
Women perceive the Republican party as being oppressive to them, and they won't vote for anyone that doesn't believe their lives are worth saving.

It was women who ran from the GOP and handed Barack Obama a 2nd term and it was because you made your platform about a 45 year ago U.S. Supreme Court already decided decision, (something no politician or President can change anyway) and you ran with it.

You're getting your ass kicked on this one Oreo. All these women aren't "running from the GOP" they are running for the GOP to throw the Dumbocrats out of office and end the liberal war on women.

We appreciate you war on women keeping all the ladies voting conservative!

3 Women Fight Obama’s Bathroom Mandate

So now you've gone into bathrooms--and you think the bathroom issue somehow rolls over to support for Reich wing abortion extremism.

Not at all. The bathroom issue simply illustrates your absurd comments that women are running away from the Republican Party. I've provided multiple links now that shows the exact opposite. Intelligent and decent women are running like hell from the Dumbocrat Party. The party that cheats on their wives 24x7 (JFK, Bill Clinton, etc.), facilitates them becoming victims in public facilities, and rapes them at Occupy Wall Street and other protests.

You have not provided anything but a bathroom link. You lost women, they aren't coming back.

The Reich wing of the Republican party has this insatiable appetite of chasing off large voting blocks, women being one of them, which was the reason for the loss in 2012, and in 2016 it's not only women, but another 17% of the population Hispanics. All 23 million of them are now solidly in Hillary Clinton's column.

Now Trump's VP choice is Pence who is also extreme on abortion, and I can assure you that's going to be a great T.V. advertisement for Hillary Clinton.
Pence signs new abortion restrictions into law with a prayer

You have not provided anything but a bathroom link. You lost women, they aren't coming back.

Bwahahaha!!! You're right - I didn't "prove" anything with my link. I proved it with my links. Plural. Multiple. All of which showed how women ran away from the Dumbocrat Party years ago. The party that treats them as sex objects. The party that rapes them. The party that ensures they will be victims of sexual assault.

We have lost women - we continue to gain them as they run from your unhinged and sadistic party junior. The only women you have left are the really uninformed, really uneducated, addicts.
You have not provided anything but a bathroom link. You lost women, they aren't coming back.

Bwahahaha!!! You're right - I didn't "prove" anything with my link. I proved it with my links. Plural. Multiple. All of which showed how women ran away from the Dumbocrat Party years ago. The party that treats them as sex objects. The party that rapes them. The party that ensures they will be victims of sexual assault.

We have lost women - we continue to gain them as they run from your unhinged and sadistic party junior. The only women you have left are the really uninformed, really uneducated, addicts.

You exemplify the average Republican non working brain now a days. Full of twists and turns when you get cornered, never admit the truth, just keep hammering away on your journey to nowhere.
You have not provided anything but a bathroom link. You lost women, they aren't coming back.

Bwahahaha!!! You're right - I didn't "prove" anything with my link. I proved it with my links. Plural. Multiple. All of which showed how women ran away from the Dumbocrat Party years ago. The party that treats them as sex objects. The party that rapes them. The party that ensures they will be victims of sexual assault.

We have lost women - we continue to gain them as they run from your unhinged and sadistic party junior. The only women you have left are the really uninformed, really uneducated, addicts.

You exemplify the average Republican non working brain now a days. Full of twists and turns when you get cornered, never admit the truth, just keep hammering away on your journey to nowhere.
And yet I come at you with facts and links while you come at me with nothing more than wishful thinking. It's ok Oreo - we've come to expect this from you libtards. Ideology over reality is the foundation of your entire platform.
Screen Shot 2016-07-20 at 11.17.21 AM.png

This is stupidity on a level that a rational person can't even begin to imagine. Um...yeah "National Institute for Reproductive Health" - making abortion illegal would turn women and doctors who murder babies into criminals. That's kind of the point. This is as insane as saying "making child molestation illegal will turn disturbed, deviant men who torment children into criminals". Yes. Yes it will. That's the idea.

Just when I believe that liberals have finally reached the pinnacle of stupidity, they out do themselves and take it to a whole new level.
View attachment 82258

This is stupidity on a level that a rational person can't even begin to imagine. Um...yeah "National Institute for Reproductive Health" - making abortion illegal would turn women and doctors who murder babies into criminals. That's kind of the point. This is as insane as saying "making child molestation illegal will turn disturbed, deviant men who torment children into criminals". Yes. Yes it will. That's the idea.

