Abortion Solutions: Post 'Em Here!

The technology commonly referred to as “abortion” is not going to go away. :eusa_eh:

As long as resources and services are traded for services and resources, abortions will be performed.

The technology cat has been let out of the bag.​

Abortions will be performed. :(


The technology is rendered obsolete. People stopped trading resources and services for horses and buggies not because they were prohibited by various levels of Government... People stopped trading in horses and buggies because a different technology made them obsolete.

What could possibly make abortion obsolete? :dunno:


The more coaching that We, The People can give to Our Spawn on life choices and consequences, the less likely that abortions - legal or otherwise - will be performed.

Every dollar invested in Education is a dollar invested against abortion :thup:


Make our young spend one whole year of their life around the age of 13 caring for a newborn child and let them discover horror of raising a child on limited income and no aid at all!

Might fall under your education thought but I am sure many of them would learn having unexpected and unwanted children is never wise.

Of course a Chastity belt might be cheaper instead...

Whatever instructions and anecdotes teaches the lesson :thup:

Chastity belts should only be worn by women who do so voluntarily, and they should never be left without the key.
The technology commonly referred to as “abortion” is not going to go away. :eusa_eh:

As long as resources and services are traded for services and resources, abortions will be performed.

The technology cat has been let out of the bag.​

Abortions will be performed. :(


The technology is rendered obsolete. People stopped trading resources and services for horses and buggies not because they were prohibited by various levels of Government... People stopped trading in horses and buggies because a different technology made them obsolete.

What could possibly make abortion obsolete? :dunno:


The more coaching that We, The People can give to Our Spawn on life choices and consequences, the less likely that abortions - legal or otherwise - will be performed.

Every dollar invested in Education is a dollar invested against abortion :thup:


Make our young spend one whole year of their life around the age of 13 caring for a newborn child and let them discover horror of raising a child on limited income and no aid at all!

Might fall under your education thought but I am sure many of them would learn having unexpected and unwanted children is never wise.

Of course a Chastity belt might be cheaper instead...

Whatever instructions and anecdotes teaches the lesson :thup:

Chastity belts should only be worn by women who do so voluntarily, and they should never be left without the key.

Of course willingly.

What do you think I am that damn old where I would force them?

Look abortion is not going anywhere and I rather have a woman get the abortion than birth a child they never wanted.

As for education you will have parents telling you to stay out of their child bedroom while they fail their child.

So there are no solutions that will make everyone happy.
Look abortion is not going anywhere and I rather have a woman get the abortion than birth a child they never wanted.

As for education you will have parents telling you to stay out of their child bedroom while they fail their child.

So there are no solutions that will make everyone happy.
10th Amendment issue -- States' Rights.

It's the various state legislatures' call to make.
Her womb, her life, her choice.

None of your business what she does or does not do.

If she uses birth control, gets a D&C or hysterectomy.......... none of you business.

You have no right to know or interfere.
Where do you get all that?

From your Ouija board?

It's NOT in the Constitution.

Sorry Bud. It is.

Tenth Amendment to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people

Family planning decisions are way too personal to leave to ANY level of government.

American Individualism demands that a decision to terminate a pregnancy be exclusively in the hands and heart of the family agonizing over such a decision. No level of government will ever understand the decision and what led up to it better than the family involved in having to make it.

The obligation We, The Peeps have in the deal is to ensure that families and individuals facing such a decision have clean, safe, educated access to all options, both before and after the mistake occurs, and to educate with a goal of reducing any reliance on abortion as a method of birth control.
Sorry, but nope.
The technology commonly referred to as “abortion” is not going to go away. :eusa_eh:

As long as resources and services are traded for services and resources, abortions will be performed.

The technology cat has been let out of the bag.​

Abortions will be performed. :(


The technology is rendered obsolete. People stopped trading resources and services for horses and buggies not because they were prohibited by various levels of Government... People stopped trading in horses and buggies because a different technology made them obsolete.

