
So,,you are saying you are anti-abortion? Do tell....
She also believes that while a man should get the death sentence for being an accomplice to a murder, a woman should be allowed to hire someone to kill. Seriously....you just can't make this stuff up. Nobody would be that insane to make up such an irrational position.
She isn't one of the 'it's a blob of cells' liberal fucktards, is she?
No...she's one of the "I'm a woman so I can do anything I want, and if you're a man I hate you more than anything so I think you should rot in hell" type of liberals. You know - the misandrist feminist liberal.
Oh...she's a femnazi....
View attachment 82258

This is stupidity on a level that a rational person can't even begin to imagine. Um...yeah "National Institute for Reproductive Health" - making abortion illegal would turn women and doctors who murder babies into criminals. That's kind of the point. This is as insane as saying "making child molestation illegal will turn disturbed, deviant men who torment children into criminals". Yes. Yes it will. That's the idea.

Just when I believe that liberals have finally reached the pinnacle of stupidity, they out do themselves and take it to a whole new level.

So let's pretend you succeed in making abortion illegal. Who gets charged and what's the punishment?

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The party's involved get charged (just like any other murder). If a physician engages in the illegal activity (again - operating here under the hypothetical that it has been outlawed) then they lose their license to practice and are of course brought up on criminal charges. And of course the women is brought up on criminal charges (just like those women who kill their baby shortly after it is born by throwing it in a toilet or a trash can).

However - I fully recognize a medical need for an abortion and that should obviously be legal (just like HGH or steroids are illegal, yet ok for a physician to prescribe). I also recognize that a woman who was raped should not be forced to carry a baby and give birth to it. A victim of rape should have acces to the "morning after" pill.

Now I know the immediate false narrative from the left here will be: "I thought you were a Constitutional liberty person who believes that people have the right to live their life how they want". Well, I absolutely do. But that is the typical false narrative. The baby is a completley separate life. The mother has every right to do whatever she wants to her own body. But the fetus is not "her body". It is the separate body of a separate human being.

When a woman has an abortion - does she die? If it was "her body" - then she would die. When the physician gets their tools out, does the woman have her arm sucked off and her brain crushed in? I fully support a woman's right to put a gun in her mouth and pull the trigger while she's pregnant. That is "her body" that the bullet will go through. But she doesn't have the right to inflict harm or death on another human being.

Thanks for admitting you want to punish women who get abortions....and people thought Herr Trump didn't think before he spoke. :lol:

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I also noticed not one word about the man who made her pregnant came from that poster.

That women didn't get pregnant alone but she must endure all the consequences of that pregnancy even prison if she aborts.

But the man who got her pregnant? Well he just walked away without looking back to see what he has done.

If a woman and doctor have to go to prison for abortions then the man who made her pregnant should go right along with the woman and doctor.
View attachment 82258

This is stupidity on a level that a rational person can't even begin to imagine. Um...yeah "National Institute for Reproductive Health" - making abortion illegal would turn women and doctors who murder babies into criminals. That's kind of the point. This is as insane as saying "making child molestation illegal will turn disturbed, deviant men who torment children into criminals". Yes. Yes it will. That's the idea.

Just when I believe that liberals have finally reached the pinnacle of stupidity, they out do themselves and take it to a whole new level.

So let's pretend you succeed in making abortion illegal. Who gets charged and what's the punishment?

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The party's involved get charged (just like any other murder). If a physician engages in the illegal activity (again - operating here under the hypothetical that it has been outlawed) then they lose their license to practice and are of course brought up on criminal charges. And of course the women is brought up on criminal charges (just like those women who kill their baby shortly after it is born by throwing it in a toilet or a trash can).

However - I fully recognize a medical need for an abortion and that should obviously be legal (just like HGH or steroids are illegal, yet ok for a physician to prescribe). I also recognize that a woman who was raped should not be forced to carry a baby and give birth to it. A victim of rape should have acces to the "morning after" pill.

Now I know the immediate false narrative from the left here will be: "I thought you were a Constitutional liberty person who believes that people have the right to live their life how they want". Well, I absolutely do. But that is the typical false narrative. The baby is a completley separate life. The mother has every right to do whatever she wants to her own body. But the fetus is not "her body". It is the separate body of a separate human being.