Just when I believe that liberals have finally reached the pinnacle of stupidity, they out do themselves and take it to a whole new level.

So let's pretend you succeed in making abortion illegal. Who gets charged and what's the punishment?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
View attachment 82258

This is stupidity on a level that a rational person can't even begin to imagine. Um...yeah "National Institute for Reproductive Health" - making abortion illegal would turn women and doctors who murder babies into criminals. That's kind of the point. This is as insane as saying "making child molestation illegal will turn disturbed, deviant men who torment children into criminals". Yes. Yes it will. That's the idea.

Just when I believe that liberals have finally reached the pinnacle of stupidity, they out do themselves and take it to a whole new level.

So let's pretend you succeed in making abortion illegal. Who gets charged and what's the punishment?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The party's involved get charged (just like any other murder). If a physician engages in the illegal activity (again - operating here under the hypothetical that it has been outlawed) then they lose their license to practice and are of course brought up on criminal charges. And of course the women is brought up on criminal charges (just like those women who kill their baby shortly after it is born by throwing it in a toilet or a trash can).

However - I fully recognize a medical need for an abortion and that should obviously be legal (just like HGH or steroids are illegal, yet ok for a physician to prescribe). I also recognize that a woman who was raped should not be forced to carry a baby and give birth to it. A victim of rape should have acces to the "morning after" pill.

Now I know the immediate false narrative from the left here will be: "I thought you were a Constitutional liberty person who believes that people have the right to live their life how they want". Well, I absolutely do. But that is the typical false narrative. The baby is a completley separate life. The mother has every right to do whatever she wants to her own body. But the fetus is not "her body". It is the separate body of a separate human being.

When a woman has an abortion - does she die? If it was "her body" - then she would die. When the physician gets their tools out, does the woman have her arm sucked off and her brain crushed in? I fully support a woman's right to put a gun in her mouth and pull the trigger while she's pregnant. That is "her body" that the bullet will go through. But she doesn't have the right to inflict harm or death on another human being.
View attachment 82258

This is stupidity on a level that a rational person can't even begin to imagine. Um...yeah "National Institute for Reproductive Health" - making abortion illegal would turn women and doctors who murder babies into criminals. That's kind of the point. This is as insane as saying "making child molestation illegal will turn disturbed, deviant men who torment children into criminals". Yes. Yes it will. That's the idea.

Just when I believe that liberals have finally reached the pinnacle of stupidity, they out do themselves and take it to a whole new level.

So let's pretend you succeed in making abortion illegal. Who gets charged and what's the punishment?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The party's involved get charged (just like any other murder). If a physician engages in the illegal activity (again - operating here under the hypothetical that it has been outlawed) then they lose their license to practice and are of course brought up on criminal charges. And of course the women is brought up on criminal charges (just like those women who kill their baby shortly after it is born by throwing it in a toilet or a trash can).

However - I fully recognize a medical need for an abortion and that should obviously be legal (just like HGH or steroids are illegal, yet ok for a physician to prescribe). I also recognize that a woman who was raped should not be forced to carry a baby and give birth to it. A victim of rape should have acces to the "morning after" pill.

Now I know the immediate false narrative from the left here will be: "I thought you were a Constitutional liberty person who believes that people have the right to live their life how they want". Well, I absolutely do. But that is the typical false narrative. The baby is a completley separate life. The mother has every right to do whatever she wants to her own body. But the fetus is not "her body". It is the separate body of a separate human being.

When a woman has an abortion - does she die? If it was "her body" - then she would die. When the physician gets their tools out, does the woman have her arm sucked off and her brain crushed in? I fully support a woman's right to put a gun in her mouth and pull the trigger while she's pregnant. That is "her body" that the bullet will go through. But she doesn't have the right to inflict harm or death on another human being.

Thanks for admitting you want to punish women who get abortions....and people thought Herr Trump didn't think before he spoke. :lol:

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
View attachment 82258

This is stupidity on a level that a rational person can't even begin to imagine. Um...yeah "National Institute for Reproductive Health" - making abortion illegal would turn women and doctors who murder babies into criminals. That's kind of the point. This is as insane as saying "making child molestation illegal will turn disturbed, deviant men who torment children into criminals". Yes. Yes it will. That's the idea.

Just when I believe that liberals have finally reached the pinnacle of stupidity, they out do themselves and take it to a whole new level.