What could possibly make abortion obsolete? :dunno:


The more coaching that We, The People can give to Our Spawn on life choices and consequences, the less likely that abortions - legal or otherwise - will be performed.

Every dollar invested in Education is a dollar invested against abortion :thup:


How about educating them that at conception a new genetically distinct human being is created. One that has never existed before and will never exist again. And that it is never right to end a human life especially for selfish reasons.
Inevitable #1: People will be engaging in sexual activity at some point in time.

Inevitable #2: ALL options for dealing with the consequences of that activity will always be on the table for those with resources and the determined.

The best thing to do with abortion is to keep that option legal, regulated, and used little.

The worst thing to do with abortion is to run it as an industry for profit.

The practical location of society between the two extremes is indicative of the resources We commit to educating the next generations.
Some people are really bothered by abortion and do not want it happening in their state.

If that is the will of the Peep's then the state legislature so rules, then their state should be free of this abomination. Cross the state line to get an abortion. Insurance companies let you go out of state as long as you stay in their interstate network.
The technology commonly referred to as “abortion” is not going to go away. :eusa_eh:

As long as resources and services are traded for services and resources, abortions will be performed.

The technology cat has been let out of the bag.​

Abortions will be performed. :(


The technology is rendered obsolete. People stopped trading resources and services for horses and buggies not because they were prohibited by various levels of Government... People stopped trading in horses and buggies because a different technology made them obsolete.

What could possibly make abortion obsolete? :dunno:


The more coaching that We, The People can give to Our Spawn on life choices and consequences, the less likely that abortions - legal or otherwise - will be performed.

Every dollar invested in Education is a dollar invested against abortion :thup:

How about the uber religious males get out of other people's business and leave it to women, their loved ones and their doctors.

Nothing else is relevant.
The technology commonly referred to as “abortion” is not going to go away. :eusa_eh:

As long as resources and services are traded for services and resources, abortions will be performed.

The technology cat has been let out of the bag.​

Abortions will be performed. :(


The technology is rendered obsolete. People stopped trading resources and services for horses and buggies not because they were prohibited by various levels of Government... People stopped trading in horses and buggies because a different technology made them obsolete.

What could possibly make abortion obsolete? :dunno:


The more coaching that We, The People can give to Our Spawn on life choices and consequences, the less likely that abortions - legal or otherwise - will be performed.

Every dollar invested in Education is a dollar invested against abortion :thup:


1. Don't have sex.
2. Sterilization.
The technology commonly referred to as “abortion” is not going to go away. :eusa_eh:

As long as resources and services are traded for services and resources, abortions will be performed.

The technology cat has been let out of the bag.​

Abortions will be performed. :(


The technology is rendered obsolete. People stopped trading resources and services for horses and buggies not because they were prohibited by various levels of Government... People stopped trading in horses and buggies because a different technology made them obsolete.

What could possibly make abortion obsolete? :dunno:


The more coaching that We, The People can give to Our Spawn on life choices and consequences, the less likely that abortions - legal or otherwise - will be performed.

Every dollar invested in Education is a dollar invested against abortion :thup:


1. Don't have sex.
2. Sterilization.

Or mind your own business

Most people are barely smart enough to make their own decisions much less anyone else's.

And your responses lead me to believe you're barely capable of tying your own shoes
Might be a little tough on the baby, doing that. But I get your point. I was a young mom--all my friends were still partying and using drugs and having a good old time. I was home taking care of a baby. I never thought twice about it--it was my job and I would have died to protect that baby, but I remember the pangs of envy on Saturday nights.

Sometimes you have to be harsh with reality to jolt humans to their senses...

I am actually pro-choice on the issue for abortion. I find it is more humane to let the woman abort the child than force her to give birth to it into poverty and raise it with hatred in her heart.

