking, life changing decision. If they had, they would not be so eager to judge and wound others from their throne on high.

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BTW why is this in religion and ethics....havent seen any suggestions of a religious nature and as to the quest for some nebulous more"effective" education.......nobody has mentioned ethics either.
Public school is incapable of teaching ethics without getting bogged down for eternity in the whose ethics and why debate.
Your best bet is creating a pregnancy "vaccine" of limited duration......that way you can force it on em which is libs preferred method in most cases
BTW why is this in religion and ethics....havent seen any suggestions of a religious nature and as to the quest for some nebulous more"effective" education.......nobody has mentioned ethics either.
Public school is incapable of teaching ethics without getting bogged down for eternity in the whose ethics and why debate.

Huh? :eusa_eh: Post # 2, Dude.

Abortion Solutions: Post 'Em Here!
Ok, lets say abortion is outlawed in some states. How do you stop abortions from being performed anyways? :dunno:
Abortion doctors who live by doing abortions will simply have to move their practices across state lines or risk having their state licenses pulled and prison time.

How did your last pregnancy end?

If you are male, this is none of your business.

Abortions are now being taught to lay people and being done in people's home. Desperate women will die just so religious nutters can force a christian version of sharia law on us.

The thumpers and rollers will continue to punish women for raising their children after the father deserts them. And they will punish poor children by taking away school programs.

Then they'll go to church, admire their fancy clothes and congratulate themselves for being high and mighty, holier than thou and tsk tsk down their noses at the poor.

Is there any group more vile and more worthless than religious right wingers?

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ABSOLUTELY --> "so religious nutters can force a christian version of sharia law on us". I never looked at it that way. THANK YOU!!!
Ok, lets say abortion is outlawed in some states. How do you stop abortions from being performed anyways? :dunno:
Abortion doctors who live by doing abortions will simply have to move their practices across state lines or risk having their state licenses pulled and prison time.

How did your last pregnancy end?

If you are male, this is none of your business.

Abortions are now being taught to lay people and being done in people's home. Desperate women will die just so religious nutters can force a christian version of sharia law on us.

The thumpers and rollers will continue to punish women for raising their children after the father deserts them. And they will punish poor children by taking away school programs.

Then they'll go to church, admire their fancy clothes and congratulate themselves for being high and mighty, holier than thou and tsk tsk down their noses at the poor.

Is there any group more vile and more worthless than religious right wingers?

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com
ABSOLUTELY --> "so religious nutters can force a christian version of sharia law on us". I never looked at it that way. THANK YOU!!!
No religion is needed to tell one that ending a human life is wrong. This is especially true for when it is done for selfish reasons.
The technology commonly referred to as “abortion” is not going to go away. :eusa_eh:

As long as resources and services are traded for services and resources, abortions will be performed.

The technology cat has been let out of the bag.​

Abortions will be performed. :(


The technology is rendered obsolete. People stopped trading resources and services for horses and buggies not because they were prohibited by various levels of Government... People stopped trading in horses and buggies because a different technology made them obsolete.

What could possibly make abortion obsolete? :dunno:


The more coaching that We, The People can give to Our Spawn on life choices and consequences, the less likely that abortions - legal or otherwise - will be performed.

Every dollar invested in Education is a dollar invested against abortion :thup:


How about educating them that at conception a new genetically distinct human being is created. One that has never existed before and will never exist again. And that it is never right to end a human life especially for selfish reasons.

Sure! That would fall under the category of 'Educating them with a goal of reducing the use of abortion as birth control'.

Now all we need to do is arm the kids that are inevitably going to be out there fucking like cats with the knowledge and the tools to experiment and play with their sexuality while maintaining all due respect for the biology, and teach the young ones who think that having a baby will fix everything the practical responsibilities of being a parent, and We may just put a dent in the bottom line of the abortion industry.

Every dollar invested in education is a dollar invested against abortion :thup:
I agree. I am glad you do too.
There are no solutions to outlawing abortion because it can't be done.
Abortions and birth control have been around for millennia, even in the bible, even in older medical records around the world. Chemical and invasive abortions have long been used.