So let's pretend you succeed in making abortion illegal. Who gets charged and what's the punishment?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The party's involved get charged (just like any other murder). If a physician engages in the illegal activity (again - operating here under the hypothetical that it has been outlawed) then they lose their license to practice and are of course brought up on criminal charges. And of course the women is brought up on criminal charges (just like those women who kill their baby shortly after it is born by throwing it in a toilet or a trash can).

However - I fully recognize a medical need for an abortion and that should obviously be legal (just like HGH or steroids are illegal, yet ok for a physician to prescribe). I also recognize that a woman who was raped should not be forced to carry a baby and give birth to it. A victim of rape should have acces to the "morning after" pill.

Now I know the immediate false narrative from the left here will be: "I thought you were a Constitutional liberty person who believes that people have the right to live their life how they want". Well, I absolutely do. But that is the typical false narrative. The baby is a completley separate life. The mother has every right to do whatever she wants to her own body. But the fetus is not "her body". It is the separate body of a separate human being.

When a woman has an abortion - does she die? If it was "her body" - then she would die. When the physician gets their tools out, does the woman have her arm sucked off and her brain crushed in? I fully support a woman's right to put a gun in her mouth and pull the trigger while she's pregnant. That is "her body" that the bullet will go through. But she doesn't have the right to inflict harm or death on another human being.

Thanks for admitting you want to punish women who get abortions....and people thought Herr Trump didn't think before he spoke. :lol:

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Um....why....exactly....wouldn't you punish people who are an accomplice to murder? If the woman hires someone to kill the fetus (and that is outlawed) she is an accomplice to murder. Do you want take a wild guess what happens to a woman who hires someone to kill her husband?

I'm not sure if it's more hilarious or more shocking that you find it odd that someone who orchestrates a murder would be held accountable for it. :dunno:
View attachment 82258

This is stupidity on a level that a rational person can't even begin to imagine. Um...yeah "National Institute for Reproductive Health" - making abortion illegal would turn women and doctors who murder babies into criminals. That's kind of the point. This is as insane as saying "making child molestation illegal will turn disturbed, deviant men who torment children into criminals". Yes. Yes it will. That's the idea.

Just when I believe that liberals have finally reached the pinnacle of stupidity, they out do themselves and take it to a whole new level.

So let's pretend you succeed in making abortion illegal. Who gets charged and what's the punishment?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The party's involved get charged (just like any other murder). If a physician engages in the illegal activity (again - operating here under the hypothetical that it has been outlawed) then they lose their license to practice and are of course brought up on criminal charges. And of course the women is brought up on criminal charges (just like those women who kill their baby shortly after it is born by throwing it in a toilet or a trash can).

However - I fully recognize a medical need for an abortion and that should obviously be legal (just like HGH or steroids are illegal, yet ok for a physician to prescribe). I also recognize that a woman who was raped should not be forced to carry a baby and give birth to it. A victim of rape should have acces to the "morning after" pill.

Now I know the immediate false narrative from the left here will be: "I thought you were a Constitutional liberty person who believes that people have the right to live their life how they want". Well, I absolutely do. But that is the typical false narrative. The baby is a completley separate life. The mother has every right to do whatever she wants to her own body. But the fetus is not "her body". It is the separate body of a separate human being.

When a woman has an abortion - does she die? If it was "her body" - then she would die. When the physician gets their tools out, does the woman have her arm sucked off and her brain crushed in? I fully support a woman's right to put a gun in her mouth and pull the trigger while she's pregnant. That is "her body" that the bullet will go through. But she doesn't have the right to inflict harm or death on another human being.

Thanks for admitting you want to punish women who get abortions....and people thought Herr Trump didn't think before he spoke. :lol:

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Thanks for admitting you want to kill babies....
View attachment 82258

This is stupidity on a level that a rational person can't even begin to imagine. Um...yeah "National Institute for Reproductive Health" - making abortion illegal would turn women and doctors who murder babies into criminals. That's kind of the point. This is as insane as saying "making child molestation illegal will turn disturbed, deviant men who torment children into criminals". Yes. Yes it will. That's the idea.

Just when I believe that liberals have finally reached the pinnacle of stupidity, they out do themselves and take it to a whole new level.

So let's pretend you succeed in making abortion illegal. Who gets charged and what's the punishment?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The party's involved get charged (just like any other murder). If a physician engages in the illegal activity (again - operating here under the hypothetical that it has been outlawed) then they lose their license to practice and are of course brought up on criminal charges. And of course the women is brought up on criminal charges (just like those women who kill their baby shortly after it is born by throwing it in a toilet or a trash can).