When a woman has an abortion - does she die? If it was "her body" - then she would die. When the physician gets their tools out, does the woman have her arm sucked off and her brain crushed in? I fully support a woman's right to put a gun in her mouth and pull the trigger while she's pregnant. That is "her body" that the bullet will go through. But she doesn't have the right to inflict harm or death on another human being.

Thanks for admitting you want to punish women who get abortions....and people thought Herr Trump didn't think before he spoke. :lol:

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I also noticed not one word about the man who made her pregnant came from that poster.

That women didn't get pregnant alone but she must endure all the consequences of that pregnancy even prison if she aborts.

But the man who got her pregnant? Well he just walked away without looking back to see what he has done.
You're confusing what you fucktard liberals do, with us civilized people....
I also noticed not one word about the man who made her pregnant came from that poster.

Hey dumb ass - the man isn't the one hiring someone to kill the fetus. This is as stupid as saying why doesn't the brother of the woman who hired someone to kill her husband have to go to prison? Um...because he wasn't involved in the plot to kill!!! :eusa_doh:

Not only that, but men currently go to prison for having an abortion even though they are currently legal because sick misandrists like wytchy believes that laws only apply to men and women somehow deserve to be able to do whatever they want..

Man gets nearly 14 years in prison for tricking girlfriend into taking abortion pill

Josh Woodward guilty in slipping girlfriend abortion drug

Man Arrested After Slipping Abortion Pills Into Girlfriend’s Vagina During Sex, Pills Killed Baby
So let's pretend you succeed in making abortion illegal. Who gets charged and what's the punishment?

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The party's involved get charged (just like any other murder). If a physician engages in the illegal activity (again - operating here under the hypothetical that it has been outlawed) then they lose their license to practice and are of course brought up on criminal charges. And of course the women is brought up on criminal charges (just like those women who kill their baby shortly after it is born by throwing it in a toilet or a trash can).

However - I fully recognize a medical need for an abortion and that should obviously be legal (just like HGH or steroids are illegal, yet ok for a physician to prescribe). I also recognize that a woman who was raped should not be forced to carry a baby and give birth to it. A victim of rape should have acces to the "morning after" pill.

Now I know the immediate false narrative from the left here will be: "I thought you were a Constitutional liberty person who believes that people have the right to live their life how they want". Well, I absolutely do. But that is the typical false narrative. The baby is a completley separate life. The mother has every right to do whatever she wants to her own body. But the fetus is not "her body". It is the separate body of a separate human being.

When a woman has an abortion - does she die? If it was "her body" - then she would die. When the physician gets their tools out, does the woman have her arm sucked off and her brain crushed in? I fully support a woman's right to put a gun in her mouth and pull the trigger while she's pregnant. That is "her body" that the bullet will go through. But she doesn't have the right to inflict harm or death on another human being.

Thanks for admitting you want to punish women who get abortions....and people thought Herr Trump didn't think before he spoke. :lol:

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Thanks for admitting you want to kill babies....

Ah, so you're an extremist AND a liar. Good info to have, thanks.

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So,,you are saying you are anti-abortion? Do tell....

Anti abortion in the sense that I'd like to see a dramatic reduction in the number of them performed, sure. I just know that you can't do that by outlawing abortion. You do it through science and education. (Rottweiler's aka P@triot's kryptonite)
The party's involved get charged (just like any other murder). If a physician engages in the illegal activity (again - operating here under the hypothetical that it has been outlawed) then they lose their license to practice and are of course brought up on criminal charges. And of course the women is brought up on criminal charges (just like those women who kill their baby shortly after it is born by throwing it in a toilet or a trash can).

However - I fully recognize a medical need for an abortion and that should obviously be legal (just like HGH or steroids are illegal, yet ok for a physician to prescribe). I also recognize that a woman who was raped should not be forced to carry a baby and give birth to it. A victim of rape should have acces to the "morning after" pill.

Now I know the immediate false narrative from the left here will be: "I thought you were a Constitutional liberty person who believes that people have the right to live their life how they want". Well, I absolutely do. But that is the typical false narrative. The baby is a completley separate life. The mother has every right to do whatever she wants to her own body. But the fetus is not "her body". It is the separate body of a separate human being.