Let the woman decide, it is her body and her life.

Not all methods are particularly pleasant sounding. Even tricks from ancient animal husbandry work on humans.

Prevention is always preferable but when it could mean the woman's death to be pregnant and within her religion and teachings, why should strangers decide to deny her right?

Abortions are the law, making them more difficult to get access to them goes counter to the law.

He decision should be no ones business since medical records are not public.

Day after pill can be used in the first trimester. There are other combinations of pills that can be ordered online. Herbs, teas and foods also work in the early stages.

It is nobody's business except the woman's. STAY OUT OF HER MEDICAL RECORDS AND DECISIONS!

Why should a woman have to leave the country because of a handful of judgmental outsiders trying to control her life?

You have no right to know at all, ever.
But there is nothing in the Constitution that says any of this.

Therefore it is covered in the 10th Amendment and the States get to decide.

Does a State have the Constitutional authority to decide which human beings are persons and which ones are not?

I don't think so.

Remove it from the womb............can it live on it's own?
What if the woman's life is in danger?

Childbirth is still a dangerous proposition and not all women are willing to take the risks. Sometimes the fetus is incomparable with the mother. Some are too young or too small to attempt childbirth and even a cesarean has it's risks. I nearly bled to death giving birth with my second and had complications for years afterwards.

Mother's life and well being, including mentally, take priority in any ER across the country. Regular medication or treatment for something during the pregnancy can kill the fetus, or leave it severally deformed and will die soon after birth.

Does not matter the reason, it matters what the woman wants and what is best for her life.

She is the one taking the risk and it has to be her decision.

Show me where it says in the Constitution that only viable human beings have right to the equal protections of our laws.

You can't.


That's as inclusive as it gets.

not a person, does not have a birth certificate, cannot get a social security number............can not take a breath

Even during child birth the fetus could be lost.

Till it is born it is not a separate individual. As long as it needs the woman to supply all it's needs till it is born, it is not a person.

Even the bible does not give a value to the baby till one month after it's birth.

Even as a baby, it is dependent on it's parents or caretaker. It is not an independent person

Don't count your chickens before they hatch
Abortions and birth control have been around for millennia, even in the bible, even in older medical records around the world. Chemical and invasive abortions have long been used.

Let the woman decide, it is her body and her life.

Not all methods are particularly pleasant sounding. Even tricks from ancient animal husbandry work on humans.

Prevention is always preferable but when it could mean the woman's death to be pregnant and within her religion and teachings, why should strangers decide to deny her right?

Abortions are the law, making them more difficult to get access to them goes counter to the law.

He decision should be no ones business since medical records are not public.

Day after pill can be used in the first trimester. There are other combinations of pills that can be ordered online. Herbs, teas and foods also work in the early stages.

It is nobody's business except the woman's. STAY OUT OF HER MEDICAL RECORDS AND DECISIONS!

Why should a woman have to leave the country because of a handful of judgmental outsiders trying to control her life?

You have no right to know at all, ever.
But there is nothing in the Constitution that says any of this.

Therefore it is covered in the 10th Amendment and the States get to decide.

Does a State have the Constitutional authority to decide which human beings are persons and which ones are not?

I don't think so.

Remove it from the womb............can it live on it's own?
What if the woman's life is in danger?

Childbirth is still a dangerous proposition and not all women are willing to take the risks. Sometimes the fetus is incomparable with the mother. Some are too young or too small to attempt childbirth and even a cesarean has it's risks. I nearly bled to death giving birth with my second and had complications for years afterwards.

Mother's life and well being, including mentally, take priority in any ER across the country. Regular medication or treatment for something during the pregnancy can kill the fetus, or leave it severally deformed and will die soon after birth.

Does not matter the reason, it matters what the woman wants and what is best for her life.

She is the one taking the risk and it has to be her decision.