Some will argue the child can be adopted but the reality is most people want kids from healthy females and male donors and not some poor woman child that she could not afford to raise.
I agree. I don't think most women would raise the child with hatred in her heart, but desperation and helplessness, yes. Not good for mother or child. The ProLifers think we are evil for caring about any of that, and it is hard for me to wrap my head around that judgment.

The hypocrisy of the left is there for all to see. In any other realm, when it comes to the oppressed, the under dogs, the children and the down trodden. . . The left claims to be there as protectors and defenders... demanding justice.

But, if you are an unplanned, inconvenient child in the womb?

You are fucked.
Song of the Universal
Walt Whitman 1
Come, said the Muse,
Sing me a song no poet yet has chanted,
Sing me the Universal.

In this broad Earth of ours,
Amid the measureless grossness & the slag,
Enclosed & safe within its central heart,
Nestles the seed Perfection.

By every life a share, or more or less,
None born but it is born—conceal'd or
unconceal'd the seed is waiting.

I get it, Chuz, but that potential, that hope, is in every conception and not every seed falls on fertile soil where it grows into a strong, healthy plant.

A child in the womb is more than only a potential. They are already in existence and mere potential beings do not already physically exist.
A child in the womb is more than only a potential. They are already in existence and mere potential beings do not already physically exist.

it's neither you nor the gov't that is capable of maintaining the viability of the unwanted pregnancy, nor do you have any control over the individual that does have the decision to make - it is that simple, without the parent there is no existence.
Inevitable #1: People will be engaging in sexual activity at some point in time.

Inevitable #2: ALL options for dealing with the consequences of that activity will always be on the table for those with resources and the determined.

The best thing to do with abortion is to keep that option legal, regulated, and used little.

The worst thing to do with abortion is to run it as an industry for profit.

The practical location of society between the two extremes is indicative of the resources We commit to educating the next generations.
Some people are really bothered by abortion and do not want it happening in their state.

If that is the will of the Peep's then the state legislature so rules, then their state should be free of this abomination. Cross the state line to get an abortion. Insurance companies let you go out of state as long as you stay in their interstate network.
Some people are really bothered by abortion and do not want it happening in their state.

If that is the will of the Peep's then the state legislature so rules, then their state should be free of this abomination.

the Articles of Confederation were abolished in 1789

The inherent weakness of the Articles of Confederation stemmed from the fact that it called for a confederacy—which placed sovereign power in the hands of the states. This is most explicitly stated in Article II, which reads: “Each state retains its sovereignty, freedom, and independence, and every power, jurisdiction, and right, which is not by this Confederation expressly delegated to the United States, in Congress assembled.”
The main cause of this ineffectiveness stemmed from a lack of a strong, central government. From the absence of a powerful, national government emerged a series of limitations that rendered the Articles of Confederation futile.

Specifically, the lack of a strong national government in the Articles of Confederation led to three broad limitations.

  1. Economic disorganization
  2. Lack of central leadership
  3. Legislative inefficiencies

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

... "or the people" - returns the authority to the national gov't - no matter how much you want it differently the Articles of Confederation no longer exist.

stop lying that it is a state issue.
Sometimes you have to be harsh with reality to jolt humans to their senses...

I am actually pro-choice on the issue for abortion. I find it is more humane to let the woman abort the child than force her to give birth to it into poverty and raise it with hatred in her heart.

Some will argue the child can be adopted but the reality is most people want kids from healthy females and male donors and not some poor woman child that she could not afford to raise.
I agree. I don't think most women would raise the child with hatred in her heart, but desperation and helplessness, yes. Not good for mother or child. The ProLifers think we are evil for caring about any of that, and it is hard for me to wrap my head around that judgment.

The hypocrisy of the left is there for all to see. In any other realm, when it comes to the oppressed, the under dogs, the children and the down trodden. . . The left claims to be there as protectors and defenders... demanding justice.

But, if you are an unplanned, inconvenient child in the womb?

You are fucked.
Song of the Universal
Walt Whitman 1
Come, said the Muse,
Sing me a song no poet yet has chanted,
Sing me the Universal.

