
There are a million stories about conservatives who are anti abortion but when they or their kid gets pregnant they go get an abortion.
No. No there is not. Another post, another outrageous lie from a progressive.
So they vote wrong.
And here is a progressive being a typical fascist. Telling other people how to vote and what is right or wrong for them.
They need to realize abortion is personal and no one else business.
Sure...just as soon as you realize that a man's right to rape you is his personal choice and no one else's business (including yours).

Congrats sealybobo - you manage to encompass all facets of progressivism in a single post. Lying. Fascism. Lawlessens.
Yes, I addressed every argument you could possibly make and you replied back with your right wing wack job talking points.

PRINCETON, N.J. -- Half of Americans consider themselves "pro-choice" on abortion, surpassing the 44% who identify as "pro-life." This is the first time since 2008 that the pro-choice position has had a statistically significant lead in Americans' abortion views.

And I think the number is actually much much higher. I never trust Gallop. They are always wrong and slant right. And if you ask a woman the right way, more times than not they will realize they are pro choice. It's the way you guys ask. "do you think a slut should be able to use abortion as birth control" is not a fair way to put it. But if you paint the picture that its just not the right time for the girl to have a baby and how it will ruin their life, or how the woman's going to be a horrible mother, most young women actually believe in their right to choose. And they understand it's a necessary evil.
Actually, about 71% of Americans want abortion illegal....so....
There are a million stories about conservatives who are anti abortion but when they or their kid gets pregnant they go get an abortion.
No. No there is not. Another post, another outrageous lie from a progressive.
So they vote wrong.
And here is a progressive being a typical fascist. Telling other people how to vote and what is right or wrong for them.
They need to realize abortion is personal and no one else business.
Sure...just as soon as you realize that a man's right to rape you is his personal choice and no one else's business (including yours).

Congrats sealybobo - you manage to encompass all facets of progressivism in a single post. Lying. Fascism. Lawlessens.
Yes, I addressed every argument you could possibly make and you replied back with your right wing wack job talking points.

PRINCETON, N.J. -- Half of Americans consider themselves "pro-choice" on abortion, surpassing the 44% who identify as "pro-life." This is the first time since 2008 that the pro-choice position has had a statistically significant lead in Americans' abortion views.

And I think the number is actually much much higher. I never trust Gallop. They are always wrong and slant right. And if you ask a woman the right way, more times than not they will realize they are pro choice. It's the way you guys ask. "do you think a slut should be able to use abortion as birth control" is not a fair way to put it. But if you paint the picture that its just not the right time for the girl to have a baby and how it will ruin their life, or how the woman's going to be a horrible mother, most young women actually believe in their right to choose. And they understand it's a necessary evil.
Actually, about 71% of Americans want abortion illegal....so....
You are amongst the minority of evil.....sadness on you....

Us civilized people's will end your genocide soon....
There are a million stories about conservatives who are anti abortion but when they or their kid gets pregnant they go get an abortion.
No. No there is not. Another post, another outrageous lie from a progressive.
So they vote wrong.
And here is a progressive being a typical fascist. Telling other people how to vote and what is right or wrong for them.
They need to realize abortion is personal and no one else business.
Sure...just as soon as you realize that a man's right to rape you is his personal choice and no one else's business (including yours).

Congrats sealybobo - you manage to encompass all facets of progressivism in a single post. Lying. Fascism. Lawlessens.
Yes, I addressed every argument you could possibly make and you replied back with your right wing wack job talking points.

PRINCETON, N.J. -- Half of Americans consider themselves "pro-choice" on abortion, surpassing the 44% who identify as "pro-life." This is the first time since 2008 that the pro-choice position has had a statistically significant lead in Americans' abortion views.

And I think the number is actually much much higher. I never trust Gallop. They are always wrong and slant right. And if you ask a woman the right way, more times than not they will realize they are pro choice. It's the way you guys ask. "do you think a slut should be able to use abortion as birth control" is not a fair way to put it. But if you paint the picture that its just not the right time for the girl to have a baby and how it will ruin their life, or how the woman's going to be a horrible mother, most young women actually believe in their right to choose. And they understand it's a necessary evil.
Actually, about 71% of Americans want abortion illegal....so....
You are amongst the minority of evil.....sadness on you....

Us civilized people's will end your genocide soon....

It's already starting

Ohio Moves To Ban Abortion After 6 Weeks Of Pregnancy | The Huffington Post

Funny you care about these humans until they are born and then if they starve fuck em right?
At least you can still murder a fetus for the first 5.9 weeks! And Republicans will probably make women wait 5.8 weeks to get the procedure so most women miss their window.