Show me where it says in the Constitution that only viable human beings have right to the equal protections of our laws.

You can't.


That's as inclusive as it gets.

not a person, does not have a birth certificate, cannot get a social security number............can not take a breath

Even during child birth the fetus could be lost.

Till it is born it is not a separate individual. As long as it needs the woman to supply all it's needs till it is born, it is not a person.

Even the bible does not give a value to the baby till one month after it's birth.

Even as a baby, it is dependent on it's parents or caretaker. It is not an independent person

Don't count your chickens before they hatch
DNA says he or she is a specific person.
But there is nothing in the Constitution that says any of this.

Therefore it is covered in the 10th Amendment and the States get to decide.

Does a State have the Constitutional authority to decide which human beings are persons and which ones are not?

I don't think so.

Remove it from the womb............can it live on it's own?
What if the woman's life is in danger?

Childbirth is still a dangerous proposition and not all women are willing to take the risks. Sometimes the fetus is incomparable with the mother. Some are too young or too small to attempt childbirth and even a cesarean has it's risks. I nearly bled to death giving birth with my second and had complications for years afterwards.

Mother's life and well being, including mentally, take priority in any ER across the country. Regular medication or treatment for something during the pregnancy can kill the fetus, or leave it severally deformed and will die soon after birth.

Does not matter the reason, it matters what the woman wants and what is best for her life.

She is the one taking the risk and it has to be her decision.

Show me where it says in the Constitution that only viable human beings have right to the equal protections of our laws.

You can't.


That's as inclusive as it gets.

not a person, does not have a birth certificate, cannot get a social security number............can not take a breath

Even during child birth the fetus could be lost.

Till it is born it is not a separate individual. As long as it needs the woman to supply all it's needs till it is born, it is not a person.

Even the bible does not give a value to the baby till one month after it's birth.

Even as a baby, it is dependent on it's parents or caretaker. It is not an independent person

Don't count your chickens before they hatch
DNA says he or she is a specific person.
Actually, it's something the female is still making, so it's hers until she's finished.
Does a State have the Constitutional authority to decide which human beings are persons and which ones are not?

I don't think so.

Remove it from the womb............can it live on it's own?
What if the woman's life is in danger?

Childbirth is still a dangerous proposition and not all women are willing to take the risks. Sometimes the fetus is incomparable with the mother. Some are too young or too small to attempt childbirth and even a cesarean has it's risks. I nearly bled to death giving birth with my second and had complications for years afterwards.

Mother's life and well being, including mentally, take priority in any ER across the country. Regular medication or treatment for something during the pregnancy can kill the fetus, or leave it severally deformed and will die soon after birth.

Does not matter the reason, it matters what the woman wants and what is best for her life.

She is the one taking the risk and it has to be her decision.

Show me where it says in the Constitution that only viable human beings have right to the equal protections of our laws.

You can't.


That's as inclusive as it gets.

not a person, does not have a birth certificate, cannot get a social security number............can not take a breath

Even during child birth the fetus could be lost.

Till it is born it is not a separate individual. As long as it needs the woman to supply all it's needs till it is born, it is not a person.

Even the bible does not give a value to the baby till one month after it's birth.

Even as a baby, it is dependent on it's parents or caretaker. It is not an independent person

Don't count your chickens before they hatch
DNA says he or she is a specific person.
Actually, it's something the female is still making, so it's hers until she's finished.
DNA says otherwise.

But just to be clear you see some human life as property to be disposed of at the will of its owner, right? Sort of reminds me of the Dred Scott ruling.
Remove it from the womb............can it live on it's own?
What if the woman's life is in danger?

Childbirth is still a dangerous proposition and not all women are willing to take the risks. Sometimes the fetus is incomparable with the mother. Some are too young or too small to attempt childbirth and even a cesarean has it's risks. I nearly bled to death giving birth with my second and had complications for years afterwards.

Mother's life and well being, including mentally, take priority in any ER across the country. Regular medication or treatment for something during the pregnancy can kill the fetus, or leave it severally deformed and will die soon after birth.