In this broad Earth of ours,
Amid the measureless grossness & the slag,
Enclosed & safe within its central heart,
Nestles the seed Perfection.

By every life a share, or more or less,
None born but it is born—conceal'd or
unconceal'd the seed is waiting.

I get it, Chuz, but that potential, that hope, is in every conception and not every seed falls on fertile soil where it grows into a strong, healthy plant.

A child in the womb is more than only a potential. They are already in existence and mere potential beings do not already physically exist.
A child in the womb is more than only a potential. They are already in existence and mere potential beings do not already physically exist.

it's neither you nor the gov't that is capable of maintaining the viability of the unwanted pregnancy, nor do you have any control over the individual that does have the decision to make - it is that simple, without the parent there is no existence.

By the time an abortion procedure is about to take place, the child that is about to be aborted has already been in existence for several weeks.
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I agree. I don't think most women would raise the child with hatred in her heart, but desperation and helplessness, yes. Not good for mother or child. The ProLifers think we are evil for caring about any of that, and it is hard for me to wrap my head around that judgment.

The hypocrisy of the left is there for all to see. In any other realm, when it comes to the oppressed, the under dogs, the children and the down trodden. . . The left claims to be there as protectors and defenders... demanding justice.

But, if you are an unplanned, inconvenient child in the womb?

You are fucked.
Song of the Universal
Walt Whitman 1
Come, said the Muse,
Sing me a song no poet yet has chanted,
Sing me the Universal.

In this broad Earth of ours,
Amid the measureless grossness & the slag,
Enclosed & safe within its central heart,
Nestles the seed Perfection.

By every life a share, or more or less,
None born but it is born—conceal'd or
unconceal'd the seed is waiting.

I get it, Chuz, but that potential, that hope, is in every conception and not every seed falls on fertile soil where it grows into a strong, healthy plant.

A child in the womb is more than only a potential. They are already in existence and mere potential beings do not already physically exist.
A child in the womb is more than only a potential. They are already in existence and mere potential beings do not already physically exist.

it's neither you nor the gov't that is capable of maintaining the viability of the unwanted pregnancy, nor do you have any control over the individual that does have the decision to make - it is that simple, without the parent there is no existence.

By the time and abortion procedure is about to take place, the child that is about to be aborted has already been in existence for several weeks.
By the time and abortion procedure is about to take place, the child that is about to be aborted has already been in existence for several weeks.

abortion is simply a separation, each to go their own separate ways.
How about we address the issue at it's er, uh, root cause?

Vasectomies would stop the cause of all pregnancies, and of course, force fathers to support their kids.

Needless to say, if we really wanted to do the best for our country, both birth control and abortion would be easy to get and cheap or free.

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The hypocrisy of the left is there for all to see. In any other realm, when it comes to the oppressed, the under dogs, the children and the down trodden. . . The left claims to be there as protectors and defenders... demanding justice.

But, if you are an unplanned, inconvenient child in the womb?

You are fucked.
Song of the Universal
Walt Whitman 1
Come, said the Muse,
Sing me a song no poet yet has chanted,
Sing me the Universal.

In this broad Earth of ours,
Amid the measureless grossness & the slag,
Enclosed & safe within its central heart,
Nestles the seed Perfection.

By every life a share, or more or less,
None born but it is born—conceal'd or
unconceal'd the seed is waiting.

I get it, Chuz, but that potential, that hope, is in every conception and not every seed falls on fertile soil where it grows into a strong, healthy plant.

A child in the womb is more than only a potential. They are already in existence and mere potential beings do not already physically exist.
A child in the womb is more than only a potential. They are already in existence and mere potential beings do not already physically exist.

it's neither you nor the gov't that is capable of maintaining the viability of the unwanted pregnancy, nor do you have any control over the individual that does have the decision to make - it is that simple, without the parent there is no existence.

