
View attachment 82258

This is stupidity on a level that a rational person can't even begin to imagine. Um...yeah "National Institute for Reproductive Health" - making abortion illegal would turn women and doctors who murder babies into criminals. That's kind of the point. This is as insane as saying "making child molestation illegal will turn disturbed, deviant men who torment children into criminals". Yes. Yes it will. That's the idea.

Just when I believe that liberals have finally reached the pinnacle of stupidity, they out do themselves and take it to a whole new level.

So let's pretend you succeed in making abortion illegal. Who gets charged and what's the punishment?

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The party's involved get charged (just like any other murder). If a physician engages in the illegal activity (again - operating here under the hypothetical that it has been outlawed) then they lose their license to practice and are of course brought up on criminal charges. And of course the women is brought up on criminal charges (just like those women who kill their baby shortly after it is born by throwing it in a toilet or a trash can).

However - I fully recognize a medical need for an abortion and that should obviously be legal (just like HGH or steroids are illegal, yet ok for a physician to prescribe). I also recognize that a woman who was raped should not be forced to carry a baby and give birth to it. A victim of rape should have acces to the "morning after" pill.

Now I know the immediate false narrative from the left here will be: "I thought you were a Constitutional liberty person who believes that people have the right to live their life how they want". Well, I absolutely do. But that is the typical false narrative. The baby is a completley separate life. The mother has every right to do whatever she wants to her own body. But the fetus is not "her body". It is the separate body of a separate human being.

When a woman has an abortion - does she die? If it was "her body" - then she would die. When the physician gets their tools out, does the woman have her arm sucked off and her brain crushed in? I fully support a woman's right to put a gun in her mouth and pull the trigger while she's pregnant. That is "her body" that the bullet will go through. But she doesn't have the right to inflict harm or death on another human being.

Thanks for admitting you want to punish women who get abortions....and people thought Herr Trump didn't think before he spoke. :lol:

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Thanks for admitting you want to kill babies....
Thank Republicans for finally admitting you want to make abortions illegal. A very unpopular position to have with young women voters.
So, what do you think Liberty is?

You can't describe how "liberty" reduces abortions can you. Awesome!

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So, what do you think Liberty is?

I think you use "liberty" like the Church Lady used Satan. When you can explain your response, that "liberty" can reduce abortions, you'll get an answer from me. Dodging the question just proves my original point, liberty is just an empty platitude when you use it.

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No...but you seem to be doing that....

So....what do you think Liberty is?

I'm doing nothing more than asking you repeatedly to clarify your statement. Obviously you can't because your statement wasn't a response, it was an empty platitude...indicated by your inability to explain how "liberty" would reduce abortions performed.

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That's all Republicans are, talking points. Don't expect him to understand let alone be able to explain.

Owebo also misuses fascist allthe time too

I can't wait to celebrate hillary and all the democratic house and senate victories..
View attachment 82258

This is stupidity on a level that a rational person can't even begin to imagine. Um...yeah "National Institute for Reproductive Health" - making abortion illegal would turn women and doctors who murder babies into criminals. That's kind of the point. This is as insane as saying "making child molestation illegal will turn disturbed, deviant men who torment children into criminals". Yes. Yes it will. That's the idea.

Just when I believe that liberals have finally reached the pinnacle of stupidity, they out do themselves and take it to a whole new level.

So let's pretend you succeed in making abortion illegal. Who gets charged and what's the punishment?

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The party's involved get charged (just like any other murder). If a physician engages in the illegal activity (again - operating here under the hypothetical that it has been outlawed) then they lose their license to practice and are of course brought up on criminal charges. And of course the women is brought up on criminal charges (just like those women who kill their baby shortly after it is born by throwing it in a toilet or a trash can).

However - I fully recognize a medical need for an abortion and that should obviously be legal (just like HGH or steroids are illegal, yet ok for a physician to prescribe). I also recognize that a woman who was raped should not be forced to carry a baby and give birth to it. A victim of rape should have acces to the "morning after" pill.

Now I know the immediate false narrative from the left here will be: "I thought you were a Constitutional liberty person who believes that people have the right to live their life how they want". Well, I absolutely do. But that is the typical false narrative. The baby is a completley separate life. The mother has every right to do whatever she wants to her own body. But the fetus is not "her body". It is the separate body of a separate human being.