I"m excited about all the ways the GOP are going to fuck people in the next 2-4 years. Ha ha pro choice idiots! I warned you.
No. No there is not. Another post, another outrageous lie from a progressive.
And here is a progressive being a typical fascist. Telling other people how to vote and what is right or wrong for them.
Sure...just as soon as you realize that a man's right to rape you is his personal choice and no one else's business (including yours).

Congrats sealybobo - you manage to encompass all facets of progressivism in a single post. Lying. Fascism. Lawlessens.
Yes, I addressed every argument you could possibly make and you replied back with your right wing wack job talking points.

PRINCETON, N.J. -- Half of Americans consider themselves "pro-choice" on abortion, surpassing the 44% who identify as "pro-life." This is the first time since 2008 that the pro-choice position has had a statistically significant lead in Americans' abortion views.

And I think the number is actually much much higher. I never trust Gallop. They are always wrong and slant right. And if you ask a woman the right way, more times than not they will realize they are pro choice. It's the way you guys ask. "do you think a slut should be able to use abortion as birth control" is not a fair way to put it. But if you paint the picture that its just not the right time for the girl to have a baby and how it will ruin their life, or how the woman's going to be a horrible mother, most young women actually believe in their right to choose. And they understand it's a necessary evil.
Actually, about 71% of Americans want abortion illegal....so....
You are amongst the minority of evil.....sadness on you....

Us civilized people's will end your genocide soon....

It's already starting

Ohio Moves To Ban Abortion After 6 Weeks Of Pregnancy | The Huffington Post

Funny you care about these humans until they are born and then if they starve fuck em right?

Who on Earth said that? You people crack me up... if you're not pro-abortion, then you want kids to be born and starve. If you're not pro-gun control, you want everybody to be shot.... and on and on and on.
I can't wait till they ban abortion altogether
All of us conservatives have been saying the same thing for decades. Murder is sick, it's wrong, and one has to be an unhinged lunatic to think it should be legalized. Glad to see you are finally on the bandwagon!
I can't wait till they ban abortion altogether
All of us conservatives have been saying the same thing for decades. Murder is sick, it's wrong, and one has to be an unhinged lunatic to think it should be legalized. Glad to see you are finally on the bandwagon!
I agree but not for the same reasons. I want women who would not want to have the kids to be forced to have them. Especially if they didn't vote or voted for Trump thinking their right to choose would never be taken away. I told them so but they didn't believe. Start believing.
Yes, I addressed every argument you could possibly make and you replied back with your right wing wack job talking points.

PRINCETON, N.J. -- Half of Americans consider themselves "pro-choice" on abortion, surpassing the 44% who identify as "pro-life." This is the first time since 2008 that the pro-choice position has had a statistically significant lead in Americans' abortion views.

And I think the number is actually much much higher. I never trust Gallop. They are always wrong and slant right. And if you ask a woman the right way, more times than not they will realize they are pro choice. It's the way you guys ask. "do you think a slut should be able to use abortion as birth control" is not a fair way to put it. But if you paint the picture that its just not the right time for the girl to have a baby and how it will ruin their life, or how the woman's going to be a horrible mother, most young women actually believe in their right to choose. And they understand it's a necessary evil.
Actually, about 71% of Americans want abortion illegal....so....
You are amongst the minority of evil.....sadness on you....

Us civilized people's will end your genocide soon....

It's already starting

Ohio Moves To Ban Abortion After 6 Weeks Of Pregnancy | The Huffington Post

Funny you care about these humans until they are born and then if they starve fuck em right?

Who on Earth said that? You people crack me up... if you're not pro-abortion, then you want kids to be born and starve. If you're not pro-gun control, you want everybody to be shot.... and on and on and on.

Everyone knows Republicans are pro life from the day a baby is conceived until the day he pops out of the vajayjay and after that they don't give a fuck.
I can't wait till they ban abortion altogether
All of us conservatives have been saying the same thing for decades. Murder is sick, it's wrong, and one has to be an unhinged lunatic to think it should be legalized. Glad to see you are finally on the bandwagon!
I agree but not for the same reasons. I want women who would not want to have the kids to be forced to have them. Especially if they didn't vote or voted for Trump thinking their right to choose would never be taken away. I told them so but they didn't believe. Start believing.
That's ok....we told people for decades that progressives would take away their Constitutional rights, take away their firearms, take away the free market and replace it with communism, etc. We told them but they didn't believe. Well, after Barack Obama, they do believe now. And thankfully they have handed the White House, the House, and the Senate over to Republicans.
Everyone knows Republicans are pro life from the day a baby is conceived until the day he pops out of the vajayjay and after that they don't give a fuck.
Everyone knows that Dubmocrats "don't give a fuck" about the baby in the womb, the baby after it is born, the baby while it grows up, or that life when it dies. All of it - every stage - is simply about exploiting it for power and control. At least Republicans care during one stage. That's more than can be said about Dumbocrats.
democrats have the luxury of playing both sides of the fence. republicans do not.