However - I fully recognize a medical need for an abortion and that should obviously be legal (just like HGH or steroids are illegal, yet ok for a physician to prescribe). I also recognize that a woman who was raped should not be forced to carry a baby and give birth to it. A victim of rape should have acces to the "morning after" pill.

Now I know the immediate false narrative from the left here will be: "I thought you were a Constitutional liberty person who believes that people have the right to live their life how they want". Well, I absolutely do. But that is the typical false narrative. The baby is a completley separate life. The mother has every right to do whatever she wants to her own body. But the fetus is not "her body". It is the separate body of a separate human being.

When a woman has an abortion - does she die? If it was "her body" - then she would die. When the physician gets their tools out, does the woman have her arm sucked off and her brain crushed in? I fully support a woman's right to put a gun in her mouth and pull the trigger while she's pregnant. That is "her body" that the bullet will go through. But she doesn't have the right to inflict harm or death on another human being.

Thanks for admitting you want to punish women who get abortions....and people thought Herr Trump didn't think before he spoke. :lol:

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Um....why....exactly....wouldn't you punish people who are an accomplice to murder? If the woman hires someone to kill the fetus (and that is outlawed) she is an accomplice to murder. Do you want take a wild guess what happens to a woman who hires someone to kill her husband?

I'm not sure if it's more hilarious or more shocking that you find it odd that someone who orchestrates a murder would be held accountable for it. :dunno:

That's a good puppy...double down. :clap:

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
View attachment 82258

This is stupidity on a level that a rational person can't even begin to imagine. Um...yeah "National Institute for Reproductive Health" - making abortion illegal would turn women and doctors who murder babies into criminals. That's kind of the point. This is as insane as saying "making child molestation illegal will turn disturbed, deviant men who torment children into criminals". Yes. Yes it will. That's the idea.

Just when I believe that liberals have finally reached the pinnacle of stupidity, they out do themselves and take it to a whole new level.

So let's pretend you succeed in making abortion illegal. Who gets charged and what's the punishment?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The party's involved get charged (just like any other murder). If a physician engages in the illegal activity (again - operating here under the hypothetical that it has been outlawed) then they lose their license to practice and are of course brought up on criminal charges. And of course the women is brought up on criminal charges (just like those women who kill their baby shortly after it is born by throwing it in a toilet or a trash can).

However - I fully recognize a medical need for an abortion and that should obviously be legal (just like HGH or steroids are illegal, yet ok for a physician to prescribe). I also recognize that a woman who was raped should not be forced to carry a baby and give birth to it. A victim of rape should have acces to the "morning after" pill.

Now I know the immediate false narrative from the left here will be: "I thought you were a Constitutional liberty person who believes that people have the right to live their life how they want". Well, I absolutely do. But that is the typical false narrative. The baby is a completley separate life. The mother has every right to do whatever she wants to her own body. But the fetus is not "her body". It is the separate body of a separate human being.

When a woman has an abortion - does she die? If it was "her body" - then she would die. When the physician gets their tools out, does the woman have her arm sucked off and her brain crushed in? I fully support a woman's right to put a gun in her mouth and pull the trigger while she's pregnant. That is "her body" that the bullet will go through. But she doesn't have the right to inflict harm or death on another human being.

Thanks for admitting you want to punish women who get abortions....and people thought Herr Trump didn't think before he spoke. :lol:

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Thanks for admitting you want to kill babies....

Ah, so you're an extremist AND a liar. Good info to have, thanks.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
View attachment 82258

This is stupidity on a level that a rational person can't even begin to imagine. Um...yeah "National Institute for Reproductive Health" - making abortion illegal would turn women and doctors who murder babies into criminals. That's kind of the point. This is as insane as saying "making child molestation illegal will turn disturbed, deviant men who torment children into criminals". Yes. Yes it will. That's the idea.

Just when I believe that liberals have finally reached the pinnacle of stupidity, they out do themselves and take it to a whole new level.

So let's pretend you succeed in making abortion illegal. Who gets charged and what's the punishment?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The party's involved get charged (just like any other murder). If a physician engages in the illegal activity (again - operating here under the hypothetical that it has been outlawed) then they lose their license to practice and are of course brought up on criminal charges. And of course the women is brought up on criminal charges (just like those women who kill their baby shortly after it is born by throwing it in a toilet or a trash can).