By the time and abortion procedure is about to take place, the child that is about to be aborted has already been in existence for several weeks.
By the time and abortion procedure is about to take place, the child that is about to be aborted has already been in existence for several weeks.

abortion is simply a separation, each to go their own separate ways.

If that is true, then why did Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart say that once the personhood of children in the womb is established, the case for keeping abortion legal becomes near IMPOSSIBLE to make? And... why did the pro abortion lawyer Sarah Weddington AGREE with the justice on that?
Her womb, her life, her choice.

None of your business what she does or does not do.

If she uses birth control, gets a D&C or hysterectomy.......... none of you business.

You have no right to know or interfere.
Where do you get all that?

From your Ouija board?

It's NOT in the Constitution.

Sorry Bud. It is.

Tenth Amendment to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people

Family planning decisions are way too personal to leave to ANY level of government.

American Individualism demands that a decision to terminate a pregnancy be exclusively in the hands and heart of the family agonizing over such a decision. No level of government will ever understand the decision and what led up to it better than the family involved in having to make it.

The obligation We, The Peeps have in the deal is to ensure that families and individuals facing such a decision have clean, safe, educated access to all options, both before and after the mistake occurs, and to educate with a goal of reducing any reliance on abortion as a method of birth control.
Sorry, but nope.

Let me get this straight... You favor government intrusion, with bureaucrats and cops telling people what's best for them? :disbelief:

We'll have to agree to disagree on that one.

Beer? :beer:
Ok, lets say abortion is outlawed in some states. How do you stop abortions from being performed anyways? :dunno:
Abortion doctors who live by doing abortions will simply have to move their practices across state lines or risk having their state licenses pulled and prison time.

How did your last pregnancy end?

If you are male, this is none of your business.

Abortions are now being taught to lay people and being done in people's home. Desperate women will die just so religious nutters can force a christian version of sharia law on us.

The thumpers and rollers will continue to punish women for raising their children after the father deserts them. And they will punish poor children by taking away school programs.

Then they'll go to church, admire their fancy clothes and congratulate themselves for being high and mighty, holier than thou and tsk tsk down their noses at the poor.

Is there any group more vile and more worthless than religious right wingers?

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Women have been aborting fetuses since women have had babies. Let them do it legally and safely, and work on realistic solutions to prevent unwanted pregnancies in the first place. You have no right to tell me I must carry a baby to term if I am unable or unwilling to care for that child. All the attempts to prevent abortion by helping women access adoption agencies or finding support systems that allow her to raise the child are laudable, but they won't work for every situation.
They (babes) can cross state lines or go back to using coat hangers.


This complete lack of "christian" compassion and humanity is exactly what I have come to expect. No wonder people are leaving religions. I would not to a church with people like you, that I wouldn't want in my home or near my family.

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The technology commonly referred to as “abortion” is not going to go away. :eusa_eh:

As long as resources and services are traded for services and resources, abortions will be performed.

The technology cat has been let out of the bag.​

Abortions will be performed. :(


The technology is rendered obsolete. People stopped trading resources and services for horses and buggies not because they were prohibited by various levels of Government... People stopped trading in horses and buggies because a different technology made them obsolete.

What could possibly make abortion obsolete? :dunno:


The more coaching that We, The People can give to Our Spawn on life choices and consequences, the less likely that abortions - legal or otherwise - will be performed.

Every dollar invested in Education is a dollar invested against abortion :thup:


How about educating them that at conception a new genetically distinct human being is created. One that has never existed before and will never exist again. And that it is never right to end a human life especially for selfish reasons.

Sure! That would fall under the category of 'Educating them with a goal of reducing the use of abortion as birth control'.

Now all we need to do is arm the kids that are inevitably going to be out there fucking like cats with the knowledge and the tools to experiment and play with their sexuality while maintaining all due respect for the biology, and teach the young ones who think that having a baby will fix everything the practical responsibilities of being a parent, and We may just put a dent in the bottom line of the abortion industry.

Every dollar invested in education is a dollar invested against abortion :thup:

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