When a woman has an abortion - does she die? If it was "her body" - then she would die. When the physician gets their tools out, does the woman have her arm sucked off and her brain crushed in? I fully support a woman's right to put a gun in her mouth and pull the trigger while she's pregnant. That is "her body" that the bullet will go through. But she doesn't have the right to inflict harm or death on another human being.

Thanks for admitting you want to punish women who get abortions....and people thought Herr Trump didn't think before he spoke. :lol:

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Thanks for admitting you want to kill babies....

Ah, so you're an extremist AND a liar. Good info to have, thanks.

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So,,you are saying you are anti-abortion? Do tell....

Anti abortion in the sense that I'd like to see a dramatic reduction in the number of them performed, sure. I just know that you can't do that by outlawing abortion. You do it through science and education. (Rottweiler's aka P@triot's kryptonite)
No...you do it through Liberty....there is nothing scientific about killing babies.....
You republicans are all pro death penalty . You lose the moral high ground !
Not all Republicans many are,and they have the death penalty wrong. I agree its .hypocritical.
Many Republicans are pro-abortion and anti-death penalty. Which is just as schizophrenic when a Republican does it as when a dem, and is yet another example of how the Republican party has become infested with democrats.

Myself, pro life, and anti death penalty.
You republicans are all pro death penalty . You lose the moral high ground !
Not all Republicans many are,and they have the death penalty wrong. I agree its .hypocritical.
How do you figure? The death penalty is punishment for a crime. What crime was the fetus charged, indicted, and convicted of???
For me it's simple, I am pro life across the board.Capital punishment doesn't belong in modern civil society.
Pro life people that support the death penalty are viewed to be hypocrites ,which they are to degree. Lock the killers up with a small hammer and s pile of big rocks.
Anti abortion in the sense that I'd like to see a dramatic reduction in the number of them performed, sure. I just know that you can't do that by outlawing abortion. You do it through science and education. (Rottweiler's aka P@triot's kryptonite)
That's ironic considering the education after education I've provided you here on USMB.
Pro life people that support the death penalty are viewed to be hypocrites ,which they are to degree. Lock the killers up with a small hammer and s pile of big rocks.
Well there is a difference between the life of a convicted killer, and a child who has never done a thing.

But though killing innocent babies is bad enough, my primary objection to abortion is the way the industry objectifies, lies about, exploits, harms, facilitates the abuse of and lies to extremely vulnerable women...and then writes itself a free pass for any oversight or accountability. It truly is legalized back alley abortion.
Thanks for admitting you want to punish women who get abortions....and people thought Herr Trump didn't think before he spoke. :lol:

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Thanks for admitting you want to kill babies....

Ah, so you're an extremist AND a liar. Good info to have, thanks.

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So,,you are saying you are anti-abortion? Do tell....

Anti abortion in the sense that I'd like to see a dramatic reduction in the number of them performed, sure. I just know that you can't do that by outlawing abortion. You do it through science and education. (Rottweiler's aka P@triot's kryptonite)
No...you do it through Liberty....there is nothing scientific about killing babies.....

You do it through an empty platitude? That seems unlikely.

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No...you do it through Liberty....there is nothing scientific about killing babies.....

You do it through an empty platitude? That seems unlikely.
That is so amazing to actually see liberals admit their contempt for freedom. If they can't control it, they don't like it.

Of course, when a George W. Bush or a Donald Trump is sitting in the White House, liberals lose their shit as the person with all of the control is someone they hate. They simply aren't smart enough to think ahead and realized granting unlimited power to the federal government, and then consolidating all of that from three branches down to one person in the executive branch will come back to bite them. That's because the people in Washington who think for them (Obama, Hitlery, etc.) didn't tell them.
No...you do it through Liberty....there is nothing scientific about killing babies.....

You do it through an empty platitude? That seems unlikely.
Vintage wytchy.... liberty is nothing more than an "empty platitude" in her mind. :eusa_doh:

When it is nothing more than a Pavlovian response, it is an empty platitude. Explain how "liberty" can reduce abortions.

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