When a woman has an abortion - does she die? If it was "her body" - then she would die. When the physician gets their tools out, does the woman have her arm sucked off and her brain crushed in? I fully support a woman's right to put a gun in her mouth and pull the trigger while she's pregnant. That is "her body" that the bullet will go through. But she doesn't have the right to inflict harm or death on another human being.

Thanks for admitting you want to punish women who get abortions....and people thought Herr Trump didn't think before he spoke. :lol:

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Thanks for admitting you want to kill babies....
Thank Republicans for finally admitting you want to make abortions illegal. A very unpopular position to have with young women voters.
Yeah, pardon us for not wanting to let you democrats kill babies......
You can't describe how "liberty" reduces abortions can you. Awesome!

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So, what do you think Liberty is?

I think you use "liberty" like the Church Lady used Satan. When you can explain your response, that "liberty" can reduce abortions, you'll get an answer from me. Dodging the question just proves my original point, liberty is just an empty platitude when you use it.

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No...but you seem to be doing that....

So....what do you think Liberty is?

I'm doing nothing more than asking you repeatedly to clarify your statement. Obviously you can't because your statement wasn't a response, it was an empty platitude...indicated by your inability to explain how "liberty" would reduce abortions performed.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
That's all Republicans are, talking points. Don't expect him to understand let alone be able to explain.

Owebo also misuses fascist allthe time too

I can't wait to celebrate hillary and all the democratic house and senate victories..
Sadly,,we know where you stand....

Thank Republicans for finally admitting you want to make abortions illegal. A very unpopular position to have with young women voters.
Another day, another lie from a progressive. It is only "unpopular" with disgusting selfish progressive "women" (if they can even be called that) that don't value life. There are tens of millions of conservative women who are appalled by that and want abortion outlawed. So it is a very popular position to have with young women voters.
I saw a Republican commercial yesterday saying they want to ban abortion. They don't care how unpopular that idea is
Wow....imagine that. Someone standing on principle rather than pandering to evil so they can have power. What is really funny is how you are absolutely stupefied by that sealybobo. Typical progressive. They just can't comprehend principles. Character. Integrity.
Thank Republicans for finally admitting you want to make abortions illegal. A very unpopular position to have with young women voters.
Another day, another lie from a progressive. It is only "unpopular" with disgusting selfish progressive "women" (if they can even be called that) that don't value life. There are tens of millions of conservative women who are appalled by that and want abortion outlawed. So it is a very popular position to have with young women voters.

You show me conservative women and I will show you one outside an abortion clinic with their 15 year old daughter...

Get real...
Thank Republicans for finally admitting you want to make abortions illegal. A very unpopular position to have with young women voters.
Another day, another lie from a progressive. It is only "unpopular" with disgusting selfish progressive "women" (if they can even be called that) that don't value life. There are tens of millions of conservative women who are appalled by that and want abortion outlawed. So it is a very popular position to have with young women voters.
Young 18 year old girls need to
Thank Republicans for finally admitting you want to make abortions illegal. A very unpopular position to have with young women voters.
Another day, another lie from a progressive. It is only "unpopular" with disgusting selfish progressive "women" (if they can even be called that) that don't value life. There are tens of millions of conservative women who are appalled by that and want abortion outlawed. So it is a very popular position to have with young women voters.
I just want pro choice young ladies know their choice will be taken from them if Republicans win. You rally the pro lifers and I'll rally the pro choices and see who wins in 1 month
Thank Republicans for finally admitting you want to make abortions illegal. A very unpopular position to have with young women voters.
Another day, another lie from a progressive. It is only "unpopular" with disgusting selfish progressive "women" (if they can even be called that) that don't value life. There are tens of millions of conservative women who are appalled by that and want abortion outlawed. So it is a very popular position to have with young women voters.

You show me conservative women and I will show you one outside an abortion clinic with their 15 year old daughter...

Get real...
The commercial said every year 1.5 million abortions happen. That's 1.5 million women who should be voting Democratic. Then there are the millions who wouldn't personally get one but understand why abortion should be a right. I'm not going to argue the reasons, I just know a lot of pro choice women better vote
Thank Republicans for finally admitting you want to make abortions illegal. A very unpopular position to have with young women voters.
Another day, another lie from a progressive. It is only "unpopular" with disgusting selfish progressive "women" (if they can even be called that) that don't value life. There are tens of millions of conservative women who are appalled by that and want abortion outlawed. So it is a very popular position to have with young women voters.