However - I fully recognize a medical need for an abortion and that should obviously be legal (just like HGH or steroids are illegal, yet ok for a physician to prescribe). I also recognize that a woman who was raped should not be forced to carry a baby and give birth to it. A victim of rape should have acces to the "morning after" pill.

Now I know the immediate false narrative from the left here will be: "I thought you were a Constitutional liberty person who believes that people have the right to live their life how they want". Well, I absolutely do. But that is the typical false narrative. The baby is a completley separate life. The mother has every right to do whatever she wants to her own body. But the fetus is not "her body". It is the separate body of a separate human being.

When a woman has an abortion - does she die? If it was "her body" - then she would die. When the physician gets their tools out, does the woman have her arm sucked off and her brain crushed in? I fully support a woman's right to put a gun in her mouth and pull the trigger while she's pregnant. That is "her body" that the bullet will go through. But she doesn't have the right to inflict harm or death on another human being.

Thanks for admitting you want to punish women who get abortions....and people thought Herr Trump didn't think before he spoke. :lol:

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Um....why....exactly....wouldn't you punish people who are an accomplice to murder? If the woman hires someone to kill the fetus (and that is outlawed) she is an accomplice to murder. Do you want take a wild guess what happens to a woman who hires someone to kill her husband?

I'm not sure if it's more hilarious or more shocking that you find it odd that someone who orchestrates a murder would be held accountable for it. :dunno:

That's a good puppy...double down. :clap:

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
So you can't articulate why you irrationally believe a woman shouldn't be brought up on charges if she's an accomplice to a murder? Got it.
View attachment 82258

This is stupidity on a level that a rational person can't even begin to imagine. Um...yeah "National Institute for Reproductive Health" - making abortion illegal would turn women and doctors who murder babies into criminals. That's kind of the point. This is as insane as saying "making child molestation illegal will turn disturbed, deviant men who torment children into criminals". Yes. Yes it will. That's the idea.

Just when I believe that liberals have finally reached the pinnacle of stupidity, they out do themselves and take it to a whole new level.

So let's pretend you succeed in making abortion illegal. Who gets charged and what's the punishment?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The party's involved get charged (just like any other murder). If a physician engages in the illegal activity (again - operating here under the hypothetical that it has been outlawed) then they lose their license to practice and are of course brought up on criminal charges. And of course the women is brought up on criminal charges (just like those women who kill their baby shortly after it is born by throwing it in a toilet or a trash can).

However - I fully recognize a medical need for an abortion and that should obviously be legal (just like HGH or steroids are illegal, yet ok for a physician to prescribe). I also recognize that a woman who was raped should not be forced to carry a baby and give birth to it. A victim of rape should have acces to the "morning after" pill.

Now I know the immediate false narrative from the left here will be: "I thought you were a Constitutional liberty person who believes that people have the right to live their life how they want". Well, I absolutely do. But that is the typical false narrative. The baby is a completley separate life. The mother has every right to do whatever she wants to her own body. But the fetus is not "her body". It is the separate body of a separate human being.

When a woman has an abortion - does she die? If it was "her body" - then she would die. When the physician gets their tools out, does the woman have her arm sucked off and her brain crushed in? I fully support a woman's right to put a gun in her mouth and pull the trigger while she's pregnant. That is "her body" that the bullet will go through. But she doesn't have the right to inflict harm or death on another human being.

Thanks for admitting you want to punish women who get abortions....and people thought Herr Trump didn't think before he spoke. :lol:

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Thanks for admitting you want to kill babies....

Ah, so you're an extremist AND a liar. Good info to have, thanks.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Funny...when you say it - it's ok. When he says it, he's an "extremist" and a "liar". I can't believe you didn't see what he did there.... :lmao:
In recent news, Donald Trump got snookered by Chris Matthews with a hypothetical question about abortion. Chris got Donald to say that women should be punished if abortion was illegal.

For his entire campaign, Donald has seemed impervious to PC, until now. Now all of a sudden people seem to care about their abortion rights as it has negatively effected Donald in the polls. For you see, those who support Trump in large part are not really conservatives. They just want someone to kick start the economy and restore order at the border, so the abortion issue is like salt in their wounds because these same people don't want to be held financially responsible for their reproductive actions. For you see, all they care about is their money, just like Donald. In response, Trump has back peddled and said the question was a "gottcha" moment, which it was, but now refuses to talk about it other than saying he thinks it should be a state right issue.