I can't wait till they ban abortion altogether Ohio Moves To Ban Abortion After 6 Weeks Of Pregnancy | The Huffington Post

I hope all the women who are pro choice but didn't vote really cry about this. Too fucking late dummies! We warned you. And if you weren't smart enough to listen, maybe a dummy like you shouldn't be having kids.

They're not going to get a U.S. Supreme (ultra conservative) judge appointed to the court. It was a right leaning court that gave us Roe V Wade, and it's been one ever since. Nothing has changed with a woman's right to choose, and it never will. There are actually reasons for abortions.


1. Is the Republican party going to say to a woman who may already have two kids at home that she needs to raise along with a husband, that their mother and his wife has to die in order to give birth to a baby?

2. Is the Republican party going to tell the parents of a young girl, that has been repeatedly raped by an uncle that their daughter needs to risk her life to give birth?

3. Is the Republican party going to tell a lucky to be alive woman, that was raped that she needs to give birth to a rape baby--when she also may have a husband that would strongly be opposed to that?

Since our laws do not discriminate--you can't pick and choose who is eligible and who is not eligible. Therefore-Roe V Wade for all women will remain intact.

Any politician that tells you he can change a U.S. Supreme court decision is lying to you. EXAMPLE--Mike Pense wasted a lot of Indiana taxpayer dollars, by signing into law (with a prayer) an abortion bill designed to save fetus's with deformities from being aborted. It was immediately overturned by a Federal District court one year later. Which is probably why he jumped on Trump's VP ticket, as Indiana was not going to reelect him.

It is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS--to involve yourselves into the very personal--private decisions that women and their families make.

In fact, it was the reason you lost in 2012.
Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump

democrats have the luxury of playing both sides of the fence. republicans do not.

I can't wait till they ban abortion altogether Ohio Moves To Ban Abortion After 6 Weeks Of Pregnancy | The Huffington Post

I hope all the women who are pro choice but didn't vote really cry about this. Too fucking late dummies! We warned you. And if you weren't smart enough to listen, maybe a dummy like you shouldn't be having kids.

They're not going to get a U.S. Supreme (ultra conservative) judge appointed to the court. It was a right leaning court that gave us Roe V Wade, and it's been one ever since. Nothing has changed with a woman's right to choose, and it never will. There are actually reasons for abortions.


1. Is the Republican party going to say to a woman who may already have two kids at home that she needs to raise along with a husband, that their mother and his wife has to die in order to give birth to a baby?

2. Is the Republican party going to tell the parents of a young girl, that has been repeatedly raped by an uncle that their daughter needs to risk her life to give birth?

3. Is the Republican party going to tell a lucky to be alive woman, that was raped that she needs to give birth to a rape baby--when she also may have a husband that would strongly be opposed to that?

Since our laws do not discriminate--you can't pick and choose who is eligible and who is not eligible. Therefore-Roe V Wade for all women will remain intact.

Any politician that tells you he can change a U.S. Supreme court decision is lying to you. EXAMPLE--Mike Pense wasted a lot of Indiana taxpayer dollars, by signing into law (with a prayer) an abortion bill designed to save fetus's with deformities from being aborted. It was immediately overturned by a Federal District court one year later. Which is probably why he jumped on Trump's VP ticket, as Indiana was not going to reelect him.

It is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS--to involve yourselves into the very personal private decisions that women and their families make.

In fact, it was the reason you lost in 2012.
Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump

Ok then they will just defund it and only have 1 abortion clinic for every 3 states. If you want one you'll have to pay and jump through the hoops.
Actually, about 71% of Americans want abortion illegal....so....
You are amongst the minority of evil.....sadness on you....

Us civilized people's will end your genocide soon....

It's already starting

Ohio Moves To Ban Abortion After 6 Weeks Of Pregnancy | The Huffington Post

Funny you care about these humans until they are born and then if they starve fuck em right?