You show me conservative women and I will show you one outside an abortion clinic with their 15 year old daughter...

Get real...
There are a million stories about conservatives who are anti abortion but when they or their kid gets pregnant they go get an abortion. So they vote wrong. They need to realize abortion is personal and no one else business. Just like it was when they needed one. Or is it that they wish the government would have taken that right away from them? It's like me with cigarettes. I wish they were illegal so I didn't have a choice to quit.

Pro life people aren't playing fair when they call it abortion on demand. Women need to realize that even if you just weren't careful or you were sleeping around, that's good enough reason to get an abortion. If it is for you then it's good enough reason for me. Not my business. And chances are the people who get abortions wouldn't have been good parents anyways. Clearly they didn't want to be parents. No pro lifer should get in a woman's way regarding her right to choose. It isn't murder after all. Very quick and simple proceedure. Besides, we are over populated anyways. We need to make them more affordable and easier to get for poor people living in poverty. Especially if Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell and Trump are about to take away their food stamps.

I just want pro choice young ladies know their choice will be taken from them if Republicans win. You rally the pro lifers and I'll rally the pro choices and see who wins in 1 month
Well the law must be applied equally. I can assume you support a man's right to "choose" to kill his baby as well then, right? Just like John Andrew Welden and Joshua Woodward did. And then they were charged with murder. Which is really odd considering you people claim a fetus is not a person.
There are a million stories about conservatives who are anti abortion but when they or their kid gets pregnant they go get an abortion.
No. No there is not. Another post, another outrageous lie from a progressive.
So they vote wrong.
And here is a progressive being a typical fascist. Telling other people how to vote and what is right or wrong for them.
They need to realize abortion is personal and no one else business.
Sure...just as soon as you realize that a man's right to rape you is his personal choice and no one else's business (including yours).

Congrats sealybobo - you manage to encompass all facets of progressivism in a single post. Lying. Fascism. Lawlessens.
There are a million stories about conservatives who are anti abortion but when they or their kid gets pregnant they go get an abortion.
No. No there is not. Another post, another outrageous lie from a progressive.
So they vote wrong.
And here is a progressive being a typical fascist. Telling other people how to vote and what is right or wrong for them.
They need to realize abortion is personal and no one else business.
Sure...just as soon as you realize that a man's right to rape you is his personal choice and no one else's business (including yours).

Congrats sealybobo - you manage to encompass all facets of progressivism in a single post. Lying. Fascism. Lawlessens.
Yes, I addressed every argument you could possibly make and you replied back with your right wing wack job talking points.

PRINCETON, N.J. -- Half of Americans consider themselves "pro-choice" on abortion, surpassing the 44% who identify as "pro-life." This is the first time since 2008 that the pro-choice position has had a statistically significant lead in Americans' abortion views.

And I think the number is actually much much higher. I never trust Gallop. They are always wrong and slant right. And if you ask a woman the right way, more times than not they will realize they are pro choice. It's the way you guys ask. "do you think a slut should be able to use abortion as birth control" is not a fair way to put it. But if you paint the picture that its just not the right time for the girl to have a baby and how it will ruin their life, or how the woman's going to be a horrible mother, most young women actually believe in their right to choose. And they understand it's a necessary evil.
Yes, I addressed every argument you could possibly...
Sure you did. Let's recap your offensive, misogynistic, and profoundly ignorant comments...
So they vote wrong.
It takes one hell of an arrogant and fascist asshole to tell other people they "vote wrong". That's not "addressing" shit as you claim. It's just pure stupidity built on desperation. Next was this gem:

And if you ask a woman the right way, more times than not they will realize they are pro choice.
Oh....ok. In other words women are too ignorant to decide for themselves. They need to be asked in the "right way". Typical progressive.
PRINCETON, N.J. -- Half of Americans consider themselves "pro-choice" on abortion, surpassing the 44% who identify as "pro-life." This is the first time since 2008 that the pro-choice position has had a statistically significant lead in Americans' abortion views.

And I think the number is actually much much higher. I never trust Gallop. They are always wrong and slant right.
First of all - your lack of a link supporting this claim is duly noted. Second - do you have a point here? All you're doing is illustrating the moral decay of progressivism on society.

At one time, slavery will legal too. Then people started waking up. They will do the same with abortion.
This isn't something right out of a serial killer's house of horrors. And to think that morally bankrupt people like sealybobo advocate for something this evil and twisted...