Does not matter the reason, it matters what the woman wants and what is best for her life.

She is the one taking the risk and it has to be her decision.

Show me where it says in the Constitution that only viable human beings have right to the equal protections of our laws.

You can't.


That's as inclusive as it gets.

not a person, does not have a birth certificate, cannot get a social security number............can not take a breath

Even during child birth the fetus could be lost.

Till it is born it is not a separate individual. As long as it needs the woman to supply all it's needs till it is born, it is not a person.

Even the bible does not give a value to the baby till one month after it's birth.

Even as a baby, it is dependent on it's parents or caretaker. It is not an independent person

Don't count your chickens before they hatch
DNA says he or she is a specific person.
Actually, it's something the female is still making, so it's hers until she's finished.
DNA says otherwise.

But just to be clear you see some human life as property to be disposed of at the will of its owner, right? Sort of reminds me of the Dred Scott ruling.
A woman's body is hers to decide what to do with. Men don't get to make that call for them.
Show me where it says in the Constitution that only viable human beings have right to the equal protections of our laws.

You can't.


That's as inclusive as it gets.

not a person, does not have a birth certificate, cannot get a social security number............can not take a breath

Even during child birth the fetus could be lost.

Till it is born it is not a separate individual. As long as it needs the woman to supply all it's needs till it is born, it is not a person.

Even the bible does not give a value to the baby till one month after it's birth.

Even as a baby, it is dependent on it's parents or caretaker. It is not an independent person

Don't count your chickens before they hatch
DNA says he or she is a specific person.
Actually, it's something the female is still making, so it's hers until she's finished.
DNA says otherwise.

But just to be clear you see some human life as property to be disposed of at the will of its owner, right? Sort of reminds me of the Dred Scott ruling.
A woman's body is hers to decide what to do with. Men don't get to make that call for them.
Sure, but the human life in her body is not her body. It is a genetically distinct new human being. It seems that you worship science until it suits your purpose to reject science.
Show me where it says in the Constitution that only viable human beings have right to the equal protections of our laws.

You can't.


That's as inclusive as it gets.

not a person, does not have a birth certificate, cannot get a social security number............can not take a breath

Even during child birth the fetus could be lost.

Till it is born it is not a separate individual. As long as it needs the woman to supply all it's needs till it is born, it is not a person.

Even the bible does not give a value to the baby till one month after it's birth.

Even as a baby, it is dependent on it's parents or caretaker. It is not an independent person

Don't count your chickens before they hatch
DNA says he or she is a specific person.
Actually, it's something the female is still making, so it's hers until she's finished.
DNA says otherwise.

But just to be clear you see some human life as property to be disposed of at the will of its owner, right? Sort of reminds me of the Dred Scott ruling.
A woman's body is hers to decide what to do with. Men don't get to make that call for them.

Funny how the Supreme Court didn't say that. Not even in Roe did they say that. In fact, they said that once a State establishes personhood for a child in the womb... the case for abortion becomes near IMPOSSIBLE to make.
not a person, does not have a birth certificate, cannot get a social security number............can not take a breath

Even during child birth the fetus could be lost.

Till it is born it is not a separate individual. As long as it needs the woman to supply all it's needs till it is born, it is not a person.

Even the bible does not give a value to the baby till one month after it's birth.

Even as a baby, it is dependent on it's parents or caretaker. It is not an independent person

Don't count your chickens before they hatch
DNA says he or she is a specific person.
Actually, it's something the female is still making, so it's hers until she's finished.
DNA says otherwise.

But just to be clear you see some human life as property to be disposed of at the will of its owner, right? Sort of reminds me of the Dred Scott ruling.
A woman's body is hers to decide what to do with. Men don't get to make that call for them.
Sure, but the human life in her body is not her body. It is a genetically distinct new human being. It seems that you worship science until it suits your purpose to reject science.
It's still her body's creation until she expels it and not a human being until then.

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