Who on Earth said that? You people crack me up... if you're not pro-abortion, then you want kids to be born and starve. If you're not pro-gun control, you want everybody to be shot.... and on and on and on.

Everyone knows Republicans are pro life from the day a baby is conceived until the day he pops out of the vajayjay and after that they don't give a fuck.

Everyone doesn't know that because it isn't the case you idgit.
democrats have the luxury of playing both sides of the fence. republicans do not.

I can't wait till they ban abortion altogether Ohio Moves To Ban Abortion After 6 Weeks Of Pregnancy | The Huffington Post

I hope all the women who are pro choice but didn't vote really cry about this. Too fucking late dummies! We warned you. And if you weren't smart enough to listen, maybe a dummy like you shouldn't be having kids.

They're not going to get a U.S. Supreme (ultra conservative) judge appointed to the court. It was a right leaning court that gave us Roe V Wade, and it's been one ever since. Nothing has changed with a woman's right to choose, and it never will. There are actually reasons for abortions.


1. Is the Republican party going to say to a woman who may already have two kids at home that she needs to raise along with a husband, that their mother and his wife has to die in order to give birth to a baby?

2. Is the Republican party going to tell the parents of a young girl, that has been repeatedly raped by an uncle that their daughter needs to risk her life to give birth?

3. Is the Republican party going to tell a lucky to be alive woman, that was raped that she needs to give birth to a rape baby--when she also may have a husband that would strongly be opposed to that?

Since our laws do not discriminate--you can't pick and choose who is eligible and who is not eligible. Therefore-Roe V Wade for all women will remain intact.

Any politician that tells you he can change a U.S. Supreme court decision is lying to you. EXAMPLE--Mike Pense wasted a lot of Indiana taxpayer dollars, by signing into law (with a prayer) an abortion bill designed to save fetus's with deformities from being aborted. It was immediately overturned by a Federal District court one year later. Which is probably why he jumped on Trump's VP ticket, as Indiana was not going to reelect him.

It is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS--to involve yourselves into the very personal--private decisions that women and their families make.

In fact, it was the reason you lost in 2012.
Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump

You best run and hide in your safe space....you ain't going to like any of our restoring people's rights jive ass motherfucker.....
democrats have the luxury of playing both sides of the fence. republicans do not.

I can't wait till they ban abortion altogether Ohio Moves To Ban Abortion After 6 Weeks Of Pregnancy | The Huffington Post

I hope all the women who are pro choice but didn't vote really cry about this. Too fucking late dummies! We warned you. And if you weren't smart enough to listen, maybe a dummy like you shouldn't be having kids.

They're not going to get a U.S. Supreme (ultra conservative) judge appointed to the court. It was a right leaning court that gave us Roe V Wade, and it's been one ever since. Nothing has changed with a woman's right to choose, and it never will. There are actually reasons for abortions.


1. Is the Republican party going to say to a woman who may already have two kids at home that she needs to raise along with a husband, that their mother and his wife has to die in order to give birth to a baby?

2. Is the Republican party going to tell the parents of a young girl, that has been repeatedly raped by an uncle that their daughter needs to risk her life to give birth?

3. Is the Republican party going to tell a lucky to be alive woman, that was raped that she needs to give birth to a rape baby--when she also may have a husband that would strongly be opposed to that?

Since our laws do not discriminate--you can't pick and choose who is eligible and who is not eligible. Therefore-Roe V Wade for all women will remain intact.

Any politician that tells you he can change a U.S. Supreme court decision is lying to you. EXAMPLE--Mike Pense wasted a lot of Indiana taxpayer dollars, by signing into law (with a prayer) an abortion bill designed to save fetus's with deformities from being aborted. It was immediately overturned by a Federal District court one year later. Which is probably why he jumped on Trump's VP ticket, as Indiana was not going to reelect him.

It is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS--to involve yourselves into the very personal private decisions that women and their families make.

In fact, it was the reason you lost in 2012.
Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump

Ok then they will just defund it and only have 1 abortion clinic for every 3 states. If you want one you'll have to
pay and jump through the hoops.

With all these abortions, that you claim are paid for by the taxpayers of this country via Planned Parenthood, you have yet to produce one single woman that stated she got her abortion for FREE. Indicating that no taxpayers dollars are paying for an abortion.

Planned Parenthood, and even your President elect stated does a lot of good for poor women who can get their mammograms and physicals.

And if you haven't learned your lesson yet, where one police officer, who had 3 young kids at home and 2 other innocent people, in a Planned Parenthood office were killed in Colorado Springs because of your rhetoric--then nothing is going to stop you--and this will happen again.