View attachment 82258

This is stupidity on a level that a rational person can't even begin to imagine. Um...yeah "National Institute for Reproductive Health" - making abortion illegal would turn women and doctors who murder babies into criminals. That's kind of the point. This is as insane as saying "making child molestation illegal will turn disturbed, deviant men who torment children into criminals". Yes. Yes it will. That's the idea.

Just when I believe that liberals have finally reached the pinnacle of stupidity, they out do themselves and take it to a whole new level.

So let's pretend you succeed in making abortion illegal. Who gets charged and what's the punishment?

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The party's involved get charged (just like any other murder). If a physician engages in the illegal activity (again - operating here under the hypothetical that it has been outlawed) then they lose their license to practice and are of course brought up on criminal charges. And of course the women is brought up on criminal charges (just like those women who kill their baby shortly after it is born by throwing it in a toilet or a trash can).

However - I fully recognize a medical need for an abortion and that should obviously be legal (just like HGH or steroids are illegal, yet ok for a physician to prescribe). I also recognize that a woman who was raped should not be forced to carry a baby and give birth to it. A victim of rape should have acces to the "morning after" pill.

Now I know the immediate false narrative from the left here will be: "I thought you were a Constitutional liberty person who believes that people have the right to live their life how they want". Well, I absolutely do. But that is the typical false narrative. The baby is a completley separate life. The mother has every right to do whatever she wants to her own body. But the fetus is not "her body". It is the separate body of a separate human being.

When a woman has an abortion - does she die? If it was "her body" - then she would die. When the physician gets their tools out, does the woman have her arm sucked off and her brain crushed in? I fully support a woman's right to put a gun in her mouth and pull the trigger while she's pregnant. That is "her body" that the bullet will go through. But she doesn't have the right to inflict harm or death on another human being.

Thanks for admitting you want to punish women who get abortions....and people thought Herr Trump didn't think before he spoke. :lol:

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Thanks for admitting you want to kill babies....
Thank Republicans for finally admitting you want to make abortions illegal. A very unpopular position to have with young women voters.
Oh, you're welcome baby killer....
There are a million stories about conservatives who are anti abortion but when they or their kid gets pregnant they go get an abortion.
No. No there is not. Another post, another outrageous lie from a progressive.
So they vote wrong.
And here is a progressive being a typical fascist. Telling other people how to vote and what is right or wrong for them.
They need to realize abortion is personal and no one else business.
Sure...just as soon as you realize that a man's right to rape you is his personal choice and no one else's business (including yours).

Congrats sealybobo - you manage to encompass all facets of progressivism in a single post. Lying. Fascism. Lawlessens.
Yes, I addressed every argument you could possibly make and you replied back with your right wing wack job talking points.

PRINCETON, N.J. -- Half of Americans consider themselves "pro-choice" on abortion, surpassing the 44% who identify as "pro-life." This is the first time since 2008 that the pro-choice position has had a statistically significant lead in Americans' abortion views.

And I think the number is actually much much higher. I never trust Gallop. They are always wrong and slant right. And if you ask a woman the right way, more times than not they will realize they are pro choice. It's the way you guys ask. "do you think a slut should be able to use abortion as birth control" is not a fair way to put it. But if you paint the picture that its just not the right time for the girl to have a baby and how it will ruin their life, or how the woman's going to be a horrible mother, most young women actually believe in their right to choose. And they understand it's a necessary evil.
Actually, about 71% of Americans want abortion illegal....so....
Yes, I addressed every argument you could possibly...
Sure you did. Let's recap your offensive, misogynistic, and profoundly ignorant comments...
So they vote wrong.
It takes one hell of an arrogant and fascist asshole to tell other people they "vote wrong". That's not "addressing" shit as you claim. It's just pure stupidity built on desperation. Next was this gem:

And if you ask a woman the right way, more times than not they will realize they are pro choice.
Oh....ok. In other words women are too ignorant to decide for themselves. They need to be asked in the "right way". Typical progressive.
That's right stupid.

We see the way you guys ask questions. " should a slut use abortion on demand as her form of birth control? Of course they'll say no to that. But paint a different scenerio and they'll tell you a woman should have the right to choose.

A lot of people I talk to say they are pro life until I ask them a few questions and then they realize they are pro choise

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