Then enters Hillary. Hillary comes out and talks about the unborn as an "unborn person" and "unborn child". Big mistake in terms of the psychology of word play. She now is taking flack from both happy go lucky abortionists and those who oppose abortion. She then comes out and says that the "unborn children" have no Constitutional rights, BUT she thinks that there should be restrictions on abortion in the third trimester.


What I find the most hilarious of all is that I know neither candidate gives much of a damn about the abortion issue, and it shows. Their lack of introspective rigor on the issue is shining before us, as both slide down in the polls. Their half/half squeamish stance on abortion is on full display for all to see.
Abortion will be on display next week. It will be called the democratic national convention.
View attachment 82258

This is stupidity on a level that a rational person can't even begin to imagine. Um...yeah "National Institute for Reproductive Health" - making abortion illegal would turn women and doctors who murder babies into criminals. That's kind of the point. This is as insane as saying "making child molestation illegal will turn disturbed, deviant men who torment children into criminals". Yes. Yes it will. That's the idea.

Just when I believe that liberals have finally reached the pinnacle of stupidity, they out do themselves and take it to a whole new level.

So let's pretend you succeed in making abortion illegal. Who gets charged and what's the punishment?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The party's involved get charged (just like any other murder). If a physician engages in the illegal activity (again - operating here under the hypothetical that it has been outlawed) then they lose their license to practice and are of course brought up on criminal charges. And of course the women is brought up on criminal charges (just like those women who kill their baby shortly after it is born by throwing it in a toilet or a trash can).

However - I fully recognize a medical need for an abortion and that should obviously be legal (just like HGH or steroids are illegal, yet ok for a physician to prescribe). I also recognize that a woman who was raped should not be forced to carry a baby and give birth to it. A victim of rape should have acces to the "morning after" pill.

Now I know the immediate false narrative from the left here will be: "I thought you were a Constitutional liberty person who believes that people have the right to live their life how they want". Well, I absolutely do. But that is the typical false narrative. The baby is a completley separate life. The mother has every right to do whatever she wants to her own body. But the fetus is not "her body". It is the separate body of a separate human being.

When a woman has an abortion - does she die? If it was "her body" - then she would die. When the physician gets their tools out, does the woman have her arm sucked off and her brain crushed in? I fully support a woman's right to put a gun in her mouth and pull the trigger while she's pregnant. That is "her body" that the bullet will go through. But she doesn't have the right to inflict harm or death on another human being.

Thanks for admitting you want to punish women who get abortions....and people thought Herr Trump didn't think before he spoke. :lol:

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Thanks for admitting you want to kill babies....

Ah, so you're an extremist AND a liar. Good info to have, thanks.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
So,,you are saying you are anti-abortion? Do tell....
Abortion will be on display next week. It will be called the democratic national convention.
Oh come on you "regressive" neanderthal! Don't you realize that killing babies is progress? Why do you want to stop progress? You don't seem to comprehend how raping women (Occupy Wall Street), killing babies (Planned Parenthood), and implementing communism is progress. Big NeoCon stupid jerk face...

You know - after typing that I realized just how neanderthal-like the libtards are. Raping women, killing babies, pillaging the country side (communism). What a bunch of primitive Vikings the left has morphed into.
So,,you are saying you are anti-abortion? Do tell....
She also believes that while a man should get the death sentence for being an accomplice to a murder, a woman should be allowed to hire someone to kill. Seriously....you just can't make this stuff up. Nobody would be that insane to make up such an irrational position.
So,,you are saying you are anti-abortion? Do tell....
She also believes that while a man should get the death sentence for being an accomplice to a murder, a woman should be allowed to hire someone to kill. Seriously....you just can't make this stuff up. Nobody would be that insane to make up such an irrational position.
She isn't one of the 'it's a blob of cells' liberal fucktards, is she?
So,,you are saying you are anti-abortion? Do tell....
She also believes that while a man should get the death sentence for being an accomplice to a murder, a woman should be allowed to hire someone to kill. Seriously....you just can't make this stuff up. Nobody would be that insane to make up such an irrational position.
She isn't one of the 'it's a blob of cells' liberal fucktards, is she?
No...she's one of the "I'm a woman so I can do anything I want, and if you're a man I hate you more than anything so I think you should rot in hell" type of liberals. You know - the misandrist feminist liberal.

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