It is none of your BUSINESS to involve yourselves into the very private personal decisions that women and their families make. Thank God we have a U.S. Supreme court that will make certain you never do.
Last edited:
1. Is the Republican party going to say to a woman who may already have two kids at home that she needs to raise along with a husband, that their mother and his wife has to die in order to give birth to a baby?
This is such a nonsensical progressive talking point. Of course every rational person in the world supports the right to keep the mother alive. If the baby is a threat to the mother's life, no rational person would ever claim that the mother should be forced to die.

It's such a shame that you on the left can't have an honest discussion about this issue.
Since our laws do not discriminate--you can't pick and choose who is eligible and who is not eligible. Therefore-Roe V Wade for all women will remain intact.
What are you talking about?!? You can pick and choose who is eligible based on circumstances. We do this all the time in the law.

For instance - murder is illegal. Yet I'm allowed to take a life any time I want in defense of my own life or someone else's life. It's called "justifiable homicide". Would you like to try again little buddy? :eusa_doh:
democrats have the luxury of playing both sides of the fence. republicans do not.

I can't wait till they ban abortion altogether Ohio Moves To Ban Abortion After 6 Weeks Of Pregnancy | The Huffington Post

I hope all the women who are pro choice but didn't vote really cry about this. Too fucking late dummies! We warned you. And if you weren't smart enough to listen, maybe a dummy like you shouldn't be having kids.

They're not going to get a U.S. Supreme (ultra conservative) judge appointed to the court. It was a right leaning court that gave us Roe V Wade, and it's been one ever since. Nothing has changed with a woman's right to choose, and it never will. There are actually reasons for abortions.


1. Is the Republican party going to say to a woman who may already have two kids at home that she needs to raise along with a husband, that their mother and his wife has to die in order to give birth to a baby?

2. Is the Republican party going to tell the parents of a young girl, that has been repeatedly raped by an uncle that their daughter needs to risk her life to give birth?

3. Is the Republican party going to tell a lucky to be alive woman, that was raped that she needs to give birth to a rape baby--when she also may have a husband that would strongly be opposed to that?

Since our laws do not discriminate--you can't pick and choose who is eligible and who is not eligible. Therefore-Roe V Wade for all women will remain intact.

Any politician that tells you he can change a U.S. Supreme court decision is lying to you. EXAMPLE--Mike Pense wasted a lot of Indiana taxpayer dollars, by signing into law (with a prayer) an abortion bill designed to save fetus's with deformities from being aborted. It was immediately overturned by a Federal District court one year later. Which is probably why he jumped on Trump's VP ticket, as Indiana was not going to reelect him.

It is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS--to involve yourselves into the very personal private decisions that women and their families make.

In fact, it was the reason you lost in 2012.
Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump

Ok then they will just defund it and only have 1 abortion clinic for every 3 states. If you want one you'll have to
pay and jump through the hoops.

With all these abortions, that you claim are paid for by the taxpayers of this country via Planned Parenthood, you have yet to produce one single woman that stated she got her abortion for FREE. Indicating that no taxpayers dollars are paying for an abortion.

Planned Parenthood, and even your President elect stated does a lot of good for poor women who can get their mammograms and physicals.

And if you haven't learned your lesson yet, where one police officer, who had 3 kids at home and 2 other innocent people, in a Planned Parenthood office were killed in Colorado Springs because of your rhetoric--then nothing is going to stop you--and this will happen again.

It is none of your BUSINESS to involve yourselves into the very private personal decisions that women and their families make. Thank God we have a U.S. Supreme court that will make certain you never do.

Owebo says they will outlaw abortion. And we told him he was wrong about trump winning and look at how he was right.

Women don't even bother voting so we can pass whatever laws we want. Those young women will deal with it. They certainly won't show up and vote. Too lazy.
It is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS--to involve yourselves into the very personal--private decisions that women and their families make.
This is such an idiotic position. Can you imagine Ted Bundy standing up in court during his trial and trying to make the case that (and I quote) "IT IS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS" that those women were killed. That was between Ted and the women.

It's idiotic on a level that's not even comprehensible. Babies are helpless. It is absolutely our business within the law to make sure they are not slaughtered. Think of the stupidity it takes to try to make the case that it's ok to kill a baby at 39 weeks but not at 52 weeks. What the hell difference does the amount of weeks make in taking a life? If it's not ok to kill a baby 2 weeks after it is born, why is it ok to kill that same baby 3 weeks before it is born? It's the same baby. Same heart beat. Same unique DNA.

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